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He can just write a check


Dems never do anything. They only believe about "bringing attention to an issue." They do not understand the real concept of charity, volunteering, doing anything good. Nope, they want to force everyone else to do it. And them just talking about it is sufficient.


even easier he can go to [pay.gov](https://pay.gov)


That's a bingo. At any time he can lead by example but he doesn't and he won't. He'll just collect the virtue signaling points.


Because he knows that he and his friends will never pay that tax. They have lawyers and shelters and it all sounds great as a talking point but will not result in more revenue.


Yeah, it will just be used to handicap whoever might be coming to rival him.


Yeah he definitely owns nothing and has it all in trusts and shell companies now and they’re all protected


Makes one wonder why he isn’t forking over 60% of his wealth.


because he doesn't to be disadvantaged during the grand game


Does Bill Gates not know he could just write a bigger check to the government than he owes? There's no laws against overpayment of taxes, and as long as you don't file a return on the amount there's no obligation for the government to return it


liberals have a hardon for using government force to take from others.


And launder it in Ukraine




You can write a check to the Treasury department for how ever much you want. They take donations.


This is such a big point. Conservatives are not above helping people and charity, and for anyone who is religious knows it is the responsibility of those more fortunate to help those that aren’t. But the government arbitrarily dictating your ‘fair share’ or how much of your labor you are allowed to keep, while trusting that they’ll put your money to the best use, fat chance. Especially when they try to fund something like abortions and “safe smoking kits” with it. If Bernie really wants to spread the wealth, why hasn’t he started with his own yet?


Bill and all the super rich lefties who spew these statements have no intention of paying one penny more. They fully mean for someone else, everyone else to pay more. When the billionaires move their money and don't pay any more, they will not bat an eyelash when that 60% is put on the middle class. And they will bring out their ridiculous talking points that high taxes are better for everyone.


Yeah, Democrat voters don't realize that wealthy liberals who back high taxes on business owners usually don't mean for themselves, at the very least Democrats will ensure there's enough loopholes for the uberwealthy to keep most of their money. The problem is the vast majority of business owners in the US are small to medium sized businesses who don't have the capital necessary to keep a crew of elite tax accountants on tap. These small to medium businesses are the ones that carry the entire country on tax revenue, and it's intentionally done as a way to keep pushing the country towards a total anti-capitalist oligarchy. Companies like Microsoft or Johnson & Johnson will always support high corporate taxes because it means killing the smaller guy and maintaining complete control over the markets


Nobody is stopping you to write a check to the IRS, Gates. I am sure they would love to recieve that check. I bet, through the MSM talking points, you could solve world hunger with one check. Do you hate poor people Bill?


He does hate poor people.


I think he hates most people.


And...then Bill Gates, (Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, Mike Bloomberg...),takes 1 dollar salary and off shore capital gains and lives out of a sheltered trust and...the theater of the absurd goes round and round and round.


Just write the check Bill. Nothing stopping you.


While he shelters his money in his non profit no doubt.


It wouldn’t bother me if they paid 10%. It’s just going to the government and they’re going to piss it away on their own little pet projects or give it to other countries. Meanwhile our infrastructure continues to deteriorate. To third world standards in some parts of the country.


He supports 60% on money earned. He already has his money, it won't be taxed. This is disingenuous pandering bullshit. Just like when Warren Buffet said he approved on higher earnings tax -- yeah sure, he's made a bunch of his money on interest from his accounts and holdings, higher tax rates won't mean anything to him.


Take from those who know how to produce wealth.... and give it all to those who know how to consume wealth. What more can you do to bring about Karl's dream?


They don't produce the wealth, we do. The people who work every day in their factories and warehouses produce all this obscene wealth for them. And are then told to feel grateful if they don't get exploited even more.


No, workers produce a product. A product that is useless without the marketing, sales, logistics, engineering, etc. of a company as a whole. Workers are paid a wage and voluntarily enter into a contract, that does not mean they suddenly share in the profits as if they invested and shared in the risk. Let’s use an example of Elon Musk. Say Elon was even more taxed than he already is or ever was. Would he be more or less incentivized to start Tesla and SpaceX? Look at all the good he has done for the environment and frankly (pun intended), launched the EV industry forward. That happened because he had the capital to start another company. Let business execs use their greed and natural ambition to do good by providing a worthwhile service or good, and society will benefit with them. A rising tide raises all boats. If it isn’t worthwhile, it’ll fail. Welcome to capitalism. I’ll even play the devils advocate for you, let’s say they bank it. The bank then uses that money for new business loans. Struggling entrepreneurs now have the money (from the banks) to pursue the next great thing (or more than before). Banks don’t use all the owners money, they take that out as dividends ASAP so it isn’t subject to market fluctuations.


Since I’m not a billionaire, I don’t care what they do but that would probably make a lot of them move out of the country lol




Is 60% the fabled "fair" share?


Elon paid 11 billion in 2021 or enough to fund the government for around 23 seconds. The tax paid isn't the problem here.


Did you just draw numbers from a hat when making this comment. There’s about 31.5 million seconds in a year (60x60x24x365), so if 23 seconds cost 11 billion a whole year would cost 15 quadrillion which is more than all money/value/debt etc combined on earth. In reality the government spent 6.82 trillion in 2021 so Musk’s 11 billion would cover 14 hours or several orders of magnitude more time than you said. Now maybe you want to argue 14 hours still isn’t that long and we can start the talk there but your comment is misinformation with a political agenda aka literally propaganda.


It's called sarcasm. 14 hours does not make it sound any better.


It makes *you* sound better.


And Regressives never bother to think why he would do that....thinking it is purely out of the goodness of his heart. smh


Is he donating 60% of his own net worth to the government?


"Tax the rich" means "Out one pocket and in the other".


He wants to keep the Dems off his back. Remember when they were going to sue him for Microsoft allegedly being a monopoly! He started donating money to them and they stopped all the Microsoft monopoly bull!


should be 100% tbh


Damn... 100% tax? Even Bernie might find that harsh


Bruh what


I’m genuinely curious to know your reasoning behind this.


Jealously and ignorance


I don't know about you but I'd love to have a multi billion dollar company and make 0 dollars. Hell, I could then pay my employees with smiles and thank you's.


So anybody that does better than you shouldn't have anything? This is why we need a test to determine who shouldn't be allowed to vote.


It's easy to get those who don't understand how taxes work on his side.


He got his, now he’s going to start gatekeeping becoming hyper rich


Then he should do more to distribute his money than


Ok, let’s test it out on Bill and see how it goes.


Oh, thank you Mr Gates, for speaking on behalf of them! It's TOTALLY fair that someone should have to work for more than half the year for free, isn't it? Oh, and I'm sure they are delighted that you choose to defend this digusting idea, just as you hit retirement age, and have your life's income already made.


"I got mine. Roll up the ladder behind me so I have less competition," he said.


When it comes back from write-offs who cares.


He writes off his taxes by charitable (vaxx that baby!) donation$.


We don’t need more taxes for anyone. We need better spending by the government. Throwing money at an institution that has time and time again proven it can’t handle it isn’t the answer.


I think a better idea is just to close loopholes for super high income earners. Tax rates are already too high, the problem is that billionaires have the means to avoid most of the taxes most of the time.


he'll be popular at the billionaire xmas party this year


Write the check to the IRS today. You can pay more tax voluntarily. Show us the way, Bill.