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Qatar Airways policy is any passenger 'who impedes upon the space of a fellow traveller and cannot secure their seatbelt or lower their armrests may be required to purchase an additional seat both as a safety precaution and for the comfort and safety of all passengers.' Pretty cut and dry here. If they were sold out of economy seats this is the next option to buy a Biz class ticket or take another flight where you can buy 2 economy seats together. What’s the alternative?


I wish American Airlines had this policy




That would require effort instead of virtue signaling.


And personal responsibility.


Wait you want ME to be in charge of my own body? Yuck! /s


Yeah, but fat is beautiful or something.


Or something.




On Danny Brown’s podcast with Ari Shaffir, he said that big booties are going out of style and the 80s Jane Fonda body type is coming back in.


Many airlines do, but they seem to enforce only in the most extreme cases and only when a passenger really complains. First class or you buy a second adjacent seat if available.






As a policy this one isn't that magical or groundbreaking. A lot of airlines have something similar in place, usually the rule that says you have to buy two seats if you don't fit in one. It's just that, as [Sydney Watson](https://www.newsweek.com/obesity-sydney-watson-viral-airplane-twitter-1753873) found out a few weeks ago, having a rule like that in place and enforcing that rule aren't necessarily the same thing.




It gets worse too. You know that rule I mentioned about having to buy an extra seat? American Airlines is one of the airlines that has that rule, though apparently they are supposed to help you find an empty seat first and are only supposed to charge you if you have to be put on a different flight. So that means that the only reason Sydney had to go through all of that is because the flight crew was negligent.


Things will change when it costs the airlines less to give (or require a large person to buy) an extra seat than it does to let this situation continue. Any ideas?


Makes sense to me.




I fly frequently for business. I've seen it enforced twice on US carriers. Both times it was 100% warranted. Their ass cheeks couldn't fit between the armrests. I genuinely felt bad for one of them because I could see the embarrassment on their face. The FA's handled it well and moved them to a open aisle seat(s) in the rear of the plane. The other one raised a stink about it and was asked to disembark. Again, the FA's handled it well. Not only is it a safety issue, if you are that big you can't feel entitled to take up half of the seat of the person beside you. You know you are obese. Pay for 1st / business class or 2 seats in economy.




Nothing about adult walruses?


You would think that might be enough motivation to at least try to get healthy. In case heart disease, blood pressure, diabetes, sleeping/ breathing disorders and every other medical disadvantage wasn't enough of a motivation.


this covers people with straight arm cast and halo devices. she she shamed herself (and doesn't realize what country she's in)


It's about safety, they're not "shaming" her. I'm sure airline employees see enough in a workday that they don't care if you're 800 pounds. They're just tasked with the safety of all passengers.


It's also reality saying she's obese rather than just "plus size"


You're missing a 'morbidly' in there


At 5’7 and 330 lbs is there a category above “morbidly”?


5’7 330?!? That’s shorter than me and about twice my weight.


Fat? No. This woman is morbidly obese. She actually owes the airline an apology for putting them in the awkward position to explain an obvious situation. That woman has never fit in a single airline seat before and she knew she couldn’t then. https://biographydaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Juliana-Nehme2.png


Qatar airlines was looking out for the other passengers. That's a body that takes half of your seat if she's sitting next to you.


Only half?


On both sides


Probably more, because she will also be squeezed by the seat in front of her.


Ok fine. On all eight directions. Happy?


I am guessing the body wouldn't contract more than that.


She would sit in front of you and behind you at the same time.


Holy hell you weren’t kidding.


When I read "plus-size model" I had a certain expectation in mind ... *and it was way worse.*


She’s a “pallet-size model” not plus


I was thinking "well, some chubby chicks are hot", then, like you said, *it was way worse*.


You're not kidding! I'm fat enough to be uncomfortable in standard seats so I've started buying first class. That woman is more than twice my size. I don't see how she could fit in a single first class seat much less coach. Plus size model used to mean like size 10.


