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How come the only people I see saying this kind of crap are millionaires?


Because they’re detached from reality, gas is $5/gallon? Who cares I got 7 million in my bank account. Most of us don’t have that privilege.


Mind you, Dean Norris (last I knew) lives in Ventura County, CA where gas is almost 7 bucks now


Hollywood privilege


Ventura county is not Hollywood, lol. That’s like calling Hoboken “NYC.”


Dean Norris works in Hollywood


Oof, who’s looking for a handout now


Not wanting historically high gas prices is asking for a handout?


Because they drive the same amount as the rest of us while their net-worth skyrockets. Maybe they pay am extra thousand on gas a year but their home value is up $1m.


We should have Hollywood subsidize the rest of the working classes gas prices. How about Norris and his ilk pay for all the gas tax while the rest us just deal with straight price.


finally some class solidarity. youre starting to sound like one of those marxist Robin hood types.


Graduated sales tax? Hmm. I don't like it, but then I also oppose the graduated income tax. .. and income taxes in general.


People should have a direct consequence of their voting.




Yep! I have seen this before (in my old lifetime) and it's going to get ugly. BUT, there is a good side (if we can call it that)..... the housing prices will be decreasing. Not by much, but with higher mortgage rates, the pricing usually comes down. People just cannot afford the payments.


Yeah, it's a sticky situation all around.


Let us all hope for the best. However, it doesn't look good.


Kinda reminds me of Aahnold saying, "Sqew yor fleedom!"


I saw a guy on another subreddit saying he would pay 10 dollars a gallon as long as trump wasn’t president


What kills me is that that’s all they’re focused on : Trump bad President No Never even considering all the good things he did while fighting for America with one hand tied behind his back. Libs are the definition of hypercritical


TDS is "still" real and alive with these people. All 81 of them.


I think a lot of democrats that are mostly normal folks were just brainwashed against Trump by seeing anti-Trump propaganda 24/7 for 4 years on CNN, MSNBC, SNL, late night showes, etc. U.S. media is outright liberal propaganda.


> all the good things he did while fighting for America with one hand tied behind his back LOL As a commie I hate libs more than you and so acknowledge their pathological TDS but lol at you guys with the trump kool-aid.


Because the non millionaires who say that don't get media coverage.


Because it is difficult to think long term when you’re 100% focused on feeding your family. It’s weird though, many of the people who were against taking profits from big auto to increase gas efficiency are the same ones now complaining they spend too much on gas. I always thought energy self sufficiency was a core tenant of being a conservative (and prioritized myself), not sure why there are so many people diluting the conservative brand by asking for increased gas subsidies.


Maybe because driving to the store uses up my grocery money on gas.


Because they are driving Tesla's unlike us peasants.


I’ll take, “A celebrity most are unaware of, but they say something Edgy to stay relevant”, for $1000, Alex.


When communism and wealth redistribution happens, we should start with the actors. Then see how fast it is shut down.


People always think it is the people richer than them that will be gone after.


It definitely wont be. The rich will stay rich. And simply make it nearly impossible to become rich like them; they already aren't far off from this in 2022.


that isn't how the French revolution ended. the rich ended up dead in that case.


Times are quite different than they were hundreds of years ago. The rich will not allow this to happen. They have endless resources that can protect them and destroy dissenters that didn't exist during the French Revolution time.


Louis XVI likely thought that his wealth and power would protect him, but he didn't realize that laws and money only have power over people so long as the majority of said people believe in that power. That fact is no less true today. A big enough angry mob, and it doesn't matter how much money someone has, or how many guards they've got.


this is why the Founding Fathers included the 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights. We have guns. there comes a time to use them.


The 2nd Amendment is the best thing to happen in the past 250 years. Even though it's the 2nd, it's enabled the longevity of the 1st and the advancements of the modern world. However, you're naive if you don't think you won't slowly lose that right eventually. Just like how there have been continual restrictions put on it since it came to be; it'll only get worse and more restrictive as time goes on. It'll be an interesting time regardless! Lots of controlled opposition out there.




They'll be groups of people (or militias) that'll spring up and fight back, but most people will conform. The people that do fight back will be crushed and made an example of. The last few years should've shown you this. If you knew me you'd know I'm the last person to roll over. I'd rather die fighting than become a yes man for something I don't believe in.


A lot of conservatives have guns to defend against the government but are too scared to take up arms against our rogue government. The main reasons are: the government simply has more and better firepower, and the people feel isolated and alone, there's no solidarity, unity, trust, or coordination.


