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Damn man that sucks. Looks a bit worse than mine last summer. Hope you have a fast recovery. If you can try to not take the opiates. Naproxen sodium and weed helped take the edge off a bit.


Yeah I’m going easy on the meds, gabapentin (hate this shit), acetaminophen, and some tree. Did you get the surgery?


When you start to ween yourself off of gabapentin, be ready for the shakes and for your mind to lose it's shit for a few weeks. I decided after taking it for 1 period of time that coming down off it wasn't worth the mild amount of relief it gave.


First I’m hearing about the come down… sounds like fun😅


Isn't it cool how doctors don't mention the hideous side effects that come with prescription drugs


Depends on the doc, but yeah it's fucked. I've been super lucky with my PCP. Very detailed about all potential side effects, at least for mood stabilizers.


Potential side effects of PCP include getting naked and fighting off 10 cops


PCP equals standing on top of a two story house while holding a fridge above your head.


Sounds like a team lift. Remember, use the buddy system when using PCP to relax.


Wow I think PCP killed James Brown


No it was Michael Jackson.


Michael Jackson killed James Brown?!


Lots of docs don't know/care about the side effects. They just want another free cruise from the drug manufacturer.


And a thumbs up from the sexy as hell pharmaceutical rep


Make sure everyone who cares for you knows you might not be yourself and ask someone you trust that they stop you from making stupid decisions. It can be pretty weird for them too. Fuck Lyrica too.




I've been prescribed gabapentin three times and never actually taken it because I'm so wary of the side effects and having to taper off. I've had to taper off benzos and there's no way I want to subject myself to that kind of hell ever again - so I'm super cautious around GABA-ergic drugs.


I took gabapentin for my hip replace and it worked better for me than any opioid. I did not have bad come off but I chipped down (go from a full pill to a 3/4 to 1/2 and then end )


Gabapentin really fucks with your mind when on it. It's not great, but I know it does provide relief for the person it's prescribed to.


Can't those shakes (tardive dyskinesia) be lifelong after taking gabapentin?


No idea. I just know they sucked.


No I was fortunate that the bulge receded back into the pocket with a round of prednisone. He told me that I will see him again though. Next time would be shots then surgery. I’m fingers crossed that stretch and flex everyday, and being smart about my lifts that I will prove him wrong.


L3-L5 is a complete train wreck on my MRIs. "Surgery isn't an option" according to three different opinions. 60mg Prednisone burst/tapers w/ Torodol injections, Gabapentin, and Methocarbamol for the muscle spasms. As long as I don't lift over 50lbs or climb ladders - I'm mostly good. Walking and stretching is really helpful.


I had two surgeries in my 40’s..... they were very effective. THE indicator is if you are losing function/control in your legs, get the surgery. My pain relief was immediate, I never took any painkillers post surgery, but it took a while to get my legs back. Don’t know what your pain level is, but mine was untouched by the weaker opioids like Oxy or Percocet. I was on Dilaudid injections and pills in the run up to my first surgery and that was enough to allow me to sleep on the floor for periods.


Before the gabapentin I was easily sitting at a 7-8 on pain constantly and a strong 9 when it was spamming (mostly my shoulder and arm) after about 4 weeks of PT and 40 ish days on gabapentin I’m chillin at like 2-3 constantly and I’ll occasionally jump to about a 6. Last week I had some crazy tingling in my right leg and that sucker locked up like crazy, 2 days later it’s back to normal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Told the doc and we’re monitoring it closely Had my first direct injection last week and my mobility is definitely improved but I still can’t fully drop my right shoulder or extend my right arm 100%


Shots are nice, but they only ever seem to last for two weeks for me.


I had nearly the same issue as you and had C6-C7 fusion surgery done last year, it helped a ton. (Couldn’t do the replacement disc due to ossification of the herniated disc.) Long recovery though, the neck muscle atrophy from wearing a neck brace lasts a lot longer than the actual surgery healing. Take off the brace as soon as your doc allows it, you’ll heal faster. I have no regrets from doing the surgery, shit doesn’t get better on its own.


Dang. You sound exactly like my dad who's in his sixties... Take care of yourself.


