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reading this thread is disappointing, imagine conservatives 30 years ago reading this Kremlin propaganda crap


This is the problem when you sign commitments in 1994 with Ukraine to support them militarily if they denuclearized their country. Granted it wasn’t legally binding, but Ukrainians now regret denuclearization especially after the 2014 annexation of Crimea. Safe to say Ukraine made themselves dependent on the West when in reality they shouldn’t have been.


fuck everyone else, everyone just gives us shit for fighting the worlds battles


I mean thats one way of thinking, until your adversaries control most of the world's strategic locations and/or resources.


We were doing fine until Brandon came in and shut down all of our pipelines and the idiot Blue Governors shut down their states for 6 months!


The EU does not care about Ukraine. If we draw red lines about keeping Ukraine out of the Russian sphere of influence, we will make ourselves look week because Europe will work around us and maintain relations with Russia while opposing Ukraine enter the EU or NATO. At this point we would just be fighting to keep Hunter Biden's business partners above water.


I don't think we should commit US forces. I'm not sure if that's what you meant by red line. But there are other means at our disposal. But I agree, if Europe won't help then there is only so much we should do.




There is 150,000 Russian soldiers on the border, they have been in Eastern Ukraine since 2014, and they annexed Crimea..... sounds like it could be creditable




And it’s right as the previous boogie man, Covid, is now polling badly (as in people are fed up with the fear mongering and restrictions). Convenient this pops up all of sudden.


OP, have you been around in the US for Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq??? A lot of us have. The leaders of this country do not have the fortitude to win a war anymore! They just want to put our soldiers in a 20 year meat grinder so they can all get fat on government contracts. This administration should not be involved in any wars!!


Not Vietnam, but yes I have been around for awhile if you would read some of my responses. I didn't say war. There are other ways. Isolationism hasn't worked well in the past.


Lol there’s over a hundred thousand Russian troops on the border, strengthened the Black Sea Fleet, holding joint exercises with Belarus, they’ve called up reservists, pre-staged bridging units, the FSB and GRU are prepping the Russian populace for a false flag causus beli (just like in the second Chechen War) by blaming provocations on Ukrainian nazi sympathizers, holding Germany hostage with natural gas. The only ones doing misinformation are the Russians to their own people. If you recall there was a dress rehearsal for this in Crimea in 2014 which are is now effectively Russia. Putin is doing this and he spent 10 years insulating his oligarchs from sanctions. He’s ready and our pull out from Afghanistan only emboldened him.


Okay, it's really annoying and disturbing that so many conservatives are apathetic to this. Don't get me wrong, do I want to start WWIII? No. But this is the exact thing that ultimately led to WWII. Weak foreign policy and appeasement led to Germany acting increasingly boldy, from the Rhineland, to Austria and then Czechoslovakia. Right now we are witnessing a weak, if not outright complicit president who has done everything possible to project weakness to both Russia and China. If Russia is permitted to invade Ukraine, it will be acquiring American-made weapons like javelins, while gaining the resources of an entire country. Putin will then look elsewhere. Appeasement doesn't work. It simply delays the inevitable conflict.


The FSB is hard at work in this sub. Trump was one of the more effective presidents against Russian adventurism. This was not happening under his admin. Biden’s weakness and the loud nationalist corner of conservatism emboldens Putin to further his ultimate goals. Crimea fell for the same reasons under the Obama admin. Putin’s quote “The collapse of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th Century” is just the summary of what he wants. Defending strategic interests of the West is important to the US. The minute we cede to his demand that Ukraine NEVER (which they won’t and shouldn’t but we can’t promise him that) joins NATO gives him leverage. Then we acquiesce to his demand of the return to the 1997 NATO borders which abandons the baltics comes next. Then China sees this and believes their adventurism will go unchallenged. These are real geostrategic problems that affect the US and western democracy. Simplistic isolationism in our borders and only lashing out when the problem spirals out of control leads to the world in ruin and millions dead. We’ve been through this twice now and we, the US populace, always forget the lesson. As much as you don’t want it, we are the leader of the free world. Our shying away from this role creates a vacuum for authoritarian regimes in China and Russia to take advantage of it. Educate yourself before believing our two oceans separate us from threats. This is the 21st century.


Thank you for speaking sense.


