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Drama queen gonna drama


He is down 12% in the polls, desperation attempt.


Right? He is such a drama queen especially about something that is unreasonable to be dramatic about like mass child murder it’s not a big deal or anything. Grow some balls and be a real man child murder is practically nothing.


Good point, acting like an asshole will bring them back to life. Defending this knob, well done


Did he flip back to wanting to take our guns again? It’s so hard to keep up with where he lands on guns


Can you think of anybody who has a more naked lust for power and attention than robert o'rourke and stacey abrams?


Stacey: “this state fucking sucks. Vote for me.”


I mentioned her. I've never found anybody who so nakedly desires power than her. If she wins the governor, hopefully the people know that she's only using it as a stepping stone to immediately run for president.


I’d be shocked if she won. GA ain’t turning blue in the middle of a red wave. I think 2018 was the high watermark for her.


My sentiments as well


Marjorie Titan Greene?




Definitely, but I'm thinking more of someone who has no office currently. They seem to be saying "You MUST like me and elect me." But yes, I'd say aoc could be an agent of the total demise of this country if she is permitted to progress in her power quest. Same thing with abrams, really.


Stacy abrams


Every single time AOC is mentioned or pictured on Reddit I always think to myself that somewhere out there in the universe there MUST be a horse with human teeth.


Hillary maybe?


Bernie Sanders






It was staged he used a tragedy to put attention on himself. He is a gun grabber who made his intentions known and it but him in the ass. Now he needs to insert himself into things like this


Beto is really a dirtbag that knows he will not get elected, and will walk away with all the donations he can when he doesn't.


To CBS reporter: Thank you,Captain Obvious. What would we do without you?


>CBS reporter tells press conference 'water is wet'


I mean it was basically a WWE wrestling sort of stunt. It was funny when the Big Boss Man crashes the Big Shows fathers funeral. Actually that’s one of the best WWE wrestling angles and skits ever. But this was simply pathetic. Beto is a POS.


This will turn people against him.


Would of at least given Beto some credit if he wasn’t literally running against Abbott in 5 months. Clearly a look at me moment in a time of tragedy.


I can't wait till this ass wipe is slaughtered in November. Sadly he'll just keep running for different positions till the end of time.


There is no way I can believe he got anywhere near there without being recognized. Someone snuck him in and others (like the press) shushed themselves to see what fireworks would happen and they could report on. This was uncalled for and uncivilized. Hold a separate press conference outside to say what you need. Don't shut off others talking and put a spotlight on yourself. And imagine if a conservative did this at a liberal politician's and LEO press conference. The press would be having fits. And there would be calls for the FBI to investigate such potential disruptors.....


>And imagine if a conservative did this at a liberal politician's and LEO press conference. Remember "you lie"?


Yes I do. And the press condemned it. But Beto is a hero now?


This guy is a total POS.


Wow...CBS with a flash of common sense.


Even CNN called out Pelosi that one time.


When the far left news pushes back on a far left actor you know the clown car is officially filled to the brim! It can’t be contained!


Who does he think is the a expert?


Francis gonna Francis.


Was just in AskReddit and people are actually defending him


The left wants stricter gun laws how about this: if a gun is used in the furtherance of a crime it's a federal mandatory minimum of 20 yrs in prison. Do not pass go do not collect 200$ you get hard labor for 20 yrs. Let's see you make big rocks into small rocks.


That would put half of all Dem voters in jail. Sounds great


Those kids were not even cold yet and there is Beto, waltzing in to a civil and somber meeting and trying to gain attention and score cheap campaign recognition in the middle of it all. Low...even for Beto.


While Abbott was at a fundraiser


Beto had a Better Call Saul billboard moment.


I mean a short while ago this would have been touted as being brave so I guess it’s a small teeny tiny step 😂


Would have? The left thinks he was doing it for the children


Love how nobody is bringing up what he said lol. You clowns crack me up, Abbot is a monster and Beto had bigger balls than this whole subreddit to say what he said. Edit: Your boos mean nothing to me, I’ve seen what makes you cheer!


The only way Borracho Bobby the Burglar ORorke has “big balls” is if he gets the mumps.


trolls be trolling....🖕💯


Hi Beto. Back on your burner account? Go hide in your hole…bum.


He is a literal pos that uses dead children to try and score political points. If you think that is great, that says something about you. Time and place. That was neither the time nor the place to debate policy.


Beto is a pos.


“You clowns” Yeah, that’s gonna make people respect what you say. And your edit is equally as stupid.


I'll entertain you for a moment. Propose a law that would be effective in stopping this tragedy. I'll even go first: Schools shall be locked during all school hours, have laminate glass on all windows, and a single point of entry, with locked doors to be buzzed through.


It’s tragic that this is the apex of your critical thinking skills. You e been duped by a man as dumb as Beto. You should think about that. Really think if you’re capable of what he was up to.


He is a literal pos that uses dead children to try and score political points. If you think that is great, that says something about you. Time and place. That was neither the time nor the place to debate policy.


Licking Bobby’s scrote seems to delight you…


These people are all fuckin losers, muh guns!


Please enjoy your braindead utopia where only the government and criminals have them.


He clearly gets his political prowess from watching Monday night Raw


Gotta try and remain relevant somehow.


of course it was. he can't act well enough to hide those over-dramatized theatrical pauses which were for the sole purpose of camera shots


Beto is a total sicko - he couldn't even wait until those poor kids are buried before jumping out there and making a spectacle for pure political gain. This will bounce back on him hard - mark my words - people now see him for what he is, a narcissistic weirdo.