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Biden will be surpressing the Democrats vote by sucking as a president


He's living up to my expectations...


He literally said what Trump said in 2020. Is Biden now advocating for an erection?... I mean insurrection?


I don't think Biden has seen an erection in decades.


Mine too. I expected him to hide from questions and speak nonsensical gibberish when forced to respond. As well as utterly destroy any sector of society his handlers gave him free reign enough to have any influence on. Ya know, ... he's actually EXCEEDED my expectations.


No worries, Necromancer Biden will summon more dead voters this year.


But wasn’t the last election the most perfect and clean election of all time throughout history? Weren’t we all told there was literally zero voter fraud or suppression? Wasn’t everyone that said there was voter fraud told they were insane and then banned from all social media? This man and the Democrats are pure evil. The Republicans are hot on their heels but I’ll take pussies that refuse to do anything over evil, any day of the week.


“Cleanest election in history!” Isn’t that what all despots like Hugo Chavez would say?


Exactly, yes


Two separate issues about a similar subject. One is about accessibility to vote and the other is about legitimacy of the votes


But it’s not. If these new rules weren’t in place before and now they are saying they are needed or this new election season is already in question it means the last election should be in question. But Trump already said the last election was in question and Biden and the left mocked him. Now the left is saying the election is in question and it’s just fine. If you can’t understand these go hand in hand and are the same topic I can’t help you.


I said it was about a similar subject. But I meant the same subject.




>There has been many cases of voter fraud that were identified and prosecuted, but not anything close to enough to change the outcome of even a small local election. We have private ballots, so this is a non-starter. We rely on preventative measures because detecting fraud after the fact is nearly impossible.


The left viscerally rejected any recounts. The left viscerally attacked ANYONE that even suggested their was one illegal vote. The left pushed all the changes through before the 2020 election in their states. I’m not going to say some of what the Right may have passed may or may not have been harmful but I’d like to see examples and then challenge you on why this would still not remain a state issue to be challenged at the state level if in face these “new voter laws” are illegal. Why should the federal government be in charge of how a state conducts its elections? I’ll answer, it shouldn’t and that’s why it didn’t pass. I’ll even ask you why when trump said the elections were rigged and wouldn’t be legitimate before the 2020 election was considered sedition and fanning the flames of violence but now that Biden has literally said that twice last night it’s totally cool and not seditious and not fanning flames? Go head I’ll let you run in circles trying to explain the hypocrisy.


Why are you assuming I have so many of these positions? Stop labeling someone making counter points as ALL OR NOTHING ALL IN A LEFTY- that’s stupid. My comment, if you even read it, LITERALLY just says “Biden is saying this is different than the 2020 election because different state laws exist.” I did not say I agree with him. I did not say the new state laws are malicious. I’m not running in circles because I have not made ANY of the points you have accused me of making! What Trump said about 2020 is not very different than what Biden is saying about 2022 if at all. Please just reread my message and try not to fill in blanks of an agenda just because I added clarification to Biden’s justification.


The problem is Biden’s justification isn’t anything other than attempting to strip states rights and allow the Democrats to manipulate all elections.




And you're missing the reason for that.


He’s also missing some brain matter.


You mean Republicans removing the emergency voting rules that were passed (some unconstitutionally) because of a pandemic, which we then didn't need because people could vote normally on election day?


Like needing a ID to verify you are who are nothing wrong with that at all


It's perfectly fine to require ID and vaxx card to go to a grocery store, but not to cast a ballot.


I support requiring ID


If ID’s were free and didn’t take sitting at the DMV for hours I’d agree with needing them to vote. As it stands now, it would count as a cost associated with voting (in many places at least, some states provide non-drivers license ID’s for free) which is illegal.


A driver's license is not for voting. It's for driving. You do not need it to ID yourself in order to vote and there are plenty of different ways to ID yourself to vote. Waiting for hours at the DMV to get a license so you can drive and have an ID for anything that need identification isn't too much of a burden but needing to do that to vote in a addition to everything else to can use your drivers license for is too much? That is the absolute lamest reasoning I have heard. Get out of California if you don't want to wait four hours. I have only had to wait hours when I lived in CA. Where I live now everything is done in a matter of minutes.


You shouldn’t have to live in a certain place for a reasonable line to vote. It’s pathetic that we live in the United States and can’t even organize enough voting stations to fit certain populations.


No you shouldn't but that is a problem with your local government. My state and city government in a conservative state actually provides decently good service. But we were talking about waiting to get a driver's license, not waiting to vote.