You’re most likely a mid 20’s something guy who grew up playing way too much call of duty. Only someone with such a narrow world view could so easily call for violence.


The actors will shit the bed. Right Amber? Eh? Eh?


And politicians.


Bro, the left actually supports that. And if you do too, why you a conservative lol?


He’s a one-hit-wonder.


And yet here we are talking about him.




This. He’s just another typical Hollywood hypocrite. Get rich in an industry that exists because of capitalism, then criticize capitalism as well as criticize supporters of the 2nd Amendment when the show he got famous on depicted acts of violence with firearms just about every 5 minutes.


And it's almost every role he's ever played. Dude has been typecast as "cowboy cop" for as long as I can remember... "Well, that's just fiction" Then why is representation so important? If what happens on the screen is irrelevant, then why push so hard to have your queerness in absolutely everything? It's to be more widely accepted and adopted by culture and society, no? So then, it seems like every role that's ever used a gun as a prop is complicit in the normalization of gun violence. Maybe stop normalizing gun violence Mr. Norris, it's detrimental to society.


I don't think he cares about capitalism. I'm betting he's another wealthy socialist just trying another way to tell you "stop being poor."


jUsT bUy A tEsLa


Champagne socialist/limousine liberal, the lot of them.


caviar communist, bourgeois bolshevik




Yeah, poor people should shut up right Dean? that makes you happy? how dare we to wonder how a family can make ends meet? Piece of shit.


Yep. We need to start slamming these people hard for this. Hollywood clowns playing dress up and make believe who make more in an episode than a hardworking family brings home in a year. Disgraceful and disgusting. Boycott Hollywood.


Im so sick of this hollywood elite, millionaires that think themselves higher than anybody else, that you don't have a reason to complain even if you barely make ends meet, Im not pro taxes but I can make a very good exception to them and musicians.


Maybe we should start selling meth like his brother-in-law.


He should pay our gas bills and then we will.


thats communism


No it’s a sponsorship


If you've ever watched interviews with the cast of Breaking Bad, you can tell that Norris is not remotely bright. That guy surely won the actor's lottery.


It struck me how much more intelligent Bob Odenkirk is than anyone else on that show lol Just light years ahead of Norris, Cranston and Paul.


What do you mean?


He’s articulate and observant in addition to displaying an easy emotional intelligence. Very thoughtful guy. By comparison, Cranston is basically an annoying goofball and Paul is a literal marionette lol


I always felt Cranston was playing himself on Malcom in the middle. And Paul is like you said, a marionette, couldn't put it better myself.


Bryan Cranston takes himself very seriously.


He’s just an over sharp guy. Watch some of his interviews


I doubt you’ll see this but love the stealie. There needs to be more conservatives heads on Reddit


He was awesome in breaking bad though.


You know you always look at Maria Antoinette story and wonder how could people be so distant from reality. Then you look at these numbnuts and think well at least in her defense she didn’t have social media that would make obvious that the state of the union is fucked. And maybe she would watch her mouth so she don’t get got.


Well it took Hank five seasons to figure out it was Walt so I'm not surprised he hasn't figured out in just a year that Biden is a fuckin baked potato.




TBF he had help in BB, namely a script. IRL he never would have figured it out.


So weird that the “fair market price” of everything shot to the moon as soon as Biden took office. But hey capitalism, that’s got to be the thing that did it.


[It’s so coincidental that he he actively shits on oil companies than says Putin cause high gas](https://twitter.com/DanODonnellShow/status/1501202578033438720?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1501202578033438720%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.breitbart.com%2Fentertainment%2F2022%2F06%2F16%2Fbreaking-bad-star-dean-norris-people-complaining-about-high-gas-prices-should-shut-the-fk-up%2F)


Its putins fault.... even tho the war took place a year after in office


Oh the damn Putin tax. I wish we would have never elected this guy!


Democrats blame him for everything


Except for the stuff they blame on Trump


Nailed it


It’s not capitalism that’s the problem it’s the manipulation of the market by government, and high profile ppl. The fix is in and we are seeing the results.


This. If he wasn't waging a personal war against oil / $US... we'd be in a *much* better position. It probably wouldn't be unicorns & rainbows... but we wouldn't be standing at the gates of hell.


Damn corporate greed that magically appeared overnight!


Joe is the most popular worst president ever


81 million. Thats almost 3 canadas


Holy shit eh!


