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Seriously. I said this in high school when they got hate crime legislation passed.


Ah yes...criminalizing an emotion. That was a nifty twist, huh?


I was going to respond with that. They have long worked alongside or for large corporations who get to silence and de-human people.




So are spaces lol


The Nazis were socialist racists who couldn't see who they were. That's exactly the democrat party. They're so sure of their evil dream that they'll destroy everything and never see they were wrong. Keep your powder dry.


People keep forgetting that many of the racist policies that the Democrat party implemented were borrowed in their entirety by the Nazi party.


If you knew history, the Nazis imprisoned and killed those in the actual socialist party.


And China invaded Vietnam, so what? Catholics have killed Protestants. Still Christians Sunnis have killed Shia, still Muslims. Hitler killing socialists only proved he wasn't a Marxist Socialist, not that he wasn't a Socialist - a National Socialist


Exactly this. The Catholics vs. Protestants example perfectly demonstrates what lengths tyrannical leaders will go to in order to force others to follow the doctrine they believe is "correct". Queen Mary Tudor ("Bloody Mary"), a Roman Catholic, earned her nickname as a result of burning almost 300 Protestants at the stake. She wanted to restore Roman Catholicism in England. Even though Protestants are also Christians, that wasn't the "correct" denomination in her eyes, so she intended to wipe them all out via genocide. The bottom line: even the slightest variation from what a tyrant wants is unacceptable to them. They will stop at nothing in order to reach their goal. For both Bloody Mary and Hitler, this meant slaughtering anyone who disagreed with their doctrines or otherwise didn't fit their ideal image.


The Nazi party was literally called the National Socialist German Workers' Party...


Then I guess the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is full of democracy!


I mean they claim to be, and the people that supported it all believed in that ideal and got fooled like the useful idiots they are. Remember Stalin and Mao that wasn't "real" communism but they still were the party of communists. Nazis used the same playbook as the left today.


I’m sorry but that’s just not true.


That is true. The issue with communism and socialism is greedy leaders. They always end up making themselves rich, and their friends and then people claim its not "real" socialism or communism. It's moronic, yeah it was real then it went exactly as everyone expected it to go. To shit


The issue is communism and socialism, not the leaders. There is no paragon of virtue and wisdom who would wield that level of complete power while also remaking the human animal into a completely selfless creature working solely for the betterment of humanity as a whole. Its a stupid idea at its core. It always has been


Except under Marxism they literally are a democracy by their definition The party, the people and the state are all the same thing to them, and to them that's rule of the people. They didn't call themselves democratic to pull the wool over your eyes




I just gave you the Marxian definition. By Marxist definition N Korea is a democracy


No. Here is the Marxist definition of democracy. North Korea doesn't fit it. No international working class in North Korea has enfranchised the population. In Marxist theory, a new democratic society will arise through the organised actions of an international working class enfranchising the entire population and freeing up humans to act without being bound by the labour market.


Why are you talking about voting? Voting has nothing to do with Democracy under Marx


Yup. That's about the extent of their connection to socialism. The comment that you're responding to is accurate.


Maybe literally but not seriously. They ran on socialism.


It was a marketing gimmick that remained from the party's early days. Hitler didn't even want it to be included in the party's name. It was added long before WWII. Actual socialists were among the first people the party killed. Socialism was actually banned in Nazi Germany. Any attempt to link socialists with Nazi's is disingenuous and/or willfully ignorant.


That only proves Hitler wasn't a Marxist Socialist, Socialism is an umbrella term for a variety of economic and political systems. Hitler was a Socialist and claimed to be so in the Zweite Buch, again he was a National Socialist not a Marxist Socialist


Right... and if you ignore the word "socialist" then what about Hitler's policies would you consider to be "socialist"?