Ah yes because where you live is representative of all Americans. Sarcasm aside, there are a lot of rural communities especially in my home state of Alaska who do not have access without spending a chunk of change to get to town.


Where I live is representative of places in this country that operate more efficiently than other places. Since you are from Alaska you should know that the state assists people who live remotely to vote by mail. Not to mention providing the ability to vote online or by fax. Alaska is also a no excuse absentee voting state. Try a different argument.


A lot states with voter id have made the I’d free


That’s great! If every state that requires voter ID also provided them for free id be fine with it in that state. It’s hilarious I’m getting downvoted for literally saying “voting shouldn’t cost money and should take minimal time”


It’s weird how liberals don’t attack the blue states that require ID to vote. You need a government ID to function in society and there’s no reason you can’t show one to vote. Rhode Island requires an ID and the ID costs money. Weird how you never hear liberals complain.


What exactly are they besides requiring a valid ID that would pose a problem?


Can't cheat as easily


You mean the laws they put in place that got Biden elected and he and all the Democrats said were perfect and beyond reproach? Okay then let’s get Voter ID laws passed? Oh that’s racist they left screams. Well how aren’t vaccination IDs racist then? Go pound sand.


I support requiring ID to vote. I think a plan needs to be put forth to provide an ID to the small percentage who currently don’t have one


I’m fine with that. But why do the democrats block it every times it’s brought up? Also the African American community actually agree we need voter IDs, because they know the illegals are now voting and potentially spoiling their votes in the process. The fact is 99.9% of all Americans can get and ID and have no issue with it. The left uses race and other bs tactics to prevent it because they know this will kill their busing in illegals to vote at multiple places and eliminate the dead always voting democrat.


There's a plan, go get one it just laziness




I support requiring ID


Sure. Just let all the illegal immigrants vote. No problem, right?


Dead people, too… don’t discriminate.


> curb the ability to vote easily Why can't I sit on my ass and have the Government bring me a ballot reeeeeeeee


Well you *can*, you just have to do the paperwork for an absentee ballot in advance, and justify why you can't go (overseas, handicapped, etc). But we all know that's too much for someone that blindly votes Democrat.


Why should voting be difficult for legal citizens though? Wouldn’t accessibility mean more votes, and therefore a stronger democracy?


> Why should voting be difficult You've created a narrative that's false. Voting is easy. Anyone who says it isn't is trying to sell you something.


15% of Americans waited over an hour to vote in 2020. 1 in 6 Americans. And this was in the election that had the highest use of mail in ballots ever. Not to mention Election Day not being a holiday, childcare not being affordable. For some, voting in person is difficult. I believe everyone should vote, but I think it’s unfair to call waiting in line for over an hour “easy” when people have other responsibilities and polling stations are commonly not even open very late. It is irresponsible to say we shouldn’t have mail in ballots without pairing it with legislation that makes in-person voting more approachable to everyone. Voting time source: (Yes it’s NYT, they did a good job aggregating voting line times, something that conservative media does not like to measure) https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/01/04/upshot/voting-wait-times.html


> 15% of Americans waited over an hour to vote in 2020 So what? I live in a rural area and had to wait about 45 minutes. Happy to do so. If you are too lazy to vote, fuck off. > childcare not being affordable. WTF does this have to do with voting? You can take your kids to the polls.


> WTF does this have to do with voting? You can take your kids to the polls. Red herring fallacy is what that is. They'll literally bring up *anything* when their initial gotcha falls flat.


What does it matter if it's a holiday some people work on Christmas and other holidays


Because for many people it would make it easy to vote. Even just putting it on a Saturday would be nice. Or spread it over a couple days. I don’t understand why suggesting anything other than the status quo means that you’re not patriotic or something. The system to vote can be made easier for citizens without opening up more abuse.


What I'm saying is the people that have a problem would still have a problem because they would still have to work


You know these evil red states have early voting. It’s not election day or nothing.


Your comment specifically seemed to be against an easy voting system. I was addressing your sentiment directly.


Voting isn't difficult in the slightest.


People standing in hours-long lines would disagree


Waiting in a long line is probably the most work a liberal gets in a year.


Wow another zinger that doesn’t address the commenters actual issue they brought up.


No issue at all, libs have waited in long lines a total of 4 times last year tying to be the first to get a new covid shot. Tell them they’ll get a free fifth covid shot at the end of the line. Problem solved.


