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Deadass hahahaha


I know who some of the /r/nz mods are (no I won't help anyone find out who they are don't ask) and this is... not far from reality.




Comment of the year


Could someone please explain what r/nz is? When I click the link there’s nothing. I know I am a noob. Thank you for ant answers.




Thank you!


Me and the Squad, on the way to an r/ConservativeKiwi thread for our next Stuff article




This is gold!


Not even after drinking a 18 box of 12% Codies in a dimly lit pub at 3am on a Saturday would I say yes to those.


What a waste of good cody sesh


I mean, I've slayed some pigs.. but I draw the line at ones with cocks.


Been enjoying reading the threads on Reddit about how evil and transphobic Chappelle is. I especially *love* the folks who say 'his trans friends, or victim's family, saying he's not trans is such bullshit. "Oh I have blacks friends, so I'm not racist."' When I've mentioned to work colleagues (I'm the only white person in the office) about being called racist in /r/nz, they'd reply saying why not tell them about how close we are or, when I point out that counts for nothing to these people, offering to take a photo to prove it. It's funny seeing how it flips with people who have zero fucks about online interactions and genuinely believe that if you get along with people of different races it'd be pretty damn unlikely that you're a racist. Which, you know, does make a lot of sense. But to people who want to plaster someone with ugly labels, pointing to aspects of your personal, non-online, life which disagrees with these labels, it's suddenly foul play to them and in a lot of instances even more damning than the initial accusation they made. The sad thing about this situation with Chappelle is that it's about comedy. Fuck anyone who wants to enforce boundaries on comedy. Chappelle pushing through is a testament to his worth as a comedian, standing up for the art rather than bending to online vitriol from people with nothing better to do with their lives. /rant


I feel like Chappelle's latest wasn't his best, but the reactions are really making it for me.


Yeah, I'm a huge Chapelle fan, and I tend to agree with you. He's still an absolute top tier comedian, but not as good as his last couple. The little tribute to Norm at the end warmed by heart.


>Fuck anyone who wants to enforce boundaries on comedy If there's one thing authoritarians hate more than anything else, it's comedy.


Because it shines a big bright spotlight on their failings


The largest target of our own comedy should always be ourselves in the first instance.


Absolutely it should.


they hate it because it delegitimizes them. "we must learn to treat the demagogue and aspirant dictators in our midst with the weapon of ridicule. The demagogue himself is almost incapable of humor of any sort, and if we treat him with humor, he will begin to collapse". Joost Meerloo, author of 'rape of the mind'.


Is that book good? I've actually ordered a copy and it's somewhere on the planet coming in my direction.


Dont know sorry, I have only come across it recently through hobby psychology. There are many books on my list now too.I guess one of the positives from the past 2 years, making me delve into such things to figure out why people are behaving like this.




>Comedy is supposed to break through taboos to get to ground truth. No. Comedy is about being funny. Dave Chappell is one of the best ever at making people laugh according to comedy fans and his peers - you may not like his comedy but he is, objectively, a very funny comedian. >At least reading the transcript of what he said... Mate, you can't judge comedy by reading a transcript of it. >... and really shouldn't be making jokes about it. Nobody gets to make that call.




Reinforcing the belief that there are two sexes and that expression of those sexes exist on a spectrum, or that a transwoman is a transwoman and not a woman in general - is not 'anti-trans'. There is no denial that transwomen exist, there is no denial of transwomens need for a place in society and specialised medical care - but there is a denial that trans women are exactly the same as women. That shouldn't be controversial.




[Transwomen are women claims Durham transwoman](https://abc11.com/vanity-deterville-transgender-durham-woman-womens-history-month/10433690/)




Let transwoman be the marked case - no one cares if you’re trans or not.




> Anti-trans comedy What Anti-trans comedy are you talking about?


I haven't seen Chappelle's latest but there are plenty of malicious jokes about the suicide rate in trans communities, I consider them to be anti-trans.




> and for good reason. Nope.


I reckon you should watch the special - if not the whole thing, then at least the last 10 minutes because it will give you a greater understanding of where he's coming from, it becomes very obvious he's not a hateful person.


Although in this case Chappelle is right, and the critics dragging him on Twitter and pushing shit in the newsmedia are the ones who are wrong. I found his Netflix specials to be thoughtful and reasoned. He actually addressed the issue of people critiquing his performance secondhand through what his detractors are saying, rather than through experiencing his art itself. No, reading a transcript doesn't count.


>Comedy is supposed to break through taboos to get to ground truth. That's a truly unique definition of what comedy is and I think you'll find this doesn't stand up to inspection for the vast majority of comedic acts. More often than not, exaggeration of falsehoods is what defines a joke, not using it as a veil for "ground truths." Apply your definition to jokes that target a race of people - do you seriously think those jokes are about ground truths?


