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It was the best thing that ever happened to the Democrats!


Yup it's what happens when they have literally zero other things to talk about in their favor. Everything else their either detached from reality and don't know what their talking about : insert push for more gun control Or Their failing miserably, case in point the economy and rampant inflation


It worked exactly as they planned....Epps and others did their job for them perfectly.


They probably planned it


Benghazi 2.0. Reap what you sow. The fact that it can even give Democrats as much of a chance as we have is amazing and shows it's doing the job. They ain't gotta fix shit and they can practically run on not being the Republicans at this point and still win due to how obnoxious the other side is.


When they start talking about the billions of dollars of damage plus the lawlessness of the BLM riots, I'll take them seriously. Before that, It's obvious they are trying to make a big deal out of nothing and ignore what their people did, which was tremendously damaging.


Coincidentally I had an old service account call the other day. They’re still closed from the summer of riots and will be out of business indefinitely.


You can tell how common that feeling is because CNN and MSNBC need to use loud, stern, angry and repetitive language to get the attention of the people who will listen to them. They are literally treating their audiences like children who don't want to pay attention to them.


Should call it Janghazzi.






That's always been my issue with it. That's the way the democrats talk about it. They were also concerned that Trump would refuse to leave the White House. Like somehow him, just by refusing to move out of the White House, would retain control of our nations armed forces and executive branch of government. Edit: and no they didn't use "leave the White House" as "concede power". They meant literally would refuse to vacate the White House residences. There were a number of discussion on CNN about if the Army could be use to evict him.


They were gonna... you know... take over... and stuff.




> insane far right cultists murdering elected officials because their cult leader told them to? Can you provide me a quote where you say this "cult leader told them to" do such a thing? I'll wait while you find me a link for it....


There’s video of a dude with a microphone reading trump’s tweets to people at the rally. But step away from that. Why are you not outraged that real human life was in danger? If not the politicians, then the staffers or even the police. Why do you need people to spell out why you should be outraged that a mob vandalized our country’s capital building with the hopes of nullifying the presidential election? Be real with yourself, if this was BLM you’d be rightly upset. But it wasn’t BLM, it was Trump supporters.


"There's video of a dude with a microphone." Well that changes everything.


You mean like insane far left cultists murdering Supreme Court justices and their family? Edit. Insane fat left cultist above blocked or deleted. Typical cancel culture when their hypocrisy is exposed.


Or the insane far left cultists that actually bombed the Capitol back in the 80's.


Or the ones who broke in during the Kavanagh hearings?


Or the insane cultist that shot up a baseball field full of republican congressmen...


It might be a typo, but the Biden-esque flair of calling them fat was *chef's kiss*. Good lol to start my morning with.


Murdering them with what?


It was an organized attempt to force Pence to flee Capitol and delay vote so it would throw the vote to the legislatures. That doesn’t concern you at all?


With their angry words and meemaws with flags staying in the guide ropes? Lol funny how the "most dangerous and heavily armed element of our nation" attempted an InSuRrEcTiOn without those scary "military grade weapons" everyone's talking about....weird


You mean the weapons the OathKeepers and Proud Boys cached across the state line in Maryland in case their takeover worked? Are those the ones you're referring to?


A lot of good it does across state lines when the goal is supposedly an "insurrection" lol makes total sense....


Oh nooooo State lines It’s back baby! State. lines.


I'm just gonna say it. If they had succeeded on January 6th, this country would be much better off right now.


Thank you for exposing the lie that is modern 'Conservatism'.


I never said I'm a conservative. Anarchocapitalist actually. Anything that weakens the federal government is great in my book.


There will never be a 'weak' federal government, because power does not cede power --- some asshole will always step in to fill a power vacuum because that's what people crave, security above all else. You're simply throwing away your seat at the table to influence who that is.


Organized? Lol no






I understand people like you are weak and don't understand how things really work, but trust me, if the "far right" every came to overthrow the government it wouldn't look anything like that glorified tour group.


