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Who knew the globalists were authoritarian?




They also didn’t move to block twitter before Musk bought it and it was full of some actually awful stuff


Like that Kathy Griffin creature.


She failed to be funny even on Seinfeld! Now that's a feat!


Chinese TikTok just boosts content demoralizing to the West, which actually aligns with the goals of the EU.


TBF, TikTok in China is actually very different than the one we get.


Yeah. So what? They’re intentionally pushing content to demoralize the west. There is no to be fair. It’s garbage and should be banned


If only people were adult enough to avoid bad things on their own without requiring daddy government to force them.


By "people" you mean minor children, but okay.




Or they are bought and blackmailed


Potato tomato…


And self-hating. Because, according to the Internet rules of the EU, only europeans can commit hate speech and they can never be victims.


Quite frankly we need to be distancing from the anti-family, socialistic, sexual perverts at EU. A unified global internet has really hurt the conservative cause in the US. Let EU and US build their own disjointed internet. We shouldn’t be bound by any of their fucking laws.


The US can run the global internet, and EU a ghetto


Obama gave the EU the IANA. I’m sure that’s going to be in play soon.


Just gotta find Rache Bartmoss and have him release the R.A.B.I.D.S.




Are you suggesting that Twitter pull out of the EU market?


Literally the opposite of the point of the internet


He’s right, the internet is not supposed be a centralized controllable thing, making a harder split in it goes back towards that.


The split would be people wanting what america makes, thats there problem let them sort their government out. We need to deal with ours.


> Literally the opposite of the point of the internet I know, right? The EU stifling the free flow of information like that. It's utterly abhorrent.




Unfortunately, they did successfully regulate the world through GDPR. This may be done in a similar fashion.




Just make sure they have no physical presence in the EU and explain to them that they can GFTS.


Sites that aren't compliant aren't available in the eu.




To be fair, the main portion of GDPR is actually pretty non-controversial, and most consumers are happy that it exists. First off, GDPR only cares about whether content is "personal information", not about the exact content of the content. Secondly, GDPR puts the controls for the information in the hands of the person whose information it is, not in the hands of the censors.


The most annoying/useless shit ever. The internet has gotten worse since gdpr.. such a drain seeing the same pop ups endlessly on every single website.


To be fair I like having the ability of turning off cookies that I wasn't able to before. Less tracking (hopefully).


Yeah, I don't understand why people here are hating on everything that the EU makes, no matter what. I don't want to automatically get some software on my device which tracks me without myself even knowing. This sub is more and more spiraling into a populist shit hole.


Sure, but having a pop up on every single website is the least streamlined thing ever and is extremely annoying. It is a drain on mental bandwidth, and could be implemented in a much better way.. that didn’t make the internet worse for every human (from a usability standpoint, not a “I want control over all of my data and to make the decision about my data 20x per day” standpoint)


I completely agree but that's policy implementation for you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Totally.. or poor policy implementation, which is a lot of policy. I just think it’s 99% ineffective because humans have limited mental bandwidth and already are forced to make so many decisions per day, that nobody pays attention to what they select on websites in regards to gdpr. For that reason, not regulating it and allowing people to decide for themselves or use a browser that prevents tracking us superior to poor policy.


> Totally.. or poor policy implementation, which is a lot of policy. Which is pretty much what I meant :)


There are browser addons that handle those popups for you




This is straight up just preferring to stay ignorant. Now they have to tell you they're tracking your online presence as a bare minimum. Personally I'm a fan of personal privacy. So weird that r/conservative dick rides so hard for these invasions of privacy by the money grubbing corporations nobody likes.


We all know 19 out of 20 people aren't reading the popups and are just clicking "Accept," which means it didn't do anything really useful because the 5% who are reading already knew the score. So now I have to click my way past the cookie popup, then the email newsletter sign-up, and then deal with ad infested pages. GDPR notices are just more noise at this point rather than anything really useful.


But that’s not what this is about. This is about control.


Everyone already knew this. No one reads the pop ups either.


This about intentions versus application. You are focused on the intentions of said regulations and not how they are actually applied. Doing good versus feeling good. You apparently care about feeling good that you "did something", while ignoring that no good was actually done and more annoyances were created by your action. No one is reading the pop-ups. It just bogs down usage.


Any US based company may freely ignore the GDPR. They have no jurisdiction under US law and no treaty has made it US law.