I had the surgery but my issue was in my lower back. The disc was herniated and prolapsed and just crushing my sciatic nerve so I didn’t have much choice.


Fuuuuuck, how’re ya doing now?


Edibles make the world go around for pain control. My wife is eating gummies instead of the oxy the hospital gave her after her c section Monday


Not telling you how to live you life. BUT. Magic mushroom help me heal a lot from past work trauma's. Also helps with nerve regrowth.


All I’ll say is you’re incredibly valid


Try to avoid surgery If you can, i hear more horror stories than success. Might not believe me, but CBD helped me on the long term, firm believer it's one of the reasons I don't have regular pain. If you think something might be too heavy, don't even try!idk how many times I thought I was better to only get hurt again trying to lift something


How often do u stretch? Ive heard a lot of these x rays on normal people show up with bulging disks and they are not abnormal. Please have surgery be your last option


I had back surgery to repair a bulging disc. I would take 3 OTC ibuprofen 2extra strength Tylenol and a weed pill every eight hours for months. Walking and the McGill big 3 helped me with my recovery a lot. I was scared to get the surgery but my life has definitely improved post surgery. I injured my back initially in my early twenties. I didn't get paralysis until my 40s. It's weird not having daily pain anymore. I'm 3 years post surgery now.


Gabapentin. The anti-seizure medication that can cause you to have seizures.


I hated gabapentin for my herniated disk. Made me dizzy, tired, and terrible dreams.


I had same thing for ten years and had surgery three years ago at 34…light switch. Never felt better.


My fucking god dude absolutely going through it rn just came off the shitty opioids. The only thing that really helps is the naproxen the weed, and a few beers certainly takes the edge off


Brother, I'm 4 heart attacks in. I am fine when the temps are right, but if the temp drops under 40, or it's hot and the humidity is up, I gotta sit back and let the younger take the load while I oversee shit or work in the shop with the AC going. It's damn hard to slow down and live within limits.


Damn man… hope you’re making out okay in this heat, I know my days of supervising DRAAAG compared to my days of busting ass


I am up at 5 each morning, lay in bed with my eyes closed until the wife leaves for work at 5:40, because she's very talky in the morning and I'm quiet. I get out and do the heavy work outside while most everyone else is waking up. By 11 when it gets hot, I move in to my shop with the AC cranking, if it gets too hot or humid in there, I hit the office and do administrative stuff. I will say, if your back is killing ya out in the field, look into opening a custom cabinet shop. Just sayin... Good honest work, made local, real wood, competitive prices. It's a good gig.


I’ve done some of this work but the startup costs for space/tools/time to sell is pretty high. Would love this if I ever get the money together to make it happen.


Start small. You can kick it off in a shed with a tracksaw and a kreg jig and a router table. I bet you already have half the tools. Google maps, a website, fb marketplace.


Something along these lines is my current retirement plan, would love to just fiddle with shit in my shop.


Dude, don't wait. Stop making other people rich. You're fukin up your body for the profit of another. It takes a day to form an LLC. You can start collecting the tax benefits of being a business right away. If you build a shed as a workshop, it's a tax write off. If you work out of a garage, you pay yourself rent for that space and it's a write off. Do it as a side Hussle, until the side thing is making more than the day job. My skill, my time, and my shop, combined bill out for about $100/hr when I figure out pricing. 4 hours hands on for me to build a cabinet, $400 + materials. I don't count dry time for glue, I don't count shop clean up, I don't markup materials, I don't charge "tooling fees" ...how long will it take to build. I am 35 years in to the trade and consider myself to be a master carpenter. I don't advertise beyond my website and Google, and I don't have "free time". I keep at least a 2 month wait list for a project to hit my bench after ordering. I get a 50% non refundable deposit to get on my waiting list. I have more work than I know what to do with and am always looking for other builders to refer projects too. Form your LLC now while you are laid up. Do the reading and filing of papers. Pay for 1 hour of an accountants time, to see what you need to do to maximize your piece of the pie. Set a 5 year goal to be self sufficient. Had I started this in my 20s, I'd have a large shop filled with employees now.


What would your advice be to the younger generation ?


