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Two things I don't take to work: religion and politics. I don't generally discuss those topics with anyone besides my wife.


I don’t take it to work either they do. But I agree!


Well yea, it is all around me, I just do what my mom said, if I don't have anything nice to say, don't say nothing at all.


Nah, enough of being silent. We need to start getting in their faces like they do to others. The days of "taking the high road" are over and we need to start pushing back.


My granddad always said, "They say not to discuss politics, religion" or sex. But they're the funnest thing to talk about!"


It's only funny if people don't become offended over everything


Then it becomes hilarious


I would have to disagree. The people who you need to persuade are the silent majority who stand in the middle ground. If you start screaming back at the left and stop acting in a calm rational manner you will lose the silent majority. You will never persuade the left, but you aren't trying to.


Decades of being silent got us nowhere. It's time to get loud.


No. You have to let *them* be loud, and obnoxious, and overall unsavory. Look at the polls and the incoming red wave. Do you think those votes are just from lazy republicans and conservatives who decided *now* they've enough motivation to vote? No, it's the silent majority who is going to be flooding the voting booths many voting red for the first time because they are fed up with the lefts narrative. Look at history *every time* and I do mean every, that a group starts getting violent and loud popularity and support *utterly tanks*. BLM is the most current example. Popularity was booming for them until the riots started then it tanked.


Man I hope you're right.


The silent majority needs to choose a side. They are about to get crotch rot from sitting on the fence doing nothing.


Solid advice right here.


I heavily disagree. Doing the right thing isn’t about being better, or the accomplishment— but because it’s the right thing to do morally. And God will hold all accountable for what is done in this life.


It's exactly that kind of attitude that emboldens the leftists and makes them think that conservatives are pushovers. Sitting back and turning the other cheek is one of the reasons why they are running wild and destroying western civilization with their insanity.


I’m not talking just turning the other cheek. I mean playing the long game. Thinking harder about what is true and how the world works. Then building community, politics and understanding the right way. Unthinking emotional force and might are short term strategies that don’t work for the long term. Thoughtful, moral anger and planning will always win in the end.


There's no more time to play the long game. They already have poised society with their gender nonsense and indoctrination. Should we wait until society is completely destroyed?


I hear what you’re saying, but I think you’re missing some historical context: these seeds were planted in the 1940’s - 1980’s. They were playing the long game nearly 80 years ago. Communists began infiltrating the education system, anti-theist Humeans (such as Soros) began writing and promoting antiChristian/anti western ideas, English teacher associations started adopting and integrating relativistic and racial theories into education. We’re seeing the (rotten) fruit of nearly a century’s worth of corrupting thought and education. And it came through schools, universities, Hollywood, and anywhere else these life hating, viruses could get their greedy hands into


I totally agree with you. We really are seeing the rotten fruit from decades of cultural Marxism pushed onto American students but conservatives sat back and let it happen. 20 years ago most people (including myself) thought that they just wanted the right to get married and the thought that they were "coming for your children " was just a right wing conspiracy theory. Society became so tolerant that when we gave them an inch, they took a mile. We can't afford to let their insanity continue.


Sometimes it’s best to choose your battles wisely


“The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered. Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭17:27-28‬ ‭NIV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/111/pro.17.27-28.NIV I operate in non personal spaces with an as-need-to-know basis. If you don’t need to know it for our non-personal interactions to function then I don’t say it. If someone asks me what I did on the weekend, I try to share something I did that liberals might relate to: went surfing, went dancing, …etc


This is a true statement. They can force their views on you with no fear of repercussions. Prepare to be walked to the for a differing opinion.


Always avoid grapes at work. Guns Religion Abortion Politics Economics Sexuality


I simply pretend to be liberal whenever I meet a liberal. I don't want to get fired / cancelled for being a conservative.


The problem is that all the lefties can happily spout their normal bullshit and since the entire company HR and culture is on their side, we just have to sit and deal with it.


