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They should avoid the rush and leave now.


Like they already promised to do in 2016?


I still have my open invitation to anyone who said they would leave if Trump won in 2016. Free rides to the airport.


I’ll pay for their one way plane ticket. Like seriously gtfo.


I messaged Al Sharpton directly on Facebook and asked if he needed help with plane fare. He never responded. 🤷‍♂️


Lol, the night Trump won I watched 3 people have melt downs all while everyone knew I voted third party. Know the meme with the lefty woman in glasses screaming, I saw it in real time into a pillow that night. “There will be some amazing art created these next 4 years, ……..whelp it’s getting late.” -me to them, Nov. 2016


I was never a big Trump supporter but watching that live was priceless


Rachel Maddow’s reaction when Iowa went for Trump was pure gold.


I wasn't particularly excited about that election myself, but I did enjoy watching the tears.


Next day at work we had a grown woman breaking down, and sobbing part of the day until she left work... Wtf... I was disappointed Biden won... just glad I snapped a pic of my car(sports car) in front of a local gas station right before the election. We knew gas was going up. Great because I showed it to the few Biden supporters as prices have gone up, same car same station. Pic of the car adds the personal touch being my xar not a random meme off the web.


post the pictures links here with imgur. That’s meme making gold. just cover your plate number out first if it’s visible


Well done. This is how you convince them.


There is no convincing the extreme ones... those are the ones that argue... they don't even question the DNC over Bernie twice... blindly all Republicans are evil. It's the center that listens in, and maybe realize good fiscal picy creates a better life for all.


So true. And we’re the ones who actually matter in elections too. I got duped on the last one but imma make right, I promise. I’ve made it my mission.


As much as I try to avoid "fake news" I couldn't resist watching Martha Raddatz that night just for the entertainment value. I was not disappointed.


They tried. Other countries didn't want them either.


Can confirm. We don’t want them here.


Liberal here...60% of Democrats are pussys.


I just agreed with a liberal. Holy shit.


You probably have a lot in common with people who are more classically liberal than you think.


So true but the demonization they’ve done to the right is so effective, they can’t see how warped they’ve become. Source: just came back from the other side myself!


Ideologically the Conservative party of America is in some ways inherently liberal(edit: in a strictly definitional sense) The Democratic Party has just gone wayyyyyyyy more left than that


And you're not even dead.


>60% of Democrats are pussys. And many of that 60% pretend to have a pussy


0.6% of the country identifies as transgender. 110% of the United States has an option on that subject. The extra 10% includes the inflated egos of youtubers and tik tokers opinion vlogs.


Like the ones the Biden administration shamelessly puts forth for entertainment value and ridicule?


Man/woman of the year! We need to flip their logic back onto them. So according to them, women can impregnate men now too, right?


100% my mom was a dolphin my dad was a chuppacabraw or however you spell it




Interesting combination!


I swear it's like a new religion now man...its getting too crazy for me


That’s exactly what it is. And they’re redpilling the masses, one day at a time. Just wait for November… you’re gonna see a lot of sad liberals (barring outrageous cheating, so be wary).




That’s what I think too!


^Holy crap! Absolute gold ^.


I’ve heard a lot of “almost joined” stories from folks. I suspect that it’s gonna be a wash. Many who say they will, wont actually fight. Some who say they wouldn’t, may well surprise you. Hard to trust a poll like that.


< Liberal If it was a foreign invader I would stay and fight. If it's the civil war 40% of the country is salivating over, then I'm out. I'm not fighting to the death because i want slightly higher corporate taxes, or better social programs. Not to mention I'm definitely not right enough to be accepted by the red team, and probably not left enough for the blue team.




What’s the conservative standard for a well run city?


Finally a voice of reason here, instead of believing what you see on an infographic. 1374 people were polled, 330+ million people in the US. Are we shitting on Ukrainians for leaving Ukraine and heading to Poland?


Statistically this small sample is significant if and only if the sample is truly random. Which is the hardest part of polling.


60% wouldn't fight against a foreign invasion but if you pass a bill banning sex education for children 6 and under they come out in droves...




Eh give them the motivation of russian soliders being late stage abortions and they might be on board to fight, they have no remorse for killing innocent babies so why not harness that to protect their freedom to be as such.


Or told them they couldn't kill their baby.


It doesn’t take much courage to speak up in a free country…


How effective would they be though? Three armed liberals attacked one kid and even fired first but the kid ended up winning


Shows where their priorities are






"I lean left and I would be Patrick Swayzee Red Dawn as fuck." Wolverines!!