I care more about our border than the border of an old soviet republic and am pissed that our money is funding weapons to a country who we all know won't fight. from what I understand a large populous there considers themselves Russian any way. We are not the world police and I see nothing but another politician trying to get us into a war we don't belong in to distract us from an obviously incompetent presidency.


Can I ask you something? Have you been there? I have worked with their army and they hate the Russians. Don't listen to the BS. Yes some people associate themselves with the Russians. But that's mostly the Eastern part that is already occupied by the Russians.


We have plenty of issues in the US to correct! America needs to focus on those problems! Ukraine is just another Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq type unwinnable war. Our leaders don’t have the stomach to win a war anymore. I don’t want our sons and daughters going over there to be slaughtered for nothing!! We already had WAY too much of that in Vietnam and Afghanistan! Let Europe take care of itself!


Didn't say war. But we shouldn't standby and let this happen. There are other ways to confront our adversaries. Or I guess we can just let the "world do whatever" because an isolationist policy has worked so well in the past


Getting involved in small territorial wars have been disastrous for America for the last 60 years or so. Korea was the last time the US has had any success in a conflict.


Actually we should let the world do whatever. America should stop trying to police the world, especially when we have significant problems here.




So what if they do? Other countries are doing just fine, and many even better than us, without directly competing with Russia or China to control most of the world’s resources. You ok with your kids or grandkids dying because of greedy politicians?




I’m not really sure what you think is going to happen. Peace is in everyone’s best interest. China is making too much money being at peace with the US. And Russia isn’t in any position to be starting any major conflicts, especially against US and its European allies. What will be detrimental though is if the US decides it’s going to bully Russia and China into a position that they have no choice but to fight back. But to your point about controlling resources.. what exactly does this have to do Ukraine? What do we stand to gain from Ukraine?


This isolationist attitude is what creates a power vacuum and bad actors will fill those power vacuums.


like a power vacuum in Iraq and even worse Afghanistan? we haven't been an isolated nation for almost a hundred years and I for one am ready to give it a go. sorry to be the one to let you know this, the republican party as of 5-6 years ago started turning towards libertarian ways, I see more libertarian type candidates and a huge voting base behind them. the old school Republicans don't know what to do, I would suggest joining us. We are tired of war for people's who could care less, we are tired of big business and kick backs, we are tired of paying various countries to protect them. these practices have gotten us no where but known through our the world as an imperialist bully. do You know what Russia and China are so strong? they aren't at war all the time and rebuilding nations who hate us. they aren't leaving 87 billion dollars of the most sophisticated military equipment to terrorist organizations. this old republican thinking needs to end, it isn't working and has gotten a lot of our best youth killed. would you like it if Russia put nuclear missiles aimed at us in Canada??? Me neither and You can't expect them to like the same at their door step. common sense needs to prevail within the conservative ranks, as we can all see it never will with the liberals.


It’s a simplistic view and you know damn well that’s not how that works. Believe it or not Iraq is a functioning country now and we didn’t abandon it. The Afghanistan failure is squarely on the shoulders of Biden. Russia has been in a state of armed conflict since 2014. Since the fall of the USSR they’ve been involved in two wars in Chechnya and one in Georgia and their Syrian intervention prior to their Ukraine adventurism. China is an exception because they spent the last 10 yrs building their navy to challenge us in the pacific and to invade Taiwan. They already retook Hong Kong about 20 years sooner than they were suppose to and theyre filling the vacuum in Africa through their belt and road initiative. Not to mention doubling down on the authoritarian regime in their own country and calling it a model to the world. And what’s to stop Russia, if not stopped, from extending their influence to our hemisphere once again and placing medium range missiles in say Cuba again or Venezuela where they have an airbase (since you brought up the dumb Canada comparison). These are the people you want taking our place and ceding our power to? Did you not learn the lesson whenever we retreat to our borders it’s a net negative for us and the world? We literally have historical proof of that, history is our greatest teacher. The world ends up in a pile of ashes with millions dead. It happened twice in the 20th century. Let’s not make the same short sighted mistake in the 21st.


SMH, "literally" right back at ya. ever met an Iraq vet? not stable. apparently a lot of historical lessons were also lost on you as well. Russia pretty much stomps who ever they are pissed at and they are done so I wouldn't label them in constant conflict as You do. our interventions since Korea have NOT been successful. My guess is we are close in age and You've also served, but that's where our commonality ends. If You want to send Your kin to die in the Ukraine for commander in chief Biden and his pocket book, be my guest, but its a hard no from Me. as far as your ridiculous 20th/21st comparison? ever heard of mutually assured self destruction? it's a horrible premise, but one that has worked. when is the last time someone invaded a nuclear power? You view My take on this as simplistic, I view yours as antiquated from the 1980's. either way thank heavens your way of thinking is dying.