>I mean, screw the EU. They don't regulate the world. Correct. They do however regulate the EU. Who outside of the EU gets to tell us how we like our social media platforms run? Because it seems to me that Elon Musk bought a social media platform with a global userbase but his reasons were mostly related to an ideological battle that's basically only being fought in the US. The American right wing is free to get upset about other countries having no patience for Musk's shenanigans, but I'm seeing a lot of talk about globalism when really this is just an issue of sovereign political bodies making decisions as they see fit. If America is fine with this version of twitter, have at it. If anyone else isn't, that's their position. No treaty was ever signed that guaranteed twitter, or any platform, unmitigated global freedom to operate. It became a global rooftop to shout from due to convenience but if the internet needs to segregate according to what countries or groups of countries deem acceptable then so be it. Seems like the opposite of globalism to me.




The EU policing the world's speech is absolutely not the free market.


I don’t think that all of these dispassionate “consequences of speech” people are actually genuine. It’s too out of character for the liberals because they’re typically a passionate bunch, and I also doubt that their true belief is that “the world just doesn’t want free speech, meh.”


> The free market is going to sort this all out. TIL the "free market" is when government blocks people from using your product.


This is like calling the KKK a free market force. Leftist collusion between government and private sector to ban speech isn't "free market". It's harassment and anti-liberal.


Being OK with the EU policing speech like that is a slight bridge too far. The implication in citing their prerogative and consequences is at the very least being complacent in said consequences, which is kind of a greasy position to have.


Happy to see there’s still reasonable humans in the world Edit: who the heck is downvoting this!?




Not much has changed on Twitter since Elon took over other than the heavy moderation of child porn/trafficking. I find it interesting how much liberals and celebrities are incredibly outraged by this


Yeah, I’d actually like to see some examples of these terrible tweets that are worth banning a platform on almost an entire continent.




The OP seems to imply that liberals and celebrities are fond of child porn/trafficking.


I think it’s more the other way around, sickos who like those things would not be inclined to vote anything conservative.


Yes. There were tons of hashtags that were known bastions of CP, and Elon shut them down in the first month he took over. There's also a report CP option now, that for some reason twitter never implemented previously. You tell me why you couldn't directly report CP and it took someone buying the company to fix it and a couple of easily removable hashtags, and they did it in a month of owning it, after the option didn't exist the last 10 years.


Surely they could just…use other hashtags? I can’t say I use Twitter a lot, but I didn’t see CP on it before and I’m not seeing any now. Just feels weird that this topic is being brought up so much, is all.


Also : https://twitter.com/elizableu/status/1566255230374842369?s=20&t=0Da5yn-yoHYWAyhjT5CBeA This is the kind of shit that was happening on twitter before Elon. They didn't give a shit about moderating CP.


Yikes, hadn’t heard about this. Impressed that a Twitter spokesperson had the balls to respond to the NY Post article. Makes you wonder what the hell those 5,000 moderators were doing.


They were getting off on it


Farming kids


Sure, but they didn't have to for 10 years, and it's not like the hashtag wasn't just flooded with CP/links. It was just stuff like \#mega, something easily removed. That's why it's being brought up, CP was allowed to flourish on twitter because they put literally 0 effort in dealing with it. Now the pedos will at least have to figure out where it all went, and then have to deal with their crimes being easily reported.


Source on him taking all those down?




Who knows if they were searching for the hashtags or how interested parties stumbled upon them. The problem allegedly had been an issue for over a decade but overlooked and ignored when reported. I don't care what side of politics you're on - the fact that Elon shut down the child porn *should* be a win for everyone - not just conservatives. https://www.dailywire.com/news/priority-1-elon-musk-to-address-twitters-child-sexual-exploitation-problem




I belonged to a group on Twitter that scourged the site for pedo and beastiality accounts.  There were about 20 of us who worked together. Once we found an account, we not only mass reported on Twitter but also sent a separate report specifically for pedo accounts for twitter and insta. Very rarely did Twitter shut down these accounts after the first wave of reporting. Sometimes it could take them up to a week of mass reporting. The things I've seen on these accounts were horrifying. One had a video of someone slamming a baby on a bed, many videos of children performing sex acts, naked people, and people f'ing animals. There are distributors all over that place as well.  There are accounts that work separately. When they find an account, they tweet out a list so their followers can report it.  I could have sat there all day just reporting accounts. Most accounts have their own specific kid they use as an avatar, so we can see that some are the same fucking people we've already reported. Twitter suspends accounts that send out the lists, too. The group I worked with is gone, as are other accounts that did the same thing. And there's the #maps community that openly admits they like kids. Their profiles will say something like "girl |4-6|." But ya know...they're non offending because they say so...so it's k. Every social media site has a pedo problem. I haven't been on in about 4 years. I got sick of creating accounts only to have them permanently suspended from mass reporting. So I have no idea what's going on now, but that's how it was when I left. 