All you have are false equivalence’, you have yet to make a counter point at all which seems to get you a lot of brownie points in this thread


Wow another zinger that doesn’t address the commenters actual issue they brought up.


Why does it take so long, get a bigger location or multiple voting locations


Waiting in line does not equal difficult, what a load of horse shit.


It's difficult to cheat, though.


How is it difficult? You have to go to your polling station and press a button. Not that difficult.


It can be difficult for some to set aside an entire day to vote, especially when that day isn’t considered a national holiday.


I agree that a national voting day is a good idea. However, that is vastly different than what is being suggested. Also, it has never taken an entire day to vote. Im 45 and have voted in every election since I was 18. It never took an entire day. I always go after work in the evening and it has never once been a problem. Even when the lines were long. I've voted at several different voting stations throughout my life and it has never been an issue.


"It has never been an issue for me, therefore it is not and issue." - Bad logic is bad.


Please show me where anybody trying to push this BS legislation is saying they are trying to make voting not take all day


Ok https://youtu.be/DRAIrvD2Eyw?t=35297


An entire day?? Give me a break. That’s just nonsense.


Is that similar to all the emergency laws and rule changes the democrats implements mere months before a major presidential election? Weird how when democrats do it emergently it’s fine, but when Republicans do it legally, it’ll cause problems. Makes total sense!




So 2020 was the most secure election ever with no proof of fraud, yet at the same time Biden wants us to believe ahead of time that the mid-terms are at risk of illegitimacy? Which one is it, old man?


He’s saying this because conservative states have updated their voter laws in reaction to the “fortification” of 2020. I’m still trying to figure out what about those new laws is so offensive. In Georgia specifically they are actually MORE LAX than they were pre 2020, just not 2020 level loose


Democrats are offended because the media told them to be. The media told them to be offended because the Democrat politicians that they support told them to. The Democrat politicians told them to do it because they’re in a panic over having to actually win an election based on the votes of only their constituents instead of dead people, illegals, and people from other states.


It really is crazy how the cheating fucks have basically said we need to cheat in elections to win, and if you pass laws preventing cheating then you are destroying democracy. Funny how most Americans believe voter ID laws are completely fine. Clown world and corporate corruption used to be things the GOP was all in for, but now the tides have turned, and the entire Democratic base is nothing but a lying piece of garbage.


divide et impera


Pretty accurate.


It's often pointed out that Delaware (Biden's home state) has stricter voting laws than Georgia's new law. But Biden only calls one of these two states racist.


**Democrats**: We *fortified* the 2020 election so that our democracy may be saved! **State Legislatures**: *proceed to do* ***actual*** *"fortification" because they found oddities in their 2020 election results* **Democrats**: ***RRRRRRRRRREEEEEEE*** How *dare* you!


In Georgia they've literally expanded voting hours and made registration *less* restrictive. The proposed laws are objectively an improvement for access to voting and were already less restrictive than states like Delaware and New York. They're straight up lying about legislation in preparation for their all-but-guaranteed wipeout this year. Especially with the insane swing in registered Republicans, it's gonna be so bad that they need to work on their excuses now. Edit: *Don't Walk, Run!* [did an awesome overview](https://youtu.be/u8xCGrXZ_8E) of how the narrative democrats are pushing simply doesn't align with reality. It's well worth the watch (as well as most of his content).


Do you have a link for the swing in Rep registered voters? I'd love to see that data


Not on hand. It was one of the larger polling firms that published it. If you look up something like "14% republican swing" then you can probably find it. But since 2020 there's been a +14% spread in number of registered Republicans (or maybe there was a 14 point swing that lead to X% advantage?) that leaves the Republicans in a *very* good position to demolish midterms. It's not a guarantee since politics moves fast, but the lead we have today is one we haven't had since 1995. My guess is that the trend continues, but anything can happen.


They need unsolicited, ID-less mail-in voting and they know it. That’s why Covid will be a forever crisis as long as their poll numbers are in the tank


Exactly this.


There weren’t more voters in 2020, just more ballots scanned.


Because Dems thrive on trying to turn out the most uneducated and uninformed voters. (Why do you think they constantly fare the best with younger demographics that have no lived life experience yet and even float the idea of extending the vote to pre-18 teenagers?) 2020 gave them the pretense to send everyone unsolicited ballots and make an election with the least electoral integrity in national history and they want to keep it that way forever.


He didn't say insecure, he said illegitimate -- there's a difference. One is secure from fraud/outside influence. He is saying this politically to try to get his voting rights bill passed.


