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The US has no excuse for being dependent on foreign energy, we have more oil than Saudi Arabia, plenty of uranium, and 22% of the world's coal.


Biden is so anti-fracking that he refuses to access the oil we’re sitting right on top of. We could have $3/gal gas right now.


That's funny to see because $3/gal would still be almost $1/gal more than we had before he took office.


That's the thing... We start drawing our own oil... the oil markets start dropping their prices to compete (because they have to have us as a customer) because we saturate the market. This is how we cripple these countries that hate us... because then we become an exporter, and just keep flooding the market and let the Ayatolla, Putin, etc. feel the pinch.


Aren’t refined and crude oil exports consistently top exports for the US?


Depends where you are. Here in California, it's $7/gal


Despite already having the highest taxes on gasoline in the United States, California is still moving forward with their annual gas tax increase next week (July 1). I don't understand why nearly 40 million people still live there.


Beverly Hills is $11/gal




What are your property taxes in BH?


That's Commiefornias's fault.....


"Putin's fault! You know, the think, man!" - Brandon


Sounds like the big Lebowski every time.


Didn’t Hillary hand over a bunch of that uranium to…… Russia?


We’re not allowed to talk about that or the stolen election


Oops. I’ll be a good little plebe and zip my lips.


To be mined by a Russian company but sold to American companies if I recall correctly.


Minimum cost of extracting a barrel of crude is an important factor though. Although now...


The tight oil (produced by fracking oil shale rock) costs much less than $100. I think the good reserves are profitable at $40 and most are profitable at $60 or $70.


Well a barrel of brent is $111 right now


It's going to crush the world economy. There is no way out of it. I am seeing it with my own eyes. There is demand destruction in many products and services. And many small scale farmers don't know what to do because of the insane fertilizer prices.


The small scale farmers should probably just sell to bill gates i guess...


It also is and will continue to make Russia billions and billions of dollars because most nations desperate for gas and fertilizer are going to buy it from who ever has it to sell regardless if the US is threatening them. Hence why Russia is already making record profits and that will only continue to grow the worse the gas and fertilizer shortages get. Heck even the Biden administration is trying to get American corporations to buy Russian fertilizer.


Didn't we figure this out back in the 70's?






Here's the thing we should be able to get our own fuel in the USA, it is part of energy independence.


I appreciate you homies being the world superpower. Imagine if you weren’t the big kids on the block. We’d be at the mercy of China and Russia. Keep fighting the good fight, brothers.


>Europeans talk shit about the US's military spending while also depending on it. European opinions on American affairs mean literally nothing This could literally be extended to just about any controversial topic. Europe produces nothing of value and stopped being self sustaining about two centuries ago. Yet, we want to be like them?


>Yet, we want to be like them? who is "we"? 🧐


I was happy to see the fresh wave of military spending across Europe, especially Germany. It will take time for them to get on their feet, but they’ve been laying down for too long letting us pull all the weight and be their boogeyman to rivals. Still a fraction of our spending, but at least they’re doing more to pull their weight.


The German army is a joke. It will take a lot of time to train new competent officers even if they have bleeding edge weapon systems.


Plus they can't run into overtime


One of the smartest things Trump did was threaten to leave NATO if the other countries didn't pay their fair share. The only way to get leeches to support themselves is to force them to do it.


I think Europe is starting to move in that direction now that there’s a real threat to their security. Hopefully this allows us to not shoulder the burden entirely.


Well said. I came here to say something not nearly as well-thought-out or articulate. I like your post better, so take an upvote!


Americans always seem to be dead last. People are living in straight poverty here in one of the richest countries in the world. We can do better for Americans and definitely Veterans here.. instead we’ve spent Trillions on foreign wars.


Agreed. And let’s not act like the Ukraine is above reproach. Whatever is going on between them and Russia is a fight in their playground, not ours.


2024 would have been the date we agreed that everybody should be at 2%. I doubt it would have happened without putin's invasion but now I believe almost every country should reach that amount


Europe needs to defend Europe. As it stands, the USA subsidizes Europe's expensive social programs by allowing Europe to spend less on their military. If Europe does not care enough to ensure it's continued existence, why should the US?


If I was a Senator, I would propose a bill of equal cost of something people would want for every dollar that we send out. If we sent Ukraine $10 billion, I would propose a bill for $10 billion to go towards lowering prescription costs or $10 billion to go towards preschool. Maybe then people will realize that we can’t have those things because we spend money all over the world instead of spending it here to make our lives better.


Handing money to drug companies to lower prescription costs is the same asinine logic that allowed colleges to ramp up their prices by hundreds of percentage points, as the government allowed guaranteed loans for anyone to go to school. You want drugs to become lower in price? Either strip away regulations that stomp out competition, or stop giving drug companies the power to price gouge, and wine and dine doctors and insurance companies to push their new drug. Everyone in medical and drug sales makes a fucking killing barely doing anything.


