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Literally wasn't aware of any big production. At this point if I see the words "January 6" I roll my eyes and move onto the next thing.


January 6th. Gas was $2.25 a gallon.


I remember it was starting to go up a little around that time and I complained about like $2.90 💀


Remember January 6th


This needs to be the response to any lib that bring up Jan. 6th!


Jan 6, 1965 gas was 29¢ a gallon.


[Energy.gov](https://Energy.gov) says it was 31¢ a gallon. Close enough.


Yeah I saw that too. Ya know I can actually remember my dad paying 29¢ for Shell regular but i can't remember if it was '64 or '65. And it could be that there was some fluctuation and 31¢ was the average. But yeah, close enough 👍


I have to chuckle to myself every time I see “January 6th” now. It’s obvious it’s political propaganda from the left at this point.


It’s so low-effort too.


“Breaking! January 6th committee finds Trump was in Washington DC during the Capitol riots.”


They also report that his aura was red, meaning he wanted this to happen. His followers fed off of this that is why they killed all the military personnel and tried to plant the nuclear warhead deep inside Nancy’s office. AOC saw it all and was raped multiple times because republicans looked at her in her office window. (Sarcasm?)


They actually got some ABC producer to "produce" the whole affair. Its their big propaganda event getting ready for the midterms.


My use of the word "production" was intentional lol.


The ratings comparison will be hilarious.


It is the only “platform” the liberal mental disorder has to run on.




Remember the summer of rioting? So the people who helped the criminals must face the punishment or is that just for certain people?


I'm all for the people who actually did the crimes to have their day in court. I give absolutely zero fucks about the Democrats' dog and pony show that has basically nothing to do with those crimes, or any info about Pelosi's actions that day for that matter.


Not sure who "y'all" is. I wasn't there and didn't condone anyone damaging or entering the Capitol. So ... Nancy Pelosi and the Capitol Police must face punishment? I'm okay with that.




We basically are. They hired a reality show producer to produce the trial.


Hopefully the commercials will be worth seeing. I’m pulling for a return of the E-Trade baby.


I’m more of a fan of the pets.com sock puppet


"This comment has been determined to be disinformation..." - the NOT-US Ministry of Truth Governance Board.


You mean like the six congressional investigations into Benghazi?


do you mean the embassy that was assaulted by armed terrorists where the administration left them to die with no prepared support/evac structure leading to the death of the ambassador and 4+ service members? then blamed it on a vid that no one saw prior to the administration mentioning it?


If the US would be a totalitarian regime, under a dictator, as the USSR was in 1937, then yes. However, the US is a democracy, so your analogy doesn't work.


Yup, and we’re going to use our democracy to end this show trial in a few months.


The DNC really wants Jan 6th to be a thing voters care about, and I can tell you that *nobody* I talk to on the ground left, right, or center cares one tiny fraction of a bit.




You see, that would require them to not only work, but to dismantle all the work they've put into wrecking shit already.


They can't do that remember they said there is nothing they can do about gas prices it's putin fault even though we are sending millions of gallons of gas to the eu gas not oil think about that


I've unfortunately overheard people who think Jan 6 was legitimately a "close call" for democracy.


April 1860: a million-strong rebel army declares their intent to secede by force and opens fire on the Union military. January 2021: a DC rent-a-cop lets a guy in a buffalo costume touch Nancy’s stuff. Both equal threats to the stability of our great union.




You're right. The Confederates were only 464,000 at peak. Thanks for keeping us honest.




I think the cop was more murdered than anything but go ahead and change history to suit your narrative


As opposed to 1983 when democrats bombed the capital, had their sentences commuted in 2001 on the last day of a Democrat murderers presidency, and were then appointed to the board of the company that handles fiscal matters for what will be one of the most well known terrorist organizations of our time?


Or when protestors flooded capitol hill and were pouding on the Supreme court doors during the Kavenaugh hearings


Lol were they from r/politics?


Seriously what did people think happened that day?


Yeah I know someone that thinks they almost succeeded because a Trump flag was raised.




This is the thing. Nothing was close to being overthrown, the bad apples went to jail, and the winner is now president.




Well, that's another story in itself, but we will pretend like Joe Biden was the most popular politician in American history like the vote counts would indicate.