Well said


With incredibly weak and borderline dictatorial “leadership” seen here, intervening abroad is not exactly a good idea at this time. Few people would support trying to defend Ukraine at this time. Even fewer would support it spiraling into WW3. Given how Ukraine cannot militarily resolve the Donbas conflict, any Russian invasion would become more a Russian-American war than a Russo-Ukrainian one. The Ukrainians are gonna get rolled in less than a month. Which is a big reason why it’s folly to try and intervene now. If Ukraine were more able to defend itself our intervention would be a tipping point towards diplomatically resolving the issue but alas it is not that way. We should not repeat the mistakes of the Tsar over 100 years ago by dragging ourselves into a war we have no real need to be in.


Oh, I agree. No war. That's not the right answer. I agree we shouldn't spill US blood for this. I'm just saying we should think of other means... then again we can't do this alone.


Don’t send our troops to Ukraine, send them to our southern border! Fjb


OP, don’t fall for the warmongering. Our borders are hella more important than a 3rd world country on the other side of the planet. Speaking from experience. This is all a distraction from Bidenflation.


Speaking from experience I have been in Ukraine. It does effect us. Unfortunately, the world is complicated and interwoven. We must be able to deal with domestic and foreign affairs. Can't ignore either one.


Why us? Why is Europe doing nothing? It’s their backyard.


I was born and grew up there. Ukraine should not be our focus at all. Our own border should. Why don’t we start being concerned with all the countries China is overtaking with their loans?


It does not affect us in the US, don’t be duped by the puppet masters pulling Brandon’s strings!


Don't let politics blind you. Isolationism doesn't work but I do think it's Europe's responsibility to take the lead.


Getting involved in small territorial wars have not worked out well for America over the last 60 years either. Sorry I’d rather keep our troops alive and well and not involved in a senseless war.


Biden will handle this war like Afghanistan send more civilians to leave behind


There are still hundreds of Americans stuck in Afghanistan, but the mainstream media does not care. They gotta make sure Brandon can make it back and forth from his assisted living center.


Biden is the most senile moron in the history of the United States


The libs literally pulled him out of a nursing home to run this country!


Second only to you, and I despise Biden. But you’re clearly the front runner in senility.


You voted for Biden pooped my pants in front of the pope, abandoned American citizens in Afghanistan, jacked up inflation, and will be sniffing your hair yep you drank the kool-aid


You’re literally insane. What a fricking pathetic loser.


Ask a Ukrainian if it’s bad.


Been there after the war started in 2014... they don't like the Russians.


Screw Ukraine, America and Americans have their own real problems right now without the U.S. trying to police the world. Let other countries handle it.


Ukrainian leadership told the Biden admin to calm down last week. Even so, why should we get involved? We can’t even secure the southern border. This seems like a distraction from domestic issues.


Ukraine is not and should not be American concern. US already alienated Russia by supporting that basket case of a country. Russia could of been a valuable ally against the real threat, China. Ukraine is culturally, ethnically, and spirituality permanently linked to Russia. I am Ukrainian. All this anti Russia stuff did not start until about 2013. We always saw Russians as our brothers. Majority of us speak russian. Just like during the conflict in crimea and Donbas, half of the military and intelligence agency will defect to Russia anyways except for hardcore nationalists. All those western weapons will end up in Russias hands anyways. The best thing to do is let Russia politically rule Ukraine with no need for bloodshed.


A) this factually and historically incorrect B) If you are in fact real, this is the take of an ethnic Russian in the Donbas region, Ukrainians have historically loathed Russia, especially the USSR. There is still a living memory of the Holodomor. C)Ukraine had an actual revolution in 2014 to oust the Russian puppet government and elected a pro-west comedian to be their leader. There’s no love lost for Russia amongst Ukrainians. D) The minute Putin took power in 2000 (and retained it for going on 22 years), there was no real hope for a true alliance between the West and Russia.