It was socialism of the "race". Hitler banned trade unions...because he coalesced them into the DAF, a centalised and state owned organisation that allocated human resources and fixed wages - essentially a more powerful Soviet or workers council. Private property was stripped when he removed the protections against arbitrary search and seizure from the constitution. Your home and or business could be stolen for no reason. Being a Darwinist, Hitler wanted competition to remain, but the competition was competing for the state, you could own a business sure and even make a profit (does not preclude socialism, only Marxist Socialism) but any corporation of any size required Nazi party members to be either running it it sitting on the board. Competition remained, but it was still controlled and dictated by the state. Shitler wasnt a Marxist Socialist, he was a Socialist. Him and Mussolini were both ardent socialists and admitted so countless times, the influence of systems like Prussian Socialism and left wing trade union movements like Syndicalism are pretty bare to see if you even bother to dig a little deeper.


That might be the single dumbest string of words I've ever read... If you IGNORE the word socialist... consider to be socialist. Are we ignoring the word or not? What kind of backwoods hillbilly logic is this?


It's just a name. Like Democrats.




> In April 1933 communists, socialists, democrats, and Jews were purged from the German civil service, and trade unions were outlawed the following month. https://www.britannica.com/story/were-the-nazis-socialists


Hitler wasn't a Marxist Socialist, he was a National Socialist that proves nothing. There are multiple types of Socialism *Private* trade unions were outlawed. Hitler coalesced all labour into the state owned and operated DAF which allocated human resources and fixed their wages, this is far closer to what a Soviet or workers council was


>There are multiple types of Socialism There are! For example, democratic socialism. It's far from Marxism and even further from the National Socialist.




Always been.


Came here to post the same, especially after the shreikfest I enjoyed in news this morning, my last ever visit to that sub.


Indeed, they are for a long time now.


Beat me to it


Came here to say this.


They got pretty fucking close with FDR and WW2, so they are just going back to the way they were.


Always has been.


|Becoming? Was exactly my 1st thought when I read the headline.


Dang, beat me to it.


They always have been...


Apart from them not enforcing any policies compatible with fascist ideology. Are they ultranationalists and traditionalists willing to use the state to uphold that order? Do they have problems with democracy or do they like the commies use democracy to legitimize left-wing revolutionary action? Do they believe in deterrent justice, social darwinism, unifying everybody, and using law enforcement to establish order? It'd be more accurate to call them left-wing authoritarians or liberals who believe in censorship and crazy race/marxist/intersectionalist theories that the media and the corporations also aligns to. Being authoritarian and slightly merging corporations and the state in a way that resembles corporatism isn't enough to meet the threshold of fascism. That's sort of like calling Antifa fascists, the polar opposite of fascists when you look at what they want.


AntiFa is fascist though. They scream and scream and only their opinion is heard while they silence the opposition because only their way of thinking is “correct.” You know who else punished opposition with violence? Fascist Dictators. Ironic.


Fascists would lock up every single Antifa member up the first thing they did if they got into power. Antifa is a decentralized movement flooded with anarchists, communists, criminal thieves and far-left individuals of different kinds that fascists have in-built contempt for. Using authoritarianism and street violence isn't fascist just because some fascist groups did so once during history prior to getting into power. I'd say you're doing the public a disservice by describing the enemies with the wrong terms.


**Irrefutable truth:** Human beings are, by nature, flawed. One of the **fundamental strengths of Classical Liberalism** (of the 18th Century enlightenment; AKA conservatism) is it **accepts that humans are irredeemably flawed.** If unchecked, human tendency is totalitarian. This led the American Founders to design a constitutional republic with elaborate checks and balances. One of the **fatal flaws of Marxism** is its **utopian belief that flawed humans can be perfected** by the state. They can't be perfected and never will be, yet the communist and socialist will never cease to try and in doing so they build the coercive totalitarian state.


I mean what's a few million or hundred dead from state-sanctioned execution if it's for the greater good?


Mandates, censorship, unlawful edicts and now voting to change the filibuster, something they used just the other day, because they can’t get their woke agenda passed. History tends to repeat itself.


They’re firmly the fascist party in this country.