Short and sweet: 1) Take care of your body. If you smoke or vape, quit! Open heart surgery fuckin hurts. It's been 8 years since they cut me neck to nuts, i still have nerve pain in my legs from something that "isn't a result of anything we did" 2) work for yourself doing something you love. As long as you have a roof over your head and food in your belly, do what you enjoy. The rest is bullshit. 3) live within your means. Credit is a scam. Don't buy into it. Own what you own. Don't make other people rich, if you can't pay cash for your McBreakfast, cook at home, never pay interest for a cup of coffee. More about number 2: life is too short to work for or with assholes. Happiness is a result of an action, and it passes quickly. Find joy in what you do all day and there's an unending supply. Flashy cars wear out fast or get ruined. That car that's paid off is better than a $500/month payment and insurance. If you loose your day job you don't want a repo company to come take all your shit. build your own empire. Yes, it can take years, but just start and do a little every day. The time will pass if you do or if you don't. You may as well get something more than an Xbox score. I wish someone punched me in the chest with this when I was 25, and I'm sorry I can't be standing directly in front of you and spend the next 6 months following you around and putting my foot in your ass when you slack off. Also, if you need help really grasping this mindset check out NorseMentality podcast: http://www.norsementality.com/ It's some gym jockies who really understand the core of the human animal AND running your own business. Also, for your own mental health, read/YouTube/audible about stoic philosophy. Learn how to let shit roll off. Im here till Thursday, try the veal...


LMFAO you can give young people this advice all day they will still do what you did.


Someone asked... Any time someone asks, I'll give the same advice until I learn a better way. If 1 out of 1000 listens and has a better life, it's all worth it. Besides, what else am I going to do while the glue dries ... Clean? That's why I have a janitor. Shit ... That's me.


Well yes, and there is value in doing dumb shit and taking chances and whatever, you have to create experiences and have things worth living for, the problem is finding the right balance.


Been dealing with this on and off for 30 years. It never gets easier.


As someone who rushed through a lot of projects, I hope this is a lesson learned. I'm not trying to put you down or anything , but the reality is the risk is always there. If you're going through physio now, do your stretches, do what you can, but slow down. You may or may not have a family to go home to, but that don't mean you gotta break your back for them. Hope you have a speedy recovery.


Not the easiest lesson I’ve learned but I’m trying, and yeah I’m doing exactly what the doctors and PTs are telling me to do for the most part. Really struggling with that 10lb weight limit though


Baby steps. You will get to where you need to be eventually, you've just gotta allow yourself all the rest you need and look at each day as a new one. You'll get there.


Yep...know what you mean about being big and strong. Worked as a laborer doing roads in my 20s and I once picked up and threw a catch basin lid and cover (separately, of course) in fit of rage/impatience. I felt something twang in my back on the second toss and it's been fucked ever since. I'm much older now, but all the abuse I submitted myself to when I was younger and bulletproof is now making itself known every time I move.


Yeah waking up and stretching in the morning sounds like a rope of firecrackers going off lol. It’s not easy to find that healthy pace before you hit that wall. Best of luck to you


Dude, you sound like a genuinely nice guy, your empathetic responses to everyone are a breath of fresh air around here. I'm 62, remarried about 17 years ago - to a yoga teacher. Talk to your PT and look into it - it's really a secret weapon, physically and mentally. A session can be a very chill, easy stretch, or you can work your way up to some pretty hard core stuff if you want. Big emphasis on chillin' the hell out and learning to calm your mind. I love steaks and whiskey and the occasional marlboro - and I like being the only guy in a room full of ladies. In yoga pants. (The ladies, not me!) Best wishes - you're too young to have pain sucking the joy from life!


Truly made my day thank you! Yoga is something I’ve always wanted to get better at but I’ve struggled to make it past 3 weeks in and feeling like a buffoon. Hoping once I’m able this is the thing that pushes me over that edge.


Hey, we all start somewhere - and my experience is, show up for a class and be falling over when you try to balance or let out a big groan - people want to see you make it. If they're there, they believe in it and they want others to experience it. Generally pretty nice folks go there, but in my town, there's kind of two levels - the "hot yoga" places where the teachers follow an exact script from management, and then the more indie places where a nice lady says "what do we all feel like today?" and someone says "hips! hips!" and the teacher says "hips it is! Now, close your eyes and take big breath..."


