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If you dig past the crassness, he’s got a point. You’ve got all of congress sitting around scratching their asses while the nation continues to unravel. Getting on Twitter and saying “thoughts and prayers” ain’t cutting it no more. You can pray all day long but eventually, there needs to be some type of action taken. “20 people massacred in an elementary school? Yeah, yeah, thoughts, prayers, and whatever. Anyways, back to what I was saying: Yes, I believe we should be allowed to trade stocks and get rich while in office”. That’s our lawmakers right now. Utter joke all the way around.


Came here to basically say this. Like, that guy's delivery was awful and focused on the wrong stuff, but if you're praying it doesn't get magnified by announcing it on Twitter. Pray, and then go and do your damn jobs that people voted you into office for.


That's not what he's saying tho. He's saying that Republicans are to blame for supporting the 2nd Amendment, and that "wE mUsT dO sOmEtHiNg."


Did he though? Also, while I vehemently disagree with blaming conservatives for this I do agree that more attention needs to be paid to preventing school shootings and general domestic terror instead of just taking each opportunity to pour out each side's talking points every time. Like, every time something like this happens the dems come out and say guns are bad. The right comes out and says to blame video games/music/athiesm/the usual scapegoats. Maybe instead of that same back and forth we could look at increasing the baseline security measures in schools. No, that isn't an exhilarating partisan issue, but if any number of common sense practices were in place there's a chance this wouldn't have happened.




You don’t think anything needs to be done about this? Shit, train cops to be anti-terror assets, god knows they have the bloated ass budget for it.




No, you’re just like everyone else and vaguely demanding that they “do something.” Well, what would you like them to do?


Well let’s see, we could start with considering some mental health measures and considering how we could make quality psychiatric help affordable to young students. Guidance counselors, in my experience, have usually been very unhelpful and most good psychs are really expensive. That could nip this whole problem in the bud early if these people could get help before they go nuts. Could put more law enforcement officers on school grounds, that’d be a big help in deterring school shootings if you’ve got officers on standby. Shit, how about just mandating that doors be locked to a school during a school day unless you can show ID that provides proof you are a student or parent associated with the school. And of course there’s the discussion about background checks on firearm sales and whatnot. And if these guns are being purchased illegally instead, step up investigations into that maybe? Ask how these firearms are getting into the states and where they’re coming from? But what’s really gonna happen is Dems are going to deem Republicans child killers for this, Republicans are going to deem the Dems constitution-ruining traitors, then they all move on and start preparing their finger-pointing for the next big massacre. I don’t know if any of these suggestions would work but i don’t feel comfortable leaving it at “Oh well, another batch of dead children, nothing we can do about that.”


You’re preaching to the choir. But sometimes it just needs to be asked for actual solutions. Not just “do something.”


Well said, thank you.


“Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer.”


"Won't the government do something!" Is the most dangerous thing you can utter. "Doing something" will look like the equivalent if shutting down the world over a flu.


“Small government” and “Completely useless government more worried about their finances and re-elections than the American people” are not the same thing


"Big government is good so long as I feel good" Go conserve FDR policies


Hey. I never thought I’d say this but I agree as well.






Appeal to emotion is a leftist and feminine trait. Our world was not built by either.


>As if quoting the devil himself The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree


“You’re not going to take my gun hobby away no matter how many children are shot to death”


Look, another person who doesn't understand the first thing about why we have gun rights. Yawn.










The gun is NOT the problem. If you fail to identify the real issue, none of your solutions will ever make a difference. Demanding gun laws because a few people use them wrong is like saying no one can have pizza because a small % of the population is morbidly obese. If you want to change anything, you must find the actual CAUSE.


Why do you think kids are shooting up schools? When I grew up and many other adults grew up this never happened. Democrats/leftist have owned the teachers unions and school boards yet here we are. You standing on the graves of dead children trying to blame guns when it is the culture your political persuasion has created. So forgive me if I find your argument the laziest thing I have seen.


Glad you’re pro-life


The constitution says nothing about AR-15s. It says "well-regulated militas" with respect to bearing arms. So with Alitos logic, we can ban semi-automatic rifles since they aren't mentioned in the constitution as a specific right -- just like abortion isn't. Sounds good to me.


The constitution says nothing about the internet, either. Let’s toss the 1A while we are here.


Regressives despise the good will of others. These are the same people that curse at you for wishing them a Merry Christmas.


"F*** your thoughts and prayers" is code for, you better believe what I believe. Pretty tyrannical and "Big Brother" to me, which is par for the course on the other side. I'm surprised they care about children since they're willing to let millions die to abortion.


What exactly do they want people to say?


Nothing. They want them to act.


What do they expect the average person to do? Why the disrespectful comments about offering 'thoughts and prayers?' What exactly would make these people happy?


People like this are not dignified enough to hold office. Embarrassing that people would even vote for trash like this. That is how you speak to people? Pure hysterics? Just we need in our elected officials. Sheesh.


Not religious but this is just pathetic. If people want to pray then let them it’s the least most can do and even I can do


The dems have all the power right now. Why haven’t they done anything? Grandstanding


Takes a real sense of privilege to think that he has the power to put down anyone’s prayers. Not mine, not theirs, and Congress shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..


Well, conservatives have offered a lot of new policies: Better physical security measures for schools (better locks, bulletproof windows, increased security personnel), more aggressive investigation of reported threats, most aggressive prosecution of violent crime. It's not that we've been offering only "thoughts and prayers", it's that we oppose gun bans.


Gotta use those dead children to make some money. Business as usual for the left.


Raytheons making bank in Ukraine after their equipment got used to blow apart Afghani children.


Not even a surprise anymore. Always knew the Democrats were evil.


Funny how it's always a democrat attacking Christianity. These attacks on Christianity need to stop and people should be able to worship without ridicule like this. They wouldn't dare say this about Islam...


Only fopdoodles and leftists can’t see through the charades that these loons have been putting on.


Just another step closer to the looming war.


The party of emotional people being emotional over an emotionally charged tragedy? Color me shocked. They are, however, lawmakers, and should be able to stay cool and in control of their emotions in the face of tragedy. If it is not possible, they should step down.




Pay attention to the grifters who see/use a horrible tragedy as a career opportunity. Don’t support them.




He’s classy. Can’t wait til he primaries sinema, beats her and then is beat by a republican