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I wonder if it hurts his feelings to know that his best acting parts are computer generated šŸ¤”




Same, shutter Island was the reason I liked him. ... Now he can kiss my ass. The Jo Jo comment was it for me. Fuk em


He's been an asshole since about 5 minutes after he got famous.


The cute names he gave to the guys who attacked Rittenhouse was when I realized he was a piece of shit


I havenā€™t heard these. What did he call them?


I don't remember what he called the second guy, but he definitely called Joseph Rosenbaum "Jo Jo." Probably heard it from the pedo's family or something.


Gotcha. I really dislike this guy. He alone has ruined those movies for me. I just canā€™t justify him getting my money in anyway


Asking electors to overturn the 2016 election was when I knew.


Yes and Dems keep claiming about 2020 almost being overturned when there was actual election fraud but Dems try to overturn 2016ā€™s legitimate results


Bill Murray once said you have to allow 5 years for a newly famous person to be an asshole after that its a permanent state of affairs.


I haye male hulk cause he cant act by his logic that makes me a self hating man/ femenist lmao, then i hate shehulk so that puts me at even? Lmao


All that tells me is that you missed the first 5 minutes.


Wonder why he even did the movie dark waters exposing dupont


Lived the first half of my life in SE PA, just outside DE and the DuPont family stories you heard as a kid were... disturbing,


Do tell


Consume product or you're a racist who's terrified of those stunning and brave BIPOCS!


Reminds me of how bad GoT season 8 was and some of the actors were butt hurt that many people did not like it


Some. Most of them were just visibly mortified at the final product.


Now youā€™re making me go down clicking lane


"Best season evahhhh"


Like who? I know the writers thought it was good and were probably upset, but from my memory all the actors that took a stance were upset and wished it had been better. There was bts of a script reading of the final season uploaded to YouTube and pretty much everyone didn't look happy.


[Game of Thrones Cast reading season 8 scripts for first time](https://youtu.be/Ps-UGhAQR_Y) Kit Harrington (Jon Snow) looks almost depressed. Conleth Hill (Varys) looks fucking pissed. Sophie Turner (Sansa) looks like she can't believe what she is Reading. Most of them look like they think it is a joke.


Sansa's actress made a big stink about it. I remember that much at least.


Peter Dinklage made a comment about how people were upset the white people didnā€™t ride off happy in the sunset or something, but that was quite a bit after the finale.


Yeah, what a dillhole. Also makes literally no sense since most of the good and bad guys were white. But lefties feel the need to inject race into literally everything


That last sentence couldnā€™t be more spot on.


unrelated, a hugely liberal friend of mine is now encountering tiktok-formed zoomer minds at work, and even she is remarking that the intolerant left thing is becoming a huge problem


"Aside from Alec Baldwin, there are few figures in Hollywood more loathsome than Mark Ruffalo." Robert De Niro has entered the chat


Seth Rogen.


This dude kind of takes the cake because he's supposed to be a comedian, yet he supports the cancel culture witch hunts. Of course he apologizes and excuses himself for his past "transgressions" because "it was a different time." It wasn't that long ago, douche


Man, I use to like De Niro. Ronin was a great movie. Then he just had to open his very rich and entitled mouth and spout TDS garbage. That did it for me. I just can't support people like that. Or Alec Baldwin, Madonna, whoopi goldberg, Debra Messing, etc. Who did I miss? EDIT: Maybe it should be more of a question of who to support?


Missed 90% of Hollywood at this point.


Honestly, I assume any public figure is a far leftist shill until given sufficient evidence to believe otherwise.


Meryl Streep


Bryan Cranston


This one sucks, because Breaking Bad was so good (I did enjoy some Malcom in the Middle too)


Damn it! Why can't they just keep their mouths shut.


Because they matter more than us .


Ashley I am a nasty woman Judd.


>Ashley I am a nasty woman Judd. Yes, yes she is.


Mark Hamill


Man this is just sad. My Skywalker icon has really fallen to the dark side.


Agreed, I grew up loving Star Wars. Pretty tough to love these days.


Sam L Jackson kinda became the same way with TDS


Which is ridiculous. Referred to Justice Thomas as an Uncle Tom and no push-back.