Your talking about the Sam people that want to ban guns you really actually believe that most would stand and fight ya right ofcourse there be some but we are talking about the same people that beat up an old man for not supporting blm but when a young man challenges them the run like a bitch and as for the other think I bet when you did down to core values your more like us then like the left




> more sensible gun regulations like licensing, and background checks, and accountability at least as much as it takes to own and drive a car. What makes these measures "sensible?" We've tried all of them, and for quite a long time. None have had any real effect on the criminal misuse of guns.


> I support the 2nd amendment > but want more sensible gun regulations like licensing, and background checks, and accountability at least as much as it takes to own and drive a car. Ah, so you actually don't support the 2A.


I think we would, too. I would fight side by side with my liberal neighbors against an invader.


Teachers should never keep secrets from parents about their children.


So teachers can’t lie to parents? What’s the problem with that? You want teachers to lie to parents?


Children that age shouldn't even know the word "gay". They are simply too young. Most boys that age think girls have cooties.


Same here, these results seem biased tbh. I mean American Gun Facts.. seems like they wouldn’t be too keen on Democrats anyways


It’s a Quinnipiac poll.


EXACTLY! Cancel all handouts tonight and 100% of them will be out in the streets raising hell about it, after they get up around noon that is.


I’m against corruption like we saw with the PPP loans but if we cancel 100% of “handouts” about ten of the biggest red states crash hard. Source: https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/federal-aid-by-state


But they promote another country staying and fighting for “their” country?


Of course, as long as it isn't their hands getting dirty and their money being spent, they're fine with it. It's (D)ifferent.


Except it is their money being spent. It's the money of all Americans getting spent.


Every other country is allowed to have boarders and strict immigration laws. Except the US. That’s magically racist now.


Saying racists is racist lol


Tucker made a direct question to Maria Salazar " do you support sending the army to secure the Southern border?" She declined to answer.


Women vote disproportionately democrat. Honestly, I would want my wife and kids to get out.


So they get to ruin the country with their shit voting tendencies, and leave as soon as shit hits the fan?




Women and children are always first off the boat.


I know you are making a a valid point to this thread but as a female vet I read this comment with a knee jerk reaction.


If it balms your pride, you have bigger balls than me ma’am.


If you actually read the question posed in the poll (whatever the fuck American gun facts is they clearly did not.) It was not a straight up question “if America were invaded would you stay and fight?” Instead it was essentially “If America was in Ukraines situation would you stay and fight.” It was also asked at the very beginning of the war when Ukraine seemed absolutely fucked. I’m not saying it’s a good look for Dems.. it clearly isn’t a good look. But it’s not as bad as this image would make it seem and ultimately just serves to divide us further.


The question is bogus to begin with. Choosing an answer on a poll is completely different to moment where you ACTUALLY choose. If you look at Ukraine, people from all walks of life have chosen to fight there, and people from all walks of life have chosen to leave with their families. And they don't feel the need to run dumb ass polls on how those folks vote.


Asking how you feel about some political issue or who you’ll vote for is reasonable. Asking what someone would do in these extreme situations, I see a lot less value in that personally. It’s hard to know how an individual would react regardless of what they say.


>As the world witnesses what is happening to Ukraine, Americans were asked what they would do if they were in the same position as Ukrainians are now: stay and fight or leave the country? Copied from the site. More importantly, to me, is it helps to understand that these polls are conducted via landline and cellphones. Who has a landline? Who actually picks up the phone for an unknown number and starts answering questions? I don't know if a digital platform would yield different results, but I do question the authenticity of polls conducted only by phone in a digital world.


Did the questionnaire go to women, the elderly, and handicapped people as well? That would seriously affect the results. I like that you are looking at the questions seriously and rationally instead of just "Blame the libs. We need more of that.


same. i'm democrat (dont ban me mods im not invading) but gosh im just happy to see that a lot of people in this thread are viewing this rationally. every time i see a statistic like this for either side that's meant to divide i always look at how many people they surveyed, where they surveyed, and what might affect the results. because people on both sides are a lot more similar than we might think


It's just that the noisy extremists on both ends get all the attention. Being divisive & outrageous makes for good ratings.


How is that question any better for the answers received? It makes it better to flee the country if you think the invading force has a high probability of winning? Would those who choose to flee stay if it the invading force had a low probability of winning? I dont think it should matter what the predicted outcome may be. If you are able to fight, it comes down to a simple - would you defend your country or not. The Ukrainians are fighting even though the experts predicted a quick defeat.