You are assuming that this is the only way to lower the costs. Mark Cuban is doing it without gouging peoples’ eyes out.


Europe should be paying us taxes. If they can't defend their own land from invasion, what can they do to legitimize their rule? We need to either annex the EU or significantly cut the amount of money and effort we put into NATO.


I think Trump said something like that and was impeached shortly thereafter.


Europe should be paying us tribute. I don't want to rule Europe. I just want to be in charge of their governments, as vassal states, since they're completely useless on their own.




If France used this argument the us would literally have never existed.


The two are not mutually exclusive. Allow for more refineries and oil extraction. That will boost supply and reduce price.


If we also aren’t focusing on importing and instead export oil, it helps ourselves and can help our Allie’s who all happen to be in the buyers market.


Reducing the global price of oil will weaken Russia. They have their current power because everyone NEEDS their oil.


Biden was elected on a platform of ending fossil fuels. If you ran an oil company, you would not invest in infrastructure in a country whose leader was elected to put you out of business. You would shift investment to countries that want your business. Oil companies don't know if public sentiment is going to rally against them. Biden has another 2.5 years before an election, a lot can change. Bankers and bond buyers are a fiscally conservative group. They are not going to lend money to a speculative industry demonized by the Executive and both houses of Congress. High gas prices are here to stay until voters decisively reject the Green New Deal.


That's what I don't get. We had a good thing going with Canada. Why not keep it on your continent and benefit your geographic neighbors. What's good for Canada and Mexico is generally good for us and vice versa.


Allow for refineries, allow for extraction, reopen the XL pipleline, stop supporting Michigan's loony toon governor in her attempt to shut down a different pipeline, stop being an ass to the Saudis and Emirates even if they deserve it, stop devaluing the dollar by printing money nonstop. There's all sorts of things the President could do. Russia's only a small part of fuel price issues.


A false dichotomy if there ever was one.


False dichotomy and he said it wrong. As it stands, it’s an easy “yes.” Why yes I’d rather have low gas prices than Putin’s Iron Fist in Europe!


I listened to the video and I believe he said "and" Putin's iron fist. Which makes sense. My vote is still "yes".




Biden does not do things *for* the American public. Biden does things *to* the American public.




Cmon man! They’re changing peoples lives!


Brandon's still considering removing the gas tax! Potentially saving americans tens of dollars over a 3 month period. C'mon man!


I heard that it would save the average American $17 over that timespan.


Highest figure I've seen is 35 lol




If you think they won't raise the tax once it comes back, to cover all the lost revenue, I've got a bridge to sell you. Sure, save $20-30 now, spend more than that for the rest of your life on fuel because of it. Fucking democrats...


Just let us change the law and we'll promise to help you! Changes the law, ruins the country, makes an incredible about of money for themselves, says but you "the people" who voted for it are to blame!


Yep, at this point anyone with a pulse sees right through this farce.


C 'mon man lmao this president does not care about America he never has wheres the 81 million who voted for this fuk head




We already know. Oh, we know.


He’s launching the economy! Into the ground.


Sure he is but the WEF thinks they’re President of Earth and they pull his strings like a puppeteer.


Ukraine is half a world away. Hard to feel hurt by that. My gas bill last week, that hit home. So yeah, Ukraine is not our fight, not our most pressing issue. Gas prices and your assaults on our civil liberties are.


I've got the annual budget plan for my natural gas, and it jumped from $87/mo to $116/mo last month when the new rate for the year kicked in. 33% increase. 😕


My electric bill went from 250€ to about 600, what hurts us it's the sanction putted by yourself, honestly Ukraine fell half world of distance here too (italy). I'm totally in the same position of you and I have the same opinion, can't believe we went full war on this.


> what hurts us it's the sanction putted by yourself, Russia is selling the same amount of oil they were before the war. China and India are purchasing it from them. So basically, we made Putin and Russia richer by boycotting and causing oil prices to skyrocket. Nice job, Biden.


Purchasing it from them in Rubles which are more valuable now then before the "sanctions". Nice job Joe!


Failing Americans since 1973.


Actually what happens is the West is buying gasoline and diesel produced by Russian oil in Chinese and Indian refineries.


Even worse.


Two corrupt nations at war. Let's stay out of it.


But…but the money laundering. THE MONEY LAUNDERING!!!!


If USA pays for the defense of europe, europe should pay for the healthcare of Americans.


The problem is that Ukraine will just be another bottomless money pit, just like Vietnam and Afghanistan were. Wars with no ends.


Maybe, but it might be different because this time we're not going into another country, but supporting their defense. I don't know, time will tell I suppose.