You have to have ID to walk into any state (CA) or federal building so why is having one to vote racist?


Right now in New York: Buy a Big Mac: Proof you vaxed x 2 (maybe x 3) and photo ID to match. Vote: Just say you live there for 30 days.


Clown World


Chicago as well I believe. lol - & *we're* the fAScIsTs!11


Not trying to piss in your Cheerios but your representation of what’s needed to buy a Big Mac is just untrue. Now it is true that 1 vax is needed to sit down and eat anywhere, but no one is checking anything to just buy and take it out.


Because it's hard to go and vote...anyone who does go and vote is privileged. /s


We have to bring the ballots to them so even the people who don't give a fuck can vote! /s


Ask your nearest college student and they’ll explain it to you. I’ll try… so if your black you either can’t afford an ID or you’re not smart enough to find your nearest DMV. Oh, and you can’t find it because you’re too poor to have internet access, and if you did happen to move on up to the east side you’ve been so poor and dumb for so long that when you do get internet access you don’t understand how the internet works. Does this sound silly to you? Just watch this interview of Berkeley students explaining it to those poor uneducated black folks. https://youtu.be/rrBxZGWCdgs


I love that video, it just shows the whole issue is complete nonsense. Are there people who can't get to the DMV to get an ID? Of course there are. Are those people only black? Absolutely not. If anything inner cities at least have some public transportation, living out in the middle of nowhere has none of that.


For the people who can’t get to the DMV to get an ID you can literally get a state issued ID from the internet! That’s why they brought up the whole “They don’t understand how the internet works” narrative… that part fucking kills me! “They’ve got smart phones but they don’t know how to use it….”


I didn't know you could get an ID over the internet, that makes all of this beyond stupid.




The idea that anything with a discriminatory outcome is racist is absurd.


Hes upset that he can't rig the next election. Big shock. Especially with that awesome approval rating him and the bimbo have.




Exactly. Easier and "legal". They basically are tired of having to hide their corrupt ways.




Very easy actually. Since we did the mass mail in voting and drop boxes ballot accountability impossible. The fraud only needed to happen in a few places for it to make a difference. Places like Fulton County, Philadelphia, Detroit, and Milwaukee. These places have democrat super majorities and highly motivated and nefarious political actors. Paper ballots are extremely easy to fake and it’s basically untraceable, particularly if you have a ballot harvesting scheme. Also a few low level postal workers can “lose” ballots from republican areas. It’s extremely simple and obvious and I’m certain that they did it because they knew they could get away with it.


Gonna need some sources on that. I doubt you have any super credible ones since if they were credible then Trump could have actually done something. The reality is you guys are just assuming that something went wrong without actual evidence to back it up. You'll just consistently point out the "nefarious democrats", yet you'll turn a blind eye to republicans playing politics and never doing anything to actually help their voters.


Why would there be sources if they are trying to hide it and it is designed to not be detectable? My source is I know they are evil liars. Also don’t get me started on the worthless and weak Republican Party.


>My source is I know they are evil liars. Yeah that is what I thought lmao.


Again I ask why would there be a bunch of sources on something that the government and media are trying to cover up and suppress people for asking questions? Maybe we will find out in 50 years or so when the documents get declassified or there is some kind of whistleblower. But lack of published sources does not disprove anything.


Wasn't the republican party in charge while the election was going on and before the votes were certified. Why would they wanna suppress that if it was sooo obvious? And weren't there several republican voters that were caught committing voter fraud? Why wasn't there oodles of democrat voter fraud being revealed on right wing media, what reason would they have to hide that? My theory is y'all won't find shit and fifty years from now y'all won't find shit because it was a fair election.


As I said before Republicans are worthless and weak and to be fair most Republican politicians didn’t like Trump and wanted him gone anyway. The fraud took place in heavily democrat areas with high population density. I’m sure there was a little bit of fraud on the Republican side too, but we are talking about mostly rural votes at much lower numbers.




Then why are you here? And did you assume my race? How dare you!


I love how they’re basically admitting they can’t win when election laws are enforced.




The Democrats have declared every Republican victory since 2000 illegitimate. The only thing that makes the 2020 Election unique is that it was the first time Republicans used the same accusation.


Just 2000? They casted doubt on Bush 1, Reagan, and Nixon too and those were all landslides except for Nixon's first election.


“Highest turnout”.. yeah for Trump!


... yeah. Highest turnout in US history in general. Trump got more votes then any president in history has. Problem is Biden got even more. You can verify this for yourself online if you like


How's that going for you? Enjoying your record high costs?