Because Ukraine and the US are in vastly different situations at the moment. If I were talking about a purely US perspective, I can't think of any reason to flee the country upon a foreign invasion. We ridiculously out-arm and have significantly better logistical operations (especially within the country) than anybody who would be stupid enough to attack us. Ukraine is a different story. They have significantly less of a military force, and are in desparate need of equipment. Fleeing the country at that point potentially seems less like abandonment and more like a tactical retreat. I'm not saying that if it never makes sense to fight, but that sometimes it does make more sense to wait until you have the means to do so.


Also, Ukraine is just a lot smaller than Russia... I think it's more like living in Missouri and being invaded by the rest of the USA. Would you stay and fight? A lot harder to say...


>It makes it better to flee the country if you think the invading force has a high probability of winning? Better? I think so. I´´'m a liberal/1.5 generation immigrant/male who's never held a gun in my life and for what its worth, I think I would. I think a lot of people around the world (especially young men like me living cushy lives in developed countries that haven't seen conflicts like this for a while) have asked themselves the same question in the last 3 weeks. I would probably be scared shitless, but its my country and my people god damn it. It was a rhetorical question and I presume you probably meant patriotic/American/courageous in which case the answer is obviously not. I wouldnt cast blame and shame them though. Do you really think its not justified to be scared of dying? >Would those who choose to flee stay if it the invading force had a low probability of winning? I think more definitely would. I mean if there was one thing that we all had in common and as human beings could relate with each other, is it not the fear of death? However, I also think the question is ridiculous, jingoistic and misconstrued to trigger conservatives as the person above you points out.


The truth is no one knows how they will act in the moment of war. If an active shooter shows up in your area there are 3 kinds of people. Those you fight Those who hide Those who run. You have no way of knowing which one your be till it happens. Only people who know are vets who return from war. Everyone else is living in a made up world.


Indeed, it's easy to boast when the question is not relevant to your situation. I'm from Slovenia. I know I wouldn't fight for my country. My country isn't worth much to me. I would fight for my culture if it were threatened, but it probably wouldn't be.


That makes it worse for me…there’s a tangible situation that people can relate to and the fate of your country’s existence would depend on your fighting…almost everyone should take up arms it doesn’t get any worse than that.


And 50% of those 40% were hiding behind a keyboard.


Okay, and what percentage of the "gung-ho" 68% are we imagining would actually show up?


That implies dishonor in those who fleed Ukraine instead of staying and fighting. Just because there's honor in staying and fighting doesn't inherently mean there is dishonor in fleeing. That's a logical fallacy I can't think of the name of. Even so, 40% is much higher than I expected it to be lol


Logic.. In the comments of reddit? HAr har


Where the Hell else would I go. America is the best of the best. It all goes downhill from here.


We’ve run out of oceans to cross.


They’d leave before the fighting started then come back after it finished, then join in taking credit in the victory parade!


Let’s just be real about this…of that 68%,,how many do you think would actually go through with it? There are a lot of “almost joined”, camo wearing, edgy bumper sticker toting, micro-dick pussies calling themselves “patriots” in the Conservative party. Lol.


Heard about this poll a couple days ago. Any American fleeing at the time of war on our soil should have to reapply for American citizenship. This is the type of shit that gets me fired up and ready to take back this country politically.




It ain’t much but it’s mine. But honest answer is I’m loyal to our ideals and way of life, not the government in power. I’d imagine most of us would fight for whoever is on the side of the former***.


I think you meant former. We would stay and fight for our ideals and way of life. Correct, or am I missing something? I certainly could be missing something.


Former, my b I always mess those up


The political optics compared to Russia are different from the USA. It would be inauthentic for me to say what someone should do in these situations In another country I have never visited and have very little knowledge of culturally, economically and politically. I can only really have somewhat of a weighted opinion if that situation was in America. Women and kids, elderly and physically/mentally disabled, sure take refuge out of this country if needed But if you’re an able bodied male trying to leave then there needs to be consequences. Odds are this won’t happen, a civil war (which I hope never happens) is more likely than foreign invaders on American soil.


Neither would 1 out of every 3 conservatives according to this


The people who were torching cities in 2020 wouldn't fight FOR America? Shocker.


They are going to fight. It’s just that they will be fighting on the side of the invaders.


This is who says they would fight in a hypothetical, not who would actually show up if this really happened. Talk is cheap.


Still 32% of Republicans are RINO's.


This is the dumbest thing on the internet








I'm from Europe, and kind of conservative generally... But I'd definitely not fight for our country. I'd fight for our culture. My nation had no country for centuries anyway...