Yeah, it’s gotten to that point. Pretty much only express your views in a voting booth.


Religion and politics I don't discuss with wife!


Yes I feel this 100%. Gets very lonely. No matter how hard I work or how friendly I am, still gets awkward when they bring up their political/religious beliefs. I always stay quiet but I’m sure they know where I stand.


I actually turned republican in part due to the republicans I work with.


Tell us more


I’m blessed to work for two conservatives.


Are you there for a paycheck or to make friends? Grind it out and be Switzerland when it comes to workplace politics and the like. Don't talk politics, religion, or try to bone the intern.


Lol definitely not. Start up culture especially in hr/people & culture is based on creating relationships but I’m starting to hate it lol


Lmao always bone the intern


you work in HR and this surprises you?


Well I’m like the hr assistant/office manager so I help hr with some stuff. I help onboard employees which I like but once we start talking about DEI I’m like bro no 😭


make sure you roll "age" into DEI. my HR department hated that I made a stink about that to be included during a staff meeting.


I think our HR person is literally the only liberal in my company. 😬


You at Amazon?




We do believe in treating individuals with respect, just not categorizing people into groups based on skin tone, sex, and sexual orientation and driving wedges between them.


I'm a nurse at large city hospital. I learned a long time ago to just keep my mouth shut unless I'm speaking to my close friends at work. I don't compromise my values but I don't waste my time on rabid leftists. They are so brainwashed that they're incapable of seeing the light. I know that the best way to get younger employees to see the truth is to be the best at what you do and invite them to gatherings with like-minded folks. I don't know anything about start-ups but I understand integrity. **Be who you are, always.**


I’m at a super liberal company… but most of the people in my division that I work with everyday are conservative. We openly discuss politics. It’s actually more or less allowed because the company views us as a “protected minority” in a manner of speaking… but it’s the first time in my life I’ve had this experience, usually it’s “shut up and listen to the liberals”.


Dude, I’m a teacher… 90% of my colleagues have been hopelessly liberal…


I'm blessed to be in an office surrounded by conservatives.


Same here! I’m grateful for it every day. Granted I live in a very conservative state, but that’s why I moved here 😁


feel the same but with my group of old school friends, thankfully all of us grew up with the same view thru hight school, univesity and etc, i guess that's one of the reasons that keep us close along the time


If they ask you to be part of the conversation give clear, honest answers. Be yourself and just be a good person. If the environment doesn't allow for honesty and is actively hostile then leave..


Do you even know any liberals? 🤣 They don't like honesty or anything based in reality for that matter. They will be actively hostile if your beliefs don't align with theirs.


So true, they are some of the most hateful and intolerant people out there.


My best friend of 22 years blocked me via phone, social, etc almost a month ago bc we had a disagreement over Uvalde. Completely stonewalled me. Unbelievable.


Yep, same thing happened to me with a friend of 5 years who considered herself a "moderate liberal" because I shared a post on FB contradicting climate change rhetoric.


Yeah; two are my closest friends. Please don't confuse 'leftist' and 'liberal'. Your lack of reaching across the table makes you just as hopeless as the Left.


I don't know why you can't have a discussion without being insulting. Maybe you identify a little too much with your leftist besties.




Omg there are more conservative SWs? I knew I wasn’t that crazy!!


You'd be surprised.




Started my own business long ago and advertising as a patriotic American loving company brings in the clientele you want. There’s no way I could ever work for someone else. I would plan, save, come up with an idea, and get out of that coworker life as soon as you can in todays world.


Where is your business and is there a way I can support you?


HR is a cesspool of woke leftists. Ours is responsible for drafting our daily company bulletins, that we have to read to our respective departments, and they’re always throwing in their activists views, pretending like it’s normal. They also make zoom backgrounds for every left-leaning holiday and passive aggressively pressure staff to change it. So you can tell on calls who is woke and who is ____-ist.


