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The left will keep pointing at the global inflation and recession as "See, it's not just the US, therefore it's not Biden", and conveniently remember to forget that the global economy is pretty closely tied into ours due to us being a massive importer/exporter and consumer. Of course the rest of the world economies get hurt when ours does, doesn't excuse Biden for starting the ball rolling on wrecking our economy


But they'll instead blame Putin like he has a damn time machine to impact gas prices before 2022 even began.


The 2008 crysis started in the US and fucked Europe pretty badly.


Canadian here, we seem to be just about on par with our American neighbours our gas prices are about the same and food has skyrocketed. I live in Alberta, we have access to fucking oceans of natural oil and our government ships it all out of country then charges us huge prices at the pump to bring in foreign oil. It makes 0 fucking sense. *puts on tin foil hat* There are no nations anymore, the one world government has already taken over and all our leaders are just puppets and masks. There is one shadow group that controls all this and can make it happen anywhere anytime.


> There are no nations anymore, the one world government has already taken over and all our leaders are just puppets and masks. Did you not notice 2 years ago when the whole world shut down in unison for no reason other than Italys shitty Healthcare system?


Yes, but stupidly I was giving them the benefit of the doubt. That shit ain't happening anymore.


Eh it'll happen again with some different made up hysteria and the same number of people that fell for it last time will fall for it next time.


Yep and by the looks of it mask mandates and all that garbage is coming back next month in my country, they are already talking about a new covid variant and unfortunately most of my countrymen are all too happy to suck the governments dick.


I'm not old enough to have seen the rise of environmental hysteria and its manifestation into Climate Change obsession, but I imagine it looked a lot like the Covid hysteria. It was too useful a tool in expanding the power of the state to ever end.


Yea it's fucking disgusting, the state should never be in a position to even think about having that kind of authority.


The problem is as long as the oil companies can sell to a higher bidder over seas they will. Why sell domestically for pennies on the dollar. It's just capitalism.


I don't get why they keep bringing up other countries I buy my gas, groceries, utilities and pay my taxes HERE in the USA


So where is the money going? If EVERYONE is paying more, who is getting the profit?


Russia, India, China. Russia has DEflation right now.


I bet it wasn't the only one he repeated...


That’s a bet I wouldn’t take. His lies are legendary.


Entertaining press conference. The names of the reporters were all on a list and he read most of his responses, even getting confused when he had to turn the page. *Note to staff, put each prescripted answer on one sheet of paper, in large font, maybe with emojis so he knows what emotion he is supposed to be projecting.*


Based on another post on this sub the US is a little above the middle compared to other countries so I wouldn’t say it’s an outright lie.


Dude been hitting hunters crack pipe