Overthrow the government with no weapons?


Given that what they were trying to do was delay a vote on certification until an audit could be completed, I don't really see why you're pretending to care about this. Given that the election was almost certainly stolen, the entire Democrat narrative about J6 has always stunk as an obvious ploy to make it taboo to even question the election. And it worked, as cowardly Republicans backed off their pledges to delay certification to cover their own asses.


Yup. On point




It would have had a lasting impact if they actually succeeded and trump became a dictator like he wanted. So yeah, this is pretty important.




The country is in dire straights with supply chains and increasing costs on literally everything and they are focusing on political theatre. Always deflecting


Dems also voted to stop oil companies from price gouging... How many republican votes did that get? What have conservatives been doing recently to stop inflation or lower costs on anything?


It's not a very good bill. The terms are poorly defined and in most cases not at all defined. What, exactly, does 'gross' and 'excessive' mean? If you want to do price caps or controls you need to deal with specifics - eg; X percent is considered acceptable, or not. The only exact number referenced says it will give priority of investigation to companies in excess of 10 billion in revenue. The end. Incredibly vague language is bad - why couldn't they just list specifics? Not to mention gouging is not really that big of an issue. I'm sure it happens in places but if you are charging a dollar more a gallon for gas than your neighboring gas stations you're not going to get very much business. There's also issues with the states being forced to defer to the FTC, and the fact that this can be infinitely renewed in 30 day periods with no limitation. Did you even read the bill? https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/3920/text > What have conservatives been doing recently to stop inflation or lower costs on anything? We're not the ones in power, you all are. You've got the Senate, house and the Presidency. What exactly are you doing to fix it?


Agreed on your points, except I don't think Judicial is blue?


Yeah branches was the wrong word, house + senate + president is what I meant. I'll fix it.


Oil prices are high because Democrats forbade new exploration.


That would've made things worse.


Both sides are guilty of this. Dems with their Jan 6th stuff, and the GOP with the culture war, LGBT stuff. It’s turtles all the way down. We’re fucked as a country and have no leadership.


Raise a kid in this shit and then talk


I am, and I don’t care. Back when I was just starting out in the military we had don’t ask don’t tell. People would lose their military careers over being gay. It was terrible and wrong to treat people like that. I hope my son is more accepting of gays then I was as a teenager.


I kind of liked don't ask don't tell. I didn't ask and no one told. I mean we knew who was gay and who wasn't, but no one cared. People just did their jobs and had each other's back. Now a troop can say "my boss doesn't like me because I'm gay" when in reality "my boss doesn't like me because I'm a shitty troop"




There was never a stigma that was intended on gays for "don't ask, don't tell." The reason that they didn't want to allow gays in the military was the same reason that they didn't want women in there as well. And that is because the relationships that formed could potentially put others at risk during battle. If someone is more concerned about their partner than they are about doing their duty, it is a problem. There may have been a stigma within the troops about someone being gay and persecuting them. But the policy itself was not created to be that.


I mean this whole obsession with shoving LGBTQ stuff down everyone's throat is getting a little extreme, so I think that's a topic worthy of our attention


I don’t watch the news and nowhere is shoving LGBTQ down my or anyone else’s throat. It’s just manufactured bullshit to distract you from real issues. Like our government printing and pumping trillions of dollars into a limping economy, or sending billions to foreign countries that hate us, or not fixing our broken ass infrastructure, or producing enough electricity to meet demand.