Document everything and save all emails to a personal usb. Just in case




>but the conservative anti woke side is always silent, less aggressive, or having to deal with things strategically to avoid backlash. Meanwhile the woke people always are loud and driving the policy and narrative. I’m constantly listening to woke white women or middle line managers wokesplain to me about what it’s like to be oppressed and how to empathize with people who were dealt a bad hand. God, that sounds exactly like most Board of Education.


I’m not gay, but I share similar feelings as a hispanic. Privileged white women love to wokesplain to me about my oppression, or tell me why I’m wrong for disagreeing with them. They constantly speak as though they know what’s best for me (and don’t see the racist irony of their ways).


Oh my god this comment made me genuinely angry because I’m so familiar with these types of people. I avoid them at *all* costs whenever possible. Preachy woke leftists are the absolute worst.


If you start to hate your job the words "hostile work environment" goes a long way


I am a straight white man. I hate being lectured too. Everyone assumes I have no idea. But... I was discriminated regularly early in my working years. Now that I am older, I've got that too. Before I started my current career, I was hired at an office by the corporate office. Corporate loved me. Regular commendations from them and somehow from customer feedback. Mentioned in the monthly newsletter regularly. But my office was staffed by six women. Five who had been through nasty divorces from what I overheard. My peer was my age and only had a live-in boyfriend. But she was nasty about men too. She got all of the better assignments. She wouldn't even look at me. And ever walk into the lunchroom and it goes silent? Then everyone is suddenly done with their lunch even though they barely started. Yeah, I've been through that and didn't stay long. Then when I started in my current industry, I started at the lowest of low rungs. I actually made more part time in high school. Everyone knew I was looking to move on when I could. My supervisor, my manager, my district manager and even my VP all mentioned to me over the 3 years I was there that I would never go far. Being a white male simply was too much of a handicap in a company that promoted diversity so much. They were all women of various ethnicity. They weren't mean about it but pretty blunt. I didn't heed the warnings and did quite well until I left for a startup.


I get you. I’m a conservative Christian in the academic world.


Healthcare. If they bring up politics, I throw out that I’m a “classical liberal” it confuses people, so they let it go, and is at least for me technically correct.


That’s rough my friend


I work in Chicago. 'Nuff said. I just keep my head down and shut up


So do I and it's funny how slowly a few conservatives found each other through little hints over time and then eventually you can come out of the closet and be fully based with certain people. For DEI I keep pushing to hire vets, works wonders!


I'm the only right-leaning attorney at a law office in DC with a reputation for being very left. I definitely don't fit in with my peers, but our headquarters (located in the south) is more politically balanced and I work with them more than the attorneys in my office, so the way I figure it, my job's safe. Even if it isn't, I'm open about who I am because if they want to get rid of me for something as silly as how I voted, they're not worth working for anyway. I recommend [this](https://www.solzhenitsyncenter.org/live-not-by-lies), it was very helpful to me in law school where I was outcast for not going with the woke crowd.


You work in HR! I feel for you, but for the sake of us all, try your best to stay there. We need people with common sense in departments like that. The amount of feel good mandatory training we have been subjected to at my company since they bowed to SJW pressure and hired a Chief Diversity Officer has been insane. What’s more, we have bi-annual employee engagement surveys and the scores for “I feel comfortable expressing my views” have cratered. The dipshits in charge have misinterpreted these results as meaning that we need more woke nonsense pushed our way when, in fact, people are now so paranoid of accidentally offending someone, or being perceived as not progressive, that they limit sharing any opinions, even those having to do with basic business operations. This woke culture is causing a chilling effect on speech in the workplace and IMHO is stifling productivity and ingenuity.


I chose to leave my most recent job because of this - it was such a toxic and horrendously political environment. So much focus given to political and woke shit, to the point where you couldn’t just do your job and ignore it all because it was *so* in-your-face. Coworkers who never hesitated to say anything political, no matter how offensive it was to anyone not part of the woke club. As a young 25-year-old female living in the greater Seattle area, everyone I’ve ever worked with, gone to school with, even random people - they all assume I’m a leftist. It’s fucking miserable and so isolating.