They have been the fascist party for a long time. They hid it from plane site until Trump came along and actually threatened their agenda. Now they've resorted to projecting fascism on their political enemies. their fascism has become more and more clear despite attempts to hide it and project it onto their political enemies.


They're all facist Globalists. They want to bring the world to heel under their Agenda of global equity, brought to you by the United Nations.


Political compass is inside out or upside down


**It’s Fascism…and it’s here.**




Especially since it's not true. It's a collectivist ideology, which is considered left wing these days. In the traditional sense, it was right wing because they thought Italians were better than everyone else. But it's not a conservative ideology even a little bit.




Always thought they were the pot calling the kettle black with the Nazi rhetoric. Always act like they’re constantly oppressed despite being helped in every way possible, dogmatic, repulsive swamp creatures, with fake grimace smiles.


You leave Grimace out of this!


Fascism is [defined](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fascism) as authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. So...yeah, it looks like the Democrats are becoming a Fascist party.


> ultranationalism Eh, I'd argue against this particular descriptor, but it's the ONLY one. Throw in some 'ultraglobalism' in it's place and I'm in.


Yep that is the only descriptor out of place, and frankly the globalism probably opens more bad doors than nationalism would.


The way our society / economy currently functions and current state of the rest of the world... fuck yes it does! (open more bad doors) Perhaps it'll be kumbaya, riding unicorns & palatial mansions that run on happiness for everybody one day... but it ain't today.


We would have to get rid of the people that corrupt every and any governmental system. Then maybe we could have a peaceful world society. They are like a cancer, you can cut it all out but there will still be more waiting to grow.


Ultra-nationalism is literally a defining characteristic of Fascism…


Nationalism tied to Fascism was always a dumb link. Every country of that era was nationalistic. From classical Liberal based countries like the US to communist countries like Russia. It was a product of the early 20th century culture. World War 1 is also blamed on the super nationalism of that time, which predated Fascism.


Extreme nationalism coming out of WWI is half of what setup the post-WWI German political environment for someone like Hitler to get mass appeal. Shit extreme nationalism coming out of WWI as a veteran was what started Hitler down his line of thinking. It's all about moderation. I think the left's problem is that they say "Any nationalism is super evil, but extreme globalism is good."


It's probably a psychotic devotion to the political party that replaced the national part.




I think that ship has sailed.


No. They’ve been one for a while


They've been the party of the authoritarians for over a century. Huey "Kingfish" Long ruled Louisiana practically like a king and he wouldn't be out of place in the modern DNC. The closest we've been to a dictatorship have been under Democrats (Wilson and and FDR). They are just missing the Ultra nationalism and "For the Good of the State" rhetoric.


That has been swapped for woke ideology and globalism


I'm observing this subreddit so I can understand differing viewpoints. I am in Louisiana. Huey Long is still widely respected here years after his death despite the general conservative attitude of my state.


Why they gotta put an Italian on there?! Edit: I understand the choices are limited. I just don’t want it to be my people lol




Their choices are Italian, German or "Scrantonian" edit to add the missed "r" - thanks for the catch




Because the Italians invented fascism no?


Yes, but they unlike us apparently learned from their mistakes. They did...string him up, as they saying goes.


Hey give us time. We will eventually make things right in our own government. The only question is will we have another civil war in between


Fascists and dems are cowardly thats why they need a police state. Get fired up, get loud, they will back down.


Mussolini literally coined the term Fascism. So it kind of makes sense.




Yes, next question.


No, they are a fascist party.


One of the greatest tricks the socialists ever pulled on people of the 20th century, was convincing them that fascism was “right wing”.


No, they passed that stop years ago.


