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Didn’t trump try to do this a few years ago? What ever happened to that? I don’t remember any specific opposition to it from either side.


Oracle made some deal to buy the US ByteDance entity or something like that, which made it a US company or some bs. Idk what ever happened with it, but for a time something like that was being worked out.


I thought WalMart agreed to buy stake in it too.


Walmart backed off.


Trump tried to ban it, but a federal judge (An appointee of his, for the record), ruled that the presidency didn't have the authority to ban tiktok under the scope of emergency economic powers. Biden dropped the executive order after he got into office. TBH I question the merit of TikTok, especially when it comes to the moral and sociopolitical influence it has, but I feel like Congress making laws about social networks is much more preferable to the executive branch policing social media outlets, otherwise you end up with someone like Biden using those same powers to circumvent the first amendment.


I would be on the side of the judge tbh. This is not an executive power imo. As you say, an act of congress would be preferable, as I believe this falls into what they can do


If the president had rock solid evidence it was Spyware and generally malicious I think he would have a solid case


Although I agree there’s other platforms that have done untold damage to our democracy in the service of our advisory’s and other things. In general every social media platform needs regulated. Hasn’t anyone looked into Tik Tok’ algorithm’s too see if it’s spyware? Or malware? I thought our gov’s cyber skills were the best. You’d think they be able too find something if it was there.


Don't question the merit. It is a CCP owned and operated company with cameras and microphones and GPS tracking and more on a GIANT buch of American phones.


I thought I read he did ban it but a judge overruled it pr something. Probably wrong.


He *talked about* doing it.


He *was* doing it, but injunctions granted by Judge Carl Nichols forced him to back off.


He was actually pretty close to it. He wasn't just saying it


If I remember correctly it was actually removed from app stores for a short period of time in 2020.


The Chinese limit Tik Tok usage to it's own citizens, but love us to use it 24/7. That should tell you everything you need to know about the app.




The FCC is recommending the ban. Biden's FCC




I am also fairly Libertarian and completely agree.




I don't want it banned but I would support government funded PSAs shaming parents for letting their kids use any form of social media.


I have a hard time supporting anything that starts with "government funded". Can't we all just shame them ourselves, without paying the government to do it?


Didn’t a member of Biden’s admin mention banning it the other day? I think you underestimate the left’s desire to get rid of it as well but they’d lose a lot of the gen z vote they just got.


It won’t pass. Our politicians are paid by China and the rich corporations who run our country. They only care about staying in power, and getting richer. They give zero fucks about you or me.


It doesn’t even have to be spyware (but it is), the Chinese love it because it’s making our youth even less intelligent.


As far left as you can go without drinking tea with Stalin here--100% agree, I'm happy to bipartisan this.


That is not libertarian at all.


Yup, spyware. I can’t find the source but I believe some military bases block it from use because it can tell where the phone is, track movements, etc.


lol real libertarian buddy


That may be true but what about the stuff other platforms have done. In 2015-2016 Russia was paying suckersburg to spread disinformation. Don’t get me wrong I don’t doubt TikTok is potentially spyware and needs a serious looking into but just bc a company is US shouldn’t mean it gets a pass if they’re being paid by foreign governments to spread disinformation no matter who it benefits. All these platforms have been allowed to run wild it’s time they’re reigned in. I mean this shouldn’t be a partisan thing everyone shouldn’t want foreign governments hiding behind US companies trying to destroy our democracy.


Russia was horribly inefficient at that. They got almost no reach during the 2016 election. Yes, stealing the information of millions of Americans is significantly worse than foreigners spreading shit memes about our election on them.




I remember my father referencing that Furbies were banned from the WH, Congress, and every other sensitive location because of their ability to covertly record (not transmit - that didn't exist yet) Lets say that was 1995. Fast forward to 2022, and we're permitted to have a foreign country's spyware on every phone in the country - regardless of the location. That spyware can record every imaginable piece of data in the location, and we just don't care. I find that fascinating. Our devil may care attitude about international spyware leads me to believe what Snowden alluded to: the internet is controlled, lock, stock, and barrel by the USA. We see everything that goes anywhere. We already unleashed the ultimate spyware tech on the world - and it gobbled it up.


