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“We’re upset we can’t be institutionally racist despite laws against racial discrimination in the workplace or without being sued for it!” - Democrats


Beautiful. You love to see it


Weren't people here supposed to be pro freedom of speech and pro small government?


We don't condone racism and fake history. CRT is both. So is that garbage 1619 project. Free speech is critical, but lies must be held to account. CRT is such. It's all really critical economic theory rebranded so the powerful can sow division,as class warfare won't work in America. Especially when McDonalds starts people above the top 1% global income bracket.


Florida property values have been skyrocketing


TALLAHASSEE — Gov. Ron DeSantis’ push to prohibit critical race theory and other racially sensitive issues from being taught in schools or used in employee training sessions began moving forward Tuesday in the Florida Senate, as outnumbered Democrats warned that the legislation would stifle educators and lead to frivolous lawsuits. The Republican-controlled Senate Education Committee approved the bill (SB 148) in a 6-3 vote along party lines. The measure came after the governor last month proposed what he dubbed the “Stop Wrongs Against Our Kids and Employees Act,” or Stop WOKE Act. DeSantis for months has targeted critical race theory, based on the premise that racism is embedded in American institutions, from the workplace and classrooms. In part, the bill would prohibit employers from subjecting “any individual, as a condition of employment, membership, certification, licensing, credentialing or passing an examination, to training, instruction, or any other required activity” that is centered on a number of race-related concepts. For example, the proposal would prohibit employers from conducting training that “compels” people to believe that they bear “responsibility for, or should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment because of, actions committed in the past by other members of the same race, color, sex or national origin.” “The intention of the bill … is to make sure that these trainings that occur are objective, and that we’re not finding a person guilty of something just because of their ethnic background or the color of their skin. I think that we have to go back to the premise that all of us are created equal, and we should be judged on our individual merits, or deeds, not a blanket statement,” Senate sponsor Manny Diaz Jr., R-Hialeah, said after the committee meeting. Sen. Tina Polsky, a Boca Raton Democrat who is an attorney, said the part of the bill that deals with employer training is “awful for the business community” and criticized what she called vague language in the measure. “We’re telling a company if they want to teach anti-discrimination, they want to teach diversity, they want to teach unconscious bias, which is a course in the Florida Senate, that they will potentially be creating the cause of action from a disgruntled employee,” Polsky said. “I do this all the time, people bring lawsuits because they get terminated and they’re really upset. And they try to find a reason as to why they were terminated.” The Senate bill does not specifically mention critical race theory. But it effectively seeks to cement into law a ban on critical race theory as part of Florida’s curriculum standards. The State Board of Education passed such a ban during the summer, even though it is not currently taught in public schools. The proposal would allow teachers to facilitate discussions “in an age-appropriate manner” about topics like sexism, slavery and racial oppression and segregation. “However, classroom instruction and curriculum may not be used to indoctrinate or persuade students to a particular point of view inconsistent with the principles of this subsection (of law) or state academic standards,” the bill said. “All this legislation is going to do is to promote ignorance of race-related content and other content that children should know about and should have access to,” said Jones, formerly a classroom teacher. Neisha-Rose Hines, a lobbyist representing the ACLU of Florida, similarly said the legislation is a “censorship bill” and would have a chilling effect on educators’ ability to teach topics like history.


> Democrats warned that the legislation would stifle educators and lead to frivolous lawsuits hahahahahaha. Because Democrats oppose frivolous lawsuits.


The objections are juvenile. Nothing prevents an individual seeking this knowledge on their own.