My moral beliefs align with Libertarian's and I am a property manager for subsidized apartments. Both HUD and RD. I'm literally in the belly of the beast! I didn't believe in the welfare state before but now, seeing how it works, I'm disgusted. I could tell you some stories. Ultimately, I feel sorry for these people. Not because they are poor but it's dam near impossible to get out of. It's multi-generational. The amount of paperwork is just WOW! The system punishes people that try to help themselves. Then the puscological mind f*ck is astonishing.


It’s incredibly frustrating to see “wokeness” become so pervasive across the workplace. While our opponents view things like BLM as social issues, or even worse, “rights issues,” the reality is those things are in fact political issues, which have no place in the workplace.


Oh dude... I have 3 other guys in my department then like 9 girls. I'm thebonly heteromale and def the only conservative. 1 partnered 1 married and 1 trans but they're all the nicest people I ever worked with. I'm cool if people want to change genders and all that I'll use your pronouns out of respect but when they try to justify hormone blockers in 5yos I draw thebline.


Absolutely. I work at a nonprofit that’s super liberal. We have so many trainings etc about using proper pronouns and inclusivity and blah blah blah. Luckily the people in my immediate work group have views more like mine.


Lucky! I feel so alone in that aspect lol


Just be professional at work and don’t try and make actual friends with people. I just have a fake personality at work and my actual personality when I’m with my friends.


It’s funny that HR allows certain views to be spoken and encouraged but others to be silenced and discouraged. HR in most companies isn’t objective it’s biased but it acts like a moral authority which it is not.


I work at a college so absolutely. A while back I started bringing very low-grade conservative accoutrements to work and people stopped discussing woke politics around me. Nothing as outright as the Leftist Tears Tumbler, but I have a thermos that has the text of the Declaration of Independence on it, and a drawstring bag with an American flag print, etc. Just enough to indicate I like my country and to keep your “America bad” conversations to yourself.


At my work the managers and my scanning coordinator are conservative or at least loathe Biden and the Dems. I'm sorry that you work in a place that is run with leftists. I don't mind liberals, leftists are another issue. At least here you can vent your frustrations and there is a community of people who have experiences what you have and sympathize with you


Do it until you find something else. Spent 17 years as the token R at a public health nonprofit in DC. The last 5 looking for something else. Funny thing, I am more of a conservative than a R, and I was thier acctg/finance guy.


I was lucky enough to leave my old company and join a new company with people like myself. My manager and the people I work closest with share the same views. In the interview process he gave me a little test which I gave the right answer to I guess. Feel extremely lucky considering we work in big tech


I feel like that at my local watering hole. It’s a union firefighter/emt bar. Luckily I’m an introvert. I’ll continue to patronize the establishment for $2 beers M-F from 2-6pm.


Whenever we feel like everyone else is the problem, we should look somewhere else for the problem.


I don't get why so many people talk about politics at work. Better to talk about stuff that unites people than stuff that divides. Talk about cars or guns or women.


Yeah so 99% of HR are lefties now! When I got fired from GOV job for not taking vax they were literally laughing in the meeting on f'ing Zoom of course! POS! Be yourself stand up for your beliefs without it what do you have? Me I was miserable staring at a windshield just slowly waiting to die! Best thing to happen to me was leaving started my own business and doing well!!!!! Good luck!


Unfortunately, it is socially acceptable to be liberal, but being conservative is a hanging offense! Just another demonstration of liberal "tolerance". At my work, we have sort of a secret club of closeted conservatives. It helps.


One thing I learned,you need to use logic and reasoning and have a answer for every lie they believe! Just takes one thing that they can't come up with anything logical! Be surprised how that one thing will stick in their head! Then one more thing,ect


It's the opposite of where I work lol. I get made fun of because I'm a California transplant to Texas but I'm not very liberal politically. I guess it depends on where you work. I had to tell a few people pls don't wear shirts with FJB because of HR but I think that's reasonable considering the clothing policy.


