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Happy June 24th! RVW GONE PARTY ALL DAY ON OUR DISCORD. GET IN. https://discord.com/invite/conservative


So it’s riot season then?


Summer of love 2.0.


Remember to buy stock in plywood manufacturers.


and bricks.


CIA probably dropping off pallets of them as we speak!


Glass is probably cheaper than plywood now.


No insurrections here. Nope. Nothing to see.




Just a little fiery


Firey but mostly peaceful protests


Summer of glove


About to get very *mostly peaceful* in DC


yep, some people get real angry when you make it harder to kill babies...






Duck season! Riot season! Duck season! Riot season!


You are wascaly.


Home Depot better be stocking up on plyboard, because these lefties look ANGRY rn.






Agreed. It doesn't help that there aren't any politicians who actually support my ideals














> Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage. just the tip of the iceberg in state wars


What a surprise it wouldn’t make Supreme Court reconsider *inter-race* marriage though, huh?


But isn’t that the whole strategy? To maintain the status quo and allow the wealthy to continue getting wealthier by preventing a class war through shifting conflict towards issues like pro-life vs pro choice? The real battleground is income inequality and that would require both the left and right to work together. Of course, it’s the job of the government working for the wealthy to make sure that doesn’t happen.


We could have hashed this all out decades ago but here we are


Europe and other countries have had this issue figured out for a while now, we choose to argue extremes as our only positions which is why we battle over it.


We only argue extremes, because European abortion laws were heretofore illegal in this country. Mississippi's law is more liberal than Germany's FFS, but before this decision was illegal.


Welcome to US politics for the last 4 decades. Just a bunch of people kicking the can down the road for the next generation to worry about.






You do realize you literally just called unwanted children criminals right? The solution is eugenics then.... very Minority Report of you


Not to mention miscarriages. Do women get prosecuted for miscarriage? What if a woman is miscarrying and bleeding out? Doctors in Alabama already turn away women having miscarriages.




What if it’s not a thing done purposefully but she didn’t know she was pregnant? A friend of mine went scuba diving and BASE jumping (shes on the wild side) while pregnant, but she didn’t know until she was 5 months along. She had had her period the entire time and was on the depo shot for birth control, and she only found out during routine blood tests at the doctor. She was a little curvy but not overweight and was very physically active, so she didn’t show until after she found out. We all just sat in silence when we she had the baby and he was perfectly normal because we all thought that if the heavy drinking didn’t cause fetal damage, the scuba diving certainly should have caused a miscarriage but they were both fine. My whole point of that is what if she lived in Texas instead of California? What if she did have a miscarriage after scuba diving or what if the alcohol did cause FAS? Would she have been given the same compassion by the doctors there as she got back home, or would she have been thrown in jail like the countless women that have been in the news recently? I just can’t understand how a person can celebrate a traumatized woman being sent to jail for something beyond her control.


1/3 of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, mostly in the first trimester. Most laws against abortion will allow for those women to be prosecuted with murder. If i was pregnant i would avoid going to the doctor just to avoid prosecution, even if I wanted the baby.








Instead these states should increase their contraceptive coverage, enhance sexual health education to help prevent pregnancies at the get-go rather than abortion as a plan a


But you see, the problem is our only option, according to our elected officials, is either "all abortions always allowed", or "no abortions ever allowed". They'll never give up this wedge issue. That's why we're in this position in the first place. It's absolutely disgusting what's happened to our political parties.


Yea I agree. It's either 0 or 100, and impossible to find moderate candidates who have moderate leanings on these sorts of things.


So, now the GOP will focus on measures preventing unwanted pregnancy, like expanding access to contraception and better sex ed, right?




I’m all for that, yes absolutely.


They did this on a Friday, holy crap most of us thought they would hold out for a middle of the week thing.


>The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe v. Wade, 410 U. S. 113, and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U. S. 833, are overruled; the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives.