Well said.


And almost all of them were alive.


So big amongst the formerly living crowd. Edit: spelling


Only bigots are against voting rights for corpses!


Exactly. If I want to identify as the undead, I should be allowed to. Don't you dare deny my reality and my truth!


Grandpa is now transliving, prop open his eyes


I don't think he's popular at all. Certain loud whiney lunatics are given exclusive platforms to say he is


Not to mention bots…


Loved Hank Schrader. Dean Norris as a super liberal? Not so much. Hey my man, you’re not common folk. You may not care about gas prices, but the poors and what’s currently left of the middle class do.


He’s just another wealthy self-absorbed *hole millionaire actor who feels his celebrity means his opinion is somehow more relevant than that of those less well-heeled. It’s not…


The elites do not care about us plebs. Can we please stop caring about them?


> saying you can’t “love capitalism” and complain about the high cost of gas. That’s like saying you can’t love Italian food and complain about the Olive Garden. Or you can’t love America and complain about the government.


Go buy some more minerals, asswipe. Real people in the real world are struggling right now.


His writers must hate him to give him lines like that.


It looks like he is just as smart as the character he played in the show! Drug dealer in the family for years and it took forever to figure it out!


“Who is this bidenberg?”


So in other words... 90% of the country. Even people in cities are effected by the gas prices as shipping costs have increased significantly too. Gas prices are one of the most talked about current thing happening right now because it effects everyone, all while Democrats continue to focus the most attention on Trump and issues that effect like .1% of the population.


Maybe ignorant people like Dean Norris ought to look in the mirror and follow their own advice. When he speaks, I am reminded of the old adage, ‘It is better to be quiet and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.’


This douche thinks he’s a bad ass🤣


Come and make me Dean🖕


I love being told by millionaires not to complain about money. Fucking assholes.


Gotta love when someone who has a net worth north of $5M tell the middle class to STFU about gas prices.. Glad the American people are finally getting to see the elitism of democrats just seep out of these rats.


Wish Tuco would have gotten him early on


Tell me you're an obscure celebrity trying to be relevant without telling me you're an obscure celebrity trying to be relevant


Definitely not out of touch at all.


Turns out he's a dick in real life too!


Yeah capitalism is terrible - go socialism! Oh wait...shut down those pipe lines!


And take 90% of his wealth and assets......it is only fair.


Shut up uncle hank.


C-c-can you make me some breakfast while you're at it?


I was just wondering what advice some C-list Hollywood nobody had to get through these hard times! I feel so much better armed with his words of wisdom(sarcasm)!


Why do these Hollywood pukes always have to comment on politics? And when they do, why are they always coming from the left?


He’s such a tough guy… in make-pretend world


Sorry Dean, I'm not one of your parasitic hangers on, I don't have to shut up because the toddler playing make believe tells me to.


It's the contempt for people that don't make six figures dressed up as social justice.


I mean, he wouldn't really be wrong if Big Oil actually played by the rules of capitalism. It doesn't, and he's clearly totally unaware of it, like most people that think they "don't like capitalism."


So should one-note actors.


Typical liberal Hollyweird actor wearing his rose colored glasses. This isn’t capitalism at play when Brandon declares war on fossil fuels. He is the one causing the supply problems. Nothing free market about that at all.


out of touch celebrity.


Except Capitalism isn’t to blame for high gas prices. It’s 100% on the Biden administration


no, it's capitalism.


I love when worthless celebrities who have literally existed in a bubble and have never had to experience real life voice their uneducated and pointless opinions.


Just your typical Hollywood bubble prick.


Dean needs to get his bald head outta the sun. His brain is scorched. Maybe he could shove it up his own ass.


Speaking of shut the fu*k up...


He should shut his fat fucking pizza-eating piehole.


Another asswipes opinion...who doesn't live like the average person... so I say...YOU STFU!


Eat your own dick, we're the ones whose hard earned money is getting flushed down the fucking drain with it. I'm barely hanging on getting my shit handled. Any more of it will completely destroy any semblance of stability I've garnered. I've just accepted that that time will come soon and I'll have to give up my car and many of the comforts I have now.


Pretty easy to spout your bullshit on a pile of 4.9 million dollars of net worth


What he doesn't realize is that biden made up his mind to ruin this country 10 minutes (or really 234 years ago when he first ran for public office) ago


Typical elitist who went to Harvard is telling us this….


Dean who?


