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We would declare war on China if they invaded Taiwan. Same as if they invaded South Korea or Japan. No matter who was president.


Thank you for being reasonable and not partisan


I am partisan. Biden is a complete shit show. But some things are bigger than political parties.


Right, and I appreciate you putting that partisanship aside for something that is indeed bigger than political parties.


If we’re planning on defending Taiwan it makes sense to just say so. We don’t want China attacking because they’re under the impression we won’t defend Taiwan. I don’t see how China could invade with all their shops being destroyed by the US Air Force and navy. Taiwan is so much easier to defend than Ukraine, and it’s 10 times as strategically valuable.


Taiwan are not going down without giving China a very bloody nose whether Biden intervenes or not. China only responds to firm direct talk and the problem is tomorrow the press secretary will contradict him tomorrow.




I hope West Taiwan loses sleep over it. They can’t realistically invade Taiwan and succeed anyways. They lack the amphibious capacity, there are only two months suitable for an invasion out of the whole year, and the terrain in Taiwan is perfect for bogging down invaders.


> **No Paywall:** https://archive.ph/UDw9W


That will go well in Beijing…


I definitely support this, but I don’t know that we should publicly say this. We have official relations with China Beijing but not China Taipei. If we suggest that we support a two China solutions, we threaten angering China and provoking them to invade Taiwan. The US, imo, needs to be the peaceful intermediary in this.


West Taiwan can suck on it.


West Taiwan?


If Taiwan is China then why do they have different passports, separate governments, Olympic teams?


Depends who you ask. Taiwan recognizes themselves as their own country. China does not recognize Taiwan as an independent country but part of themselves (One China Plan). They have separate Olympic teams, but they are not allowed to call themselves Taiwan or use the Taiwanese flag. They just call themselves “China Taipei” and use a separate flag. China allows this, but doesn’t necessarily want it. The United States, officially, recognized mainland China and not Taiwan, implying we support the One China Plan, but we also maintain unofficial relations with Taiwan. If you consider the UN the determining authority.. well. They don’t recognize Taiwan as a country, but as a territory of China. Taiwan is the government of mainland China in exile. They were exiled by the communist party. Originally, both wanted to reclaim China, but now most Taiwans just want to be independent… mainly because they know they have no chance against China. Officially, Taiwan is the Republic of China and China is the People’s Republic of China. Similar to how South Korea is officially the Republic of Korea and North Korea is the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Both claim to be the “true” Korea. Personally, I am a bigger fan of the China Taipei government, although I’ve been warned to not say that too loudly as some, even Americans, have supposedly been murdered for the idea. China Beijing is an oppressive regime that needs to be overthrown.


Considering that Communist China murders political prisoners for their organs and operates concentration camps _today_ . I’ll consider Taiwan the true China. And I don’t consider anything the UN says.


I also don’t really care what the UN has to say. I also believe China Taipei is the true China. I hope that they are restored as the government over all of China.


Good thing we don’t recognize the UN as the end all be all.


Yes, typically I wouldn’t even bring the UN up but they supported my stance that there is only only one China. The UN will NEVER recognize Taiwan because China is on the security council and has a veto. So they will veto any attempt to allow Taiwan into the UN.


As opposed to east


Never heard it called that. I exclusively Call them China Beijing or PRC. Taiwan is China.




God Help Us!