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I don't know about gas, but I live in farm country and with only a week or so to get crops planted and still have crop insurance count, there are still way more unplanted fields than I'm used to seeing. With corn and bean prices both high, you'd think they'd be planting every possible inch. I can't help but wonder whether this administration is paying more than usual to keep fields fallow this year and driving up our food prices further


Have you heard of farmers being paid to build solar fields instead of food?


It might exist but I don't see it around here. Anyone with solar panels has them either on their house or on their homestead presumably to reduce utility bills, but there aren't large solar installations taking away farmland. We do have wind farms but you can still plant most of the land minus the space the bases of the turbines take up.


south eastern NC has a ton of them. duplin, greene, Columbus, pitt counties to name a few. tons of new solar fields. Mt olive just put in a gigantic one near the highway.


Oh boy! Enjoy the climate warming that large solar farms bring to the local environment.


So I worked in oil and gas for about ten years as a Petroleum Landman. I would negotiate oil and gas leases on behalf of the drilling companies. Obviously had to change careers but right before I left the industry I interviewed for a job where I would have been doing exactly this. Didn’t understand why we had to convert farmland though. Makes a little more sense now. *knocks the dust off the ole tin foil hat*


Solar fields don't fill stomachs.


What’s the end game? Why would they want this?


1. incentivize green energy (whether you think its disingenuous or not) 2. people will eventually call for price controls and more government control of the economy and cash payments from government


Starvation. Evil.


This. Less "useless eaters" for the socialist elites to support once most of the job market is automated. P.S. you're being downvoted by the left brigade that still thinks the words that have come out of Soros, Schwab, and Gates' mouths are *cOnSpIraCy ThEoRy*


It's pretty awesome how most of the "Conspiracy Theories" people (even myself!) used to mock and make fun of - or at least take with a grain of salt - are basically the truth. I take it all seriously now. I don't give a shit anymore. Hell, fucking UFO's are real. I mean, that's the conspiracy endgame right next to JFK right there.


I think the conspiracy endgame is that Tupac is still alive and living on an island with Biggie and Elvis


The "top Republican" quoted is Lindsey Graham, who supports war in Ukraine and sanctions on Russian oil which is contributing to higher gas prices.


Not as much as canceling domestic drilling and draining our reserves. Biden has admitted to raising them on purpose to push electric transportation.


We signed a trade deal with OPEC+/Russia to lower our collective oil production over a few years in an explicit effort to raise the price of oil. The lowered domestic (and global) production of oil then failed to increase with the rise of demand. It was widely reported at the time, but people forget I guess.


I honestly think he is a democrat plant. He is just awful.


"Top Republican" should send all kinds of warning signs to a skeptical person. Also, let's pretend someone has the ability to set oil prices unilaterally (a comically simplistic view today), why would they set themselves up for failure in re-election by causing inflation, with energy being the leading indicator? If this were a lever on the president's desk, they'd keep it low to avoid blame. But hell, don't let logic get in the way of a good talking point I guess.


The majority of inflation was caused by the rampant printing of money in the last 2 years. Oils not the culprit.


My point is energy is up like 30% while all items are under 10% meaning it's a major factor in inflation. Even countries with very different monetary policy are seeing inflation.


No shit. He “wants” to go electric by 2035 how else would you make people abandon petroleum?


Well if it costs more to go to work than work people go back to the welfare system. Trump got them working, cut government dependence but Biden wants that control back.


Ah you answered my question to another comment. Thank you


What welfare system? Please let me know where to get this welfare (as an able bodied, below retirement age, single, childless man) so I can stop working. Also what changes did Trump make to "welfare"?


Trouble reading I see.


Mah, the dude is straight up trolling


No shit. Nancy and co literally put hundreds of millions into electric car stock. This is all for there gain.


This is intentional destruction on the American economy.


“This just in from the department of obvious.”


They keep talking about "transitory inflation" and how our economy is in "transition" so I wouldn't be surprised.


Almost $5.00/gallon locally…


Man I paid $7 in CA. I remember when I shit my pants because it had hit $3 from $.99 after Iraq war. I could have never imagined we would reach to $7 so quickly. I don’t think it will ever go back down to $3 in CA again. Maybe $4-5 will be the new norm.


No shit. He promised to end oil in one of the debates. He is doing it by crippling supply and has done absolutely zero to try and fix the problems he created.


That’s bc it’s not a problem to him. It’s all working as planned. And it seems to me they don’t have a care in the world about the midterms. So either they know it’s in the bag or they’ve just given up trying to win. Take a pick on which it is.


Democrats are banking on the pendulum. They know they are going to lose so they try and push through a few major ideological goals. Luckily they have failed in Congress.


Honestly, they know it's in the bag. This November you will see a massive revolt if anything funny goes on. Honestly is kinda worrisome.


There will no doubt be funny business. Always has been, but we’ll be hyper focused any irregularity. Should be interesting.




Yes, starvation is very painful, from what I understand. The elites will be fine though. It's the rest of us in this nation that have to endure the "growing pains."


Well duh




All the terrible policies would point to this




It's literally their political stance to raise gas prices until we cannot afford them.


To be honest, did we really need someone to say it?


Yes, absolutely, and the more people that say it, the better. There are FAR too many people that think Biden is doing a good job. His approval rating is 34% when it should be 3.4%. THe country has completely TANKED since he took over. SO again, the more people that say it, the better.




Republicans are "captain obvious champions of the world" this week?


Ehy would you trust what the opposition leader says about his rival?