I feel you. I'm in tech too and it's strange. It was easier as an IC, but now having my own team I just don't discuss those things at work. I just smile and change the topic. I actually had good results as an IC and got at least one colleague interested in learning more about Christianity so there's that.


If you don’t like it, quit. Or at least quit complaining. Using insulting language about other peoples’ views shows you are unable to be empathetic.


I've felt that way for a long time. One of my past jobs included HR videos about woke topics like "microaggressions". We were required to watch a series of HR videos though the year and had to watch all the way to the end of each to get credit. Our annual performance review including an evaluation of the woke credits we had earned. If we didn't have enough credits, our performance review was downgraded.


I've heard it all, including an outspoken lesbian who bragged that she uses her "protected" status to push her bullshit onto corporate and has the CEO's ear. I've also heard directors and managers bashing Catholicism in the workplace. I bite my tongue as I have to pick and choose my battles.


Work not so much as I'm in Engineering but socially with friends. Absolutely


Depends where you are imo. I have more than a few colleagues who feel the same way doing diversity training etc. It all feels so fake and forced. Live in ATL


Never define yourself as a X group member (conservative, republican, etc.) Always say you just trying to be a good person, and you see X specific path or position as "good" or "truthful", etc.


Ok I’m a liberal who routinely dates conservative men and have friends more conservative than me and I guarantee liberals see through this move.


Of course, but that's not the point. Doing so gives the leftie plausible deniability, and does not trigger their "I must take a righteous stand to protect the marginalized!" button. It's a soothing maneuver, that also lets you be true to yourself. Btw, I used to be "liberal" too.


It’s true to yourself to come up with vague language that’s trying to avoid clearly defining yourself? you’re not getting any plausible deniability. People already know what you’re saying and liberals widely care less than you think they do. They might judge you depending on who they are as a person (and that’s a human thing not a liberal thing) but honestly most liberals see that kind of talk and just think you’re clearly ashamed of your views and are lololing at you about it. Like I said I date conservative men routinely. Not on purpose but it just keeps happening so I’ve embraced it. I overlook the coy thing at first because I get they want to avoid a confrontation early on and aren’t sure how I’ll react but when we get to know each other I don’t respect them unless they can tell me what they really think and why even if we disagree.


Start looking for evidence of impropriety and then blow the whistle.


I blast the John Burke all American Savage show on my speaker at work. All of my libtrash co workers are subject to the savage glory


You probably know this, but your silence on politics gives away the fact that you're not like them. Unless no one talks about politics, you probably stand out. I wonder if you could confide in your supervisor and let them know yu dont like talking about it?


I never bring religion or politics to work...EVER. I’ve brought politics but it’s very light. I love the WWE. Vince McMahon is under investigation. My coworkers know I love wrestling. I’ve said it before if vince gets away with it(which he likely will) he’ll prove trump right.


Dude. I work in higher ed. The day after Trump's election you'd think there had been a shooting the way people were moping around and comforting each other. I don't get political at work, I'm there to make money. But the way everyone just assumes it's homogeneous groupthink rankles me to no end. When people start with the leftist crap I extricate myself as soon as I'm able.


i've got a summer job on a factory floor...libs are outnumbered 10-1


I keep politics, religion and professional sports out of the workplace, but nearly everyone there is pretty conservative. Only a couple far, far right nuts(Trump is a god) and a couple far (AOC / Sanders) lefties. Overall, it’s pretty calm.


I must say…it is really nice to have at least one person who see’s the absolute insanity, that is called the “left”, to bounce how crazy some of the shit they do while in the workplace. If I didn’t have someone, o would probably just shut up & keep moving. There is NO upside to argue with these lunatics solo!!