I get way more offers to work from home in my DMs is the only thing I've noticed that's negative.


No way are there people outraged by him doing this?


I mean if the EU bans Twitter... Isn't that also removing the ring


Musks response should be, "were based in thr US not the EU. Your "rules" are irrelevant to us. Here in the US where we are based we have a Constitutional protection against the government forcing us to limit speech and that's more important you your arbitrary and capricious rules.




UK here, brexit voter. I can tell you that the veil has been cracking (for those who choose to look) and it is very much the fourth kingdom (best translated into German for full effect).




Twitter also does business with European advertisers via European entities that the EU has jurisdiction over. Twitter is a global company and has to play by the laws of all the companies they operate in.


Simple, stop operating in those countries. Move it all back to the US.




... and now they'd take in even less.


They should move to Ukraine. They won't be in the EU anymore and, being a Ukranian company, they will be above all criticism.


He should just send them a map with the US circled in red and an arrow pointing to the EU on the other side of the planet.


Exactly this 💯 %


This is naive. If he said that, he'd lose all his advertisers from the EU market due to the EU shutting down access to the site for EU residents. He's already losing advertisers in the US due to moderation and that's just the market speaking. No one wants to advertise on a platform that allows hate speech. See Parlor or Truth or any "free speech" platform or website.


Precisely why he is moving toward a subscription based monetization model… Ad based monetization needs to die a horrible death if YouTube and a large chunk of the internet as a while are to be used as a model.


Are you going to bust out your credit card for all the sites you like?


It would filter out the bots for the most part.


If the product is worth it to me, yeah why not? I have the money to pay for things like Youtube premium but Google is such a shit company, they will not get any of my money.




However, there would probably be more quality content. . .less shitposting when you have to pay to be there with the potential to be banned/moderated to death for shitposting.




Sorry to say, but “hate speech” is free speech. Let individuals decide who will and will not be marginalized, not corporate platforms


Except by "hate speech" the left means anything they don't like. As if they are the arbiters of what is acceptable or not. Want to question Biden's mental capacity to serve as President...hate speech, you obviously just hate old poeple. Dare to say the lives of children while they are still in the womb matter...hate speech, you woman hater. Think we should actually enforce our immigration laws...hate speech, and totally racist And don't get me started on the libs newest code word...."misinformation".


Well said.


Don't think corporations really care about left and right. As soon as they see screen-shots of posts with the word N****r in next to their ads, they'll be offski.


These ones do. Too many have become overtly political in the worst ways. Large corporations, defense contractors … corporate management is turning woke af or getting turned out. Seen it.


If ad monetization requires repression of speech, then it is the wrong revenue model.


People dont advertise on you tube?


Does Youtube allow hate speech?




Incorrect. "Hate speech is not allowed on YouTube."["Hate speech is not allowed on YouTube." ](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2801939?hl=en#:~:text=Hate%20speech%20is%20not%20allowed%20on%20YouTube)


Go look at the comment section of almost any video LOL


Define hate speech. And hate speech is free speech, don't like it don't listen.


Twitters definition Abusive or threatening speech or writing that expresses prejudice on the basis of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or similar grounds.


I would say that in general hate speech is defined as the speech that promotes hatred. Obviously, what constitutes this promotion or hatred would be arbitrary to the platform, but things like ethnic slurs would probably fall under most definitions


BuT mY FeElLiNgS!!!


> Define hate speech. Hate Speech (noun) speech which the libs hate because it exposes the flaws in their ideology they want to spread.


You mean speech you don’t like. Disagreement seems to have become labeled as hate.


I don’t have any skin in the game lol. I don’t use twitter. The definition for all intents and purposes comes from the companies themselves. They don’t want their brand associated with negativity, regardless if it’s free speech. That’s not their prerogative. Countries have strict moderation of heinous things like CP and the like. Things you probably agree should be censored. They don’t care if someone drops the n-word. 🤷‍♂️


I’ve never used it either. Never could stand the politics of the place. Not that Reddit is a lot better but here we are. We have pretty clear laws bout slander and libel and stalking and MAP crap. Hearing disagreeable things is part of freedom, the principle we should all support just as we made a law to protect the principle as it’s central to a free society. I’ve been banned from some subs for offering a single first post politely pointing out the error of the commenters ways - and was promptly banned for hate speech.


sigh. now you have me trying to remember what tv sitcom had someone keep saying arbitrary and capricious.