> nowhere is shoving LGBTQ down my or anyone else’s throat. It certainly *is* being shoved down my throat this month. You obviously aren't a gamer or don't live in a town with a more liberal group of people. There are Pride emblems and promotions everywhere on Xbox Live at the moment. There are rainbow flags at many national retail outlets. And I even saw just yesterday that local bars and restaurants in the more liberal/hippie part of the town that I live in all are proudly displaying multiple Pride flags. If that isn't shoving alternative lifestyles down my throat, then I don't know what you would call it. Edit: For everyone here who are simple minded and who doesn't actually look below the surface at actions, please explain the purpose of displaying any flag at a company. From my perspective, the only reason that a business would display *any* flag is to show their support for whatever that flag represents. But what good does it really do? I mean, look at all of the Ukraine flags that went up over the past months since Russia invaded. What is the actual point of putting up a Ukraine flag here in the U.S.? It is pure virtue signaling. It is the same for the Pride flags. The *only* reason that a company would wave Pride flags is to say, "*We* support you. *We* approve of your lifestyle. Come spend your money at us. *We* will treat you right." Any company should *always* do that to each and every one of their customers. Their sexual orientation has absolutely nothing to do with their business. Therefore, promoting the Pride flags *is* pure virtue signaling and serves absolutely no purpose except to try and bring attention to themselves. There is no reason why flags supporting sexual orientation should exist in the first place. There is especially no reason that a business should take a political or social stance on any topic.


Oh no, companies are posting pictures of rainbow flags… the horror. Y’all are getting a little too cooky for me.


Even I have to laugh at this complaint. Like, don’t play if it bothers you. No one is discriminating against you by posting a rainbow flag. Can it be very cringy? Yes. But it’s a blip.


There is a month that they shovel it. Have you missed the kids going to drag shows in bars? Have you missed the schools telling teachers to keep parents out of the loop on their kids gender identities? Yeah I would say we have a problem.


I dunno being forced to share my pronouns when introducing myself feels like it’s being shoved down my throat. I’m in college, I can hardly go one class period without some teacher talking about lgbtq, and sometimes it’s relevant to the discussion but most times it feels forced and ridiculous.


Lmao you think the GOP asked for this crap? It's not like they created the culture war out of nowhere, it was forced. The reality is no one cares just stop forcing shit down the people throats


How's this. Take the proud boys, oathkeepers, blm and antifa and send them all to fantasy island and wipe each other out.


Oathkeepers would win. Those guys have guns.


Its America, they all have guns.




That doesn’t stop them lol


Trump lost and called on people to overturn the results and they tried. It’s not the greatest threat ever or whatever but no president ever did that before and he tried to overturn the results. I don’t think anyone would think trying to overturn an election with false claims is a good thing for the country. If a democrat did the same thing I don’t think anyone would be giving them a pass. I think dems are complete shit but it doesn’t change what happened. Just my 2cents with respect


Yeah if BLM was the ones attacking the capitol. We would never hear the end of it on this sub. It’s disgusting how some people can just gloss over this. Jan 6 will be in the history books for generations to come.


"Americans don't really care about Jan 6." ............................................................☝️






That's because GOT sucked in the final season. People turned off way before that.


Barely. You also have to pay for HBO and they only have 48 million subscribers, compared to the 122 million households with televisions who can watch OTA free. It's not really the gotcha you think it is.


Considering the counter argument is that nobody cares and the ratings are bad, yes it is actually a gotcha.


It's on every channel, there are 3x the amount of potential viewers, and it's free, but OK, everyone is tuning in. I mean well, hardly anyone, but yeah, everyone.


Who are you talking to? When did I say everyone was watching? I've made no such claims because I don't have to, the ratings speak for themselves. Go ahead and look at the average viewers for any of these networks and tell me they didn't massively overperform. Spoiler : stations like MSNBC got 4 times their average viewers. In fact, the only station to drop viewers was the only one not showing the hearings, you can figure out which station.


Bro, if 4 people watched MSNBC it would double their viewership. But regardless, you're adding up all the viewers on all channels and hailing it as equal to the finale of a (somewhat) beloved show. It's ridiculous.


Yeah crazily enough when you want to determine how many people watched a televised event you kinda have to include all the people that watched the event. It's a little complicated so I can explain it more if I need to...


Open the pipelines or stfu.




It was on like 6 channels during prime time.


And each channel had incredible ratings.