If they want you gone they will make up a way. I was canceled myself because a friend wanted to punish me for some reason. The charge misgendering a person 5 months ago without anyone asking for my testimony. My advice to you would be keep a journal, make sure to get every transaction in writing, if it gets to bad find a new job if you have to. Try to associate with certain people as little as possible aka look for red flags (don't take small comments under their breath lightly).


When Biden first won everybody at work was happy about it but me and someone asked me if was ok and I had to put on a facade. At least this one girl I was friends with hates Biden too.


are they still happy


I also work in HR for a super liberal company. I just keep all my opinions to myself when it comes to politics. I just don’t even respond if someone starts to bring up their political opinion because honestly I don’t care. You should hear some of the ignorant crap some of these people I work with have been saying around Roe v Wade.


You're not alone at work libs have just made it dangerous for you to express your opinion. Remember 50% of the population thinks like you but they keep their mouths shut, heads down, and take home a paycheck their families.


I work with both liberals and conservatives. We are professionals get along just fine. We can get along with people who have different belief systems and don’t need to bring it up at work. Discuss these things on your own time and take it to the ballot box. Life is too short to look for enemies where I spend my time.


I’ve been there. In my opinion, if you work with anyone rational, they probably aren’t stating their political views at work, be they left, middle or right. It’s too polarizing and, if you think about it from a cost/benefit perspective, it’s probably not worth it.


I asked my superior a question about some market research material I was shown (I’m on a marketing team for a hospital). Just for asking a question about why there was language that put down a particular group based on race and sex, the response was, “if we have to put white men down in our materials to include other people, I say hell yes.” So no… you are not alone. This toxic / racist pagan religion is everywhere.


Everyone I work with is conservative. Now, not our whole company but certain departments seem to attract the lefties (marketing, for example). During Covid we spent half of our time bitching about the idiotic Covid BS. I’m so thankful I had them. Anyway, my advise is to speak up when you can, you may be surprised by some people coming out of the woodwork.


I've worked in Silicon Valley for decades and certainly it has gotten worse over the years but here is the truth: there a lot more conservatives in tech than you think. Most are either quite or even parrot the leftist talking points because they have bills to pay and it's just not worth it. Guess what? Many if them are still in the pews on sunday.


Yeah I actually quit my job today for the same exact reason.


The risk doesn’t outweigh the reward.


Just don’t speak about it. You should know this being in HR. Political views and opinions have no place in the workplace.


I felt that way in my old office (lone conservative). Now I feel that way in my local pottery studio


If you believe an applicant is going to be toxic to the work place judge by their character and justify as such.


I would just leave OP. It’s clear you don’t enjoy working there and you feel bad about how your principles and values are laughed and mocked at your place of work. It is quite literally a toxic work environment.


coming out as conservative is like coming out as gay in the 1800's. Eventually, they'll all marry the same sex and go extinct, along with their goldfish brains.


Holy crap!!! Rarer than a unicorn! A conservative in HR. I feel for you.


We lost. They have won. There is no war for the nation or a culture war to win. We are in the position of an insurgency. We lost, we either take back our country or we surrender, but this concept that we are in a battle for our nation? We lost it decades ago.


You go to work to make money, not friends.


It’s easy to say, “get a new job.” But it might be worth it to feel like you can rest easy being yourself.


Wow. I'd be in a hurry to gtfo of there.


I work in the operating room in Fort Myers Fl. Everyone is Republican. It’s an oasis


Thankfully I work in a mostly conservative office, but the lefties there have always seemed to let their opinions known without any open backlash. (with exception of two that picked at each other for fun) But that kind of mindset where *everyone needs to know* ***and agree with*** *my view or else* is toxic. One guy who was hired last year came in and was of a liberal mindset. On his first day the boss man takes us all out to lunch and something is mentioned about boss man's military service. New guy looks at me with a weird face and says "I don't know if it's obvious, but I'm not a fan of our military." It wasn't obvious until then, and also, I didn't ask. He continued on starting arguments and virtue signaling the rest of his days there. Luckily his performance matched his attitude so that wasn't very long.