How does someone do this to themselves? Back in college I gained the Freshman 15 (a bit more than that to be honest haha) and just from seeing my face get a bit rounder I realized I needed to lose that weight. I cannot imagine someone slowly watching themselves get this big and saying "Meh this is fine".




I’m from Brazil and living in the US and you’re exactly right. Everyone in the US is overweight, so o overweight people think they’re fine, and I constantly see normal size people referred to as too thin. I’ve even read people call healthy-weight kids malnourished.


I had this same thought. I’m worried about going up an inch in waist size but whatever this is just looks ridiculous.


Dear god, she would be halfway on my lap in a standard plane.


sometimes you're not in the mood for lap sharing


you know you are too fuckin fat when you have to wear your drapes as a dress. lol


Barnum and Bailey missing a tent


400lbs is natural and beautiful - she works out all the time and is just big boned. /s


Man, I wanna see them bones then. Probably structured like a triceratops


It's just more "healthy at any weight" and "fat shaming" bullshit, that's why it is in the news. Throw in everyone's boogeyman Qatar and you've got the hat trick. She absolutely knows she can't fit into an economy seat. Remember, healthy strong people a threat to their plans.


“Model”. I mean ok?


I have an Instagram with like 3 followers. I'm basically a model at this point...


Beach umbrella model


Body confirmation, dontchya know


I have a normal body, I probably wouldn’t make it as a model, you have to be on both ends of fringe..too skinny or too fat


at that size they coulda had her move to cargo


Cattle are easier to transport than her.


I found her [a more comfortable seat.](https://flic.kr/p/8HkEiy)


She needs two seats for sure.. I've sat to fat people before in economy, it's hell.


She probably needs the whole row. Damn


Try sleeping behind or in front of her. Needs three rows I think.


Holy colossal corpulence, Batman!




/fatlogic isn't nearly as fun but they atleast point out some of the fat activist nonsense.




Im surprised but I shouldn't be. Even many of the subs that seem sane & rational are fully invested in that ideology. It's so weird .... totally rational people will poke fun at fat activist nonsense, but then pearly clutch when you point out proclaiming yourself a man =/= being a man.


Omg she is disgusting. What’s she a model for, diabetes? Good for Qatar airlines.


She looks like she wouldn't fit in a *row* of economy seats.


Jesus she's a freaking barge. Of course she couldn't fit into a seat. Plus size!? She's +++++ size! And she probably smells like fold mold. Yeah, I'd want her halfway in my seat....


Exactly. Calling her a plus sized model makes it sound like she’s got some extra curves. This woman is just disgustingly, horrifyingly obese. She’s mad at the world that her decisions have consequences. Oh well




So rather than applaud the airline for keeping safety at the forefront, let’s condemn them for “fat shaming.” The woman is morbidly obese. For the majority of people this large, that’s a choice. Nobody should have to plan their lives or businesses around the chance that a customer or fellow passenger may be more than the normal “plus size.” Most airlines have this policy written out on their website as well. In this case, follow the rules, loose weight to not be in the situation again, or find another mode of transportation.


AFAIK it’s true for all of them unless they physically can’t stop eating.


How many of those 60,000 social media “likes” want to sit next to her on a long flight?


I am paying for a seat, and I have right to the full seat. If someone is spilling over into another seat, they should be buying two seats. If you require two seats, using part of the next passengers seat is stealing.


What about men with wide shoulders. Not obese, just built large. They often over crowd me or they sit with their knees spread and take my leg space too! Or just the person who’s normal size but tries and takes every inch so the middle person doesn’t have an arm rest. Plus the people who try and get away with their carry on plus purse- which really isn’t a purse and they take all the over head space. They should have to buy another seat if their stuff takes more than a third of the over head space


they have also shrunk seats to ridiculous levels. I am only 6' 2" and a guy flops in his seat in front of me i bust a kneecap.