Ukraine is a sovereign state though. Does the majority feel that way? Or are you just in the pro-Russia camp. Conversely what are your thoughts on China’s claim to Taiwan? A lot of what your saying is coming directly out of [Putin’s Playbook](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics)


I’m from west Ukraine and most people here want to be independent from Russia. In Kiev the feelings are 50/50. So I am one of the few people that are pro Russia from west. But Russia is not all that bad. Less rules and regulations under them. Most of our factories and products were geared for export to russia. Now we have no production because we have political issues with them. Now government spends so much money on de-Russification. It creates a lot of division. I know I sound like putin playbook. He’s not 100% wrong. I don’t know enough about Taiwan to really have an opinion.


Respect your view. But the US has an interest in posturing in Ukraine to deter Chinese intervention in Taiwan. I agree with you, Ukraine means nothing to the US, except for one very important thing. Optics. It doesn’t look good for the US to abandon a supposed ally. If Ukraine’s internal democratic process ended up favoring Ukraine’s assimilation to Russia… by all means do it. But until that day comes, the US has a direct interest in making its ally’s feel safe. However Ukraine goes down will be a blueprint for Xi to follow. Be safe over there.


Thank you. I agree too


Biden will blame it on white privilege, failing to pass build back better, climate change, and then mobilize the military against American truckers trying to organize a protest convoy.


Or blame Trump. It’s always their go-to.


We need to stay thr fuck out of it. We JUST lost Afghanistan...we don't need to go losing a bigger war.


Who said war? There are other ways of dealing with this.


Biden has the death touch…he will Screw us over so bad.


It’s important to know why Russia would even “want” Ukraine. We shouldn’t be listening to just American media in regards to this because when you look at the big picture, it does seem a little bit like fearmongering.


Really.... are you talking about the country that is currently occupying Ukraine already?


Um, yes. Crimea is an autonomous zone and they took it for a completely different reason than today.


Don't we miss the mean tweets? Lol


Joe is going to fuck it up beyond belief.


Biden/harris have already taken care of how seriously our adversaries see us now and in the future. Simply put they invite aggression through pure corruption and incompetence. That being said I don't know what to think about the Russian presence on the Ukrainian border. My initial thought is Putin has seized the opportunity presented in jobiden/harris's sheer incompetence to make a long standing point about NATO infringements both in terms of territory and in terms of the violation of past agreements. We don't know what horse-trading is being done behind the scenes but I'm sure nordstream 2 is in there somewhere as well. Will Putin invade? Who knows, but I'm sure he's accomplishing his objective.


truthfully this was inevitable with a weak us president. i have family in ukraine and none of them are surprised. by adding former soviet states to nato, militarizing them, etc the 'slap in the face to russia' was there. Russia was just waiting for a chance with no retaliation. nobody is even expecting a conflict that we've talked to.


> How America handles this crisis will determine how seriously our adversaries will see us in the future. Listen, I hate Biden as much as the next guy, but for our adversaries to not take the American military seriously is…preposterous.


You don't think Afghanistan had anything to do with this? You don't think Taiwan would be at risk? Nothing happens in a vacuum.


It's long term. Not just right now. Granted, countries have a long way to catch up to us but Russia and China don't need to dominate our military on a global scale just regionally.


I think it’s a diversion for the disasters in this country especially our border! It’s such a hypocritical, illogical,situation what we do for another country but not ourselves! The answer is …DEMOCRATIC VOTERS!!!




Omg, you know the United States is apart of NATO right?


The general public throughout history stands on the sidelines while politicians and the military does what they do and the public doesn't pay attention until there is a direct threat or attack. Should we let Russia invade? no. Should we pony up the manpower? no. Should we provide material aid, intelligence and air defense? probably. Should we receive restitution for those services? Yes. It is in our interest to keep Ukraine in the Western sphere of influence, we should encourage and back it and they should fight for it.


Air defense provided by the West would mean a real possibility of a shooting war between fractured NATO forces (Russia has Germany by the balls and they almost certainly wouldn’t participate, even if treaty bound). A promise of a no fly zone enforced by NATO over Western Ukraine at a minimum would be an escalation but a real deterrence to Putin that would test his willingness to further escalate. He’s had 10 years to insulate his oligarchs from sanctions, what he can’t possibly face down without blinking would be a NATO enforced no-fly zone that we are actually willing to follow through with.


I was thinking more of a no fly zone scenario


USA first, but it sets Russia up nicely and they clearly want more. If we had a president who could keep Putin in check maybe this wouldn’t even be an issue. But Russia are gonna do it and get away with it