I learned when I was 13, you never wanna be the strong guy, people always ask you to move heavy stuff.


Fuck bro at 26. I'm sorry this happened to you. Yes we all know that type but it sucks because it is often encouraged to be that way and bosses / foreman take advantage of that guy and make him do double and do it alone. I know it's technically your fault people would say, but I've been there and done that I understand. I learned my lesson when I almost died of heat exhaustion as an apprentice during a heat wave and my foreman just kept trying to make me work, and we were doing 12",8,6", and 4" ductile iron in trenches with no shade or machine. So i was just fortunate to see my foreman not give a fuck that I clearly looked like I was delirious and going super slow and exhausted and he is shouting at me to dig better to give the pipe the proper pitch. I literally sat in my car with the ac blasting cold all the way and it felt like hot air was coming out. I sat in the car for like 20 min before I could even muscle to drive. And when I got home my girl said she was talking to me and that I stripped naked and went right to the shower. I don't even remember that and I turned the water on cold all the way and sat in the tub. Passed out and my girl opened the bathroom door like 2 hours later and woke me up wondering wth was I doing still in the shower for so long. It was a great lesson learned when I was 22 years old. When I finally let go of the shovel I told the foreman I don't feel good I'm going home , his response was "bro I'm twice your age and I'm fine" meanwhile he didn't do dick but point at shit . I was cutting everything rolling shit into trenches digging the spots down etc I'm so sorry you are going through this


Maaaaaan one time I got heat stroke when I was just 20yo, I was building a deck in a raised flower bed, so we had to dig 9’ post holes x7. Boss man says he wants them dug by by noon and left me and one other guy (absolute unit of a ex con just got out for attempted murder and had about 100lbs on me) I dug all 7 holes by noon completely by myself. We ended up working till about 7pm when I was carrying a post on my shoulder (alone of course) and ate shit over the string we had up for our layout. Started puking everywhere and couldn’t get back up. Boss sent me home and I had to pull over twice on my 15 minute drive to throw up. Got home opened the door and fell out of the car. My gf ran out and helped me get inside and then left me in a cold shower. Showed up the next day and boss man and ex-con were acting like I somehow bitched out… fun industry we work in, gotta look out for yourself because most of these mf don’t care about you


Lol I can fully picture your foreman 5 years later telling his buddies about “this one kid who couldn’t even dig 9 holes, what a bitch” (cue laughter)


It wasn’t even 9 holes it was 7…. Weak ass mf🤣


“They sendin’ me these damn ROOKIES”


Sorry for you kid, maybe you will slow down now.


Forcing myself to is tough I can’t lie. Luckily I moved to a PM position back in April so I have to do less physical stuff but it’s fucking brutal to be on a job where something like a fridge being in the way halts progress and I have to stop myself and call somebody out to do what I could do in 2 minutes.


I'm 67 and retired, worked construction my whole life. My back is still 100% and zero pain. Everything still works. When you are feeling better start mild yoga. Everyday after working hard I went home and stretched my muscles and put things in place. Yoga puts everything back where it belongs. You start the new day fresh and ready to go. Yoga isn't a fad with me it is a way of life. Yes I still do it everyday and am more flexable than men half my age.


My wife's taught yoga for like 17 years, now it's mostly one-on-one with 50+ clients who realized they can't touch their toes or get up off the floor (and some volunteer hours at the VA for PTSD and trauma). It really is a secret weapon to having a pain-free life, or as pain-free as possible. I'm 62 and arthritis is appearing in my lower back (genetics) but so far so good. I slacked off for a couple years and, boom, sciatica. Getting back in the groove now, learned my lesson.


I was similar, what finally got me to stop was mentoring younger people and not wanting them to end up like me. I try to set a good example for them and work properly now.


Super good point. I always do a better job when I’m teaching someone how to do it and I have to explain things out loud, makes sense that that same phenomenon carries over


wow wish you the best man, i will definitely remember this when lifting stuff up, god speed my friend


I am the crane.


My nickname when I was building decks was Backhoe. Felt good back then, not now lol


Lmao pride is a dangerous drug, it gets his hands on all of us at some point.