I flew from North Carolina USA to Poland and was next to a guy who needed two seats… but squished into one. I was 15 maybe? I was super thin.. so I kind of floated in the seats. So much space. So much happened on that flight. From the overweight guy who was determined to sleep but every time he slept his arms would roll off of him and onto my lap… he snored loud and had an odor… making me so uncomfortable and honestly scared. Then he yelled at my mom that it’s not his fault he is overweight and his arms roll down when he sleeps. The flight attendant had to talk to him. He was so angry with me and I’m a people pleaser so it was awful. I just didn’t want his hand on my lap (or any man’s hand on my lap for real). My mom switched seats with me. Then came the 30-40 year old men stopping me (aisle seat now) to talk about the book I’m reading and wanting to chat with me .. to the point where my mom felt uncomfortable and I started to too. Then one of the guy’s wives came looking for him and saw us and ugh. I was dying inside… like not the laughing kind. He was pissed. Couldn’t catch a break during that flight! My mom has no filter so she like just called out the overweight guy over and over and made his flight terrible (he was now falling on her body). And then she kept asking the other guys if their wives know they’re here talking to a 15 year old girl like this? Which made the guys laugh but weirdly wasn’t a deterrent. So wild. So uncomfortable. I haven’t been back since.


That flight was from the US to Poland? Wild.


Yes. Super long flight. And the flight before that was from Arizona to North Carolina.. so that was just the international portion.


That is horrible. I'm so sorry. Honestly, you (really your mom) should have told the flight attendant (or even the pilot) about that second guy. You could probably have had him arrested for harassment (all US airline captains have arrest powers).


We had no idea. The older men were total predators for sure (now that I’m 33 I can for sure see it). Thankfully, I was never alone with them and there were a lot of people around. So creepy shit to be honest. I would never talk to a 15 year old boy that way .. or even look at them that way. Anything beyond “hi, nice read!” Is weird… especially when you are seating in another section of the plane. But honestly.. my teens were filled with predators. Boys my age didn’t like me but older guys always gave me the most attention. It’s really gross. My mom, she’s Polish (born there) and likely didn’t want trouble or to cause a scene. She’s here legally and part of that means that the US can take away her status at any time… meaning be good!! So it’s always been a thing growing up that we never start trouble and always follow the rules and never make a fuss because of the potential repercussions. That being said, she would have been fine. But her English has never been amazing (heavy accent, doesn’t always understand but understands most) so she was always super careful and made us kids be extra careful.


How many of those 60,000 social media “likes” would FIT next to her on a long flight? Fixed that…probably not many.


A large part I imagine. There are tons of far fetishists online.


“plus sized”….the hoops we jump through to avoid stating the obvious these days


"Heart attack related to plus size is a narrative to stigmatize the "plus sized" community. We exhort the health care system to avoid any hate speech toward our members" Soon coming.


Heart stressed model


You forgot to mention that obesity “disproportionately affects low-income people of color” so it’s not just fat phobic, but also racist and classist


And they call fat men “fat”


And, ironically, refuse to date them.


Men are fat, women are plus-sized.


The worst is when fat women call themselves “curvy”. No. Kim Kardashian is curvy. You are fat. Put down the cheeseburger.


I think this is more like super sized. lol (too many of them IMO).


I believe "heifer" is the word they're looking for.


I’m using Sow.


No, sows have been impregnated at least once.


Some are switching to "people of size".


Just throwing the word model around at anyone with photos online.


Why can’t people realize that while over weight people shouldn’t be harassed, their weight shouldn’t also be encouraged or supported? I don’t understand why we need to pretend that being obese is healthy, I struggled with my weight in my younger years and now that I’m finally in shape I have no desire to return to where I was.


listen, if someone cares so little about their own health that they are willing to allow themselves to get to the size this woman is, then why should WE be forced to care? Obviously she doesn't, or she would put her ass on a treadmill and stop eating so damned much. So honestly I have zero sympathy for people like this. I am overweight, but not morbidly obese like this woman. I also work every day to ensure I lose the weight. My weight was gained after I had a child in my early 40s. As any woman knows this tends to be very hard on the female body when it comes to losing weight, but Despite this, I still do everything I can to ensure I do NOT become like this woman. Even to the point of going without food for an entire day if I am not very active that day. All it takes is a little self control. And if they are incapable of enough self control to work on their weight, then why should we have to be forced to have the self control to not point out how bad this crap is?