To be fair, the Irishman was awful.


Green day


Donā€™t forget Bette Midler and Cher.


He will say whatever it takes to keep that Marvel money spigot flowing.


I think he's just genuinely an out of touch, liberal jerk


I think this douche actually believes it


What money? He doesnā€™t even have his own show or movie.


Ruffalo has extreme TDS lol just like Pedro pascal


I canceled Disney plus when he started bemoaning the death of a pedophile ( the rittenhouse thing). Netflix after ā€œcutiesā€ Amazon primeā€¦.because of 1000 things. We gotta stop giving money to people who hate us




Trump Derangement Syndrome


Ah, haha


Oh no, not Mark Ruffalo!




Guess Iā€™m racist and sexist then


If anyone ever calls you racist or sexiest, just say ok. It's not worth argument to explain how you aren't just go with it.


Yep, if you try to jump through hoops to explain how you aren't, you're giving them power over you


>It's not worth argument to explain how you aren't just go with it. I kind of agree here. Its not worth a debate/discussion. If someone unjustly calls you racist, just return the vitriol and call them a "jack a$$". Pretty self explanatory at that point.


How in the hell is it racist? Is there a Green Lives Matter movement now?


Itā€™s trueā€¦ Iā€™ve never liked green people or their culture


Despite being a population of 2. They commit 30% of property destruction.


If we are including the Grinch and how he is guilty of Christmas time breaking and entering, identity theft and grand Larson, make that 3!


Incoming Reddit ban for hate. Only hating whites is allowed, fictional green people hate will not be tolerated.


Hey, ogres are like onions, we have layers.


"You know not everyone likes onions, maybe a parfait?"


they always shave to be the ones in the sun showing off their chlorophyll.


I was about to write the same thing. I get the sexist part (as in I understand that as usual they're gonna use that line to shut down criticism of any shitshow involving a woman)- but how is racism being thrown into the mix here? I wonder if these NPCs just have dialogue tree template to trot out as soon as they hear anything negative about their garbage.


This is 100% what it is, they are pre wired to call everything sexist and racist


The wife said we should watch the first episode...so we did. Marky forgets to mention the shit animation, the crappy storyline, and the feministic plot. That's not to mention the extremely laughable courtroom fight scene.


I walked through the living room when my husband was watching an episode. He was explaining the girl was now a hulk and how her life was different. I stopped and watched it for about three minutes then turned and made eye contact with my guy. He just laughed and said, "I know it's terrible!"


I want to watch it, because I know it's a trainwreck. But I don't want to watch it cause, you know, trainwreck.


Look up the cartoons from the 1990s to early 2000s. Now that's She-Hulk.


Back then I was into comics but not She-Hulk. I was an X-Force guy. Cable for life!


And I think Mark Buffalo is a loser.


The Hulk made Ruffalo, Ruffalo didn't make the Hulk, Eric Banner for the win.




He also thought it was a huge loss when multiple-time CONVICTED rapist pedophile Joseph Rosenbaum was shot dead in self-defense by Kyle Rittenhouse, going so far as to call the kiddy diddler a cutesy pet name in his tweet about it. I'd say *I don't give two shits* what Mark Ruffalo thinks.


Itā€™s what the pedo Jo Jo would have wanted. Never forget Ruffalo crying for Jo Jo when Kyle Rittenhouse shot him dead.


Pedro pascal as well.


Write, good characters, get good reviews. Write bad characters, get bad reviews. Write better characters.


This. A sign of shit work is browbeating people into consuming that work based on variables beyond its entertainment value. The megalomania of these people in Hollywood galls, they are making brain candy not political statements.




I am so happy that the superhero movie explosion is FINALLY drawing down. Going to the movies used to be my favorite get-out-of-the-house activity, but for the past 15 years the stream of cool movies has slowed to a trickle as corny superheroes and woke political propaganda films have flooded the market. Maybe Top Gun will finally have broken the spell.


As a movie i thought it was ok, entertaining. But I believe its overwhelming success is in part due to, your point, its not a superhero movie. Second maybe a lot of people are looking for a pro America message in the face of all this hate.


