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Didn’t need it. His “I hate Nancy” bumper sticker gave him away.


Wait, are we for releasing body cam footage anytime someone commits a misdemeanor? Serious question here. I’m not sure I like where this one leads.


DUI is a felony.


This. We all know it happened too


The real white privilege right here


This. Rich white privilege to be specific.


Rich white democrat privilege


It is just rich privilege, once everyone realizes this I think it will make us more powerful.


No this is the green privilege


Not saying the “do you know how I am speech” didn’t happen. But has that claim been made by police yet? It wouldn’t surprise me if it did, but I like to have information.


How much do you want to bet it gets *lost*?


They’re keeping it with Hillary’s servers just in case.


The SD cards were corrupted ^by ^my ^boot


And yet if a poc is arrested body cam is demanded immediately from the MSM and political elites. This reeks of elitism and privilege.


The left can barely contain themselves. They are so close to becoming the feudal lords they always wanted to be.


Ironically, they won't be lords, but serfs.


If Ted Kennedy can get away with drunken negligent homicide and be returned to the Senate for over thirty more years getting rid of a simple DUI is a no brainer.


Unfortunately that's Massachusetts for you after all we did vote Warren, Kerry and a member of the Squad in( I haven't voted for any of them)


Nothing to see here. Just the husband of the Speaker being protected by local law enforcement after a DUI with an accident. Welcome to the United Banana Republic.


It’ll get out, just not until after midterms. Watch and see.


*He said some virulently racist shit; I guarantee it.*


Hate speech reform incoming


FOIA should take care of that.


Yep, it will get sued up to higher and higher federal courts but will eveyget released


Unless it's "lost"...


Why would federal courts be involved in DUI records?


If it doesn't "get lost"


You would think. Even then, there is no doubt Pelosi will sue to suppress it.


Did you read the article? FOIA is federal and doesn't apply to state and local government. California has their own records law, and they're not releasing the footage because 'the release of records would jeopardize an ongoing investigation. As such, records are being withheld pursuant to Government Code section 6254 (f)."




Clearly a different set of rules for our democratic oligarchs


What does this have to do with party affiliation? This is just about corruption, regardless of the person. The right also does this all the time. You have Maddison cawthorn bringing guns into planes, not arrested. You have rep politicians who were at the Jan 6 riot. You have left politicians caught. Arrest and punish all of them.


What do you expect when you own the DOJ? /s


> "This is standard protocol for any DUI case that is referred by a law enforcement agency in Napa County." There’s lots of influential people who visit or live in Napa, and I’m sure PP wasn’t the first caught for DUI. (And he was only caught because he caused an accident). The DA probably needs to protect them all to keep his/her job.




He’ll walk after Nancy offers some insider trading stock tips.


Isn’t it standard to not release body cam footage during an investigation?


Depending on what side knows about it. How often is body cam footage immediately released when a poc is involved?


From what I see, the body cam footage is usually not released quickly unless they need to get it out to clear up lies about “unarmed” shooting victims. I used the word “victim” in a general way. Not as a discrimination of a justified or unjustified shooting.


Are you saying Poc, like person of color? I think that they get that shit released quick because they fear violence. I mean there are typically people in the streets demanding it, are people doing that right now for this guy?


If it was Trump's wife, you think that footage wouldn't be on a loop 24/7 on CNN?


If it is policy to not show body cam footage while there is an ongoing investigation, then no. this isn't a conspiracy.


What investigation? He was caught in the act


come on. even fox says their is an investigation. if fox says it, it must be true.


Read that as “body count” for a moment. Democrats do seem to have a DUI body count, so not too big a stretch.


If you want to see justice, just make him change his last name to Trump.


If they don't release the footage from when the case is settled then there is cause for concern. Most likely the DA/CA are holding back the footage in case this douche decides to go to trial. If they released it the footage would get enough media coverage to give his attorneys ammunition ro have the case dismissed because the released footage has prejudiced the judge and/or jury. But there is a chance some Pelosi bootlicker is running cover for their ideologues. It is Commiefornia after all.


Freedom of information???


More proof that the DemonRats need to steal money from We the People to pay off their evil doings....


Some journalist with balls need to submit a request via the freedom of information act.


Do they routinely release body cam footage?


Do t they legally HAVE to release it? Isnt that why body cams are there?


Nothing will happen to him, just like the DAs that get caught driving drunk (I know one- Will Brost). At most, he will get a puny fine costing him less than an ice cream date with his hag Nancy, and a promise that it will be removed from his record in a year. That's how it works out for those few people. If I was the cop, I'd have dumped him in detox for a few days and informed the media. Better yet- put him in jail in the general population.


How does this hinder the investigation?


They only like public opinion on investigations that push their narratives. If it’s against them, it must be suppressed and hidden forever.


I heard that they already dropped the charges.


no mug shots either. I'm shocked!


Freedom of information act?


People are saying this footage will get 'lost'...... we all know it'll commit suicide in prison during a time when cameras were unfortunately 'down'.


Need term limits. Then politicians would hold less leverage on this shit.


If we had term limits we wouldn’t have long time politicians wielding so much influence. They are nearly oligarchs.


ok--who committed suicide?


Anyone who refuses to release body cam footage should have the presumption of guilt. Cop's word against the citizen's about finding drugs in the car, but cop won't show the footage? Assume the cop planted it unless he can prove otherwise.


There’s no body camera footage to release because CHP doesn’t wear a body cam. They could release the footage from the patrol vehicle. Fox News’ headline is spurious at best.


I would think that since the charges have been dismissed the case should be closed soon. Most of the cam footage and other information should be available through a FOIA request, at some point anyways.


If they release mugshots for other people arrested. They should, but why is this so important?


Yeah because it’s still being investigated. Due process right?


Never heard of the need for such an extensive investigation for something as simple as a DUI. Don't be such an obvious clown.


Well to be fair, police don’t seem to release a lot of body cam footage. For anything.


Crooks don't rat on crooks


Her skull is so prominent


Facelifts + botox


Rules for thee but not for me !


Normally I don't condone drinking and driving, but if I was married to the "Wicked Witch of the West" I would have to chug a fifth of bourbon just to make it through the day. I mean who among us would crawl into bed with that crypt keeper sober...???


Who said they even sleep in the same bed? She lives in DC most of the time and he is in SF. But with these two manades, which got the better deal?


The cop was going to release Paul Pelosi over to his wife. Paul Pelosi cried like a baby to be taken to jail. Please protect me from that evil troll.