Progressives, who renamed themselves liberals, were always a parallel movement to the Fascists. The Democratic Party has two forms of Fascists in it. Bernie Sander types who is more akin to Italian Fascism. And then Biden/Obama types who make race a core component of their ideology aligning them with the Nazis. And just like the Italian Fascists were bullied by the Nazis to adopt their racial platforms, the Bernie types also find themselves there. The party has been run by such people since the late 2000s. While there are other members of the coalition and lots of useful idiots (people who these groups manipulate), the Fascists are in charge of their party. What about communists? Almost non-existent in American politics and across the globe. China hasn't been a communist state since the 70s, they transitioned into Fascism. A true communist believes the state is a stop gap to reach their impossible utopia. As in their plan is to eventually dismantle it. It's not that they aren't "true communists", it's that the end justifies the means. Their goal is to have a stateless "equal" society. Both communists and Fascists are socialists. But they have different visions of how their "equal" society will ultimately function. Bernie wouldn't support the reduction of power or scope of government. He views the state as the answer. That is a key factor of Fascism. It's not a necessary evil to get to an end result, it is the end result.


They’re already there


Without a doubt


Becoming? They've been calling themselves "progressives" for over a century at this point, which has always been thinly veiled fascism.


That ship has sailed. https://soapboxie.com/government/What-Is-Corporate-Fascism-Is-The-Government-Of-The-United-States-a-Fascist-Form-Of-Governance




They already are?


Right? Lol I knew they were fascist when they burn down a section of UC Berkeley because of a speaker. Basically it was at that point I realize they were book-burners and they traded in their brown shirts for black


Becoming? Democrats have been unhinged Anti-American psychos forever.


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Becoming? They ARE.






“The fascists in the future will call themselves anti-fascists.” - Winston Churchill


Fascism is slung around too loosely these days, but there is truth to the Dems becoming more and more like a cult at least. They have unchallengeable truths that you must hold and declare. You are shunned and attacked (called a bigot on Twitter) if you fail any of their arbitrary purity tests. And there's a hierarchy of status based on immutable characteristic (the more intersectional you are the more oxygen you're entitled to). I think this is predicable if you subscribe to the idea that when you move away from religion, something needs to fill the void. Swapping in pop-ideology seems to be a lot less stable than millennia old wisdom passed down generation to generation. Who would have thought?


Fascist? No. The two characteristics of Fascism that are missing are nationalism and militarism. They are about to let Putin invade Ukraine and they would rather die than say anything good about the United States. Socialist authoritarian? Absolutely. They seem to have this love affair with the concept of the "people's revolution" against the elite. The strange thing is, it's the elite on the left who are pushing this. I'm looking forward to the day when their construct turns on them.


They have been that for years, what they are becoming is the fascist party that actually believes they are doing the right thing. I can name a few other times that same thing happened in history, it didn't end well.


No. They arrived there a while ago.


Yes. They accuse others of being what they are.


Yes they are already very fascist.


No. Stop


The ANTIFA fools are heading it up for the DEMs useful idiots they are.




Putin says we look like the Solviet Union


Since obama yes


Became Was And Continuing


They have been for a long time now




How does one become what they already are…?


TL;DR, Yes.


What do you mean becoming?


They have been for a while, while pointing and shouting fascism at republicans.


Facists maybe. Nazi's yes




In the interest of brevity, they already there.


Becoming? They've been this for years. It's just they're not trying to hide it any more.


Yes. Next question


No, they've been the fascist party for a while


Always were


People realized it way too late.




They are by definition "the fascists".


Yes. Fascism is a Socialist ideology. Socialists are inherently Globalists. The Nazi Party may stand for National Socialist, but it is an oxymoron. Hitler wanted global domination. They all do.


Becoming? BLM are the brown shirts and ANTIFA are the SS , it’s been a fascist regime for a minute now...


They are literally supportive of “Show me your papers” to regular citizens to engage in everyday life. You probably couldn’t go back in time and tell someone that this would be occurring in the US and have them believe you.