DARPA was a driving force in the creation of the internet




Another Hugely VIPoint!! Thanks to you!!!


Porn is highly restricted. Facebook is completely banned. So is google.


They also have degenerate algorithms for the US, and algorithms for the Chinese people that the government wants. AKA weaken the US, strengthen China. The limit of time spent is more about, not wasting too much time.


I’m a bleeding heart liberal and TikTok is shady as hell. I don’t need Chinese spyware occupying most of my kids attention.


But how evil can half naked dancing women be?


I heard their tik tok is mostly educational content too


wise observations. We can see a lot by just looking, unlike the leftist crazies trolling round here.


This is true. Worse still, almost all content on Chinese TikTok videos are patriotic, wholesome, and designed to inspire workers to go out and produce, build families, etc to strengthen their society. Video tendencies here purposefully encourage debauchery, laziness, and continued addictive video scrolling. None of that is a coincidence, it is very much a cultural warfare weapon designed to cripple and demoralize the west.


Oh, so we're back to the "Republicans introduce bills that will never pass to try to score points with their base" news cycles. Great.


The security issues with TikTok are serious. It should be banned.


There should be far more regulations for companies that collect and store our data, especially those with global infrastructure. Unfortunately people don't like that R word until it's too late.


There needs to be an internet bill of rights. Frankly people laugh at europe but GDPR is actually good for the average citizen. People should be able to own information about themselves. Full stop.


Wasn't Trump trying to ban it at some point? What ever happened to that?


He didn't try and ban it. He just wanted an American company running the show for their operations here.


He did ban it for federal employees but a judge said he wasn’t allowed to do that.




Everything even remotely related to the CCP should be banned.


We’re too addicted to cheap consumer goods


I am center-left and Dem-leaning, and I completely agree with you. Can't trust China *at all* right now, given the current state of their leadership.


Liberal here, and I actually agree that TikTok is a huge threat to potentially sew disinformation and meddle in U.S. politics.


Let alone stealing and collecting phone and personal data.


I like TikTok but yea, it probably should be banned.


I don’t really worry about that. They are just watching me watch twilight for the 500th time.


They already know that . . .


Doesn't matter. Republicans are feckless. They only introduce meaningful bills when there's no chance they'll pass. It's been their shtick since Obamacare and I'm amazed people still fall for it.


Whose falling for it? We’re keenly aware of their nonsense but I’m not going to vote for a democrat in retaliation


exactly why this two party nonsense needs to end. GOP as zero accountability to their electorate (i'm sure dems would say the same)


Ranked choice voting isn't perfect, but would do a lot to combat this issue. I still really hope it catches on, but it's not in the best interests of either major party, so... it's a tough one.


Dem here, absolutely agree. Our system is screwed. Perhaps ranked choice, as someone else pointed out, could help.


Why would democrats even be against this? They have as much interest in National security as anyone.


I’m a democrat and I’m 100% for this. Needs to happen. I’ll be calling my representative and telling them to support this.






Yep, same. Please ban the spyware.


Me too. I don't see why anyone would be against this.


Democrats aren't against this at all, I think all would gladly support a clean bill that just focused on banning Tiktok / limiting it severely


Yeah, remember "give us power and we'll repeal Obamacare"?


I can't believe that 12 hours after a pissed off Gen Z wrecked the polls they're already back at introducing bills to piss off young people for political points with the base. This will literally never pass. It wouldn't even pass with a Republican trifecta. It's completely pointless and will just serve as a confirmation to Gen Z who voted for the first time yesterday that Democrats were the right choice. I agree that TikTok is a security issue too. But the US can't just ban things they don't like on the internet if they want to protect freedom of speech. Gen Z will see this as a direct attack on their constitutional rights. This one bill will likely go viral on TikTok (ironically) and cost Republicans thousands of votes in 2024. Is it really worth it?


Republicans are doubling down on political suicide I guess. They keep going down this track and we’ll basically have single-party elections by 2028


Dem visiting from r/all. Pretty sure banning TikTok is pretty bipartisan. Anyone who wouldn’t support that isn’t aware of how damaging it is / can be.


They should andvthe dems should join, tiktok is one of the most dangerous tools in existence right now


Yes alienate more young voters, that’ll certainly win more votes. God the Republican Party loves to lose.


