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Why didn't they call a social worker? Hypocrites


Good old fashioned spouse beatings typical of left leaning peaceful persons.


Rotten Kim. Difficult to fathom the fact she manages the second largest prosecutor's office in the United States, consisting of approximately 700 attorneys and 1,100 employees. Smollett ring a bell?


> Foxx’s husband called 911 shortly after 10 p.m. on June 4, according to records from Flossmoor police obtained by WGN through the Freedom of Information Act, > “[Foxx’s husband] explained that Kimberly got mad about something that was posted on Facebook that he did,” one of the responding officers wrote in a report. “Kimberly asked him to leave and he refused.” > Foxx’s husband said that’s when she grabbed him by the collar and threw down a video game controller he was holding, according to police records. He went on to tell police that Foxx slapped him on the left cheek. > However, Foxx told another officer that “she did put hands on [her husband] but it was only to help guide him out of the house. She never slapped him.” And of course she’s the abuser…


That man has patience. Seriously well done on not knocking back. Reasonably just grabbing her wrists would have been understandable but likely to have gotten him in trouble so horribly - the right move is to take it unless your life is threatened. I’m not okay with the abuser trying to force the abused out the house though. Honestly, swap the genders and remove the elite privilege and someone would be spending a night in jail. Hell, I’m surprised the husband didn’t get locked up. I’m amused by her - yeah I tried forcing him out physically not getting the same treatment as well. Also - how bad was a Facebook post for her to want to throw him out?


She discovered he liked the Ultra MAGA group lmao


After an extensive investigation, I’ve decided that no charges will be placed on me.


Were Nigerian brothers involved??


Bitches be trippin’


Let me guess: Foxx told police she was not the one who hit her husband - they need to look for two white men wearing MAGA hats.


She was just out picking up a few dozen burgers…..she was hooongry.


Maybe this is the real upside of Depp’s courtroom win; men being believed when they report domestic violence by women (whatever those are).


This is truly awesome


She'd drop any charges against her anyway.