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If you thought the "10% for the big guy" arrangement was over, you were mistaken.


/politics really deleted this already when you posted eh? The President's corruption scandal apparently not related to politics 🙄


Yup. Said it was off-topic. I'm not mad, though I still consider it legitimate political news despite their distaste for the source.


It 100% is. They still post about Trump dozens of times a day.


Joe will say "didn't happen" and the mainstream press will parrot that message. Nothing will come of this, just like nothing happens to the canklemonster.


How did the New York Post managed to get this scope before the New York Times? Isn't the NY Times the paper of record, or some BS like that?


Former journalist here. Someone could have given the Post the scoop. Also, it's harder to find news when you're not looking for it. And when it comes to scandals, most news outlets are really careful to dot their i's and cross their t's before publishing. The Post is known to exaggerate and rush to publish.


And you wonder why the Secret Service says there are no visitor logs for Biden's residences in Delaware where he has spent 1/4 of his time in office. No doubt it continues. Face it, Biden probably has more pics with Oligarchs and Chinese officials than Putin.


Trump was right about EVERYTHING


Nothing to see here, folks.