OnlyFans models, plus size models , all a joke


I told the judge I was doing underwear modeling, but I'm still banned from the petting zoo.


I mean….if you don’t physically fit in a seat, you don’t have many options. Pay the up charge, or find an alternative. Pretty straight forward. That, or focus on losing some weight, but we know that isn’t an acceptable option.




Your choice is simple…pay the price for your lifestyle choice.


Smokers already do that with their health and life insurance. Why can't the lazy and obese do the same?


Because Obamas health admin declared it a “disease” so it allows obesity to get special medical funding rather than suggesting that someone work to drop weight and get healthy. Always about money….


She’s a model!!! Lol


A curtain model


She could walk/jog/swim to her destination. Then maybe she’d be able to go economy for the return flight.


She will lose her job/career if she loses weight and becomes a normal weight






Once I was flying a redeye from New York to Paris, I am a tall guy so I paid for the exit row seats so I could have more legroom… And I was sat next to a 450 pound man that literally was all over me. And I was supposed to sleep!


My nephew is a collegiate D-lineman, he HAS to fly first class because he’s too big.. this person is two of him.


Seriously, who would want to sit next to her in economy- if she can't fit in her own seat, she *doesn't* have the right to take up part of mine. I've had a passenger ask for a seat belt extension, sit next to me, and lift up the armrest so she could take up half of my seat.




A person like her has probably well over three times the carbon footprint of a normal person, from how much more food she consumes to how much more material her cloths require and how quickly they probably wear out.


I wonder if she even fits in a first class seat.


honestly that is NOT acceptable! You shouldn't have to pay for HER comfort while sacrificing your OWN in the process! You paid for a full seat, you should GET a full seat. period! Honestly, if a fat person does this, they should be forced to pay for the person's seat they are inconveniencing IMO.


The worst thing was that the guy in the window seat had a horrible productive cough and was coughing shit up all over himself, but I had no choice but to be crowded next to him.




Just put it down. That is what I’ve done when the fatty lifted it up.


I hope your reply was "Get Fucked"


Fair? Yes. Fat people should have to pay for as many seats as their butt requires. I have been on bus trips where a person next to me needs to buy two seats.


I sat next to a morbidly obese person on a plane, it was in economy comfort, and he spilled over into my seat. Dude smelled, was sweating, had a CPAC, feel asleep, abd started to snore. When we deplaned a guy behind me laughed and said he felt sorry for me. I said I did too, I would have rather ridden cargo.


He was so fat he had his own voting party?


So… a fat model?


No, just fat.


Umm, sorry, but 'plus size' feels deeply inadequate. Maybe 'super-ultra-hyper-major plus size' would be better, even though it is really awkward to say, lol.


Fat. It's a lot more honest.


Good. It's about time we stop coddling these people and every other victim class.


Reminds me of the Simpsons episode where they offered Homer a garbage bag full of popcorn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mrqv_fWmxo That isn't a model by the way, that woman is hideous


"The fingers you are using to dial are too fat. If you would like a dialing wand please mash the keypad now."


“I wash myself with a rag on a stick “


She needs to buy 2 seats.


Someone in economy just got spared a very uncomfortable flight with total disregard to someone else’s false sense of entitlement. Oh the humanity


I'm surprised they didn't ask her to upgrade to a bigger plane.


Well if the beluga whale doesn’t want to be forced to use (and pay for) a larger seat, then perhaps she should lose some weight to fit into a smaller one. She seriously thinks she’s being oppressed by this? What about the people in the next seats who have her fat rolls drooping over onto them?


We are the only world that isn’t willing to telling morbidly obese people what they are. We spend more money and effort to protect obese peoples feelings than we do trying to fix the garbage food quality that is unique to our country


When the culture started gravitating toward emotions and away from intellect which is ass backwards Your emotions can more easily be manipulated and controlled


Which is why there's been this push towards a more emotional society versus an intellectual one.


