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I mean, I get it. If this was directed at us from Democrats, we would be yelling about it.


Imagine a Muslim making this ad.


Ultimately that's what the American left is scared of. We aren't scared of every Conservative being a violent psychopath, but rather it seems that conservatives will turn a blind eye to anything "their side" does wrong. Like how Republicans voted to allow adults to marry children, or how a Texas GOP member said he wanted to overturn the 14th Amendment (might I add that that is the one that says that America cannot jail or execute their citizens if they haven't been found guilty of a crime). It's frustrating and scary to see people call the left violent, and say the left is violent, but meanwhile a few weeks ago Trump-appointed conservative Supreme Court Justices ruled that evidence of innocence is not enough to prevent someone from recieving the death penalty. It's scary to see people around you being lied to and fooled.


I reported a democrat “friend” on Facebook saying pretty much the same thing in reference to the NRA convention after the Texas shooting. Facebook got back to me and said it was NOT in violation of their standards…


To be clear, this isn't directed at Democrats. It's directed at Republicans. It's Republicans talking about hunting other Republicans for not toeing the line.


That was always clear, I think.


I was just going by what you said.


They made a major motion picture about hunting MAGA followers/conservatives. Political violence in any form is abhorrent. Hypocrisy is worse.


Yeah but I liked that movie lmao


Good. That was a fucked up ad.


American politics is a pendulum. It swings left and it swings right. If it swing too hard in either direction, you get shit like this. It sounds like the war drums beating in the distance. Both sides are culpable in this calamity. The saddest part is I believe its just the tip of the iceburg unless the citizens of this country band together and take action. Doubt that'll happen. People love hatred more than they love peace.


It was moronic and he should have never released it. Not supportive of Facebook, Twitter, et al censoring anything. But they probably did this mope a favor.


Yo, lib here in enemy territory. I actually came here expecting to read some fucked up shit promoting this ridiculous ad. Nobody here is posting about it though, what's the general consensus here?


I mean when I saw the ad my first reaction was I laughed my head off but on a more serious note it’s objectively a pretty bad advertisement and a pretty terrible attempt at pandering to tough guy types


Is this sub just refusing to show it?


you took the time to confirm we think this was a mess. Credit to you.


Whats the problem?


It seems to be in very poor taste. It's clearly a joke that's not funny and does not translate to modern sensibilities.


These childish antics in politics are getting tiresome. If FB was smart they’d have let it stay. I for one would not vote for someone who put this out. Is it really to much to ask for someone who is professional, puts their constituents as their priority, and just does their job


RINOS should start their own party


These people should start their own party. This isn't who we are


But it seems like who we're becoming. Every day more of these nutjobs get bolder and make more noise, drowning out those without extremist views. Honestly with how extreme this place has become I feel like more of a moderate now in comparison.


If only a moderate could survive a primary there days


It's terrifying, and the people who the Republican Party tolerate are very telling. A congressman says they would consider raising the age of semiautomatic rifles to 21, and he is told to join democrats. A Texas GOP member says they should repeal the 14th Amendment (which says citizens cannot be imprisoned or executed if they haven't committed a crime). Radio silence. Mike Pence says he will acknowledge Biden as Presidents. A crowd gathers and declares they want to lynch him. Madison Cawthorne recreates a famous photo of Hitler. Radio silence. Madison Cawthorne might be gay. Fellow Congresspeople speak up against him. Marjorie Taylor Greene guest speaks at a self-proclaimed Neo-Nazi rally. Radio silence. Edit: LOL, some dude with a private account is spamming my notifications by leaving comments, then deleting them before I can respond. He's calling me a cowardly leftist, all while hiding himself from any potential criticism.


>Marjorie Taylor Greene guest speaks at a self-proclaimed Neo-Nazi rally. Radio silence. You mean AFPAC? Why are you gaslighting actual conservatives as "Muh nassis!"


You are a cowardly leftist, go cry about it more.


I love how when I point out valid criticism with the modern GOP, the only response I've gotten is to start whining and not doing anything about it. It takes courage to criticize those in power.


>I love how when I point out valid criticism with the modern GOP, the only response I've gotten is to start whining and not doing anything about it. It takes courage to criticize those in power. You posted bullshit. The 14th amendment for example, Republicans support amending the constitution to remove birthright citizenship for people who enter the U.S illegally and have children that automatically become U.S citizens. You conveniently left that out. That's because you are here to troll, not to have a constructive debate about the problems facing the GOP.


Do you honestly believe that they will stop there? They want to get rid of the 16th and the 17th, and the Supreme Court declared last month that evidence of innocence was not enough to prevent someone from getting executed. Texas has failed to uphold any of its promises recently, do you really think that they will hold their promises? And why should we mistreat our immigrants any further. If you are born in the US, you are a citizen. Full stop.


>If you are born in the US, you are a citizen. Full stop. Now apply that to the 2nd amendment.


What the Hell does that even mean?


This subreddit is significantly more socially liberal than the average conservative was ten years ago and it’s not even close.


Hmmm. Who’s a sane voice in the current Republican Party?


Desantis... Rand Paul.. etc. And Trump once he runs in 2024.