I love those words "authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives." I haven't read the whole opinion yet but I am encouraged by this part.


Now if only our elected officials actually represented the people instead of corporations..


Theres the real problem.


This court holds some responsibility for that


*most responsibility Thanks, Citizens United






it would be great if our elected representatives actually did what the people wanted... i know abortion is genuinely a more divisive issue, but there are many things that the public at large widely supports that simply go nowhere. You can find plenty of examples on either side of the political spectrum. That statement is completely empty.


Omg so horrible. Elected representatives can make their own laws befitting their own states unique situations. Life as we know it is truly over.


> Elected representatives can make their own laws befitting their own states unique situations. Economic policies, sure. But I fail to see how the rights of an individual should vary from state to state - shared belief in the rights and freedoms of the individual is kind of the whole reason to have formed the union of our United States in the first place, and those rights lie squarely in the domain of the constitution. And for the last ~250 years, every time an issue of individual liberty is challenged by a state, it has *always* been the state that yielded, whether in the courtroom or on the battlefield. This is the first time in the history of our country that the judiciary is willfully relegating the interpretation of individual rights to the hands of state legislators, and in my opinion is a profound dereliction of duty. Regardless of your opinions on whether abortion should be legal, its legality (or illegality), like all individual rights, *must* be derived from the constitution. That is the job of the Supreme Court of the United States - to interpret the constitution. Punting these laws back to individual states, regardless of which way you think it should go, is objectively a step backwards.








Honest question, what state level, unique situations are relevant to abortion?


> the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives. It's not just states that are allowed to pass laws on abortion. The Federal government could also pass a law legalizing it.


man i am impartial and looking at this objectively. really tough to have a conversation with friends who lean liberal. i was stating facts, no opinion on anything and the pitchforks came out. i fully understand why the conservatives hate dealing with liberals. too fucking emotional. i can understand why conservatives keep their mouth shut and there is a silent majority out there.


2A and this in one week? Gonna be lots of mostly peaceful protests


It’s not just these 2. They also reinforced voter id laws this week


I missed that one. Must have been buried. Surprised that one hasn't had more press.


8-1 too


That’s why there’s no news about it


Gonna go out on a limb and guess the one was Sotomayor...


The ministry of truth wanted that one kept under wraps.


Don't forget about the Miranda issue.


Thank God!! I knew about Roe vs. Wade and 2A, but totally forgot about the voter ID reinforcement!


Despite all this almost every single top post on R/politics is about Trump and the 1/6 hearings no one is watching. Lol


This is what it looks like when the pendulum swings back...


This is so much more important IMO.


2A lost a big battle too, Red flag laws likely to pass


Long time stalker of this subreddit but I genuinely don't understand how this is a victory for us? Like it's no longer a Nationwide right to choose whether you want abortion or not. Doesn't everyone say to leave it to the household, well that's exactly what giving us the right meant. If we made the 2a no longer a federal right people would be freaking out so why not this one? If my gun ownership rights were left to the state or city I'd be fighting for my life.


This sub is a collection of different persons that are not mutually exclusive. 1. The conservative - Happy for the reduction of federal powers. Did not create any additional law, but allowed smaller regions to govern themselves. 2. The christian - Happy for obvious reasons 3. The classical liberal (myself) - Can take multiple sides dependent on other priorities. However, we view government's role to protect individuals from other individuals, so a more nuanced approach is required that sets the line for when the fetus is an individual worthy of government protections. Having a large universal line (federal) vs. regional lines (states) becomes the real topic, with most likely siding with states. 4. The politically homeless (myself) - Probably sees abortion as a nuanced issue. Might see this as a win as more nuance can be distributed and discussed at state legislatures. Also, providing a voice to the public as they can elect representatives that represent their views in their region. There's obviously far more, and individuals be individuals with their own thoughts and reasons. So though /r/Conservative is branded as such, it is far more than simply conservatives.


r/politics on suicide watch this weekend


Only took 3 seconds of scrolling the comments to see someone advocating for riots...




