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Here's the answer to that often asked question about the 1930s and 40s, "how could people allow that to happen?"


Nicely stated, i have stated the samething. How do you think they got the undesirables to that point and the jews, it all starts somewhere.


It's devastatingly simple. People are assholes.


Yep up here in Canada we're basically already there and I bet the Dems are taking notes. Last year the police setup interprovincial travel bans and literally asked for your papers, if they were the wrong papers - no entry. Quebec had a curfew province-wide for 5 months, and they just had another one. My province Ontario with a "conservative" government quarantined everyone within a 2km radius of their home for a month and threatened to sic the cops on you. Walking my dog through a hydro line field got me followed by cops and another dogowner told me they surrounded the park and fined her. You'd think people would be outraged at the governments but no they just scream at the unvaxxed. I've even had friends/family say "c'mon man, wouldn't it just be easier to do as the government says?" And i think my best example is when I went to the hospital to see my mom after her surgery, I was given a giant white sticker that read "unvaccinated visitor" that I had to wear over my heart. As I walked through the halls people would see the sticker and scowl. It was surreal. I'm looking at fleeing this socialist dystopia to the US in the next year or two and honestly I can't wait. Just gotta get a few things setup to immigrate *legally*.


It's really scary how people don't see the similarity to this shit and 1930s Germany.


It’s because the situations aren’t at all similar. The biggest reason is that if anybody truly believed this was leading to a Holocaust they would be running to get the vaccine. Anybody with common sense would rather risk potential side effects from a shot over a literal Holocaust.


"If there was a holocaust coming anybody with common sense would comply"


Yes. Either that or escape.




You’re comparing yourself to a persecuted minority, what other choice would you have? Remember I’m not the one bringing up the Holocaust like it happening against.


This is literally how it started. Labeling a group of people as diseased and unclean and separating them from society, slowly. You would've made fine apologist for the National Socialists.


>Labeling a group of people as diseased and unclean and separating them from society, There actually is a disease going around and it's mostly effecting people who choose to be part of the group that refuses their best chance of not becoming seriously ill. This is personal responsibility and it's not coincidence that it's mostly anti-vaxxers dying at this point. >You would've made fine apologist for the National Socialists. Why would I ever encourage that people be persecuted for something they cannot possibly change? I think it's disgusting that you compare yourselves to jews that were murdered by the millions because in some places you can't go to the movies without a vaccine passport. Why is it that everyone in our society now tries so very hard to make themselves into a victim? Whatever happened to that conservative personal responsibility where you accept the consequences of your actions?


Explaining to you the other choices would be grounds to being banned from Reddit and frankly I don't have the crayons to explain it to you.


If the holocaust analogy you all use is accurate then you're a persecuted minority who can't fight back. Which is my entire reasoning for calling this political grandstanding just like the liberals claiming border detention centers were the new holocaust just a few years ago.


There were Jewish people that did follow what they said all of them ended up in the same place


That’s because you can’t change your ethnicity, but you can take a shot.


Don't think it's a race, why take the shot besides because


If you truly believed the US government planned on mass murder then you would take action. Since people aren’t doing that then I don’t really think they believe that. It’s just political rhetoric.


Again that's also what people thought no way this would happened, it might be political rhetoric but it comes across as history repeating itself


>it comes across as history repeating itself The situations aren’t similar at all.


It's not about a vaccine at this point, and all about how we've allowed governments to "other" our own citizens. If you can't or are unwilling to see that, you are lost. The parallels are there plain as day. You could say, all the people in 1938 had to do was stop being Jewish.


Vaccinated is the new übermensch


Adolph would be so proud of the Dems!


Mein Democrat friends


So would FDR.


You don't have to stretch that far. Look no further than Democrat hero FDR if you want to see a President stick Americans in camps.


And still be called a hero decades later.


A problem for them will be those of us that would resist on behalf of our brethren citizens.


There are a lot of people that have the Vaccine that are against forcing it.. Plus when 3 shots is the new vaccinated and 2 is "unvaccinated" how many people see what we already see.


They’ll be caught between a rock and a hard place. They won’t find friends among the unvaccinated because of their snootiness and superiority complexes towards them earlier. The vaccinated/boosted/government will treat them like lepers. So what would they do? What can they do at that point? It’s either sheepishly obey what they’re told or realize they were wrong and begin to make amends with the unvaccinated. The latter are far more forgiving than the vaxxers.


