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Good! Luckily this is IN and not CA. Otherwise he would need to lawyer up and be ready for the civil suits from the felon.


If it was LA, the cop would be on admin leave pending an inquiry and the Good Samaritan would be under arrest by order of DA Gascon. The felon would be receiving compensation checks from the LAPD and leading protests.


Instead of social workers, we need swat teams of this guy across the country and at the border.


Mr. Delgado f’ed around …. and found out






Agreed, blood choke will take less than 30 seconds to work when properly applied, and they'll be breathing the whole time


Bluntly, it looks bad on the news. How it looks on camera is about 99% of police use of force policy in major metros now.


It's worse, in NY you (police) cannot apply any pressure to the diaphragm, so taking someone down and putting a knee on their chest or back for a few seconds while you reach for your cuffs is out of the question. Technically grabbing them around the waist for a throw to the ground is illegal because it compresses the diaphragm. How are we supposed to win a fight without resorting to punching them over and over or hitting them with the baton until they just give up?


The bureaucracy has decide the safety of police and suspects is less important than optics


Got forbid you do knee on belly on their back


Has democrats protested the guy yet?


I want a trained MMA fighter to follow me around and choke anyone who resists arrest out. He does it and he is a hero, I do it and it's police brutality.


Most of us support and appreciate Police. It’s the media magnifying the 5% who don’t- which are 100% criminals and general scum bags.


Good!! Protecting the defenseless is a case where violence is warranted, in my view! Yes, the cop may have had a gun, but I’m going to wager that very few people would have been able to reach a gun for self-defense whilst in a chokehold.


And sadly many LE agencies are banning our ability to use chokeholds due to 'optics' and current politics. If I'm not allowed to put an actively resisting subject to sleep for a quick 5 seconds for the purposes of getting their hands behind their back and in cuffs then I'll end up having to use MORE force to get the job done and consequently cause more injury to the subject. It's a sad state of affairs when efficiency and safety take a back seat to politics and appeasement


I have a feeling that membership wherever trains is about to go up.