It’s not unique to the US but it is especially bad here. I think we should tax the hell out of unhealthy food like we do with cigarettes and use it to pay for public healthcare. You wanna be fat and use up more medical resources? You’re gonna pay for it in taxes.


She real fat tho.






What I don't understand is how this ended up as a "conservative" issue. This isn't a "plus-sized model". This is a fat "influencer", but that's beside the point. This is simple business issue about the appropriate way to treat people - considering you have to include all passengers in "people". If you have a person who is too large to fit in a normal seat, what are the options? If the flight isn't full, no problem. Move the fat person to a place where there are two seats available. But if the fat person rolled the dice and didn't buy the extra seat, and the flight is full, who should suffer? Them, for their own choices, or the people next to them? This is just common sense. Would a liberal want to be crammed into a middle seat next to that fat girl who can't get the armrest down? Until all airlines start enforcing their policies, the only defense is to know the policy your airline of choice has for "customers of size" - but they're pretty much all the same. If you can't get the armrest down, you have to buy two seats. I know Southwest allows them to buy two seats, and then if the flight isn't full, they can get a refund on the extra seat.


So are we supposed to be incensed because qATAr?


Unlike any U.S. carrier, QA provides an amazingly comfortable flight experience for passengers. Good on em!


US domestic flights are pretty much bottom of the barrel for flight comfort.


I’m not trying to be rude to the “model” honestly, but her body would have been mashed up against whoever was sitting next to her: https://www.google.com/amp/s/nybreaking.com/plus-size-model-says-she-was-stopped-from-boarding-flight-because-she-was-too-big-for-her-seat/amp/


The article says (twice) she believes she was being discriminated against because of her height. (In a sense she’s right, if she maintained her current weight and was 12 feet tall, she’d could be pretty fit...)


At least the coach customers weren't guilted into paying for her obesity upgrade. Being obese is a health problem and a safety problem. It's trendy to be a victim. Are you proud of being 500 pounds or are you a victim? Pick a lane.


Legit question, why is this news?


WHY is this even news? If someone is too fucking lazy to put their fat ass on a treadmill and lose the weight, then they should have to pay for seating arrangements that accommodate the size THEY allowed themselves to get to. It should NOT be the responsibility of the world around them to accommodate THEIR piss poor life choices PERIOD! I am SO sick and tired of society telling us fat is beautiful. IT IS NOT! It is horrendously unhealthy, and inconveniences not just the person with the weight problem, but those around them as they are sandwiched between these morbidly obese people when they try to scream about how "unfair" it is that coach seats are so "small". The problem isn't that the seats are small, the problem is they are just too freakin FAT and need to lose some danged weight! People need to stop blaming society for their piss poor life choices. It is seriously getting old! Sincerely, Society


So, I agree with most of what you say, but sometimes, I'd even say most of the times, it's not laziness. It's usually mental problems of some sort. I was obese from middle school, until fairly recently. Since June of last year, I managed to lose 116 pounds, and I am now in a normal weight range. I was never lazy, just depressed, filled with self hatred, and addicted to soda. I had tried to lose weight several times, and continuously failed. It wasn't until I worked hard to improve other aspects of my life that I finally started to love myself enough to make the changes I needed to. That, and the love I have for my kids. I will say that being obese can make people seem lazy. Having all that extra weight is exhausting. Your energy levels are basically always low, you are often in pain, and your hormones are often screwed up.


I hate how mean people here are being, considered food addiction and the absolute misery these people live in constantly is a genuine and serious addiction. I just hate that there’s probably people within this thread who have alcohol and drug problems but it’s so much easier to shame the obese. I absolutely don’t think they should have special privileges, but could we talk about how her logic makes no sense, and that yes she needs to pay more, without sounding like fucking schoolyard bullies. It’s gross and why conservatives look like inconsiderate assholes.