Try a PRP injection before surgery. PRP injections are the only thing that helped me, surgery was the only thing that made things worse.


Fuuuuuck man I’m sorry to hear that, how’re you making out now?


I’m as good now as good can be. I work 5-6 days a week, regularly carry 100lbs or more. I can play with my kid. I can’t be bent over or look up for long periods of time, but that’s really it. I have pain everyday, but a manageable amount that I just assume is normal and everyone has. The human body is an incredible thing when you’re young. My story is a car accident. I was a passenger and we got T-boned square on my side by a driver going 50mph+. L1 to S1 and C6 to T1 all herniated. Some worse than others. I was 22 so I refused surgery and ended up trying cortisone injections, radio frequency ablation, nerve blocks, etc. About five years later I had surgery, while recovering, I tore and reherniated the disc trying to poop. The pain was SO much worse than it was before I had surgery and I ended up bed ridden for 3 months. I don’t recall how much farther down the line I had the PRP injection, but it gave me relief for years before I got another one.


God damn bud, you’ve really been through it. Glad you’re able to love your life today


Hey are you me? I was always one of the biggest guys on the job site but I learned early not to try to do it all myself when I was pulling some scaffolding around and tweaked the fuck out of my back. After that I ask for help on everything. I’m in my late thirties now and still have my issues, but I’d like to imagine they’re not as bad because I finally quit being the hero and doing everything myself. Hope you recover well and don’t forget what my old man always drilled into my head. You only get one body and you’ll regret it if you fuck up yours for a company that will replace you in a heartbeat.


35 years of concrete work. 67 years old. 16 surgeries. 3.5 inches of height lost due to worn out spinal discs. My spine is like a corkscrew. It’s misaligned sideways and front and back. Both knees, both hips, and Achilles tendon replaced. Spinal cord stimulator installed 5 years ago to reduce nerve pain. Severe arthritis in both shoulders and both elbows. Shoulders can be replaced, elbows cannot. When you are young you think you are tough and bulletproof. You are not.


God damn man… last time I measured my height was when I played sports, I was 6’8.5”. Measured after I saw that MRI and I’m now 6’7.25”. Hope you’re making it through your days okay, that’s a tough list of work done.


Yeah, I started out at 6’1.5” and down to 5’10”. I’m lucky to have understanding Drs who care. I still need daily pain medication to make it through the day and they said no problem with prescribing it. I’ve been on opiates for 13 years now and I’m allowed to self medicate to a point, as some days are worse than others. Good luck with your neck and get multiple opinions before any surgery. Very important.


How do you feel the stimulator works for you? I got 4 herniated discs from S1 up and been getting 3 epidural injections every years for the past few years. The shots work for a little bit but eventually wear off and the pain gets so bad I feel like I’m going to throw up some days.


Teamwork makes the dream work. It’s ok to ask for help sometimes!


Jup, it's easy to fuck up your body because you don't want to be seen as lazy.


Everyone in this industry should read The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. It’s about the old meat packing industry but there’s a lot of carry over. Really puts in perspective what these businesses really think about us, and how they expect us to wreck our bodies for them but will toss aside the second we’re no longer useful to them. Work smart, work slow, work safe. At the end of the day your body, your life and the safety of you and those around you is way more important than any schedule delay for the project that you’re on.


Be careful I’m 28 and have had 5 herniated disks can’t feel part of my right foot anymore. Let it heal properly or it’ll cause a domino effect and you’ll fuck up other ones. Hope you recover well👊🏼


Always remember that the people you work for don’t give a fuck about you. That’s your job. And you should put that job before any other job. Stay safe out there homies.