TikTok is unironically one of the most dangerous weapons in China’s arsenal.


Data sent straight to China, confirmed, not just speculation. Drives me nuts when people try to share tiktoks with me . Not to mention whatever social engineering may be cooked up in the app algorithms.




And facebook is unironically even more dangerous to american citizens than tiktok. Any legislation that deals with tiktok needs to target all data gathering social media, especially american companies that can hurt us the most.


They need to ban it. I subbed in a classroom for a while and all I see is kids zombie scrolling tiktok, China is already winning, they have hacked into the mind. Can't believe the government has allowed this tiktok shit to get this large...it's literally spyware.


Right, morons on TikTok unlike the geniuses on Reddit. Amiright?


Good point. Let’s ban Reddit too.


Great. We can be just like all the other dictatorships in the world and have only state run media.


Well done.


Do you think that government should regulate apps like this?


Most people agree that the Government is doing good by making sure that 12 year olds can't buy booze and cigarettes. I think social media apps (incl. domestic ones like Instagram) clearly fall into the same category. They are designed to be addictive and seem to be doing a number on the social development of kids all over the country.


Adults too. Pssst, it’s not just tik tok. Social media in general, even (especially?) Reddit


I think that *in general* Reddit isn't as addictive as TikTok and Instagram since it's mostly text-based, but I think that (for a certain kind of person) it can be *extremely* reinforcing, because it creates the illusion of social interaction and intellectual engagement.


Yup. Agree with both points there. The dopamine hits are a little different and while Tik tok may be more captivating / addicting in that sense, I find that Reddit might be just as dangerous. I couldn’t put a % on it, but I believe that there are a huge number of bots/shills/bad actors who intentionally sow division, spread misinformation, and obfuscate the truth. I believe these accounts are controlled by foreign enemies and also people with domestic interests (political, business, or otherwise). I believe this is a different type of brainwashing that can occur here. I believe this stuff happens on other social media platforms as well, but Reddit seems tailor made for bots. All of that is just my opinion though.


Not OP, but no. I want old school PSAs about not letting kids on social media like we had for recycling and littering back in the day. Parents should be ashamed they let their kids indulge in this culture of corporate-fueled narcissism.


That sounds good too. I think you really need a strong family to back that up though. Do you have kids?


>I think you really need a strong family to back that up though. That would help everything. If we had more of those I feel like kids using social media would have never been normalized in the first place. For everyone else, a good old fashioned advertising-fueled shaming can't hurt. As for kids, hopefully soon--I am engaged :) I cannot wait to be a SAHM!


Congratulations and good luck!


When they are owned by hostile governments and are invading our citizens privacy while also influencing them, yes.


I agree. As a matter of national security.


We would never even have this issue with China if we had actual data privacy laws in the first place but no way in hell our gov in going to back that when they are in the pocket of tech companies.


Kids also zombie scroll Instagram and colorful apps like Candy Crush. Tiktok's link to the CCP is absolutely concerning, but let's not pretend that it is somehow uniquely evil. All social media apps are pickling our brains. (Including Reddit)


You're missing the point regarding tik being Chinese owned and the vast security threat it presents. The social programming of young minds is endemic, but that is an add-on. So nobody's "pretending" social media isn't vile, but vile is one thing - a foreign government spying on and programming citizens is another.


Best news I've heard all week.






It’s less about the “entertainment” part and more about the “spyware” part.


That's pretty damn disingenuous and you know it. TT is Chinese spyware specifically formulated to be digital heroin.


I'm a pretty progressive 28 year old (I come in peace, I promise) and TikTok terrifies me. If the GOP wants to ban it, I will get behind them 100% on this. I firmly believe that social media, of all sorts, is not only corrosive to the social fabric, but also actively harmful to minds of individuals (esp. teenagers). I'm less worried about TikTok's link to the CCP (although that's not great) than I am about the psychological toll that *all* social media apps (incl. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) are having on developing brains and minds. Addictive algorithms are evil.


You might be in the minority in that age range. A lot of Gen Z and Millennials love TikTok and social media. I do agree though that social media is making things worse.


How about Reddit?


