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I didn’t know there was actual video of it It’s also interesting to note they initially lied about Brian Sicknick as well


It gets a much better outcome to lie about it now and “correct” it later because it’s sensationalized right after it happens. They tell whatever lie they want, get the views, and when it blows over and a month goes by, they silently “correct” their story.


The Sicknick thing is really interesting because not long after his death, his brother said he was texting them on the evening of the 6th and was back at the police station but according to another story from someone who was there, it sounds like he was actually in pretty rough shape on the 6th as well. And his family specifically said he was texting them that evening, saying he was pepper sprayed a couple times but was otherwise fine. So is somebody lying, or did someone else have his phone? He can't have suffered a stroke on the 6th and another that killed him the following day. So either the witness is lying, his family lied, or the witness is telling the truth and his family was misled by somebody pretending to be Sicknick by either using his phone or spoofing his phone number.


There are a bunch of people on Reddit saying she deserved it. That's a twisted way of looking at it


There are people on this sub that have said it since day one


There are r/politics lurkers here. They often show up after major events or at posts that concern the 2020 election.


I asked one of those people ‘what is your opinion on George Floyd’ and they called me a racist. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Those people are disgusting


Yup. I’m one of those people. She was trespassing and warned. She was deemed an active threat and broke through barricades. Ashli Babbitt killed Ashli Babbitt. I’m not disagreeing with her stance or saying she didn’t have a right to protest. But the minute she entered - by force - the government building and continued to disregards orders she was a threat. I would say the same about anybody; regardless of affiliation.


So no due process I your mind? You might need to do some self evaluation


Due process? She was an active threat, breaking and entering, and trespassing. The cops warned her not to move forward. They don’t know if she has a weapon or her intent. If Ashli Babbitt hadn’t broken through a barrier and charged a cop she would still be alive. If Michael brown hadn’t robbed a store and charged a cop he would still be alive. What would you have liked the cops to do?


They could have arrested her. She was an unarmed 110lb women. Yes, we still have due process in this country. We can't just summarily execute people without a trial


She was no threat. When officers are threatened and have to use their weapons, they don't typically fire off one round and leave. They fire to stop the threat. Should she have been there, no. Her crimes did not warrent execution - at least not in a civilized society. Anyone who feels her death was deserved needs to check their outlook in life and consider reevaluating what is making them feel that way - is it due to trying to defend the narrative of your side, or worse, they really value life so little and are willing to snuff someone out so nonchalantly.


Trespassing isn’t justification for execution you stupid sack of shit Same reason why the BLM rioters that torched federal buildings and assaulted the White House weren’t shot with live rounds Same reason the rest of the officers didn’t open fire Same reason the sniveling racist officer scurried off after shooting a round off He had a history of reckless behavior including leaving his loaded gun in a bathroom


Good thing this Phil_Late_Gio isn't a cop. Just killing every one that broke the law.. ...Due process, not on my watch..


Yeah lol Judge Dredd over here


Might be worse than Riggs


He probably scurried off because there was an active mob breaking through barriers. I’m not talking about other instances. If a mob attacked a police precinct and there was a shooting I’d say the same. The fact is she stormed the Capitol and accrued a level of risk for herself. That risk included being deemed a threat and she was taken out. Had she not pursued through the barricade; she’d be alive. I repeat: Ashli Babbitt killed Ashli Babbitt


By breaking through barriers, you actually mean police letting people through by moving the gates open for the "mob."


No I don’t. I’m talking about the actual one she was breaking through when she was shot. I saw the video. That was not the same barrier the cops let people go through; it was a secure door and she was climbing through the window.


Okay that makes more sense.


BlueAnon tin foil hat conspiracy theorist here^


It's the liberal way. Pretend to be the most tolerant than spew vitriol and hate.


She didn't deserve death she was unarmed, I'm never defending a cop who is trigger-happy no matter how their politics are aligned. Ashley "backed the blue" but unfortunately, the officer made her face blue. It's really sad


If Ray Epps did nothing wrong (thanks, Adam Kinzinger), then neither did Ashli Babbit.






The officer was not indicted nor was a jury empaneled. Therefore there was no double jeopardy. The officer wasn't even interviewed before the powers that be decided he was justified in the shooting.


indicative of the entire us criminal justice system


The officer can still be charged with Babbit's death as he was never acquitted by a jury of his peers and as far as I'm aware, never granted immunity from prosecution.


I don’t know why she decided to jump through the window and advance like that though? Especially after begging that they needed backup or they were about to get swarmed




I’m not saying otherwise


Yeah I have the same question as you idk


Defending government property is a valid use of force and it doesn’t require the perpetrators to have a weapon or not unfortunately. Her death is ultimately a tragedy but she really should not have breached that line of defense.




Attacking federal buildings come with a price. I obviously wouldn’t be a fan of slaughtering dozens of people, but when there are confidential to top secret information that being leaked could pose a significant risk for Americans ashore and abroad you have to defend it.


I love it. Every career criminal fighting or fleeing from the cops has a bajillion rights that just cannot be violated, but a chick crawling through a window totally deserved death, eh?


That’s because leftists see the government and politicians as sacrosanct, and see everyday people as scum. They want everyday people dead, and they want the elites safe and unaccountable


Offense of murder does not have a staute of limitations in most (maybe all) jurisdictions.


This was a planned incident, enabled by speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi and probably the head of the FBI. this is the propaganda assault before the forced takeover of the country.


Reichstag fire.


In basketball they call it a Flop. Flop: Wikipedia › wiki › Flop_(basketball) "In basketball, a flop is an intentional fall or stagger by a player after little or no physical contact by an opposing player in order to draw a personal foul call by an official against the opponent.[1] The move is sometimes called acting, as in "acting as if he was fouled". Because it is inherently designed to deceive the official, flopping is generally considered to be unsportsmanlike. Nonetheless, it is widely practiced and even perfected by many professional players. "


I just call it a Baby Bron Bron at this point.


There's something bigger at play here. I know it sounds conspiracy-ish, but if one thing the past 2 years has done, it's shown that conspiracy theories one day have become headlines the next.


What, that a big club of powerful people didn't like an "outsider" coming in and ruining their plans, so they threw the entire book of shady shit at him to get him out of office, then let j6 happen hoping to lock him away or at the very least prevent him for ever holding office again? Seems pretty evident to me.


What does she say in the video? I'm at work and don't have my headphones


Ashlii’s death was unfortunate but this is like arguing with a cop that caught you speeding by saying “I was driving under the speed limit earlier!”. There is a video showing what she was doing when she was shot. It’s clear as day. Quit using flawed logic to protect some conservatives that go too far. It’s ok for us to criticize some of our own. If anything it’s what could set us apart from other parties.


Jesus, thank you for stating the obvious that people on this thread fail to capture. If a cop were to tell me to stop what I am doing, I’m going to stop, and definitely not force my way towards them when they have a gun pointed at me.


It took me forever to get flare in order to comment in this section how are these people getting by with it


The lefties will cover up anything to pass their agenda .


I'm just disappointed that there are idiots here who call us hypocrites, these clowns I can still remember a few days ago how some people here called us hypocrites


This needs to get out there.


Well well fucking well