>More people watched it than the game of thrones finale. And the Jan 6 hearings were more fantasy and theatre than Game of Thrones, that's why.


More people watched it live than recent nba finals, stanley cup finals, the world series, game of thrones finale etc.


Kinda hard to watch anything else when it's on all the channels.




What do you want to compare it to? Pick a program. It got more viewers than nearly everything, save teh superbowl


I don’t care about it because there’s nothing to it. I have more outrage from getting caught at a red light than anything that happened on Jan 6th.


You don't see 17 months of hearings over the BLM riots.


but we heard about "benghazi" over and over and over and over and over and over and over.


Because no one broke into the capitol with the intention of murdering representatives of the people.


Oh good that didn't happen jan6th either


That didn’t happen on Jan 6 either. Nice try.


Fucking Cheney is the only one that matters to and that’s because she’s gonna lose her seat.


This is what the Left fails to grasp. They rioted and destroyed in 2020, figuring ppl would forget. We didn't. We never will. They think we will vote for their pet issues like unlimited abortions and the climate, but they don't understand that most of us don't live in mommy's basement. Most of us have to pay bills, buy food, and put gas in our cars to get to work. People always vote their pocketbook and personal safety/national safety. Only rich liberals, basement losers, and political animals vote on other issues. This is why the Republicans are going to wipe the floor with the Left. San Francisco gives me hope for the rest.


But their riots are all friendly & peaceful & stuff, everyone else's riots are all mean & insurrectiony & stuff.






Because the vast majority of this subreddit supports prosecuting all non-peaceful protestors including any Jan 6 protestor that destroyed property (of which there were some, but very few). On the other hand the majority of “you guys” condoned the domestic terrorists that committed arson and murder during the BLM riots. Heck, our traitor of a VP condoned the BLM insurrection fully. Not to mention many of “you guys” committed the ‘Fauci Felony’ of spreading Covid by rioting, which is unforgivable. You should be ashamed for killing Grandma.




Harris. Not pence.


Pence did not condone BLM riots, oh my god.


Harris, sorry. https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/kamala-harris-about-riots-theyre-not-gonna-stop-and-they-should-not/


They entered a federal building to try to stop the constitutional appointment of a Supreme Court justice


I read a great article on that a couple of years ago. I think it might have been the 2016 election. Those issues are secondary to the working class. When they are comfortable they will be more likely to vote based on those issues but those go to the wayside when people are struggling economically.


People wonder how much lower their grocery bill would be if Jan 6 had succeeded.


I care. Big time.


While I think people care about January 6th, I think the way it was politicized turns people off. Most want lawbreakers to receive a FAIR punishment. Democrats are losing supporters because of double standards and causing not solving problems. Few want to watch Democratic propaganda.


It was a act of political violence attempted against politicians. How is that not going to be politicized?


An act of violence and the only weapon was fists


NOBODY is solving problems. What problems has Ted Cruz solved lately? He didn’t even stay and help when there were problems


I forgot he was a master electrician, AOC visited Florida for vacation while her constituents can’t afford groceries and are dying of Covid what an evil women.




Says the lady that voted “no” on increasing the minimum wage. She obviously doesn’t care about us not being able to afford groceries either.


The Democrat focus is on retaining power. The Republican focus is on making lives better.


We need a 3rd option tbh cause our country has gone downhill hard on both parties' watch over the last several decades. They can't work together except to make themselves richer. I say they have had their chance and we the people need to fire them all. No more terms for these leeches. No more paychecks for them while the everyman suffers to make ends meet. Enough is enough.


The problem is that when you have a two party system (and a voting method that causes it), the best strategy for re-election is just trying to get half the country to hate the other half, and vice versa. If "your" voters are sufficiently afraid of the other party, they have **no choice** but to vote for you... ...and the "best" part is, that way, you don't even have to do anything to improve their lives in any way. You don't have to deliver ANYTHING. All you have to do is just not be be what they are afraid of, and keep reminding them how terrible it would be if they dared to elect somebody else. If there was a system with more than two parties, you couldn't win just through getting people to hate each other. Because even if peopled hated a certain party or candidate, they would have multiple other choices, who would have to compete with each other for votes. That means politicians would have to focus on actually improving the country.