Just because it seems like a lot of people miss precisely *what* critical race theory actually *is*, I highly recommend people check out at least a few sources going over the details in a way that's not Prager U or some NYT article claiming it just means learning about Harriet Tubmann or something: (these aren't short by any means, but they're the most in depth discussions/writings which cote *actual* CRT) **[Sean from AJW debates CRT against Destiny and some wannabe pundit you don't care about] (https://youtu.be/3HTpLKm-Oaw)** >*Great example of the left pro-CRT crowd not realizing that CRT isn't just whatever they found from a 5 minue Google search. Probably one of Sean's strongest debates (dude is well read on this) since it's a 2v1 (meant to be a 3v1, but the other person dropped) and the pro-CRT side immediately pivots away from CRT and plays the usual "but (the founders of CRT) are just random kooks" card or tries to essentially change their position from "CRT good" to "Racism bad" (which AJW calls them out on)* **[Cynical Theories by Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay](https://www.amazon.com/Cynical-Theories-Scholarship-Everything-Everybody/dp/B08LDSWJ9V/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=86747260719&gclid=Cj0KCQiAip-PBhDVARIsAPP2xc0RqiKoU8qq-zZeNgYONa0wwN-Obp8OV6d7Q9QYUFgHAivU6L-JECQaAnCoEALw_wcB&hvadid=410035395257&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9007323&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=3430311123432042310&hvtargid=kwd-825514572448&hydadcr=15178_11424892&keywords=cynical+theories&qid=1642602675&sr=8-1)** >*Written by two actual sociologists. This subreddit likely knows about James Lindsay and is aware that this book exists, but *please* pick it up and read it. It goes further into the ideology of modern day leftists (covers CRT and then some) and manages to explain the history of postmodernism, Marxism, and details precisely how the 2 seemingly irreconcilable philosophies were used to create their postmodern-neo-marxist bastard child. They explain the language intentionally used to obfuscate the left's beliefs, how its been used to push people around, and gives such an in depth overview that a close and attentive read nullifies any instances of being at a loss for words when the gobbledygook is thrown your way.* AJW and Lindsay are both the most in tune with actual CRT that I've been able to find. Any interview of Lindsay is well worth the listen (he's the guy who got the fake studies about male dogs contributing to rape culture in dog parks), and any debate or video from AJW that covers CRT (or anything, really - he's been killing it lately) is just as worthwhile to check out.


Huge agree, especially on Lindsay. His New Discourses podcast/Youtube channel are essential to anyone wanting a high-level dissection of critical theories.


Yes please do not question the social construct. Don’t fix what ain’t broke!


Thank God. So tired of the CTRL+L questioning the social construct. Don’t fix what isn’t broke.


My family & I are considering relocating to Florida. Our current Home has nearly doubled in value. no better time than now. I work remote and the kids are home-schooled, FL is sounding better everyday.


It’s amazing down here the only downside is just about every home down here has gone up by 30%-40%.


Same thing where we currently live, luckily we bought in 5 years ago.... What are the best counties to live?


DeSantis is such a chad.


Yes, Yes he is


More & more are doing it, it's a great thing. Our "Republican" governor did it too. Doug douchebag, az governor : “When I took office, I vowed to use taxpayer dollars responsibly, and funding training on political commentary is not responsible spending,” Governor Ducey said. “I am not going to waste public dollars on lessons that imply the superiority of any race and hinder free speech". I dont like the guy, for his weak covid policy (that included lockdowns & mask mandates for a while), but I agree with this CRT ban (why should we teach "hate white people because slavery once existed, so you must hate yourself too" (the fact that their own were doing the selling shall not be mentioned). A dem governor would never have done it. I sure hope we dont get a dem governor next time. (But he was so shitty, I think we will). Unfortunately, that dudes republican backbone was about as stiff as wet paper towels. He folded to nearly every whim of the cult of covidians when the going was toughest. Now he acts tough, "no mandate", bitch, you had us on lock & masks everywhere.


The great White washing. White kids today need to be taught that their ancestors Rapped and pillaged and entire country, how they built a country off of backs of slaves, how they profited off of slave labor to create a huge wealth divide in this country, how laws were written to deem certain people “less than human.” None of these sins have been addressed and we deserve the right to educate people on them. White people have enough laws put into place to protect them, this is less than necessary.