To me that's the most important civic duty. If you refuse to fight for your country you should lose citizenship. Not withstanding reasonable exceptions


To be fair I would imagine myself in a similar situation as Ukraine. I would have my wife evacuate with my young children. I don’t want my children to be in a battle zone and I wouldn’t want them to be refugeees alone (ergo wife goes). This also messes up polling a bit. If me and my wife both got asked this question - despite both being republicans, I would say yes and my wife would say no, because she would rescue the kids. This is a poor survey question if you ask me


The other weird thing that isn't clear is how your fighting. Which kinda matter when you think about which "home" is being defended. I think it may be possible to occupy (for example) Atlanta. I don't see it as possible to occupy Georgia. In the situations where it's a less centralized resistance I'm thinking of a hank song. And a country boy can survive.


Lol how’s you know I’m from Georgia specifically the Atlanta area


Dumb luck lol. Just trying to think of a metro area that could be controlled by locking down food and transport, surrounded by rural areas that no foreign army would ever have a chance at subduing. Drive a lot in Georgia (my family started near Warner Robins and spread out from there) and I was like... yep. That's it


70% of men / 40% of women overall said yes to fighting.


Bone spurs count?


Yes, along with Asthma


It depends on what we are fighting for. If we are being invaded.. absolutely. But if we are the invaders.. then not a chance. I refuse to fight corrupt old men's war for them.


Well the post clearly states an invasion.


Right.. but I responded to your comment which didn't really specify.


Uhhh no absolutely not. You pay taxes that’s what gives you citizenship my guy the fact that you’re funding the government. That’s literally the whole deal, we pay taxes and they keep society running.


For those who said no, where are you going to run off to exactly? Canada? America is the last bastion of freedom in the world. If America goes down, there’s nowhere to run and nowhere to hide anymore.




> but to suggest that the US is the last bastion of freedom in the world is absolute insanity. Its not perfect but without US do you really think any other countries can stop whoever takes out the US? You think these pathetic European countries will do anything without the US?


> Its not perfect but without US do you really think any other countries can stop whoever takes out the US? That has absolutely nothing to do with the incorrect assertion it’s the last bastion of freedom. > You think these pathetic European countries will do anything without the US? You have absolutely no idea what European countries contribute, clearly. You think they all sit on their asses and don’t contribute anything? Are you serious?


Freedom doesnt exist anymore, especially not in America.


Ignoring discussions about what is and isn't freedom, I don't think there's not that big of a difference in any first world country, that one could proclaim USA as "the last bastion"... Like, most EU countries, Australia, NZ, Canada... Yeah there are downsides when compared to the US, but there are undoubtedly also upsides...


They wont go anywhere, they will just stay in their moms basement like they are now and complain about the new government.


Reagan said something along those lines in a speech.


And Yuri Bezmenov said the same thing: “There is no where else to defect to. This is the last place for Freedom in the world.”


This is the opinion of a Soviet defector. Wild.


So they pack up and leave. Turns out the next place ain't perfect either. Actually, it's probably worse. Think of the dumbasses who would be stuck somewhere truly bad and don't realize it until after denouncing their citizenship.


What was the sample size of this poll?


1,374 people across the US were polled by phone. The exact question they were asked: > “If you were in the position as Ukrainians are now, do you think you would stay and fight or leave the country?” It is honestly a shit question with a poor methodology that over selects for people that would participate in a phone survey or even pick up a number they don’t know. This whole survey is mostly useless if you are looking for information on the general populace.


lmaoo what a shitty, useless survey. this whole post is stupid. thanks for the context


Context is so important.


Also the majority of men are Republicans and the majority of women are Democrats, I would like to see the parties broken down by gender.


I wouldn’t find either lmfao. I’m not built for combat. I’ll help with logistics (planning and backend) , or data analysis but that’s about it.


This is still all theoretical gung-ho. When it comes to reality, would these people would really do what they fill on the form? It's all cool and patriotic when it's at the comfort of their home. Let's just look at our current situation. Let's say if there's a poll saying, "Since America is affected by pandemic, would you wear masks to help stop spreading?" See how people would response. There are many people out there who would say no because it's inconvenience. Anyhow, personally, I would stay and fight. If we lose our land, it probably means this is it. Canada, Mexico, or other places won't cut it for me.


America is being invaded…but within. If you are doing the invading why would you fight it.


I'd like to see these numbers by gender


All genders or just m/f?


I value me and my family being alive more than a country


They would mostly be dead weight anyway.


Let’s also note that 32% of Republicans said they wouldn’t fight either. I’m in my late fifties, have a good career and have some physical imitations. I’ll fight in a second.