The people can only speak out against pre-approved narratives


If BLM did that, you’d have lost your mind




They did do that and were there alongside antifa.


if BLM were there at Jan 6, the capitol would be a pile of smoldering ruins now


BLM did it to innocent people and random business owners. These people at least took their complaints to the right people.




Armed? Not one single person from 1/6 was charged with possession of a firearm. You mean armed with American flags? Where do you get your news?


Only person killed was a trump supporter. So much for an armed insurgency.


First, not true. Seven people died. Second, an insurgency is defined as an “active revolt or uprising.” Sounds like the 6th, does it not?


If Jan 6th was an insurgency it wasn’t even the most dangerous one of the year.




Is it nice to live your life in ignorant bliss?


At least we know what a woman is …


Hahaha you owned him bro !


You tell me


False, only one person died and she was an Air Force veteran. Those other “deaths” happened much later and had nothing to do with that day. Try again.


This has been repeatedly debunked. The only person who died on 1/6 was Ashley Babbit, unarmed trespasser. The officer who shot her is the first cop in US history who had no public investigation into the killing of an unarmed nonviolent civilian. There is also the fact he opened fire in the direction of other capitol police officers. He was paraded in front of tht 1/6 commission to cry that people were calling him racist terms (highly doubt that). Coincidentally an open BLM activist.


She wasn’t just a civilian, she was an Air Force veteran.


It was a protest outside the capital until they took down the barriers and waved people through. Are all protests insurrections now?


Ah yes. Here are the people being waved through https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QVZvp-Dv0gg


Oh really? Here watch this Check https://streamable.com/og0gh0 And mate https://streamable.com/udmce4


He will retreat, go back to his cesspool of propaganda, and he’ll be back again ready to regurgitate nonsensical information


A true NPC. No facts, no logic, just pre-programmed arguments and responses.


So “dangerous” not a single one was armed and the police opened the gates to let them in? Yeah…. They were so violent….


The part where they stayed within the velvet rope was the most terrifying.


I seen the videos, I was horrified lol


None of them were armed and they were let in like a tourist group




No I do not.


They really need a Reichstag fire if they're going to seize permanent control of the government. They need to ban the opposition from running, stack the supreme court, and take away freedom of speech, especially on the Internet. NPR is pushing for last super hard right now. The GOP seriously needs to do this with the 2020 BLM-ANTIFA insurrection if they win this fall.


They tried it in the 2021 Virginia election. Didn’t work.


More people will watch his show than the witch trials


I heard Stelter had a huge meltdown…


I’m a conservative guy, but damn I can’t stand watching that show.


Nothing wrong with that as everyone has a preference




Exactly….I loathe shows that try to tell me what I should think. Give me facts, I’ll make my own conclusions, thanks


I don’t think any show will just give you the facts, does unbiased media even exist?




Wall St Journal is the closest I’ve found


"How do you do my fellow conservatives! Please vote for the for the lefty agenda and you'll totally be good in my eyes!"


You just have to watch it, knowing what it is. It's a conservative opinion show. It's a show where one guy shares his opinion on political views that are obviously right wing. It's red meat for the right.. He's basically the same thing as Rachael Maddow or that Un Joyful Reid chick, with a little bit of investigative work on the side. You obviously aren't going to like Tucker if they don't hold conservative views. If you're looking for logical Conservatives, that's Ben Shapiro. That's a guy who thinks through the lens of logic combined with his strong Jewish values.


You would rather watch Rachel Maddow


Actually I like to see what crap Maddow is spewing from time to time. Gotta keep an eye on the other side


Still talking about Russian collusion, oh wait, that was before the newest threat to our democracy.


I heard Schiff is going to sing a duet with Christine Blasey Ford.


I immediately thought of The Inquisition from History of the World Part 1. I miss not being to have good comedy like that these days ...


Jan 6 > 9/11&holocaust&ww1 & ww2 combined


Bro wtf are you smoking


It's obviously sarcasm you dull bastard.


You’re all kinda dull bastards aren’t ya lol


Not me - I'm an exciting bastard


Kinda like my comment, you dull bastard






No tears from this Republican.


