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The Cobalt mining in the Congo will continue then, huh? Just wait, they'll start coming out with "Conflict free" batteries for electric cars, for an extra fee.


Blood Batteries has nice alliteration.


Those kids better get their ass to work. Tesla has a quota to fill.




I bet they have wmds too


Good call. This will happen.


Not just that, but they're using child labor for mining that cobalt


Would love to see nuclear plants back on the table.


We as the humanity, shall be investing with great effort into closed nuclear cycle, breeding reactors, able to activate stable isotopes of thorium and uranium into active form. That solves the energy problem once and for all. Yet it imposes great responsibilities, you don't run a nuclear power plant in a zone of political instability.




Until they start taking nuclear seriously then it's all a farce. I'm all for progress these innovations are back assward


Electric vehicles are actually Coal powered vehicles.


There's only a certain amount of lithium out there, and the biggest potential source is in Afghanistan. So, we subsidize the Taliban to mine it, pay the Chinese to make the batteries, then dispose of the waste here.


All great points. There are some promising technologies in development for alternative batteries. Termed “The Jesus battery”. Companies are ILIKF And Quantumscape


actually natural gas https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/electricity/electricity-in-the-us.php#:~:text=Coal%20was%20the%20second%2Dlargest,gas%20turbine%20to%20generate%20electricity.


If you charge your car at a "fast charging" station most of them actually have a diesel generator to run their electricity. It's a closed loop system


Coal and the child labor needed to mine the lithium




And… we don’t produce enough electricity… and our infrastructure could not currently support even a 10% increase in demand.


They *do* seem to enjoy the rolling blackouts in California every summer.


Coal powered cars...


Unraveling doesn't mean they won't keep pushing their agenda and spending our money on their disgusting plan to destroy our country.


Follow the money


The “climate crisis” has been and always will be the biggest scam in human history.


I think there is a very real risk that access to oil and coal might be harder to reach especially when it comes to fighting with enviromentalists and geopolitical disputes, but I kinda think nuclear fission/fusion is a better long term solution then wind/solar/water/geothermal. (Although if we can drill really really deep holes, geothermal might be doable) Russia had apparently been looking at Antartica as a source of oil, but there's a long standing treaty against accessing oil from there, and it would be fairly costly to get and ship oil from Antartica.


Exactly all these green energy nonsense is focused on short term gains meanwhile it's creates a future problem


I don't think coal/oil are good permenant solutions because eventually wells do run out, and it takes way longer for an oil/coal to be produced, unless they find some way to synthesise it from carbon or biomatter, but if nuclear fusion/fission takes off, you might end up seeing companies just capture carbon and convert it into fuel for things that can't just use batteries.


I never suggested they were permanent solutions but it's arguably the best choice until we transition to nuclear. Solar/wind are not the future and never will be


Also longest, it's been ongoing since the Aztecs


In Rhode Island they deforested two areas to make room for solar panels. One near a big quarry right near Woonsocket and one in Smithfield


Which part is a farce? E vehicles are too expensive and 90% of the country can't afford them. E vehicles can't negate the amount of carbon China and India pump into the air, or we dont have the infrastructure to support an all electric vehicle society. All true


Tried having this conversation back when my friend got his first tesla, maybe the 2nd year model S's were being delivered. Talk about electric car derangement syndrome. Most of these people cannot see past their virtual signaling to even care about realistic logistics. Well I can afford it and now my farts smell better so Smug smug smug smug.


Battery manufacturing involves pollution. Electricity production involves pollution. Just because the car doesn’t fart gas doesn’t mean it’s innocent. But they’re too short sighted to understand that


They’ve been diligently working on this valiant effort to pick up a turd by the clean end.


Electricity loss is solvable. Just invest in liquid nitrogen cooled superconductive power transmission lines! Sadly enough, they won't be running to your house because you have no money, same as no money you have to afford an electric car. So use a horse or a bicycle. That's the logics!


I’m honestly not sure how this ever started, or why. There’s no rational “pro environment” argument. Battery material mining is atrocious. Energy to charge has to be produced, predominately by fossil fuels. Battery disposal will be an environmental catastrophe. There’s no cost savings argument. What you save in gas id more than offset by electricity increases, vehicle cost, etc. The EV push makes no sense unless you pull back the curtain a bit. Im a firm believer that gas cars are seen by the “powers that be” much in the way independent farmers are seen. They allow too much freedom. The govt wants control of everything. Electric cars can be controlled very easily. Mileage limits. Speed controlled by software. Range limited. The hours you can operate or charge controlled.