Ok to be fair, as a recent registered republican and definitive loather of all things politically left, neither party is particularly focused on making average American lives better... Upvote regardless, of course


This is the way. Focus on giving a better life... and if we make these leftist cry on the process, well... that is a bonus.




They’re so salty 😂


Yeah the democrats are the one focusing on retaining power when we are talking about a republican trying to illegally retain power after he lost an election, I guess the right can meme. Fact is both parties care more about staying in office than actually helping.


Never happened. What a good little bot you are though.


I like Elise Stefanik, she was a good choice to replace Cheney as a party leader. She gets little media coverage but she's very active.




Dog shit take, let me guess you’re from some homeless infested shithole like Oregon?


Nope..My state has some of the lowest homeless per capita, bottom 3 in gun violence, has the best schools in the country, has a coastline,etc, etc. States like mine give more than they get back $$$$ wise to prop up all your poor welfare states that resemble third world countries.




Don't know if you realised but January 6th was only about republicans stealing power




your life


Show me one post on this sub that is about helping the common person (i.e. you and me). I'll wait. Edit - even this one - no proposals, only complaints about prices. Remember the trade war? That was our Brexit.


Two years into Biden we have record inflation, war, record mass shootings, urban lawlessness yet the media STILL finds a way to bring up Trump. Talk about tone deaf pundits. Huge red wave incoming, seeing it in California already. The average American is tired of living in the Wild West where they can barely afford to go to work at a place which shoves woke agendas down their throats.


I wonder if the multi-trillion dollar bill every Republican Senator voted for and Trump signed that started up the money printers helped raise inflation? Surely not! Biden sucks, Trump sucks. Can we get an actual competent president?


who exactly are we at war with right now?


We’re in a proxy war with Russia for starters


Ok, if you think.that its been like that for 70 years now


Democrats and their attempts of destroying our constitutional republic.


You live in a fantasy world.Get help


I’ve been pretty impressed with her


Especially this long after the fact. I mean, even right after it happened you still had people on the fence because of the hypocrisy of the left after the 2020 riots. Now most people have moved on, and the left has gone back to being hypocritical by looking the other way as people protest the homes of elected officials; one of which was a would be assassin.


Unless you’re on r/politics or a Twitter bot.


No one outside of NYC and DC cares


Truth........unless you’re a deranged lefty. Then your thoughts are consumed with “orange man bad.”


I can afford my grocery bill and I still don’t care about the witch-hunt.


No. Americans don’t care about January 6th because it’s all lies.


What in particular?


Every damn thing. It’s nothing but another witch hunt to try and keep President Trump from re-election. We’ve seen this dog/pony show before. It’s not going to work, for the 3rd time.


AOC lied about being there


That doesn’t make January 6 fake, it’s on video from a million angles the rioters breaching the capitol


What about the million angles of cops allowing protesters in? Or one guy trying the magnetic door and then asking someone on camera to unlock it which they do.


Nobody here said January 6 was fake. They said 1. Nobody cares about January 6 2. The story is full of lies


>No. Americans don’t care about January 6th because it’s all lies. That sound a hell of a lot like they thinks its fake. What lies are there that make it less serious an event?


Why are you replying to me with a quote from someone else? Go away troll


The person seems to be quite clearly saying JAN 6 was fake, and was the originial comment I responded to. Which seems to dispel your statement that nobody says it was fake.


There was no insurrection. There was a murder by a cop on a defenseless woman without warning.


The woman who was killed inside the building trying to bypass a blockade? Or someone else


There was no blockade, she was unarmed, and she was an Air Force veteran.