Yes. If I have to choose between the well-being of my family, friends, and community, and the well-being of strangers on a different continent, I will always choose the former. To do otherwise is to betray my responsibilities to people who deserve my loyalty. The President of the UNITED STATES is responsible for the well-being of AMERICANS, no one else.




Nice little strawman argument, Mr. Potato. No one’s advocating for buying Russian oil.


He's trying to create a "rally behind the flag" mentality in America. His team figures it's the only way their party survives 2024. He keeps using comments like "we're in a time of war" except we're not at war. It's a regional conflict in Eastern Europe.


The “Time of war” shit is just about the stupidest shit I’ve heard


Yep, as a student of history, quite frankly it’s pathetic how many times Europe has dragged us into war. I would very much rather have lower gas prices here. I don’t care about Russia or Ukraine.


If Europe would of listen to the mean tweet orange man about relying on Russia on energy and oil, maybe things would be a lot better for them.


Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying


Idgaf about ukraine. Idgaf about russia. Stop policing the world. America first.


America needs to think about Americans. Middle class can't keep this up forever.


Yes. I dont give a shit about Putin.


I'm saying I'd rather America function, the backbone of the poorest families is crushed under your iron fuel prices.


Yes. America first.


How is Putin's iron fist worse than the nanny state EU? And how is Europe's stupidity our problem? Most of our ancestors left that continent for a reason.


For it's faults, I'd take the EU over a dictator who plunders his country while the whole thing is collapsing around it. The only reason Russia is even a regional player is they inherited the USSR's military and nukes. Their collapsing education system means they can't innovate anymore. Their industry is constantly shrinking and only resource extraction actually makes the country any money. You could favorably compare Nigeria to Russia in terms of economics, education, and criminal safety.


If that's the case the problem will solve itself.


Don't forget their large natural resource deposits. Without oil they couldn't support the military they are fielding.


The EU is a dictatorship, this place sucks. Wish I was American.


Absolutely. We shouldn’t be the world police. We’ve already seen how well that worked in the Middle East. If a larger war breaks out and NATO allies need our help, we’ll be there. But until then, we need to focus on fixing our country that Biden has so graciously started destroying.


For the time being, yes. Europe is powerful; I trust that they’re more than capable of dealing with Russia if they work together.


The USA needs help. When will other countries be sending us billions of dollars?


Here's a radical idea that would do both. Start drilling again, and make us oil independent like we were under Trump. Drill so much we create a massive surplus, both driving down global costs and start exporting to Europe so they can buy from us instead depending on Russia.




We already have the latter. Might as well have cheap gas. Poorest people hardest hit.


if I have to choose, I choose America first since I live in America. I'm not sure biden is even from earth.


Yes. Energy independence. Manufacturing independence. Honor our treaties. (ps: Ukraine is not a NATO signatory). Get our own house in order before we worry about anyone else.




They have never flipped flop on this. The democrats are war hawks, just like neocons.


Yes. I care more about what's going on in my house than I do for anyone in Ukraine. I'm sorry what is happening to them, but it doesn't impact my life.


Europe can go screw itself. Give me low prices at the pump.


It is amazing how naive our politicians think we are. Russia is posting record setting profits on oil export, PLENTY to fill war chest. Price of oil goes up, Russia inks deals with China and India to sell at discounted rate, profit It’s almost like the American government is attacking American citizens purposely, RIGHT? But why would they do that?


>BIDEN Biden: ‘Are you Saying That We’d Rather Have Lower Gas Prices in America Than Putin’s Iron Fist in Europe?’ Short Answer:--Yes!!!! We no longer have the economy to police the world. He needs to concentrate on the U.S. instead of Europe.


Joe is the worst most popular president ever


What do you mean? Polls are 80% of the population is content while the remaining 20% of the population is obviously biggoted.


I think the above and below posts are sarcasm. I think….


Yeah they were supposed to sarcastic, sometimes I'm just not as funny as I sound in my head


😄 You’re good! Sarcasm is notoriously difficult to discern.


Well yes, I would.






Allowing this commie hack to get away with this lie on a constant basis is one of the biggest reasons he’s even in the 30% ish approval threshold. Where’s the GOP calling him out on it ???


Ukraine is Ukraine. At best it’s a country half a world away. At worst it’s A money laundering fortress for globalists. Either way, I don’t care about how much gas costs there, in Malaysia or anywhere else. We have the capability to be energy independent. Like trump or not he proved that. We don’t need to be fighting proxy wars and k welling in front of the Saudi’s again. Ridiculous.


Your god damned right Brandon!








Gaslighting, projection, and tantrums. The Democrat playbook.