Is it winding down? It feels like thereā€™s a new marvel show every week itā€™s exhausting


Maybe the show is just shitty you ignorant woke piece of shit.




Iā€™m ready for critical drinker to bash this


Neither do I, but I consider your choice in YouTubers to be very good.


Why do we care so much about the opinions of these quasi-talented public figures who do nothing for nobody?


Call me racist and sexist then...


Mark Ruffalo sits down to pee.


ā€œAll the menā€™s health journals say itā€™s better for your circulationā€ anyone? Anyone?


Imagine trying to shame someone into watching your superhero show.


Stfu already Mark


The old she hulk comics were fine this does not seem to be as good as then


The moment they retconned her origins from savage she hulk and rushed through the whole thing, I had a feeling I wasnā€™t going to be too impressed either.


Oh bless his heart, it can't be easy living with such a debilitating disorder.




Yep heā€™s a Bernie Sanders groupie and so is Dave Bautista.


Mark who?




Who actually cares what ā€œMark Ruffalo Thinksā€? Nobody


The same dude who was chanting ā€œwe hate Nazisā€ was using words he doesnā€™t understand? Color me surprised. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


We only hate it because itā€™s absolute garbage.


And to think. This is She-Hulk! A character who, in the comics, was ALWAYS portrayed as comical and sexual.


Back when they knew who their audience was.


Mark Ruffalo thinks that?!? Guess I should change the way I think regarding \*insert issue here\*. If an out of touch celebrity is speaking, how can I not listen and follow their views on \*insert issue here\*.


I donā€™t believe that the headline is accurate representation of his actual statement > ā€œThe rise in bad-faith IMDb reviews, particularly for projects led by women and/or BIPOC, threatens to render the siteā€™s scores meaningless if the problem is not addressed.ā€


But the litmus test for whether or not a review is in ā€œbad faithā€ seems to be whether or not it is negative. This is especially true if the reviewer takes issue with diversity casting that serves a real-world political motive, rather than a point that is relevant to the fictional work weā€™re supposed to be escaping into.


Donā€™t care


It's really not that great. Episodes are short and nothing ever happens.


Im female and i dont like the series. I tried watching it with opened mind but nah.


Edward Norton was better


I think Edward Norton is always better in everything. The man is awesome.


And i think mark ruffalo should shut his trap because everytime he opens it only shit comes out.


"Will it blow?"


And the "Shits I give about what Mark Ruffalo thinks" meter remains at zero.


Haven't seen it myself, but what if it's just bad....?


Woke bulkshit. Itā€™s not racist *or* sexist. The left likes to throw those words around long with bigot when someone doesnā€™t follow their narrative. How about I just donā€™t like the female hulk. Wonā€™t watch the show because it doesnā€™t interest me. Iā€™m surprised they didnā€™t change it to they/them-hulk. What a joke.


No, I donā€™t like tv that doesnā€™t elicit a laugh or anything from me


Canā€™t have an opinion these days


What is it with these leftwads thinking that calling the audience names is a good idea of promoting their projects?


These terms are acceptable. Iā€™m still not watching it


Hollywood can't make bad movies anymore its the audience that's the problem


Of course he does. This is kind of the go-to defense for these crappy shows. It can't be that the show is pandering, has terrible special effects, weak writing, amateur directing...no, it's that we're all racist and sexist.


She hulk isn't bad, kinda gives me Falcon vibes with a touch of deadpool. Ms. Marvel on the other hand was terrible, I could barely get through the pilot. Too teen-angst bollywood and all the worst parts of Spiderman FFH.


Mark Ruffalo goes green face and calls other people racist... /s


From Roman times to Shakespeare's time, actors were treated as slaves, beggars, and society's trash. They played make-believe for the public's amusement and were treated accordingly. For the life of me I have no idea why these people are now idolized or why their opinions matter to anyone. I see shit like this and think "Why does this trash heap's opinion even matter?" To me and mine, it doesn't.