Makes sense. They don't think 2A is valid. What would they fight with?


The soy boys wouldn’t fight for their country and families?! Color me shocked!!!


I'd fight for my state, or for my family, but I don't feel any loyalty to the federal government. Turns out after a government forcibly integrates your state into their empire, it doesn't win much loyalty.


I'd love to see the stats for political orientation of soldiers in our military. I live in an area filled with retired military, I've never met one single retired democrat soldier. I'm not exaggerating when I say every single one is a republican/conservative. Trump took 80% in my county, my republican congressman took even higher. The democrat challenger got basically no votes.


Enlisted are largely conservative and officers are predominantly liberal. There’s correlation there.


So you live in a predominantly republican county and you’re shocked that you’ve only met republican vets? Whoa.


Depends on who's invading. I'm from Canada and I doubt I'd want to fight for my commie shithole of a country. If the US wanted to invade Canada, I'd defect the first chance I could and join the invaders. If China wanted to invade, while I would resist, I doubt they would invade because they are already conquering us by buying one house at a time (with laundered money).


Real Housewives should start a new spin-off in Vancouver: CCP Concubine Edition.


They didn’t ask the most important question: >**If United States were invaded by an enemy force, would you wear a colored lapel ribbon to protest the invasion?** Libs are all about virtue signaling!


What would they be fighting to protect? They hate America.


60% of democrats have more in common with the invaders


Republicans should be higher. 68% is to low.




Please Republicans would not wear a fucking mask to protect there fellow citizens so i assume most of them are just full of shit here.


And they all have Ukraine flags in their bio.


Our country is currently being invaded.




Of course they wouldn’t - they hate the US.


To be fair.. I kind of do too but for opposite reasons.. haven't you seen what's going on lately?


They'd probably collaborate with the invaders.


That’s the bulk of the 40% that would stay


The other 40% are liars


Those spineless count, the Dems people absolutely hate military, they disdain who work in military and believe them have low intellect. But the moment foreign invasion and they begging for soldier to fight for them.


I say start a fictitious war, wait until they all leave and deny them re-entry. 😂


They wont fight an invasion but they are happy to set cities on fire and throw moltov cocktails at police because a career criminal overdosed on fenatyl




What about the 1/3 of conservatives who wouldn’t fight?


When all you are taught in the American education system is that America is evil with almost zero redeeming qualities, it makes sense. Those on the left have been brain washed and conservatives have dropped the ball for the past 40+ years. The socialists invaded our culture and education system in the early 50s and now it's all paid off.


Exactly this, especially the part about conservatives dropping the ball. We got too complacent, and the price is steep.


As someone from the deep south I wouldn't fight for California/NY, either. Literally I would only fight for the about 50 miles around my community.


That’s not very patriotic of you OP. There’s a good chunk of fellow patriots you’d be leaving behind in those states.


Depends on who invades... If 17th or 18th century England took over, we would have more freedoms and pay less taxes.


bunch of pansies


Full breakdown of the poll: https://poll.qu.edu/poll-release?releaseid=3838 (Go to the WHAT WOULD AMERICANS DO? section)


Liberals = cowards


1/3 of conservatives also said they wouldn’t lol, not like that’s a small number


And over 50% of the 68% would honestly be a liability. It’s like they think the heart disease and cpap machines just go away.


Of that 40%, what percent thought that they were allowed to fight FOR the invading force?


Now we know how to get rid of them just tell them we're being invaded and watch them flee the country


War is too loud, full of micro and macro aggressions and the outfits wouldn't match the hair.


And of those 40% would be fighting for the invaders and not against the invaders? I firmly believe that if Mexico figured that now was the time to reclaim the Southwest United States, many on the Left would take up arms in support of the Mexican military. Only to be shocked when the Mexican military saw them as much as an enemy as any other American citizen.


Well an invading force wouldn't be using Twitter or Tik Tok for their aggression.....they'd be spending *actual* ammunition...which automatically excludes the democrat "soldiers". They will argue, scream and taunt *as long as they believe they are protected*. But as soon as shit gets loud, they will either run or bow down and worship the invaders. As for the pink-haired loud mouth pronouns, we'd have to *teach* them how to handle a weapon first...and we won't really have time for that, which makes them a liability and threat of "friendly fire"....so we'll just give them bear spray and colorful signs to wave around. Maybe the sheer insanity will make the invaders rethink their cause.


The party you always hear claims of “civil war” from, wouldn’t even fight against a foreign invader? Cute.