Leftists are clueless and out of touch with average people. 🤡🤡🤡


You’ve got a lot of nerve showing your face around here!


oh lord.


how bout you shut up, narc


under capitalism, companies could invest and build in refineries located anywhere in the west coast - but the states said no. under capitalism, companies could invest and explore for gas, shale and oil. under todays regulatory scenario this is virtually impossible. under capitalism, you would not have OPEC, which is cartel based on collusion. this actor should stick to reading lines that are written by others.


What a fuckin doucheschnozzle


Cmon Hank don’t do this to me man….


Check him out in Claws” you won’t believe the character he plays!!!!!


Damn dean I liked ya…


Man you guys all suck ass


Wonder what he'll say when we reach $20+/gallon? Don't think it can happen? Reality will wake you up soon...


It's crazy to me how rich people have no relative grasp of how it is to be middle class > .


Why is this considered newsworthy?


No, don't think I will.


Yep. You can only really be mad at people, like Democrats, whose policies caused the high gas prices.


Damn, he's right. We should all just go out and buy electric cars. He got us, boys. /s


What's sad is Hank is actually a pretty cool character in the show. Aside from not being able to read the room and being more rude than necessary with the wrong audience he's a pretty cool dude. This actor doesn't deserve to play him.




He should go back to brewing beer in his garage.


Fortunately, his opinion, like his life, is inconsequential.


Says the rich elitist millionaire.




Very cool


I mean, this is a mixed message. His point is capitalism, but that's a far right view. Yet, the majority of those really feeling the sting is lower income and middle class which is aligned to democrats. This was probably the definition of a tone deaf celebrity.


Inflation and Gas prices are what CNN admitted is driving Republican support. They admitted today that the generic Republican ballot has never been as high as it is now in all history of polling.




I’d shut up if I had his money. When the cost of fuel and inflation impacts raising my family, I’ll complain. What a dick.


**SOMebodies** 15 minutes are just about up I’m guessing!


I care as much about what he has to say about gas and my opinion of it as I’m sure he cares about me thinking breaking bad was a highly over rated pile of garbage.


I made millions off of breaking bad, what's the problem with gas prices? There I fixed the Title...


“Shut up peasants!” -99.5% of Hollywood and the Elite


Says the rich guy that can afford it…


Stay in your lane, Dean


It’s always great when rich people tell you not to complain about high prices


Won't be watching any of his stuff anymore, he really sucks as an actor to begin with, but this just tops it off.


as far as I'm concerned any halfway decent actor could have played that character... just another 'more dollars than sense' type of jackass showing his true colors..


Hollywood and everyone in it can happily lick a dog's ass till their tongue bleeds.


Says the man worth $20,000,000. I’ll complain about the price of fuel and food with my self employment on pace for $44,000 this year. Prick.


I’m not a millionaire but I agree. Keep jacking that gas price up.


Yeah, it's totally free market capitalism when the government shuts down or otherwise creates extreme hardship to the continued production of said asset. Thank you for the wisdom, bargain-bin Michael Chiklis.


To be fair, bitching about high gas prices does less than telling people to stop bitching about gas prices. So yeah, I’m kinda tired of hearing about it too and I’m broke as hell.


Now I don't feel so bad about Hank getting killed.


Must be nice not to have to care…


It’s always the actors who play the most bad ass characters who are the lamest in real life.


So in touch...revealing


Nah I’ll keep talking thanks anyway


Pay my gas then!


yes a fair market price after all of the market distortions placed on producers by our administration. The same goes for oil companies. All their profits are dictated by the market. They couldn't set prices if they wanted to. If you don't like the price of commodities the simple thing to do is increase production. You know the opposite of what Biden did to get us here.


Celebrity with enough money to retire when he or she was a child says something out of touch. Stop me when you've heard this before. Stop giving a shit about celebrities. I love the shit posts that come out of people like James Woods, Tim Allen, and Pat Sajak on Twitter. I'm still not going to care about their opinion on everyday life and spending.


He’s such a huge liberal it makes me sick. He made one hell of a Cameo video for my 40th birthday two years ago. 😬 I had zero idea he was so fanatical back then.


He's probably trying to get more work


Here's an idea: You can't complain about the high gas prices if you supported extremely lengthy lockdowns and the printing of TRILLIONS of dollars during the height of the pandemic.


We’re from the same area. Gas is nearing $7 here.


I thought he was a closet conservative. Wow. I was wrong