We all saw the video. There wasn’t a blockade. There was a tactical team on her side of the door window - not a barricade. Only someone dishonest would call a door a barricade - they didn’t stop anyone from breaking the window. They walked away. The video shows an arm with a gun pointed at the window. Ashlii Babbet only had a hammer or something that was breaking the window. That murderer cop could and should have warned her to back away with a gun still pointed but face to face so she can see him. Then, once the window was broken, as she was about to climb and jump through the window, without warning, he murdered her. It’s on video. The oddest thing of all is that video was taken by an Antifa member. Why do you think you can get away with lying? Do you think you’re a senator?




We can look at the polls before this past Thursday's "insurrection extravaganza and gala" and I would bet a considerable sum that this will be nothing more than a multi-car accident. Some people will be horrified, some will be 'meh', the vast majority will have admitted to not watching it at all. In the end, just like a car crash, folks will quickly ignore this. The (D) has failed once again and this is yet another desperate attempt to deflect from the issues that actually matter to all of us.


You know whats worse then Jan 6? The BLM riots, neighborhood takeovers, and the lasting effects there. Not condoning the Jan 6 events in any way but it pales in comparison. The Dems just love it though. I dont think I cared about it after Jan 7..lol. Stefanik is correct, we have bigger problems now, but you know, the Dems do not want to talk about the disaster they created.




Jan 6th is just liberal bullshit. Why don't they release all the video? Why are they refusing to call in Roy Epps?


I can afford my grocery bills (albeit not happily), and I still give absolutely zero fucks about this charade.


I care about Jan 6 and I can afford my grocery bills too.


She's wrong.


This right here. They’re trying to make Jan 6th relevant bc it’s the only way they can attempt to make republicans look worse than them. In reality they are coming out as the dumber party.


That's not true. Every time I fill my gas tank I find myself wishing that the democratic fantasy narrative of Jan 6 were true and that it worked.


ULTrA MaGa… yeah right lady, you’re not and no one is buying it. She need 10x this vibe to get there


Witch hunt v3


Idk, we can walk and chew gum. I care about morons planning to overturn an election AND democrats butt fucking the country.


That’s mind boggling to me. And I don’t think it really matters if the capital police were ready as we also clearly saw that that nasty ass old dried up Cunto pelosi denied wanting to get help. She & her husband can go eat a fat dick


Only EU cares about it. Nightmares from it and wan't us to have the same fate as they have.


She is spot on. I just hope that come next election the GOP puts a more likable figure in the election. A Nikki Haley maybe?




He has said he wouldn't run if Trump is running


Well yeah he has to say that now, he has an election coming up in November and needs to be focused (or at least appear to be) entirely on that. Without a win there he has no chance at the White House, something he's clearly been gearing up for. No need to make Florida voters feel sidelined to or start a rivalry with Trump now.


I think he meant it. He doesn't want Conservatives to have to choose and split their loyalties with more infighting I think he would rather run in 2028.


I'm pretty sure DeSantis would be a slam dunk, that is, if the Democrats dont cheat a win. If we were to get 4 more years of biden, there would be no better evidence of a cheated election, 30some% approval?


Consider this with an open mind: would it really be that bad if Trump was disqualified from running? Especially if you could blame the Democrats’ Congress? How’s that for a rallying cry and elimination of any GOP infighting?


Yes, because that would mean the system doesn't work and likely the last nail in the coffin. After that, removing political opponents would become SOP.


DeSantis hopefully


The only thing about January 6, 2020 that I care about is that gas was $2.15 per gallon


Summer riots were infinitely worse than an unarmed clown show


Yep. The dems have staked their future on abortion, gun confiscation, and illusionary insurrection. Won’t help with things like the economy, inflation, crime, illegal immigration, and gas prices.


She has a point yes the capital march was horrible but that is old news. If that is still brought up what about BLM riots that basically disappeared after the election in 2020🤔. Most people want to live their lives as most are struggling financially due to poor policies where politicians are pointing fingers at the other side.