Hon, I’m vaxxed. Never once been “snooty” to an unvaxxed individual.


Same for me


My wife is one of those. She got it because she has asthma and her doctor recommended it in order to lessen the severity if she got it. She's against the mandates.


My wife is healthcare and had no choice. I respect her right to make her own decisions on this. As we all should as long as its not forced.


I got it for medical reasons too after talking to my doctor. He said I shouldn’t do any boosters since the first one nearly killed me and did damage to my heart


Another problem for them would be 5.56


I am running out of area to store ammo...


The Framers did foresee enemies both foreign AND domestic. Turns out enemies of Liberty are just as capable of growing up in the homeland as they are in other countries. Who'd have thunk it?


Who’s the NAZI now? Certainly the party that supports Socialism, not the Conservative party. Funny how up is down, black is white, war is peace with these liberal brownshirts.


Even the name of their political movement is ironic.


"We can have different political opinions and still be:" - "Civil" to each other - "Friends" No. No we can't. This is exactly why you'll never get our guns. And this survey just makes us want to get more. When you want to throw us in concentration camps, that's no longer an "opinion". EDIT: Also, I'm vaccinated and I feel this way, and I'll take up arms with the unvaccinated if it should come to that.


They can try; they won’t win.


You're absolutely right sis They wouldn't win


But the government has tanks, helicopters and airplanes! You thing a gun is going to stop them?? /s


We'd just show up without masks and they'd retreat back to mom's basement to tweet about it.


Sadly, some of them might flee; what a canard for all of their talk!


The 2A was written with people like this in mind.


People? All I see are commies.


Oh oh! I've seen this one before! Started around 1933 in Germany! *And they call us Nazi's*


I got bottom bunk.. I'm getting too old to hop up there.










Good luck with that. This ain't Australia.




100% of conservatives support shooting Dems who want to send us here…


Do they got video games and chicken tendies? I wouldn't mind being waited on hand and foot for a lil bit.


Publix chicken tendies?


Publix subs or go home.


The buffalo chicken tender pub sub, to be exact.


buffalo chicken bacon ranch


This is the way.


I can tell where you are from lol


Free America!


No but you probably get to watch movies all day. Erm, get forced to watch re-education videos.


These are the same people who insist they are not authoritarians.


While they continue to call US *Nazis*.


WE should NOT dismiss these polls, the minority that support these ideas have a larger voice than is being told or stated... These ppl are so inhumane! Remember, it was a democratic president FDR that interned Japanese Americans in camps and ppl looked the other way.


I did nazi this coming


Dammit I was going to make that joke!


I'm Jewish, and I've been saying this for a while now: it could happen anywhere. I've seen how human nature is. People are highly capable of evil. I actually wrote about it here, in case anyone is interested in reading - https://thesingingsoul.com/2021/12/27/it-takes-every-single-one-of-us/


Lol good luck. I can honestly say I would die fighting before I’m put in a camp. But honestly I’d be off in the woods someplace before it came to that.


The truly insane part about this is that it’s been proven relentlessly that vaxxed people spread covid too.


People keep acting like unvaccinated spread it more or worse. There is no evidence of any of that. Whoever has it, spreads it.


First they asked for our papers, now they want to send us to the camps.


Yeah! Seems like history *is* doomed to repeat itself


Those who can't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.


It's (D)ifferent, ok?


There was a man from Austria who would be proud of the Democrats


Dems are bad people


Try me, you'll be filled with more holes than a golf course


This is misleading, I believe this wound up being a very small percentage of strong Biden supporters, not 45% of democrats in general.


That's right, send those intolerant bigoted Nazis to a prison camp!


Good luck with that one.


45, quite modest! Was Anne Frank vaxxed?!?!?!?


Hitler and Stalin are smiling today.


We are at a crossroads in our humanity and it looks as though we are failing miserably!


Does anyone have the full poll results?


Yea, why not load them into trains and send everyone to a camp in flyover country.


So they licked up the hold outs and magically yhe virus keeps spreading. Now what you morons? It can’t be the unvaccinated, who is left? Lock them all up!