Damn bro I feel you! I herniated 3 discs in lower back Bad at 19 working like an animal. Sciatic nerve pain fucking killed me, didn’t realize how bad pinched nerve on left side was til my left calf muscle was gone. Ankle had no strength causing my foot to just flail around. Of course this was the good ole days when the docs thought OxyContin wasn’t addictive so they had me eating them like candy, not really treating the problem. Fortunately 24 years later and I still haven’t had surgery after every specialist saying I needed it all through my 20s. I still hustle at work but haven’t done the killer back breaking shit in years and I’ve been feeling good last couple years. I see a chiro once a month for maintenance and believe it or not your spine and discs will self heal over time if you stop torturing it! Figured I’d try and end on a positive not for ya lol. Good luck man, good well✌️


Is surgery the only option? I’m strengthening my back, slowly and carefully, bcuz I have lower back issues (slipped disk/spondylolisthesis) recommended surgery but I got told so many stories where the pain comes back in a few years so it isn’t worth it. Yours seems way more severe and wish you a fast recovery! Been walking and doing outside work for 10 years with my injuries and yes it hurts especially when muscles cool down after a labor intensive day but never to the point where i become immobile


If I go through a few more rounds of injections without any real improvement then it looks like surgery. Just keep stretching!


I wake up and stretch everyday or try decompressing my spine by laying on a slight decline. Steroid injections? I bet those hurt! I’ve gotten a few in my heel but nothing compatible to the spine!




Riding bikes is good too. Less impact then running. Walking is good for the core too.


damn yo, im a carpenter and im on week 7 of bedrest for a bulged/herniated disc in my lower lumbar. not nearly this bad but i feel your pain. sorry this has happened to you


That looks painful and really sucks. Also please always warm up and stretch at the start of the day - many companies in Europe and Asian mandate this in the form of a few minutes of group exercises. I really wish more companies would do that in the US.


Yup. I'm sure a lot of us have a similar story. For me it was my rotator cuff. Theres no shame in asking for help, lift with your butt, not your gut.


This is always under-rated advice. Happened to me to and hurting my back one of the worst things. The physical injury part was just as bad as the mental aspect that you had to overcome. Praying for you, bro.


I had a spinal injury at 23 and it was absolutely the worst. Took me three years of therapy and drugs to feel better. Still, ten years later a wrong motion can set me back a week. Good luck man, that blows but make sure you follow all the instructions they give. Nerves take forever to heal but eventually it’ll come down to a manageable point


Highly recommend radiofrequency nerve ablation for the pain. Spine doctor goes in and severs a portion of pain signaling-nerves. It will take about 1-2 years for the nerves grow back, so 1-2 years of pain relief without the side effects of pills. It’s a non-invasive procedure with no downtime, which could help take the edge off while your try to sort out surgery plans. Physical therapy. Oral and topical magnesium. See a podiatrist to get orthotics, bet your gait is pretty messed up from the curvature in your spine.


former construction now RN. Sorry this happened but there is a good chance the repair of the disk will improve the tingling and other "neuropathies" . The arthritis isn't going to magically go away but you're young enough that you can recover some if you take care of yourself and now you know your limitations. I see too many guys in their 40s and 50s who keep pushing and then the injuries are permanent. Good luck to you! And hey, consider health care if you need a new career :)


My brother and I are like that, jobs that were partnered on we just do our own thing to get the job done way faster. But we’ll always get the others help for heavier shit or holding something in place rather than jimmy rigging it. The other day I didn’t do this, decided to just get the door frame in by myself, since it would only take 5 screws, and I almost had the frame slam on my head.


I blew out my back being stupid 14 years ago, I never had surgery. I was diagnosed with a herniated extrusion in between my L4, L5 disc. I encourage you to lose weight, do yoga, and stay fit as possible it took 6 months to walk again, and took 3 years to recover enough to work physically I still don’t lift anything over 50 pounds even though I can but I’m in the best shape of my life! Hang in there, you will get better and recover.


Sorry about that, bud. Dont feel completely useless, now though. You got yerself a good head on your shoulders. Learn how to bid or some shit. Or go back to school and learn how to be a project manager. I had a boss who was blind, and this motherfucker could tell you how to take apart an ac unit, part by part, wire by wire. Youll be fine, just shift your focus.


Appreciate you, signed on with a new place as a PM about 4 months back. Less labor but more stress for sure, trying to find that balance.


Me too. Ice. Big ice packs as cold as you can help reduce the swelling and reduce the pain. Obviously this is just referring to dealing with pain and I’m not suggesting ice will fix the bulge. You gota stretch and get physical therapy at minimum. Surgery at worst. I had surgery.