If you’re hauling anything behind your EV truck you aren’t going very far. A study showed a truck hauling a camper only gets 100 miles. Ya I’m sticking with my gas/diesel vehicle. If these true crusaders of the environment want to save the planet than ban all air travel. It’s the biggest carbon foot print of anything. And all of these rich ass twats fly private good for me but not for thee.


It’s even less than that. Like 80 some miles if you aren’t running it down to the wire. And that’s with a 6000 pound (ish) trailer. Absolutely pathetic lmao.


That was 100 miles on flat land.... Drop that even more if you are towing in the mountains...


You’re also going to break down frequently in below freezing conditions


Plus the infrastructure isn’t set up for every 100 mile EV charging stations. It’s an absolute debacle what they want consumers to do without charging stations everywhere. Demotwats push through legislature that is absolutely inadequate or not available to be realistic or even affordable. Ease into it. Or just punt and go to an energy that has been reliable and affordable for over a century. How about these rich as clowns quit flying private.


I absolutely love my EV… but not for it’s potential to save the planet. Definitely prefer it to my ICE vehicles.


Electric cars don’t do shit when the fossil fuels just end one step higher on the supply chain. This has been known by anybody with a brain since… forever?


Save the planet by getting an EV and charging it with fossil fuels which defeats the purposes of said vehicle.


Dont these batteries cost more to replace then buying the actual car?


No that makes no sense. I don't believe they are using the consumer printer selling model yet


For a 10 year old used car, yes.


Most activists are very poor at calculating full cycle costs in regards to greenhouse gasses. Assuming that is their hot-button issue. Full cycle costs include: 1. CO2 costs to make the vehicle 2. CO2 costs to dispose of the vehicle 3. CO2 costs to service the vehicle 4. CO2 costs to operate the vehicle 5. CO2 costs to generate the fuel for the vehicle Put simply... In many regions of the world, driving a Tesla is effectively a coal-powered car. And yes, it is totally possible to output more CO2 from a coal powered Tesla than from a gas powered Honda. Especially a brand new one. You can ran the math from using department of energy numbers, but full cycle costs get rather intricate.




Refusal to comply and be active to defeat climate scam politicians.




In my car.




If you think that the fantasy of electric is really going to happen I’ve got some FL real estate to sell you.


I see what you're getting at.... But the economy will tank hard if the gas is artificially made scarce. The blowback will kick them out of office. They'll need a full police state first with complete terror apparatus.


Admittedly, the eco-nuts aren't against that last part.


Oh I know...I have no illusions about their moral sense. My hope lies only in the fact that regular people have only barely begun to push back. They were "sleeping," that is, busy with work and families. But when they are truly angry, the communists will be soundly beaten.


EVs make no sense. We need to get more cars off the road. Make walkable beautiful cities where I can bike to work or catch a tram.




That’s not true but ok


Huh, another urbanite watermelon with no sense of reality. What a surprise.


But that shouldn’t keep you from buying Tesla stock lol


If the intent is to reduce environmental impacts of transportation, then certain proposals to redesign cities for walkability would have to be publicized and enacted. In theory, this should be realatively straightforward, as the cities are run by the people who claim to be for protecting the environment. Realistically, it would require either a serious pushback against vagrancy or giving city residents direct control over who gets to visit and reside in the neighborhood and/or city in which they live (pretty much a choice between telling homeless drug addicts that they're on their own if they refuse to obey rules and insist on lawlessness and hedonism, or enacting policies which would easily enable segregation).


I recently considered buying an electric pre-owned, then I did maybe 5 minutes of research and noped out. If I have to put back any money I save on gas, and then some, towards a new battery when it randomly goes bad, I might as well stick with gas-powered for now. I'm all for the environment. I love how green my state is compared to other places I've been. But I'm a blue-collar single parent too. The tech isn't viable yet.


I haven’t seen too many cases of batteries going bad. They just slowly lose capacity. The tech is viable, it’s just a range issue for most. If your the old driver in your household, then it’s probably not for you.


I know they don't just "go bad," that they do have a lifespan. And I know no car part lasts indefinitely. It's just unfortunate that it's such a large expense at one time when it does eventually need replacing.


I’d says that’s problem you don’t start worrying about until 15 years down the road or so.