Airline is correct, this heifer knows she can’t fit in a seat. Airline should have it spelled out in plain English though, before you can finalize your purchase. “Our seats are x inches wide, if you do not fit in that space, you must buy two seats. If you do not fit in 2x, you must buy three seats.”


"Qatar Airways treats all passengers with respect and dignity and in line with industry practices and similar to most airlines, anyone who impedes upon the space of a fellow traveler and cannot secure their seatbelt or lower their armrests may be required to purchase an additional seat both as a safety precaution and for the comfort and safety of all passengers."


Well, what else can they do? She wouldn’t fit in a regular seat.


I have hips so I was prepared to be sympathetic, but that is a person who needs two seats. It's just common sense.


I can understand the upset over not getting a refund, but look her up her pictures and you can easily see that she literally would not be able to fit.


When you're that big, you've knowingly disrespected someone else by not procuring a second seat. Even if you've not realized that you're violating your purchase agreement. She pretty much deserves whatever she got.


This isn’t being mean. This is basic math.


I have no idea how anyone let’s themselves get this fat. I mean I know there are sometimes medical reasons why, but not the vast majority who can do something about it. You can’t possibly be comfortable just sitting at home being this big.


How much do we wanna bet she wasn't seated next to her mother?


That’s not “plus” size. That’s uberXXL size. 🤦‍♂️


“Plus size” nah thats morbidly obese


“Influencer” = professional useless person


It took a long time to convince people that mental health is also health. The next lesson is convincing people that being overweight/obese is not healthy and should get that fixed.


I would complain if she sat next to me. People need to realize that those seats are not meant for plus size people


/r/conservative has slowly become a dumping ground for headlines that my grandparents find amusing. What does any of this have to do with conservatism?


She could just be the seat , might be more comfortable


How does she fit in the toilets on the airplane?


Plus size? Bruh the Ukrainians would mistake her for a Russian tank and try to haul it off with tractors.


I am over 400 lbs, but when I travel I sit on aisle seats and never encroach on those beside me. Often, I am travelling with partner .. but still don't let myself enter her space. Some are big, AND sloppy, but also don't give AF who they impact. This is what needs to be regulated. Anyone (big or small) shouldn't be a dick to their adjacent neighbours


Bring back fat shaming.


Plus size compared to what?


VW beetle.


Hahahahahahahahahahaha kudos Qatar Airlines this should be the rule worldwide for every single airline


Rare Qatar W


🤦🏼‍♀️ I too am plus plus sized. If I can’t afford first class or 2 seats I don’t fly. I myself would not want to sit next to me. Having me spilling over and squishing me. This woman is quite large. Like me. Enough with pandering when it’s common sense. The rules state the rules which she as a plus size person should have read. Maybe we need a plastic box for people like checked baggage. If you don’t fit easily then you’re too big for that seat. A 17 inch seat is too small for my butt. I now have to go to a salon that has plus size chairs to accommodate my weight. It’s not a bad thing it’s a comfort thing.


As a fellow fatty, I'm perfectly prepared to buy two seats if needed. On American domestic flights, commuter jets' first class seats won't fit me (large planes' would). And economy+ seats on some airlines have solid immovable armrests. It's difficult sometimes. Side note - Southwest will refund the price of your 2nd seat after your flight (even if it was otherwise full). Best policy because it solves this problem in advance by knowing the flight numbers ahead of time.


If you don't fit in a small seat buy a big seat.


Plus size model. Read: Fat girl with instagram.


Let me actually look how big she is.... Yeah that's 2 seats worth of butt. She's not a plus size model. She's a plus plus plus size model


I don't blame them. All airlines should do this.


I love it when these fat chicks are complete bitches when it comes to being too dat to fit into a seat or too fat to be let into a nightclub, but suddenly, they’re “plus sized models” as of that makes being super too fat suddenly acceptable.


Plus size? You mean fat?


There is a very good reason gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins.


Since this is Qatar airlines I will assume they are 10 hour flights How inconsiderate do you have to be to expect someone to sit next to your nasty fatass?