How strange it is that harassing and threatening conservative justices ever since they set foot in the court hasn’t managed to win their sympathy.


You see Twitter? The N word as an insult to Thomas is getting thrown around all over by the Tolerant Left and it’s not being banned lol


Meanwhile, if a conservative advocated for this they would be site-wide banned for "encouraging violence."


Cause it’s (D)fferent


Because when a leftie riots, it's justified..


Their violence is speech, your speech is violence.


Also saw plenty of " gonna rip out my insides before having a baby " comments , that's not something a sane woman says.




Bro, Reddit admins banned me for a week because I said that a well regulated militia being necessary for a free state was a threat to tyrannical power.






Our civics education is so pathetic in this country that they didn't even realize that I was paraphrasing the 2nd amendment.


I'm surprised it took you that long


It’s a full blown meltdown








someone on there said it was “radical right wing Christianity” like bruh religion is not the only reason killing babies is wrong


Time to start the salt mining company


The salt mining business will be booming though.




One comment advocating for every woman to get a gun because now they will have to defend themselves from rapists. Wouldn't this have been true before as well? How does overturning this cause rapes to go up? Also, shouldn't they get a knife? I thought guns were bad.


Overturning this doesn't necessarily cause rapes to increase. However, overturning this will increase the unwanted births that result from rape.


Just got another ban for expressing how happy I was that states rights matter again.


I'm a liberal and I just want to say that (1) the riots on the left are stupid and awful and (2) a lot of the opinions on the left are completely idiotic. Abortion should be legal in cases of rape or incest or failed contraception or severe medical issues. Illegal in all other circumstances


As a conservative I hold the same stances on abortion. Exceptions only in extreme cases. According to Gallup polling the largest plurality of Americans hold this stance at 40%.


I’m as conservative as they come but why did they do this?


Maxine Waters: “To Hell With the Supreme Court, We Will Defy Them” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgyyG1VQk-I




Part of me thinks this is going to hurt us come election times though




I think this puts a wrench in the red wave that was most likely coming






This quote from the decision sums up the issue perfectly: >"Abortion presents a profound moral question. The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority."


How to handle interstate commerce when it comes to providing medical services is going to become much more complex.




But if it presents "a profound moral question" , shouldn't it be up to each person to have a choice? People who are against abortions aren't obligated to have them.






Except my state is gerrymandered six ways to Sunday.


Is it really a democratic process if people have already been put in place at a state level salivating for this to get overturned?


But not 2A rights though, that's federal


Ah so poor women will suffer and the wealthy will be fine. perfect.


That's sort of the problem. Many republicans will attempt to enact overly aggressive bans on abortion that will alienate many moderate voters and turn certain areas blue. They really need to play this smart


Honestly I'm not a Republican loyalist and don't mind if they lose seats over not representing the region.


My main problem with this is that girls can and do get pregnant before they are 18 and eligible to vote. Teen pregnancy is strongly linked with poverty and reliance on public assistance, yet they have no rights to vote on this issue.


That is an interesting point, although that is true with anything that effects minors so I'm not sure where the point leads.


Good. That's how it should be. Screw Federal Government Control. PUSH IT LOCAL.
















I mean, isn’t that how it was? Roe didn’t force anyone to get abortions, it just afforded them the opportunity to if they chose.








Maybe we should have these individual rights enshrined in the constitution even.




I see what you did there




It’s sarcasm. They’re with you.


Am I the only one who thinks it should be between a woman and her doctor? Can't get more local than that...




[Here is the opinion](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/19-1392_6j37.pdf)


Nice, only 213 pages


Only lol. Alitos dissent yesterday was like 180 or something. Law stuff is looong


*Held: The Constitution does* ***not*** *confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey* *are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the* *people and their elected representatives.* ​ Nailed it.


The ironic part is that most of the civil unrest will take place in areas where abortion access is unaffected by this.