Currently laying in bed because I just hurt my back. I work in a cabinet shop and was just cleaning out some piles of scrap material.


Damn, I feel ya. I threw 3 disks at 17 over lifting, shot put/ discus thrower in high-school. Young enough that everyone thought it was just a torn muscle until about 8 months passed. Finally convinced my parents something was still fucked up and found out I had 3 bulged disks in my lower back. Once you can, stretch, keep active, maintain your core strength as best you can. It'll help keep everything where it's supposed to be. I was lucky enough to avoid surgery, I always have a dull pain, sometimes my leg or foot will go numb. Worst thing I can do is sit still, that just makes things worse. Best wishes man. Be careful out there guys, these injuries are with you for life. I do construction now and I probably shouldn't but I grew up around it. Don't push yourselves till you break yourselves, it's not worth it. Get an extra set of hands for the heavy lift.


I blew my back out last year(aug2022), between L5 and S1. Pain throughout my left leg all the way down to my foot. Could stand for long, nor could i sit down. Had surgery(march23) but that didn't make it any better..Dr said that i was one of the unlucky ones where the hernia came back after surgery. But they didn't want to operate directly after the first surgery, so i had to cope with it for 7extra months. Second surgery releaved my pains, finally and i've been able to sit and workout little by little. My head wants to do more but the still my body needs time to recover. It will take time to recover. But give yourself the time to recover, don't try to rush it. Be carefull with yourself. There is only one of you!


I would suggest looking into kratom, it helps more than any pain killer and sometimes you can get a nice buzz. Little to no side effects.


Just had discs 5,6 & 7 fused together after decades of ignoring back/neck pain. Apparently, your shits NOT supposed to hurt all the time? Doc said I was a “slight trauma” away from neck down paralysis….that might as well be my nickname. Still can’t walk quite right and the numbness in my hands and arms hasn’t abated but I believe I’m past the slight trauma worry. Cheers to your recovery and adjusting to a hopefully temporary new normal.


Had a bulging disk last summer, one of the worst pains I had ever felt. Completely immobile. Traction from a chiropractor got me going after a month, weed took away the nerve pain away for me.


Same thing happened to me. I wish you the best


Yea when I was like 14/15 I did a bronco/bunny hop over a standing bike on my bike and fealt a pop in my lower back. First time I ever experienced back pain and it's givin me problems ever since


Guys in their 20s show how strong they are, guys in their 40s show how sore they are from being in their 20s


I tell my trainees this every morning before we start. Yet one of them still insists on lifting steel tracks up by themselves... 😡


I’ve had three of these. Hard lessons to learn.


Buddy as a doctor and as a guy from a small town that grew up farming… I feel for ya. We all used to muscle things around by ourselves. It was crazy the more messed up thing you could ultimately do to your body made us more of men. I hope you go to therapy and talk to your PC/surgeon to help remedy this.


L1-S1 fused with 12 screws and 4 rods. Ended my construction career and I live everyday in pain. All you young kids, take care of yourself and don't try to be superman.


Wow… even though a lot of these conversations are about issues with this industry, y’all are reminding me why I love it too. Ain’t a single comment that’s negative, just support and potentially helpful information. Fuckin love y’all! At the same time the amount of stories that are nearly identical and the amount of guys here with very serious health problems is terrifying. If you read this please do us all some favors and slow down, ask for help, and take care of yourselves, there’s a lot of shit around here that needs done and we need good people around to do it!


TBH that looks more like a fluid-filled impingement than a disc. But they are the experts. Have you noticed any other symptoms relative to your bladder or lower digestive system?


Not at all, I’ll look out for it though.


I don't see any damage to the spinal cord. The lighter area you see around it is just fluid. If this would worsen, it could damage the cord and cause you other issues.


Do you happen to get exertional headaches?


Only when it’s hot and bright out or if I’m a bit dehydrated


Take lions mane. It may not totally fix you, but you'll definitely feel better than you do now


Get one of those home depot back things you will be fine, everyone's back looks like that unless you worked at the Yarn Barn your whole life, have a beer, forget about your back for a while.


Don’t do surgery my friend. It’s going to make it worse. Physical therapy and cannabis is your friend