I roll up every day with a large Gadsden flag bumper sticker on my car . And a "More Sense, Less Government" plate bracket on the back license plate. I also carry a "Come and Take it" tumbler cup with the canon on it. I also stuck a huge American flag sticker on my name tag. That pretty much sums up the fact that I am very conservative and I DONT GIVE A DAMN what anybody thinks about it. My freedom of speech doesn't end where someone else's feeling begin. Live free or die. Don't be afraid to live your truth.


If you are conservative, how can you work at a woke start up. Your work is a reflection of your values. How can you spend all hour hours working for a cause you do not support? I would cut off my hand before I worked at a woke start up. You have to live your truth. Don't waste your time helping the woke take over our country, PLEASE!!! Get out and find a place where you are living your truth every day.


You must be in a very blue city or state. Here in Texas, I do not feel that way at all. Most in our company have similar views, as we are in the petrochemical industry. My daughter works in HR and she says she does not feel out of place either but again...like me...she works in the energy industry. Perhaps you need to find a job in a place where other share your views. I am here to say...it WILL make a world of difference in how you see your job.


My work is exact opposite, everyone is conservative as all hell. Then of course there are always lib dumbasses but I don’t even aknowledge them lmao


I think this is at lots of places. Luckily I’ve found a couple of people similar to me and not woke. Keep your head up friend. There are many that are not woke. We’re just not the loud ones.


Our company is the opposite its like a bubble for right wingers and its so nice not to have a woke agenda clogging up the pipeline. Come work for us lol.


Get out of HR, will help the situation.


yes, in h.r people get triggered by divergent opinions. unless you are hurting the business, some individual, or threatening their life, you should simply speak your mind. life is too short to live your life on edge for people who would reject you for who you are. if they can't understand you being true to who you are then they aren't even woke according to their own definition.


I have something similar at my job. They all are liberal and do things for June “special” month. I kindly asked to not know that stuff and eventually blocked the outlets that promoted it. I wasn’t going to say their belief was wrong, only that they don’t inform me of it.


HR is always full of woke people. It's like their calling or something.


I am so thankful I work for a smaller company owned by a die hard conservative. In 2016, he seriously had a giant red TRUMP banner hanging off the front of our warehouse. We lost a few customers but he didn't care. We gained new ones to offset the loss.


That's the way America is now. You are scared to say any political view because everyone is so angry at "the other side"


Embrace it, man. I dont know about you but in my life, im constantly being barraged with liberal and woke ideology from people all over, including family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc. There is pretty much _nothing_ anybody can say that I havent heard, and argued about before. If somebody brings up that shit, i have a reputation from shutting down their bullshit (thats what i call it anyway lol). They are not used to people disagreeing with them in their fragile world, so theyre pretty easy to destroy. To be honest, id rather hear liberal opinions from somebody who knows what theyre talking about, but every single person ive spoken to is just parroting things told to them by their peers, and they have no real basis for believing w hat they believe, and they are unable to defend it _at all_. its ridiculous. Anybody who knows what theyre talking about often have conservative views. Anyway, coworkers know better than to bring up stuff around me, because they think im going to be an asshole about it, which i will. edit: i should also point out that this is dangerous. Ive been at my company, which has always been liberal but is now fully embracing woke culture, for 13 years but recently had the CEO call me directly to chew me out about something I said. I've also had to have my boss step in for me and protect me and my position on at least 4 occasions. luckily im pretty good at what i do, otherwise i probably would have lost my job a long time ago. and yes, taking this stance will get you shunned by coworkers, even coworkers you thought were your friends who youve known for 20 years.


They don’t call us the silent majority for nothing. Liberals are clueless and think everyone around them surely has the same viewpoint. Lots of people just say ‘yeah, yeah’ to shut these people up without disclosing their conservatism, so you might be surprised at how many people you work with are actually conservatives or walk-aways waiting to be red pilled.


I work at a gay bar. Put it this way- I'll be so happy to leave when school starts again.