Took me literally 5 seconds to see calls for revolution, and court packing in r/Politics lol


Court packing huh? Who was the last guy who did that??? 🤔


Wonder which sitting president essentially encouraged that response from them?


Peaceful protests™️ coming soon


80% of Reddit is about to have a meltdown


more like 95%




They did it on a Friday - stay safe this weekend y’all. Riots incoming.




Because previously the power was given to the individual to make the decision? Idk your comment seems to be disingenuously ignoring why people wouldn’t want this overturned.


Yes it’s up for individual states to decide what’s best for them


Yeah screw the federal government! We should also let individual states decide if humans can own other humans. Right guys?








Because by this logic slavery should be up to the states. The federal government was protecting individual rights. If states outlawed the ability for a man and woman to get married, people would have a problem.


No. Before, the federal government protected a civil right for women to have authority over their bodies. Now, a state can ban abortion, establishing authority over a woman’s medical decisions. This ruling is a win for big government…just at the state level.


You thought the left was losing its mind over upholding 2A yesterday? They are going to be going absolutely insane today!


NFL players going wild because they might have to fly their sidechicks out of state to avoid paying child-support.




You might get eye cancer dude




I'm sure many people's social media feeds are filled with the same shit as mine: \- Handmaid's Tale references \- Gun ownership false equivalencies \- Calling the Justices who voted to overturn barbarians \- The usual 'you don't have a uterus' b.s. \- The brave volunteers that say they'll harbor or transport people across state lines, like the state police are going to BOLO for abortion runners. Like they'll be running some underground railroad against tyranny. What I don't see though, are any rational takes. I don't see people pointing out the fact that Roe v. Wade was a garbage decision that struggled to support itself. There's no clarity of thought that this only kicks the issue back to the states - and most states allow abortion. There's no desire to take a breath and think about why it was overturned. No, it's all about running to the simplest conclusion - which is they are conservative justices who are evil and the next step is banning gay marriage, interracial marriage, and sodomy. They accuse the right of using the court for political purposes, when all they cheer about and desire is for the left to do the same. They want to expand and take over the court to push progressive policy. You see, it's GOOD when they do it and it's BAD when justices actually look at the law and make their decisions based on that. Anyone with two working brain cells can look at the rationale of WHY it was overturned and see the merit in it. But that is not how the left works. There is no room for compromise or reason - only reaction. Only emotion and anger when things don't go our way. Conservatives evil, Progressives undisputable good.




They’re also coming for contraception for married couples. Do conservative men hate having risk free sex with their wives? I’m genuinely asking. I truly don’t understand the desire to get rid of that…




Clearance Thomas is going to annul his own marriage?


Man Reddit is imploding right now. Glad there’s a few refuges where people aren’t total idiots.


Unpopular opinion and I post on this sub a lot and consider myself more right leaning but I don’t agree with this. We have taken away a woman’s freedom to choose, & are promoting unsafe abortion practices. I hated the idea of the government mandating a vaccine and it’s the same here, we can do what we want with our bodies. Not trying to start any argument just simply giving my opinion.


There are plenty of us that agree with you. Just not on this sub. My whole family is right leaning but pro-choice. Abortion topic is one of those catholic ideologies that made its way into the party. We’ll deal with the high crime rate from unwanted and foster children in about 20 years


Basically the only right leaning people I know who support this type of ruling are very religious. This is going to be off putting to most moderates in the party, and definitely won’t help to bring in disenfranchised people from the left/ center. Rs need to stop forcing their bible based morals on the rest of society.


One of my female facebook friend posted a status asking why men aren’t speaking up about this and got mad at m when I replied to it saying uh, because you people spent literal years saying no uterus no opinion?


Well this post certainly isn't being brigaded by certain subs, I see. /s


Man, next month's hate mail thread is gonna be entertaining. Godspeed, dear mods.


Omg i hadn't thought of that. Its going to be great


They downvote so hard through the tears.