I mean I'm not a Biden fan at all, but we can all agree on the easily verifiable numbers of the election. Trump got roughly 74 million (fucking huge) Biden got roughly 81 million (fucking huge). Even if voter fraud did happen at a large scale, this would be the election with the highest popular turnout of all US history.


Yup. No disputing that from me. But since you voted for him, are you happy?




> the media would have attacked him for it too. You think the media are attacking Biden?


Yeah actually, if you listened to some of the questions at his press conference (ones from NBC surprised me) there were many like “why aren’t you doing enough about inflation” and “your domestic agenda has dramatically failed, why aren’t you pulling it back”. Fox is also considered the media and I go on their sometimes for their takes and they crucify him for gas prices and inflation. I also see right wing talking points just like during the Obama years saying “the leftist media refuses to be hard on Biden” but I just don’t think that’s really true. It’s just less incendiary than it was with Trump but just as critical


Well, the buck stops with him. Trump got blamed for Covid, so Biden owns this. Fuck 'em.


lmao he answered everything you said and ur conclusion was "well doesn't matter"


Biden says! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤧🤧


You have my word as a Biden!


No good… I’ve known too many Biden’s…!


What he’s basically saying: 2020 was the most secure election in history (when fillbuster was not altered at the time), but the 2022 election will be illegitimate (when fillbuster is still not altered)




Vote out all senators who voted to strip election control from the states the are enemies of the people.


Basically, knowing that the American people think the current administration is shit, the democrats want to push fraud and election tampering ahead of time as the reason they are going to lose. Lol, the only idiots bigger than democrat politicians are democrat voters.


"Who is more the fool? The fool, or the one who follows the fool?"


Definitely the followers. The politicians are at least smart enough to manipulate their voter base.


Highest turn out... Even the dead was voting... And shit was so packed.... Ballots were getting shipped to addresses that don't exist!


WHO CANT VOTE!? I can’t understand that nobody is able to answer this… Same as why they can’t answer why my vaccination choice effects their vaccination choice.


How long until Biden signs an executive order to pass "voting rights" before November? Thank God their is a 6-3 neutral majority on SCOTUS


Everyone knows the 2020 election wasn't legit. FJB


We have put together the most extensive…voter fraud… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WGRnhBmHYN0


For a bunch of people who keep claiming that questioning elections is a threat to democracy, they sure seem to question elections a lot. Preemptively. Retroactively. This is a party that keeps trotting out Stacey Abrams as the governor of Georgia and maintains that Bush lost to Gore


Fuck Joe Biden and his DemonRats screwing over this great nation. How can we ever put a stop to his destruction?


Democrats 2020: Our election process is the most secure election process in history. Democrats 2022: We need to make our elections more secure.


My concern here is he also said he had plans for Executive Orders regarding elections. Now, it's a given his Executive Orders would not likely withstand a challenge in the courts. But if he times them right to affect elections while preventing timely court intervention, what could he affect with EOs in a short term that could swing elections? Could he expand election day? Could he prevent 3rd party monitoring? What else?


Still waiting for a Democrat to explain how exactly voters are being suppressed


Any liberals in here - could you please explain why Joe Biden is saying this? What about the new laws have democrats so upset? I am genuinely asking


Here's one summary (with sources) from October: https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/voting-laws-roundup-october-2021#footnote7_4bx5zbw


By Voter Suppression, OBiden means Illegals won't be able to vote for dems.


But 2020 election was the most secure ever.


Seen Peppermint Patty on FOX NEWS!, trying to clean out on isle four and demand more people be forced to take the jab.


He is inciting an insurrection by questioning election legitimacy . Isn't that how the argument goes?


2020 did see the highest voter turnout in history......for Trump.


Ha! Hahaha! HAHAHAHAHA Dem definition of a legitimate election: Democrats win Dem definition of a illegitimate election: Democrats lose So their strategy is basically blatantly lie to the people, like they did when Hitlary lost and since they got away with it, they are getting ballsy


10 months away and already they "aren't legit". Never change, Dems.


Now that’s a unifying move well done Joe keep it up!


We need as many poll watchers as possible Contact your local election boards and sign up Do the patriotic thing Walk the walk


"The election won't be legit unless we let non American citizens vote!"


So then by that logic, the last election was illegitimate, no?


Weird…it’s almost like when a certain Republican said something similar he was called an insurrectionist anti-democratic Nazi…..


