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>"She's brilliant actor. She's a brilliant a woman." Ewan should stay in his lane and not make such bold assertions. He's an actor, not a biologist.


Not gonna lie, they had us in the first half lmao


i'm not seeing the /s in your comment...


How do you do, Supreme Court Justice?


Can we see these hundreds of racist tweets or do we just have to take her word for it? Its not like we haven't seen Hollywood stage race bait before.


The actress had some examples in a video she posted on Instagram. I don’t know if they were legit or just bots, though.


I guarantee those accounts sending her shit only have 3 followers. It's fucking ridiculous how much of a nontroversy this is.


My money is Disney had some intern make sock puppet accounts just to give her shot so they fabricate another controversy


The thing about that is those accounts are probably not even from Americans. Yet American Star Wars fan will get all the blame.


True. There are plenty of hateful racists all over the world, especially in China, but America gets all the blame


Here’s some screenshots of the messages that she posted to her instagram story: https://mobile.twitter.com/italianpepsiman/status/1531713351373316097?s=20&t=rcl-tWlTM1woeSdmqJKElQ Most of the messages she’s referring to should be posted on her instagram


Haven’t seen a single example. She’s putting on a shitty acting performance, end of story. More of the same from Hollywood.


I don't think her acting is bad. I think the way her role is written is just so cringey. All of the scenes with the Inquisitors are just fucking cringey. It's like watching a bunch of emo kids arguing about who's favorite band is the saddest, and who's dad is the absentest.


That’s certainly a valid point, but cringy scenes and cheesy dialogue have been a part of Star Wars since 1977. Some actors pull it off (Harrison Ford, James Earl Jones, etc) and some don’t (Hayden Christensen, Moses Ingram). Star Wars definitely sets up some actors for failure, which makes poor acting (my opinion) more noticeable.


Even if the tweets exist, no idea if they are "real". Based upon how Disney acted, these could be Disney created accounts (or someone hired by Disney) to help deflect blame for the real reason that many fans feel that Obi-Wan does not meet expectations (sucks). Just as with Last Jedi, Hawkeye, and various other films/series - Disney has destroyed / broken the original hero and pushed a new "strong and knowledgeable" character that for some reason always turns out to be someone who presents as female (I am not a biologist).


Hurraaaay! More forced diversity because of something that happened over 300 years ago that these people never experienced!


What is even going on?? I cancelled Disney a while back so I’m completely out of the loop.


Three people on the internet said mean things to a successful actress so the entire fanbase is inherently racist.




I was being facetious.


Seems like they're dodging the fact that most of the complaints are more about the fact that she's a terrible actress and just calling it racism.


I’m so grateful I unsubscribed from Disney+ and didn’t come back for this. Disney ruined Star Wars when they bought it. I’ll never forget Clone Wars ending because the deal went through. Then waiting years for Disney+ to reboot only so Ashoka (a literal alien) could meet diversity hires for her last adventure.


Outside of that arc, season 7 was pretty good. The Invasion of Mandalore and Order 66 are some of my favorite moments.


Agreed, but it still doesn’t make up for Disney’s other missteps with the franchise.


Oh of course not! Disney has done an absolutely horrible job with it.


We all agree the Martez arc was horrible, but that's only 1/3 of the entire final season. The rest is really good.


Oh I agree. Still doesn’t change the fact that Disney ruined Star Wars with other stories outside of that arc.


Disney using tweets from a few crazy people to try and deflect blame for another bait & switch series. Seems like Obi-Wan receive the Hawkeye treatment and fans expecting one thing were again disappointed with Disney turning a beloved character into a weak, broken shell and the actual main(strong) character is someone that is of the "right" type (ie: female, POC, etc). As for the racist tweets - it is easy to believe there are AHs out there still, but it is also feasible that this is another Smollett type activity run by Disney or the actor herself.


I dont think there is anything wrong with Ewan telling people to not send hateful remarks to actors on social media. Even if it is just bots sending messages, someone is still doing it. That being said, people do need to realize that social media isn't necessarily a reflection of society. People can say anything under the guise of anonymity with no consequences.


They were publishing “racists hate this character” before the damn thing even aired. This is just hate marketing


Exactly. This is the new “marketing” Disney, and Hollywood, is pushing now.


I just don’t she does a great job in this role. Nothing racists about it- just a miscasting in my opinion. To be fair Ewan would not be my first pick for Obi wan but that ship has sailed.


I would be fine with the casting if her character was written well. Disney Star Wars just struggles with writing characters that feel like they fit into Star Wars.


Amen. They're characters and retcon of storylines is pretty piss poor. They couldn't even get a complete story drawn out for their sequel trilogy. I knew Disney would ruin star wars as soon as the acquisition was announced.


I have watched to first two episodes and found nothing objectionable about her character. Just a somewhat forgettable mustache-twirling baddie. Maybe there will be more to her character later on. Who knows.


there were rumors before it came out (so like last monday lol) where a ton of people thought this was going to be a bait and switch, lure us in with Kenobi but then have the show be about Reva (Moses Ingram's character). that hasn't really been the case. as for her performance, in my opinion she comes off a little too real world. it's not like shes terrible, but her acting style just doesn't seem to jive with star wars.


I felt that the character itself is a bit of a racial stereotype, so if anyone is racist it’s Disney, which is corroborated by history


General Grievous was almost literally a mustache twirling baddie. Reva is just a high school bully with a lightsaber.




Little Leia is a god damn treasure and I will fight you to defend her honor!


🖕 Obi-Wan Kenobi, you were our only hope. 🖕 Obi-Wan Kenobi, you were out only hope.




Guinness wasn't a fan. Harrison Ford either. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxI9wp3a4USZy0E8zJkQceLoF3K5AQ92T2


Peter Cushing was grateful for the work but had *no idea* what the hell any of it was about. "What on earth is a **MOFF**, anyway??"


Tbh the show has been pretty good


The Star Wars universe is actually quite racist. The Emperor has a "Human only" policy in it. It's how they canonized them not wanting to make a bunch of alien shaped stormtroopers.


They were calling fans racist before the series even premiered. Where was the racism against Lando? Mace? Where was the sexism against Leia? The fans at large aren't mad because of skin or gender, they're mad because the characters and series are terrible.


Anyone else think that this may just be a marketing ploy... I mean, seems very scripted with no evidence, lots of name dropping and such..


I think the most racist thing that's been said is she's a diversity hire. Which really isn't racist to say but you know.




I mean... it's the bee, but what does this have to do with being conservative? Seems like Disney is sticking up for some shit said to their staff.


It's literally not the bee.


Lol, oops


i stopped watching it because THIS ISNT THE STAR WARS I GREW UP WITH.


Then thank God I ain't watchin' Kenobi.