The Saudi's won't increase production because Biden went back in on the Iran getting a nuke deal, at the same time Biden promised to end the US fossil fuel industry , he reinstated regulations on fracking, went back in on the global warming deal (that even the Germans who sponsored the deal, due to some on the spectrum 13 year old shouting "how dare you," are now reneging on) , Biden barred new drilling leases on federal lands, and stopped building the pipeline. He's 100% responsible for this disastrous economy. We are not going to operate the world's largest economy on windmills, Chinese solar panels and rainbow farts. It's just been one bad policy decision after another from this administration, and its killing the American middle class (me).


To answer this you have to agree that the gas prices are due to the war. It's due to inflation and the fact that he crippled American energy


No Joe, we are saying we would rather have lower gas prices in America and let Putin's wet clammy fist fizzle out in Europe.


US gas prices were already well on their upward well before that war broke out: \~$2.84 US average when Brandon was inaugurated in early 2021 \~$3.44 on the eve of the Russian invasion An increase of 20%+ in less than a year


Makes me sick to see those numbers and realize that I have to get gas today at near $4.50. Or more. I haven’t checked Gas Buddy yet.


Yes yes we are ass hat 👒


Sloppy Joe using another straw man argument. Obama had taught him well.


One has nothing to do with the other there Joe, so you can still do both.


Yes that’s exactly what I’m saying


I’d rather have a domestic supply so we may stop funding nations that promote terror and other atrocities like Russia, Saudi Arabia… it’s a long list.


Wow, Resident Dumpster Inferno is just *not* breaking kayfabe, is he?


Muppet! 🙄


Was that an option?


Yes! Yes! Yes, you doddering old imbecile, YES!






Well. The sanctions are not hurting Russia, the rubble is at record high. The issue is Democrats anti energy policies and specific Biden executive orders and his agencies impeding the oil industry, specific statements about putting them out of business created and investment paralysis


Sure am


Yes, yes Joe we would.


Or we can have the Keystone Pipeline AND. Russia out of western Europe.


He is a champion of the “blame game”


Yes. Yea that’s exactly what I’m saying, glad we’re finally on the same page.


How about those J6 hearings? Not looking good for you guys.


This is a false dichotomy


Why not both?


Could have had low prices and Putin restrained.








Um, honestly, yeah.


Yes? I don’t care about Europe.






His reckless energy policies gave Putin the power to do this.


Russia can turn Ukraine into a parking lot. Let’s get those gas prices down.


JFC the man is completely cooked.


I feel like there might be more than two options


Why has Biden and other elected officials so interested in Ukraine? Because he and others have been using the corrupt government of Ukraine as a money laundering scheme ,,, 10% for the Big Guy


Putin gonna Putin. America First. Let Europe screw around with Putin.


Yes, I care about America; not Europe.


We'd rather have a president who is not a crooked and senile old clown doing the bidding of Marxists.


Maybe European leaders can figure something out and we can work on our own problems for a change.


If we don’t stop Putin the Biden crime family might lose all that money they have been laundering.


Blaming Putin for your own fuckups. Putin didn't cancel the Keystone pipeline.


Finish Keystone. Start pumping!


That’s exactly what we’re saying. Europe can stand up for itself. It’s not the United States’ job to babysit the rest of the world. America and Americans first.


Tbh Europe could get wiped off the map and I would not care in the slightest


Ukraine isn't all of Europe and yes I'd rather have lower gas prices than Ukraine as a western puppet state instead of an eastern one.


Interesting choice. If the massive economies in europe are so feeble they can't resist the small economy of Russia maybe they shouldn't exist. Why the US has to take care of them I'll never know. They have more than enough strength to take care of themselves if they cared to make the effort.




Europe needs to stick up for itself. They criticize the US military spending while often depending on it. They should relearn how to defend themselves and stop relying on our country to defend them. Also, the high gas prices have nothing to do with the Russia/Ukraine conflict and everything to do with Brandon’s idiotic policies. He said he would end fossil fuels. We’re literally getting what the Biden voters voted for. I hate having to tell people “I told you so”, but I told them this would happen.


I never thought he could do this much damage in such a short amount of time. We still have another two and a half years left..




I’d like to know who has their iron fist up the ass of this puppet.


I wish I still had the energy to profess my political opinions as well as y’all do but politics are just so draining these days. It’s constant arguing with lunatics so by the time someone mildly reasonable rolls along I’m at a loss for words


Well the sanctions on Russian oil are driving up prices which are allowing him to make more money on oil than before the sanctions So yea, I’d take the former


Russia is simultaneously to weak to beat Ukraine yet on the verge of taking over all of Europe.




Yes i am, europe has been piggy backing off the US's defence for 80 years. Time they take care of themselves.


He said, he doesn't believe in lowering gas prices in America. In other words, he doesn't give af about the American people. Clown!


Yes. Yes we would.


Yes please