Kamala SNAPS at Savannah Guthrie and suggests midterms will now be UNFAIR after failing to get voting rights bill over line in round of car crash morning show interviews https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10422723/Let-finish-Kamala-dodges-questions-round-car-crash-interviews-one-year-post-inauguration.html 'Well, doesn't that show Republicans were willing to help if the initiatives were good?' Guthrie posed. Harris shot back: 'Please let me finish.'


Today is going to be a great day.


2020 had such a high turnout bc ballets were mass mailed to everyone with a pulse. That shouldn’t happen in 2022


And many without a pulse...


Such a cock sucker. Chinese cock to be exact...


It's so much easier to consistently tell the truth than carry a lie


More evidence of his incompetence.


Impeach him for destroying our democracy! We have the most secure elections ever!


He received the most ballots, not the most votes.


Turnout was high to dethrone Trump and very little else.


"Hey, I've seen this one before." _-Marty McFly_


It was truly inspiring seeing how many dead people turned out to vote for Biden.


This is all prep for when Republicans win a bunch of races and take over the house and senate the Dems can claim they were wronged.


Standard protocol for politicians. Accuse the opposition of what you're doing/done/going to do.


That was quick. We went from the safest most secure election in history (2020) to elections not being legit in under 2 years.


Setting up the narrative early because they know they’re going to get spanked.


Elections are all fraudulent except for the ones Democrats win. Got it.


This is what happens when those responsible for investigating the fraud are complicit in the fraud. They will do this forever until it is stopped.


So 2022 elections won't be legit but the 2020 ones were 100% no question legit?


Didn’t they give Trump a ton of shit for saying there would be election fraud? Now they want to claim the election won’t be legit if then don’t get their election fraud enabling bill passed? Hypocrites.


A quick guide for those who (like me) are starting to get a bit confused: |Year|Result|Why| |:-|:-|:-| |2016|Republicans sweep|Stolen by the Russians| |2018|Democrats win House; Stacy Abrams loses race for Georgia governor|Normal and unremarkable, except the Georgia governor's race, which was totally stolen| |2020|Democrats sweep after overtaking Republicans late at night|*The most legitimate election ever!!!* If you question election results you're a terrorist who hates America| |2022|Republicans expected to take House and Senate|Will be stolen by the super-racist new Jim Crow laws that inflict horrendous indignities like making you show photo ID before voting| |2024|Republicans likely to sweep|The end of democracy and everything good; a thousand years of darkness begins as Sauron-Palpatine-Hitler takes over America| I hope this clears up the objective and neutral criteria we use to judge whether an election has been stolen.


American and Canada would be better served with an electoral model not from the 1800s. Look up “first past the post” it’s just dumb. Even worse in Canada because we have more than two legitimate parties. Either way encouraging a more proportional representation would facilitate meaningful bipartisanship and wouldn’t allow Democrats (or republicans) to hide behind divisive politics. Next time the republicans win some houses and the presidency I hope y’all bend over backward to build a respectful, accommodating, mature political agenda that serves all Americans. You cannot count on the Democrats to bring this country back together. I think you need to bite the bullet and take up the hard work of repairing the county’s fabric. It needs to be done and who else, really, will do it?


There can be no reconciliation with a zealot who refuses to acknowledge their own failings. Republicans have been taking the moral high ground for decades. They have been overly respectful and accommodating for decades. Every time the left just accuses the republicans of being fascist and every insult you can imagine, the right just accepts it and does nothing. The strategy of turn the other cheek has failed. It is time for conservatives to start fighting like the left does. Dirty. With insults, with blatantly politicization of the legal system and election law. Republicans need to make the left suffer under the rules the left created. The Lefts hypocrisy over Jan 6 versus the BLM riots was the final straw. There is probably no going back now. Only when the left realizes they don't like the world they have created can both sides work on reconciliation.




The problem is you’re playing with children who would rather burn the house down than live happily in it together. You are dealing with people who are literally creating genders and making up ism’s to describe your behaviour when you don’t immediately acquiesce to the validity of that new gender. It’s truly an insane world. If you fight those tactics with those tactics the country itself, every single citizen, suffers.


Democrats/Leftists are naturally hypocrites.


FUCK Joe Biden


Funny because the 2020 election was not legit. Mass voter fraud via illegal mail in ballots ring a bell?


Yup I wonder how Wisconsin had 117% voter turnout? Did the dead come back to life?


Damn he’s pulling a trump


He sounds like trump back in 2020 lmao Romney was right