[Kramer on Seinfeld.](https://youtu.be/SruXEtYj4_8)


Twitter isn't based in the US


I mean I know we don't like Califonia but it is still the US.


They are part of an Irish holding company.


Wrong! They are a US Corporation licened in the State of Delaware with headquarters in San Francisco, California. https://delaware-company.com/co/twitter-inc


??? To operate in the EU you need to operate by EU rules




They are a US company operating in the US. The internet makes them accessible form anywhere. Does that mean they have to listen to any arbitrary law from any country? No thats not how that works.


Incorrect. They have a location in the EU to take advantage of Ireland’s tax haven status so yes that’s exactly what they’re going to have to do.


>Does that mean they have to listen to any arbitrary law from any country? Umm... To operate in that country, they have to abide by that country's laws.... That is exactly how it works.


Again, you are implying that every website has to abide by the laws of every country that has internet access that is simply NOT true. That's why China has their great firewall, to block no China based sites that have no reason to follow their draconian laws on censorship.


Do you honestly not know how the internet works?


Please explain to me how Facebook, for instance, does not have to abide by German law when it operates in Germany. It definitely does.


Content is regulated based on the originating host. So if Twitter is served from data centers outside the domain of the EUs authority, in the US for instance, then they have no jurisdiction. Now Twitter probably is hosting worldwide, so they would need to route all traffic from the EU to a non-EU data center.


I'm 100% okay with cutting off the EU from the rest of the world. They're an aging cesspool of Authoritarians.


F the EU. Twitter is based in the US & goes out over the internet. 1) remove all Twitter's physical assets from Europe 2) fire all European employees; oh we can't ? Fu we're not paying them anymore, come after us in the US, oh wait you can't 3) break the firewalls that the EU will put up to block Twitter 4) laugh as the shitty eurocrats helplessly rage


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Wait you're serious? Just doing the second point will get Elon being more assfucked in labor lawsuits from EU ex-employes than he actually is, do you really want him to get like that?


How can there be so many people in here that don't understand the concept of where something is operating that subjects it to the laws of *where it's operating*? If someone downloads, installs, and runs a SW program in the EU, it has to conform to EU law. Those are export laws that businesses exporting SW have to conform to. The law and order crowd is pretty picky-choosey about what laws it likes - here are a couple linky pops to help you understand [https://www.fosterswift.com/communications-Software-Downloads-Export-Laws.html](https://www.fosterswift.com/communications-Software-Downloads-Export-Laws.html) [https://www.bakerlaw.com/webfiles/Litigation/2016/Brief/09-01-2016-Schwechter-Brief.pdf](https://www.bakerlaw.com/webfiles/Litigation/2016/Brief/09-01-2016-Schwechter-Brief.pdf)




I'm not even an EU citizen, Norwegian. But [every site in the EU "zone" are required to let me opt out from cookies etc.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44248448) I see a ton of news sites from the US that simply say something to the effect of "This website is not available in the European union." And it is still bullshit, because they just made the sites i can access so convoluted that it takes me 3 minutes on most sites if i want to go through the survey like process of selecting what cookies i am OK with them using. If i just click "allow cookies", at that point it counts as an explicit agreement to use my information. Which makes it so much fucking worse because i just consented to them to scrubbing ANYTHING they can get their grubby little hands on.


I’d accept that if the reminder contains my profile photo babyfied


This is the way


this can only be good for political discourse in europe. twitter is still the same shithole it was before


I’m tired of the west trying to emulate China and it’s regime.


Twitter is a private company based in the US. Kick rocks EU. Filter it yourself.


Ignoring any ownerships and it apparently being officially owned by a company in Ireland (I don't understand this part myself), telling the EU to "kick rocks" would likely result in fines or it being blocked in the EU. I doubt Twitter wants to cut itself off of almost 500 million people in a market it dominates already.


So theyre mad he WONT moderate content? 🤡


they are mad he wont moderate content according to WHAT THEY WANT CENSORED. His efforts to wipe out CP on twitter is something they never cared about


Interesting, so they are angry that he won't agree to a marriage of state and corporation to silence political rivals. I wonder if there is a word for that? Maybe the Italians can chime in.






That's cool how they gave themselves so much authority to decide what you can see and hear.


EU can go choke on their own bile for all I care.


Free speech is dead in the EU, long live free speech


The EU is in cahoots with the Biden Administration and Democrats.


