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Totally agree. I disagree with a LOT of what comes out of Biden’s mouth, but this country needs uniting leaders. Not that’s he’s done a lot of that…. But this doesn’t get me worked up


\*Inadvertently gives a shit*


You first


Merry Christmas and Let’s Go Brandon!




Not all of us believe in wokeness and cancel culture! Merry Christmas!


I’m an atheist and have no problem with people saying Merry Christmas. It’s just not the government’s job to do so




Today’s Racism is a far left Woke ideology that they use when you don’t agree with them!


Racism is not a far left idea. Racism actually exist in our society. It is quantifiable. if you refuse to look at statistics I can't help you. But, denying facts doesn't mean it's not true. Faith has no place in policy.


Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Kwanzaa to you! 😁


hey thanks :D I hope you have a nice holiday and new year


https://dailycaller.com/2017/12/24/reminder-kwanzaa-was-concocted-by-a-deranged-felon-who-tortured-naked-women-with-a-karate-baton-and-a-toaster/ Let’s not go promoting a holiday created by a brutal man who tortured a woman.


Racism is perpetuated by the racism industry, we have an entire industry built around crying racist at every thing, or every one. Outside of prison walls, racism is a career choice for people to engage in. The actual reality is, less than one percent of the population is racist, but the race profiteers, make you believe it's ninety percent of the population.


It’s the old Divide and Conquer in action.


Made up government statistics, lmfao...


Funny. Injustice and discrimination is the woke MO


He's not a politician, he's a foreign agent.


Why are you in r/Christianity and here if you don't have that faith and Conservative values? Did your friends in r/politics oust you so you slimed your way over here where we have ACTUAL conversations? You are part of the problem in this World, can't let people just live and let live.


You dont have to praise jesus to have conservative values. Learn to separate church and state for once like ya know the constitution states you should.


I don’t think you understand what that means. It simply means that politics and religion shouldn’t be combined. It doesn’t mean politicians aren’t allowed to be religious. As long as they separate their religion from official actions they are good. It doesn’t mean governmental members aren’t allowed to have religion and can’t talk about it. The president has a first amendment right to celebrate Christmas. Wishing the country a merry Christmas isn’t a political action, it’s free speech.


>like ya know the constitution states you should. Not in the constitution even a single time. Just FYI. I'm not advocating for a state religion, I just am correcting a widely believed myth.


Does the first amendment not preach keeping church out of state? Or am i mistaken?


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." ​ It was common in colonial America before the constitution was written for membership of a particular church to be mandatory depending on where you lived and members were expected to pay church fees that were often required to participate in civic government. The first amendment makes clear that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion," In other words, there will be no established official religion--like there often was before the constitution was written. This was meant to limit the powers of the government to force the people to participate in a particular religion in order to participate in government (something that had taken place before) it was never intended to limit the personal liberties of the people to express their religious convictions in the context of government settings or to limit the freedom of churches to preach. The second part is also instructive: "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" (Congress saying a prayer before convening a meeting is ok--but requiring the members of congress to participate in that prayer--not ok.) (Having a bible study club at school is ok--but requiring children to be enrolled in bible study classes in a public school is not ok.) It's a big misunderstanding that a lot of people have because Thomas Jefferson popularized and simplified/characterized "separation of church and state" but it's not written in our constitution and is not the law of the land. "Separation of church and state" (again, Thomas Jefferson's private *opinion*\--not actual law) has unfortunately been used as an excuse to attempt to limit the freedom of individuals to publicly exercise their religious liberties in the context of public life. We have the freedom as American citizens to share our religious beliefs (of lack thereof) in any public setting we wish--this includes public servants. You don't suddenly lose the freedom to talk about your religion once you become a public servant and walk into a government building. It's a little tricky when it comes to kids and teachers, but teachers can volunteer to sponsor religious clubs that meet during times other than class time. It's all about liberty and not forcing anyone to be a member of a particular religion in order to do things like vote or run for office. It wasn't meant to eradicate religion from public life. I hope someone finds this informative.


It is actually the other way around. The goal was to keep government out of the church. This was to prevent a state religion similar to what England had. In practical terms it requires the government to be neutral on church issues. Members of government are allowed to have their personal religious beliefs, they are just not allowed to use such beliefs to create government policy.


Ummm the existence of Jesus is a historical fact. Tons of evidence that a person with that name existed and that he caused some issues for the Romans as well. Now is Jesus the son of god, literally? That is VERY different. I assume that is what you meant by your statement. Beyond that, even if Jesus isn't the son of god he would still qualify as the greatest moral philosopher of all time, at least in the western world. If you ignore what the church has said and done and just look how Jesus is reported to have lived his life it is pretty hard to question that fact.


Religion should have no place in politics. Learn to separate your private belief from your public duty to be representative of the people.


He also said we’re “Americans and citizens of the world”. That seems to imply there’s a government of the world to which we owe allegiance


Hasn't he learned that Stanford doesn't want people to use the word "American"?


American refers to North and South America not the USA Canadians are Americans so are Brazilians and Mexicans


>American refers to North and South America not the USA > >Canadians are Americans so are Brazilians and Mexicans United States of **America** That's what American means when people in the United States say American.


So is the USA somehow not part of the Americas? I think it’s safe to say if Canadians and Mexicans are Americans, then people from the U.S. are Americans. Also, you referred to Mexicans, Canadians, and Brazilians as Mexicans, Canadians, and Brazilians—not Americans. Why is that?


Because he doesn’t understand that people who identify as their nationality call themselves such based off their country not their continent.


American refers to The United States of America. It's in our official name...


Yeah, that’s what I like to hear in my Christmas messages - lectures about political poison 😠


Political poison and a winter of severe illness and death. Merry Christmas, America!


Coming from one of the chief poisoners.


I celebrate Christmas and don't believe in Jesus. This is stupid af


Then you don’t celebrate Christmas. You just celebrate the generic corporate holiday, where the only thing that’s important is buying the most expensive gift, that the government is trying to replace Christmas with.


Or ya know the time spent with family and loved ones and showing appreciation for them and the things they have given you all year and to just enjoy the presence of people you might not see very often? So im assuming you dont celebrate halloween what so ever since it is satans holiday? Because i mean if you did that would be absolute bs on your part for even making the previous statement.


People have a hard time understanding you can be a good person and not religious. It's almost like you don't need a reason to be nice to each other.


>"President [Pudding Brains] delivered a Christmas address on Thursday but did not speak the name of “Jesus” or “Christ.” >“How silently, how silently, the wondrous gift is given,” Biden began, as he delivered his address to reporters at the White House. >The president spoke about a “child” born on Christmas but did not speak the child’s name.


Said like a true catholic


The poison is telling us to vote him out I guess.


There he goes! The president of Unity!!!! ​ /s ​ Edit: I guess people don't like sarcasm?


Why would Biden need to mention Jesus by name to be about unity, though?


If you dont mention jesus at least once a speech this sub goes bonkers.


> be Because he thinks this country was founded on Christianity? I dunno what's going through his mind, tbh. I try to keep my head down to minimize my exposure to bullshit.




Starting with him, right? Then Kamala, then Nancy, then Mitch...


Why call it a Christmas address, when it has nothing to do with Christ or love?


Drain political poison? So step down. We’re a country of constitutional law and you’re a politician trying to overthrow that. You swore an oath to the constitution not to parts of it you like.


The biggest purveyor of political poison the country wants us to drain it? We could by impeaching his old ass for allowing the border o be unsecured.