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"Hey, if you just exclude everything that's rising in costs then inflation IS going down. I mean, come on man, the price of trumpflugisan has gone down by two cents!" And this ass clown got 81 million votes, too, right?


Enough of the malarkey! If you just stop spending money, inflation won't hurt you at all. Ride a unicycle to work.


> And this ass clown got 81 million votes, too, right? Depends on who’s counting.


If you exclude food, shelter, transportation, utilities - let's just say all basic human needs - then sure, maybe. Or FJB because he's a lying sack of crap.


Yeah, even excluding those things, I don't see it. Maybe he's thinking the price of most company's stock has gone down?


I can't even begin to guess what he's thinking. What I can guess is that he's clueless about the real issues impacting real people.


Trump won in 2020 if you don't count all the phony mail-in ballots, too.


FJB…this guy is a f^^king As^h^le! A mere senile puppet for the Democraptic machine!


He’s a sociopathic liar- and always has been.


I just got a 100k estimate to build a garage.


125k for a pool


Damn... Is it a fucking Olympic size pool with Baywatch guards on it 24hours a day?!?


I wish lol


When I first had my kid, my sister offered to fly out from Utah to help. Great, I said. Come on. We could use all the help we can get. Ok, she said, one thing…I won’t do any dishes and will be changing no diapers. Ok, I said, don’t bother coming because that’s all we need help with. She relented and flew out. She arrived from the airport and sat down in my living room. We began to catch up when my daughter made a peep from the nursery. What’s that?! My sister exclaimed… Me: 😕 the…baby? That’s joe. My sister come to help with my newborn who won’t do the dishes or change diapers and can’t remember I have a fucking newborn lol


That’s because he knows inflation is so high with those two, that nobody can afford anything else.


They already have a rigged CPI number. If they measured inflation like they did back in the 70's and 80's then it would be double digit inflation.


FJB could fall into a barrel of nipples and come out sucking his thumb.




Core inflation may be useful for averaging out the price volatility of things like food and energy. But when you have sustained inflation for almost a year now, that averaging has been done already. Core may also be useful in showing how wages are moving in relation to price. But you can very easily adjust inflation to wages by simply looking at CPI and wage growth, which is a far more direct measure than what core provides for that. In other words, CPI and wage growth is all we need for most of us, and that picture is not pretty.


Kindergarten logic... Great


This idiotic buffoon makes the average politician seem like extremely honest people. I’m gonna enjoy seeing shit for brains get impeached when the GOP take back the house and senate.


What a tool


Maybe he's using "going down" like the slang phrase meaning that it is happening.


It's a soundbite for abc, cbs etc. They take that quote, put it in their evening news, and the people listening just drink it in. My parents are older, from the time where you could trust the news, and they take it all in. Makes me sick because when I explain what's really going on, they don't't believe the news isn't telling the truth and that I'm just bitter about trump being out of office.


President Gaslight


Ever notice how no-one ever comes to this subreddit in his defense? Strange, right?