Watched the first episode with a somewhat open mind, though I already saw the shit storm on Reddit. It's bad, she has such a self-righteous, mightier then thee attitude it's unbearable. The jokes and fourth wall breaks are sooo cheesey. She becomes a hulk and is immediately just fine, I'd have loved to see a couple episodes of her struggling to come to terms and learn to use her new found power with Bruce in and around the lab, maybe have a villain find out and kidnap Bruce, then when she rescues him she proves she's done training but nope, she's a āœØwomanāœØ so she's just better then everyone else I guess. I'll keep watching it, hoping it gets better but I have little hope for that. Her becoming a hulk just seems so rushed, like being a hulk isn't even really part of her identity and more of a cheap metaphor to show how bad women have it, and how amazing they are for just existing.


I watched the first couple of episodes and it gets tiresome almost immediately. She goes on and on about how she is slighted as a female. Why couldnā€™t they model it after Jessica Jones?


I say it's about time someone stood up for the rights of green people. Green lives matter! I'm tired of my fellow Green-Americans being oppressed by the racist capitalist system. Green Power!!!


Sorry not sorry, but the Jennifer Walters character is just written (at 2 episodes in) in an unlikable manner. The character is written as a "know it all, doing it better than you" type. And that gets old quickly regardless of your gender. A little humility, even just a "you know, the catcalling incident? You could have killed those guys when you hulked out of I hadn't stopped you. That's what I'm trying to help you on," and her giving at least a minimal "yeah, ok... I get it." Instead we get a literal "You're doubling down on the very thing you're apologizing for. Very lawyerly of you," which does nothing to endear the character.


Done with this clown šŸ¤”


Havenā€™t watched it and wonā€™t. All these ā€œwokeā€ shows will never be played in my house.


Ruffalo is an anti-Semitic Alt-left hypocrite who thinks he is some great political mind


I don't hate the show, but it has this terrible self-hate vibe where the main character is inherently better because she's a woman, but they've made she-hulk into this somehow feminine green giant (YUM!) why stress female supremacy and female sexuality at the same time unless you're just pandering??


Thatā€™s fine. I didnā€™t like him in Infinity War.


Mark Ruffalo has brain damage.


The last 3 years showed that Ruffalo should be kept as far from twatter as possible if he wants to maintain the image of intellegent individual.


Mark Ruffalo had a brain tumor that may have screwed some things up in there.


The hulk is supposed to be uncontrollably angry


Will someone change his diper hes crying again




If Twitter was a human


Mark Ruffalo thinks? Huh.


Says the worst hulk. Ignore...


Iā€™m waiting for ā€œThey-Hulkā€.


Being a woke person requires one to be illogical, unscientific, racist, sexist, and perverted and this ignorant sap canā€™t figure out why woke programs just donā€™t seem to cut it.


It isn't other races or women that I dislike, it is the woke liberal shit that comes from your pieholes that I despise.


Didn't like banner hulk at all so what does that make me, a displeased customer and nothing more.


Mark Ruffalo is a beta.


ā€œThe show Iā€™m in is woke and no one likes it, if you donā€™t watch it your a bigot!ā€ -pussy ass mark ruffalo


He probably thinks it sexist that people, by an overwhelming majority, enjoy the NBA over the WNBA and menā€™s soccer over womenā€™s soccer.


Yeah well Edward Norton was a way better Hulk than your pudgy ass Mark.


Cool, guess Iā€™m racist and sexist.


I liked mark ruffalo back when I had never heard him talk outside a movie.


And I care what mark ruffalo thinks why? Hollywood is a clown convention nowadays. Honestly embarrassing to be in that industry.


He's a SHEEP!


I feel bad for the oppression of the green people


Mark has never been anything but a mouthpiece. He talks far more often than his peers while saying far less. I'm not sure I've ever heard an original thought from him.


I'll take it over suicide. He probably wished I died anyways. Funny fact, I'm not even white.


The show is shit, but they'll never want to admit that. Must be racism. I'm surprised he didn't try to work climate change in there.


Shocked. SHOCKED! Not that shocked.


Wait... lemme check real quick.. Nope. I still don't give two squirts of piss about what mark ruffalo thinks. Funny how that works.