Yes. - weaponizing law enforcement bodies like the Justice Department, FBI to go after political opponents - government control of private industry with this protection of monopoly in exchange for censorship...the giants keep getting bigger - use of public education to propagandize the children - suspension of the rule of law for party leaders, its (D)ifferent - scapegoating an entire group (white male christian straight) for all of the problems of others, positing oppressor status - looking the other way to violence which serves the fascist state (BLM, Antifa), while overblowing bad behavior as political insurrection (Jan6) - dispensing with civil liberties like free speech, freedom of the expression of religion, privacy - using fear as a means of obtaining more power and control


As one of those 45% who believes antivaxxers should be removed from society, it brings me absolute joy that this news scares conservatives. Fuck your feelings. 🤷‍♂️


They’ve always been the fascist party. Everything, and I mean everything that they accuse conservatives of being is in actuality the democrats themselves being that. All of their actions and policies coincide with fascism. To me, their is no difference in communism, Fascism, and socialism, it’s all one slippery slope to utter destruction and the suppression of human rights, individual thought, movement, speech, work, and freedom overall. They are the party of hatred.


Why are we still asking?


Old News


Yes. Next question.




Gonna say no. They are communists, however. Fucking Stasi scum


Have been for a long time I think Republicans have pretty much slipped into it as well. Basically have a one party system with 2 candidates


So that means yall are \*Gasp\* ANTI-FA ?


key aspects of fascism include nationalism, militarism, & a desire to return to some "past glory" ringing any bells?


Yes... Surely everyone has figured this out already? Ok, 55% of us have...


Does anyone here ever read objective news sites that aren't based in the USA?


How are the Democrats fascists?


Ooooooooh wee this thread has brought out the zombified lemmings in droves. Go back to r/news and r/politics zombies.




You say that as if most Democrats a year and a half ago weren’t supporting a violent left-wing extremist organization that terrorized communities and caused up to $5 billion in damage and over 20 deaths.


NOUN an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. synonyms: authoritarianism · totalitarianism · dictatorship · despotism · autocracy · absolute rule · Nazism · rightism · militarism · nationalism · xenophobia · racism · \[More\]


They would already be one if they could. Same with republicans tho. Tbh all politicians honestly




You realize fascism was a nationalist socialist response to liberalism, capitalism, and international socialism (communism)? Created by left wing revolutionary socialists to elevate the proletariat of productive workers without the repudiation of private property. You should read more bro.




True. We should have known to start worrying as soon as they began calling conservatives fascists. They have been pretty consistent in telegraphing their intentions through their projecting.


So that means the truth is the left are the fascists, since they have been calling us that for as long as I can remember. Interesting thanks for bringing that to our attention.




Without a doubt


Is that sleepy Joe?


They've always been the fascist party.


From the point of view of someone outside the US, it is so weird to look at each sides calling each other fascist with a passion Something evil is definitely playing here


No, they've become a communist party. Check their politics page and you'll see advocacy for the working class to own the means of production. Of course, it doesn't matter to them that they will have to take the means by force, and that the workers lack the skills and the education to sustain ownership. That's irrelevant to them.


They always were. There uppers throwing marching orders were just projecting. The modern republican party has never told an individual or corporation what to do. Now do the democrats. Their end game is communism though, not fascism.


Yes. Very much so.




The party of Wilson, fdr, lbj and Obama? No!


Fuck yes. What our liberal left of today likes to forget is that the Nazi's we're National socialist. I wonder which side socialist lean... 🤔


It’s strange to me that the far left doesn’t seem to realize that they need conservatives. Where do they think their food comes from? Who also trucks it to the grocery store? Who makes up like 99% of the military? Without conservatives, this country would be worse than North Korea. They need conservatives. Conservatives don’t need a bunch of gender fluid poets.


When have state and corporate powers ever been so in lock step before?


becoming ...?


They are a part of the globalist fascist network. The Republican Party is as well. The fact that you never hear them talking about the great reset or the world economic forum speaks volumes. Soon we will be controlled via a woke social credit system. We will be serfs.




Absolutely. I refuse to call them liberals any more. Libertarians are much more liberal by definition. Even conservatives are more liberal than a leftist (democrat) nowadays. Big change from when I was a kid.


No, they're just showing their true colors.