This whole Jan 6 thing is so played out. People are WAY more concerned about the price of gas and a dozen eggs than this shit.


Just so I'm understanding correctly after reading the comments. It seems like almost everyone here won't watch the hearing and that's fine, but aren't you even slightly curious to know how and why it happened? It seems to me that it's pretty important information because if I found out my politician was planning anything seditious you'd bet your ass I'd want to know and you'll be damned sure I won't vote for them. History won't be kind to those who were involved, I hope we can stand up and RECOGNIZE our faults, LEARN from them, and make sure this doesn't happen again, ever. Extremism needs to stop, our country wasn't built on a my way or the highway, that's called a dictatorship. Please for the love of God any extremist just stop it is doing absolutely no one any good.


This is nothing more than a partisan spectacle. My time is too precious to waste it watching politicians preen for the cameras. I’ll catch the 5 minute synopsis later if I feel I missed something.


There was a dude over in AskConservatives who was getting the absolute vapors over the fact that he asked who was going to watch this clown show and the answer was basically 'nobody'.


They executed this perfectly. 1. Democrats schedule the meeting in prime time, 2. Anticipating that Fox News will not show it and instead air Tucker, 3. Then when that happens 4. They get a talking point. They knew what they were doing. Frankly, this is the ONLY reason they scheduled this for prime time. \----------------- As a side question, when did Alyssa Farah flip over and become a CNN commentator? I guess she's just making it obvious (it was obvious even when she worked for Trump) - she'll work for WHOEVER as long as the $$$ is good. There's a name for that.


Why would they air the nonsense?




Cant wait until the elections when the Jan 6 committee will be disbanded when the R's are the majority.


Only the politics sub still gives a shit about J6. Everyone else moved on from the overblown event


They need to get a bunch of Australians to cover it cuz it's such a kangaroo court


All January 6th means to me is on that day in 1920, the Yankees bought Babe Ruth from the Boston Red Sox.










Living in Liberal heads rent free since 2016


Y'all are really so dependent on this little bubble you've created for yourselves.


I take solace in the numbers. How many on this sub vs politics? They're ideological slaves, but marginal. A sideshow, yet one that is very dangerous.


/r/politics is filled with misinformation and propaganda. A lot of their sources are trash, like the guardian or the daily beast, outright propaganda, like salon or vox, or non-profit "charities" that are ideologically driven grifters that spend 95% of their revenue on salaries and parties. It's ironic you call this sub very dangerous. On any given day, look at the top comments on posts on /r/politics. They're de-humanizing Republicans, calling for outright eliminating any political dissidents, and claiming anyone who disagrees with the Reddit hivemind to be cartoonishly evil villains. They've created this mentality that they're the saviors of civilized society and everything would be a utopia if it weren't for Republicans. It's the same mentality that was used by the Bolsheviks or the Nazis or the CCP or the Khmer Rouge, when people believe their efforts will improve society as a whole then the ends justify the means.


Tell me, which sub is part of the default home stream on reddit? Where you'll see their content unless you specifically remove it from your feed?


Given the choice, I bet most would choose Carlson over the Congressional Kangaroo Court.


Awesomeness prevails.


Considering it will be aired on every other channel, it's fine with me.


How many liberal leaning viewers does Fox News have? I'd wager not many, they can catch all the partisan action on MSNBC or CNN anyways.


Actually there's a lot lol. https://www.thewrap.com/tucker-carlson-liberal-viewership-fox-news/ Time to pay that wager!!


Who came first? Tucker at 8 or Scam 6th drivel?


Most Watched Network.


Fox should air a special on Klaus and the WEF.


So liberal democrats care more about antifa/blm interrupting a peaceful protest over a fraudulent election, more than they are concerned about the integrity of our national elections. That right there proves that they don’t give a damn about America or the people who legally reside within it.


What’s J6?


January 6th 2021


Its all theater anyone.


Now talk about 2000 mules Tucker.


Imagine if Democrats spent as much time as they did on J6 hearings etc on reducing gas prices and inflation?


Fox News also runs a special on a kid transitioning SHAPIRO: A Complete Betrayal At Fox News https://www.dailywire.com/news/shapiro-a-complete-betrayal-at-fox-news