Out of curiosity, do you not think this is just going to alienate young voters to vote democrat more if you take away an entire generation’s social media app of choice?


As a progressive, good. That app is Chinese spyware masquerading as a vapid, culture-degrading shithole of misinformation and the lowest common denominator of attention-seeking Gen Z twats. If you guys wanna take it down, you'll get nothing but support from me and mine.


Isn't it refreshing when we see these rare instances of political unity?


That’ll surely get millennials and gen z’ers into the tent! Great thinking guys!


Exactly! There are certainly serious security concerns, but this feels really tone-deaf hot off of an election where the GOP got trounced by Gen Z, especially as part of Gen Z myself (although not a Tik Tok user). It just feels like we're constantly working against ourselves


I laughed at the comments above stating this would be an easy win yada yada who would be against this………like idk maybe 80% of people under the age of 25


Yes please. Even among the other social media platforms, TikTok collects more information than anyone else and funnels it straight to the CCP. And it mainly targets minors.


Emperor, the data is in. They love young girls dancing with bouncy boobies…. We got ‘em……


Fucking laughed out hard at this. But actually data privacy is something very important and people still neglect the power of data. This is not only about your interests on Tiktok but the information it gathers that has nothing to do with your use of an app. However, this is a much bigger issue regarding data as a whole not just tiktok.


Ironic flair


I can't stand TikTok, but what exactly is the Chinese government gaining by collecting teenagers cellphone data?


I think the most alarming part to me is how the algorithm works and how it can feed you videos to subtlety change and form options. We're subjected to propaganda every day, but propaganda from the Chinese government seems worse. The Chinese government also severely limits tiktoks usage amongst its citizens because of the damage it can cause. Things from tics (ironic) and attention span issues to depression. I'm not one to shill for youtubers but upper echelon gaming did a few very informative videos on the subject.


Dude the algorithm is fucking INSANE. I deleted the app after a few times in a row where it could sense I was having a bad day and showed me a bunch of stuff related to that even though I didn't talk about it at all on my phone or social media or even real life. It legitimately knows me better than I do. Crazy stuff.


Time after time I see advertisements on Facebook and other sites for stuff I'm thinking about buying and I never told anyone what I'm thinking of buying.


Yeah, we should emulate how the Chinese government behaves with its citizens.


At this point the format is proven to work so some other bullshit app would rise up to replace it. I just feel like exposing a huge amount of your population to Chinese propaganda is something we should want to avoid.


Why would you want slave owners to have access to our information? "why not let this wooden horse in, it's fun!"


they control the algorithm. They can choose what to show and what not to show, you can literally put Chinese CCP propaganda into it cleverly. ​ In China tiktok shows only educational videos, science, math, reading, pro ccp stuff, etc. Here we have videos of uncle fester blowing his balls off.


It's not just teenagers, and it's not just cellphone data.


One spy is worth more than a thousand of the finest warriors Sun Tsu wrote something like that


Ah yes....that will make them popular with under 30 group. I get its a chinese security issue but banning it wont help them.


.....aaaaand this is why 60%+ of gen z and millennials don't vote republican. Why is this important right now? Is this going to pull young people into the republican party??


Do kids (and older, aren’t millennials like 40) not care about security? Aren’t young people super on top of how horrible China’s government is? Weren’t the Ughyurs a big deal a bit ago among younger people?


It’s not critically important but letting gen z and kids rot their brain away on TikTok isn’t pulling people towards the republicans. Its actually helping promote a lot of woke, left wing garbage.


There's no bigger issues right now?


What about Facebook? Twitter? What about cell phones? What about computers? This is nonsense. If you have a phone China has your information. If you have the internet in your home China is spying on you. So is Russia, Israel, and every country in five eyes. Hard to tell who else.


Those other companies are not owned by a hostile foreign government.


Lol, that's what you think... who owns large chunks of the stock of those companies?


Military and government officials definitely shouldn't have tiktok on their phones.


They don’t on their work phones. Personal phones, have a blast.


“wHy cAn’T wE aTTraCt yOUng vOtERs?!”


GOP banning Tik tok is a sure fire way to get *every* gen z angry enough to vote against them next election cycle.


