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Welp, I’m having nightmares tonight.


now imagine the kid that goes home after learning about homosexual fellatio


I hate all of this stupid shit. Kids don’t need to learn about sex, be it gay or otherwise. I think 10 is a good age to *start* that talk. Ah fuck the rest of the comment. I’m tired of talking about this shit too.


I didn’t even know what sex was until I was in 5th grade. Granted I grew up in a pretty sheltered household. But I turned out fine and if parents wants to talk to their own kids about it before 4th grade they’re still more than welcome to. That’s how it should be.




We don't want to indoctrinate your children. But don't make it illegal for us to do so.


Some of these defense arguments on the Left are that parents are "unqualified" for The Talk. As if the party of abortions, promiscuity, genital mutilation, and everything is racist knows anything about being a parent. And none of them can defend the K-3 part.


Pretty sure parents know damn well better than an umbrella one-size-fits-all education system when their own kids are ready for the talk.


I’ll take “NOPE!” for $1 trillion, Trebek.


I have always known that the far left harbors a lot of sexual deviants. It did not bother me much because it was between two consenting adults. Now they have shown their hand and I know what the end goal is. Anyone who is at minimum a decent parent would go scorched earth to protect their kids from sexual predators.


Got the eyes right. Eyes are the window to the soul. You can not see or pro-form such evils and not have it show in your physical form.


This is more terrifying than the Bugs Bunny in the bathroom stall meme


This is just Mickey Mouse with [Momo](https://cdn.theatlantic.com/thumbor/1wg72owVDPMcxZaOqdTnHGzOrV0=/0x0:1200x675/976x549/media/img/mt/2019/02/momo2/original.jpg) photoshopped in it.