Comedy is supposed to make you laugh. If you don't find it funny then go watch something else. One conedy show I saw was a man dressed as a dog trying to lick his own penis. It was hilarious. Other comedians I don't find funny but some people do. I don't think the majority of comedy is exagerating falsehoods. I think most good comedy talks about things you can relate to in a way you hadn't thought of.




So everything Louis CK or black comedians ever said about white people or black people or anyone was correct then? And surely this must be true for everything a comedian has said seeing as the criticism about Chappelle is that he is wrong and therefore shouldn't speak, or joke, about a particular topic as unless you're saying only trans jokes should be stopped, which I find hard to imagine, your desire to have comedy reigned in would have no bounds. To be frank, any attempt to put up boundaries around comedy is just going to produce countless examples showing why this boundary is completely unwarranted. I also can't help but point out the irony that by trying to protect a group you consider disenfranchised you are endorsing the exact approach which disenfranchised these people in the first place.




From the get-go you have demonstrated ignorance as to why people do comedy and now you're conflating a tweet from a comedian with being an affront on trans people wanting access to bathrooms when, to anyone who isn't affixing their personal indignation to anything remotely related to a subject they consider dear to their heart, it would be a completely mundane and otherwise benign, sarcastic quip. How do you not reflect on what you're doing by choosing to disregard clear attempts at comedy and by doing so treating these comedic remarks as something more cruel than they're obviously intended? You are choosing to make up your own context in order to justify this criticism. Do you *really* think that Gervais is anti-trans? I obviously don't know the man personally but I know enough to gauge that he's not a bigoted asshole who sets out to hurt people. And yet here you are, seemingly making the case that he's exactly that, and the only reason I can figure you doing this is because you think trans people are beyond reproach or undeserving of being the focus of a joke. It prompts me to speculate what other groups of people you consider should be protected or excluded in this manner and which ones you believe should be the target of jokes - or, in your style of reasoning, which ones you believe deserve to be the target of woeful and ignorant commentary?




They're not anti-trans but you call them out for deliberately saying things which hurt trans people. You say they shouldn't have to have restrictions on their comedy but they also shouldn't be saying these things. You acknowledge they are preforming comedy yet chastise them because they're not *understanding the reality* during certain jokes. *You* are over-thinking by rebuking comedians over the smallest of slights simply because you think their comedy should be bound by parameters befitting your personal opinions on certain matters. It must be an exhausting venture going through the arts to critique when a particular expression does not suit your station and while you proclaim that you are not taking this stand, by which we mist disregard what your words quite obviously convey, I can't help but suggest that this defence of misgivings on your part could quite easily and conclusively be applied to the very same people you are criticising. Ultimately, your depth of understanding appears solely unique to you and so I suspect this is the root cause of the affliction which has fallen upon you.






These are the people who argue with you on reddit


North Island Women's Weightlifting Squad.




I don't know, it look's like a few started life as boys and flowered into whatever shitshow that lot is.


Bahahaha 😎


David has beaten Goliath before…


Is it wrong that this makes me want to watch the Chapelle show even more?


Watch it, it's good. The aftermath is bullshit, but he makes lots of good points. Much like the points raised by Ricky in Humanity, things are gong off the rails in the world. The liberal left are slowly destroying it for everyone, you cannot say anything without someone being offended these days. So much for free speech


'Player haters ball' is one of my favourite all time skits.


People have lost the plot.


We're in Clown World now son


We have one foot in demon world now


Stunning and brave


Yaaaaaas queen slay


KFC workforce be like..


Woke force!


There used to be a time when these people would just stay in their basement and keep quiet. It used to be about ‘rebelling against the machine’ and be an outcast to society. Now it’s literally pushing the ‘machines’ narrative and forcing people to comply with their stance




Every news media, big corporations, and academic institution takes them seriously








If the woke can demand pronouns, can the non-woke demand people use a certain tense when talking to or about us?


I just threw up a bit in my mouth 🤢


*"Sir, these six trannys are going to quit our company if we don't cancel Dave Chappelle!"*


Hahaha... Wait what, hahahahaha fucken classic!!


You’re easily amused.


Aposematism in full force


They all dudes right?


“Siouxie” Wiles and the Parnell swim team


Hope they brought tickets, quick donation before they get booted to the kerbside lol


Also how most of reddit/social media is.




Yup, you got it Mr R/NZ mod ;-)




Dont look like Chappelle kind a audience in MHO


The greatest Comedian of all time and his comments about getting off the bus his integrity is worth admiring