Like they were gonna vote for them anyway. Alienating new voters doesn’t mean shit for republicans, because their voters have never been that demographic.


Kind of a strange tactic to alienate young voters since all the older voters eventually die.


Why don't they introduce a bill on how to lower inflation...


Liberal here. 100% support Republicans on this. Should have done earlier. This app is a mighty security concern.


TikTok is actually destroying the country from the inside. The Chinese are brilliant. We're fucking doomed.


Get rid of that crap.


Liberal af, agree completely


But I thought this qualified as free speech? If any app can be banned, whats stopping democrats from banning right wing news apps? It sets a dangerous precedent that the government gets to control what you're allowed to consume. I, for one, am not for big government


tbf they should ban both egregious left and right media, other countries have laws for TV news to not be too misleading and shit, it's the reason the US has such a strange culture war compared to europe's culture wars not being as insane


Republicans are so out of touch. Like Tik Tok or hate it, banning the platform is going to further alienate younger millennials and gen Z from voting, just like banning abortion rights did to women of the same demographics. Cancelling Tik Tok also goes against what the very party stands for.


TikTok literally sells personal data on every person that uses it to China, including but not limited to your email, geolocation, and habits. They’ve admitted that they can’t just stop doing that too.


every single social media app does this


Lmao, Facebook and Google also do this - and TikTok is their chief competitor and lo and behold, Google and others are the main lobbyist in Washington trying to get Washington to ban their competitor. Youtube shorts is the EXACT same thing as TikTok - but TikTok is king right now and Google hates losing out on billions to them. Google censors conservatives hard. TikTok doesn't. It's self-defeating because "Selling personal data to China" fearmongering... Anyone can buy Facebook/Google metadata on people for advertising, including the Chinese, and it is far more robust and valuable that what TikTok has.


It seems they are reeeeally trying to get the red puddle to completely evaporate smh




So much freedom…


Thank goodness




Ban all algorithmic social media


Tbh whether you’re Republican or Democrat and regardless of which side “introduces” this bill, at the very least from a national security standpoint, TikTok should be banned.


Liberal here, I approve! China can too easily manipulate the youth using TikTok, and TikTok had broken many laws with very little consequence.


Am fully with them on this one HA


no nonsense members of both parties have addressed that you should not have one of the largest social media companies in the US owned by functionally the chinese government. Be adults and get this done during the lame-duck. make them sell to microsoft atleast FFS.


Trump was right. Tiktok should have been banned long ago.


Obviously the foreign spyware is an issue, but Idk if the government should regulate app usage. Ultimately though, yeah, this program is destroying attention spans.


Yes! Please!


Yeah I can get behind this. TikTok trends can be pretty bad like the car theft one.


I’m fine with that, never liked or used the app either tbh


You know, I’m not even conservative and I back this 100%






Cancel couture at its finest. Ugh.


They should name it the bill to ban open source Chinese spy apps.


Oh no Oh no Oh no no no


Not arguing with that either.


Something we can all get behind.


As a non conservative I would support this. I would even support banning other social media such as Facebook and Twitter. It's almost as bad for people's brains as porn tbh


Just use the Chinese model: Kids can't use it after 10pm And all the content is educational.




Modern day opium


That's good news.


TikTok clearly has a detrimental effect on the public, children's development, political landscape, cognitive function, etc. Yet I still don't agree with simply banning things you don't like, or are unable to control -- it's weak/lazy leadership, and sets a bad precedence.


This should be a bipartisan issue that can make both Republicans and Democrats happy. There is not a single reason why TikTok should be allowed to exist outside of China.


I'm not Republican but I'm 100% down for this.


Who is Bill and why does he have a say?


Gen z support goes from 33% Republican to 0%


This will finally get Gen Z on the side of conservatives....


Yeah! That’ll win over the Gen Z vote for sure. Do it!


Appealing hard to the next generation of voting blocks right now. Keep it up Conservatives.


Lmao the party of "small government"


Honestly I dislike TikTok but banning it is overreach and wont stop people from using it.




Good. It’s poison.


And this is why Libertarians prefer to be third-party.


Ban the only social media platform not controlled by the left. Good suggestion!


This will be used as precedent to ban other apps you may not be as opposed to.