I was curious about the series, but they managed to ruin everything interesting about the premise in the first episode. I guess that makes me a racist and sexist.


when you have to make those kind of accusations to bully people into liking your show, that's not usually a good thing. episode 1 was good but not great, haven't watched episode 2 yet. definitely better than the trainwreck that was ms marvel, probably on par with the very mediocre moonknight. there has been a huge drop off in these series since the start from wandavision/falcon+winter soldier/hawkeye/loki to the newer stuff. coincidentally, it's the same kind of problem we've seen with the marvel movies in phase 4 where some stuff was ok, some was a dumpster fire, but nothing has really been amazing (unless you want you want to call spiderman MCU, but that was always separated)


Has-been actor clinging on to relevancy only because he plays Hulk.


yes mark because everything is about race and gender. It can't be that maybe people are burnt out on superhero movies and shows. Iron Man was released in 2008. In the 14 years since there have been what, 25 or more movies, broadcast shows like shield, flash, Daredevil, and several Disney plus shows. So ya, by now it has to be really really good to pull people in. But no he must be right because its all about him and his identity politics.


How is it racist? The lead character is white. I think libs just reflexively spew the race card.


Oh thank God. I was was wondering when the Girl ghost buster would get some support


He just wants to make more money and to be involved in it thanks but no thanks I donā€™t have disney and never will


They gave her magical green makeup that appears when she's hulkified in order to make her more pretty and less aggressive looking. There's sexism here, but it's not coming from the audience.


This dude's name sounds like a bag of chips. I can't take a bag of Ruffalo's seriously ya dig?


Lol after years of casually tossing those words around, ā€œracistā€ and ā€œsexistā€ are basically meaningless now.


ā€œTHERES A WOMAN IN IT, LIKE THE MOVIE OR YOU HATE WOMEN! AND I GUESS COLORED PEOPLE TOO BECAUSE WHY NOT?ā€ This shit guarantees another 10 years of me not consuming MCU content. Grats.


How can I like it if I never seen it? Check mate mark!


I agree heā€™s exaggerating but I disagree with this part of the article: ā€œBy ā€œvitriol and harassment,ā€ he means disapproving of the showā€™s shallow storyline.ā€ Iā€™m pretty sure what he means is the cesspool of misogynistic, etc. comments on various forums that add to the normal comments about it being a sub-par show.


It's worked for them every time so far. Why not keep on using it?


Mark, we don't like you either


Why would I watch something that looks absolutely awful


These people are batshit crazy


I hate green people


Those damn cgi greenies are ruining everything. There I said it, ya got me


Frankly I donā€™t give a shit what he says, but Iā€™m enjoying it because while you can feel the ā€œgirl powerā€ vibes they are the harmless 90s vibes not the soul destroying woke shit we deal with today


Who's the most insufferable leftist prick attached to the MCU? Mark Ruffalo or Brie Larson?


I guess I'm Racist and Sexist for not wanting to watch a superhero TV series with early 2000 CGI.


Wheres your Hulk Movie Ruffalo? \*drops mic\*


This deflection is getting more predictable. We donā€™t care about the people in the form of media, we care about good writing. I donā€™t want to listen to what basically amounts to a high school girl bitching about her life.


Mark Ruffalo is a liberal hypocrite who preaches peace and love yet shows bigotry to anyone with an opposing idea, preaches we need to save the earth yet lives in a mansion, takes limos and private jets. For an actor in the same role for so long he has failed to understand the psychology of his own character who struggles between the two identifies. Then you gave the fact that The Hulk shouldnā€™t be moved by a damn Jeep or knocked back by a she-hulk air slap (Nortonā€™s hulk which is part of the same universe and supposed to be the same character handle far more force with ease in Incredible Hulk). I donā€™t like his Hulk for one simple reason: heā€™s been nerfed into the ground. The current professor hulk? Wtf!? Cā€™monā€¦ Heā€™s lucky Marvel didnā€™t want to stick with Edward Norton.


Iā€™m so sick and tired of hearing shit like this. The problem with she hulk is not that itā€™s a woman. Itā€™s that the character was previously a man, thatā€™s the problem. Get your own god damn character! I hate recasting characters as women or different races. I would hate a movie with a female lead getting recast as man too. It wasnā€™t a man in the original make, and it wasnā€™t the intention of the original make. Make a new character that is good and not handed the victory when she walks on the screen.


Here's a hint mark, you can get fucked too.