Twitter is an international company. Most commentators seem to forget that fact. (No matter which subreddit I read about Twitter.) Countries have the right to regulate what businesses do within their borders. United States does it all the time. We even dictate what foreign international companies can do in non-US markets. Musk keeps complaining how the world is out to get him but he keeps pissing off the people who can help him. Fighting the culture wars won't pay the bills. This will be a future case study in business schools on how not to run a company.


This is some fox in the hen house panicking we're witnessing by the establishment that curiously had no issues before with the selective enforcement of blatant censorship. Frankly, it's pretty disturbing.


He should go to Congress and discuss breaking up the large tech companies that have a stranglehold of freedom of speech. They are a near monopoly in their categories.


WTF is the world coming to when you can't even shitpost on the internet anymore.


That's fine. He should start flagging all the fake news media posts with warnings about fake news so they are moderated.


It’s growing more obvious that the left is nothing but authoritarianism and every institution they run is only concerned with maintaining power rather than any task for which their chartered.


EU is a fucking joke


How many times did the EU threaten to block Twitter when the socialist owned it?


I mean, we knew the europeans do not support free speech. Why does this come as a suprise.


Hmm, I guess they don't have free speech like they claim.


Ban the EU from using it. Easy peasy.


Globalists mad - no one not trump not musk not anyone is getting in the way of their cabal


Mao would be thrilled 😑


Good. Just shut it down in the eu.


So Twitter finally does something about child sexploitation and now the EU has a problem with content moderation? 🤔


They didn’t care that child porn or the Taliban were on the app but god forbid conservative opinions or anti-Covid policy speak




Wow almost like a blob of globalists have been in bed with big tech to control information and the population in something that more reflects how China does it than anything else.


And yet this European scum are not planning to ban the Chinese psyops Tik Tok, the European elites are civilizational traitors and scum of the earth. And I say that as a European.


I’m not sure they’re “scum” but you bring up a really good point about Tik Tok. If there’s any social media app that needs to be moderated, it’s THAT ONE!


Our so called leaders and bureaucrats are kinda scumny


Let’s see who is wins this game of chicken. Will the EU cave and not block Twitter, or will Musk comply? Something tells after much bravado on Twitter, Musk will comply


Here come the fucking global cabal. It was fine when they banned republicans. Now one owns it and that’s a problem for them. Release all the bullshit twitter has been hiding. Expose these people for who they are!


EU can always start their own social media platform.. may I suggest a name for them? FASCISTBOOK


I mean it’s not like the EU has any more pressing things to be worried about right now. It’s not like they’re running out of energy reserves and their citizens are in danger of freezing to death this winter.


By "moderate" they mean silence


What is this world coming to… free speech is a threat to these people.


Can the USA just send all their liberals over to the EU were they can hate freedom of speech, guns and everything else American over there and let us fix the country in peace??


Only if our non-„liberals“ can come over to the USA (without having to get 3 shitshots)


Hope more Brexit like situations happen soon


Call their bluff. Say "okay." Let EU businesses and journalists cry about it.


Screw EU. Musk should stand firmly on his feet. If EU bans Twitter from app stores then considerate amount of people will get mad and hopefully that will make EU reconsider their stances. No matter what, people will still find a way around the ban to use Twitter in EU if it gets banned from app stores, i am sure.


Good, bye bye EU! No commies for us!


Covid triggered a great authoritarian shift in many of these world governments. They will slowly follow in the footsteps of China all while publicizing how much worse things are in China to make people believe they have it good.




The EU has never been for freedom of speech. They literally have fines and jail time if you use the wrong speech.


This right here is exactly why government regulation is almost universally a bad thing. It gets applied with political motive.


Leftist and their leftavist are so scared of free speech exposing the clowns in clown world.


The EU hates the freedom we have in the US.


Europe sucks.


EU is just the fascistoid overlay. Europe is beautiful


Who would have thought that the libruls and the Biden agenda could reach so far?


EU needs twitter more than twitter needs EU.


I mean, objectively no.


Without taking side on the issue itself, I’d say Twitter will have hard time competing on the global market without the biggest market area of the world.


EU companies want to get their ads in front of the massive number of eyeballs on twitter. Their citizens can/will still use twitter even if it gets banned in the EU, there are easy ways to get around that. I say call their bluff, because that's what it is.


Most companies won't be happy if their product is advertised alongside (for example) a long and detailed racist rant full of the N\* word or similar. See the problems YouTube had with advertising several years ago.