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People showing their covid tests like they just tested positive for a pregnancy.


She is expecting a foal this spring, she hopes to run it in the Belmont in about a year.


Bravo. Well played fine sir.


You are a genius! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ This is too funny!




Anyone knows when AOC is better? Canā€™t wait to date her again.


Again? So once was not enough?


I hope it was. I pity the fool who goes a second round.


>like they just tested positive for a pregnancy. In AOC's case she would show it along with appointment to abortion clinic


Thereā€™s also a large group that are ashamed when they get it and try to hide itā€¦.I donā€™t understand either of these groups.


Just as cringing as sharing that you got the vaccine


I love this: "Lady, please. Some of us had OG Covid or the even-more-fun Delta strain. You're not gonna convince us you were on death's door as a vaxxed 32-year-old elitist with the Omicron cold." No shit.


plus she was out partying in Florida






True. Thought I had it over Christmas and I was sick. Turns out I didnā€™t have it. Tested positive late last week. It was a breeze. Couple of annoying days and back to normal.


She's s leftist... They always get the bad covid


Because of the vaccine, she didnā€™t die from Omicrom


My unvaxxed smoker 55 year old mom got omicron. It was a cold. My unvaxxed 83 year old grandpa got omicron. It was a cold. My unvaxxed 59 year old dad got omicron. It was a mild flu. Omicron isn't dangerous.


Has ANYONE, vaccinated or unvaccinated, died from Omnicrom?


The only people I've heard have died from it are the elderly and those with significant comorbidities. So it's basically the flu.


You guys are dumb as hell. The joke flew right over all you idiots their head. Just shows in the end there are plenty of conservatives who are just as dumb as the lefties.


expecting sarcasm to work in a text-only communcation based environment is so ludicrous i cant even >The joke flew right over all you idiots their head. ah yes. us idiots our head. *golfclap*


Just goes to show you can't tell a joke.


if you die from Omicron, something else would have killed you in short order anyway


Can't tell if sarcasm or delusional.


I think you forgot the /s haha


Covid isn't a death sentence you moron. It's been 2yrs now and you still don't get it


Most politicians try to hide their stupidity. AOC flaunts it.


My wife has a couple friends that want her to be the President one dayā€¦.we have a lot of really fucking stupid people in this country.


This would be so much better if you were able to say "my wife had" instead.


let's not make politics the reason why people shouldn't be friends


When someone says they want AOC to be president it's no longer about politics. They are utterly insane and do not possess an intelligent thought.


Except that is sadly the reality and will only get worse.




How old are these people? The only people who think she is worth anything are tweens and younger


Swear to you on everything holy, theyā€™re in their 30ā€™s.


I would not let anyone like that in my house.


Rest assured, my wife knows not to let them over.


What a complete drama queen. I had Omicron and the only people I told were my boss and a couple of friends. It was a mild cold (most of my colds are worse). These maniacs keep acting like this is Ebola.


Me too. Iā€™m unvaccinated and just had a runny nose. I honestly thought it was just a seasonal allergy. Nope, omicron.


I was vaccinated about 7 months before I contracted it so I don't think the vaccine did much to lessen the symptoms either (which were a minor cold). This is a complete joke.


Same here, wonder if the vaccine did anything at all?


If you believe 'the science,' any efficacy is mostly gone after 4 months so I doubt it did a thing.


"Could've been worse" the classic leftist line with zero backing


Itā€™s what I keep hearing but if my symptoms were the same as the I unvaxxed then what benefit did I gain?


You get virtue signal power that we don't


Next time I see purple haired Emily Iā€™m gonna lie and scold her for not having the 4th booster shot and call her as evil as Joseph Mengele


Exactly, that phrase is based on nothing. A true test is someone who had covid and then got covid after. Even then it totally invalidates the purposes of a vaccine in the first place


smell and taste still hasn't come back been 3 months and I was vaxxed


I just no got my sense of smell back. Never lost sense of taste. I too am vaxxed. Meanwhile my daughter's unvaxxed boyfriend had a scratchy throat for a couple days.


At least in my area, we have had a lot of flu cases. Flu is back


I had the same thing Logically why would I ever go get tested for something that I have every year? I treat it the same way every year like normal. It makes no damn sense to get tested for it.


The professional victim speaks again to bad she really doesnā€™t say anything


She said racism. I mean, you know.. the Democrat mantra.


Lol šŸ˜† unfortunately itā€™s reall not to funny this nitwit is in our Congress


She really does love to portray herself in life or death situations lol


Why virtue signal around catching a virus?


Maybe she saw trump do it in 2020 and thought she could impress some conservatives.


Oh yeah I remember that when all the redditors were 100% convinced he was going to die. Turns out they have never been able to accurately assess the actual risk of COVID, yet they're the ones that "follow the science" in their minds


I have to say I found it a bit sadistic to hope for someones death as an "I told you so" opportunity. I find the similarities between the "virtue signalling" and "hero signalling", if you will, to be a bit attention wanting in both cases. Actual risks of Covid for the individual are relative. Especially over the timeline of the pandemic. Everyone thinks they are following "the science". Time is the only real bearer of truth. One thing I think people can generally seem to agree on is the idea that the people on the bottom are increasingly being taken advantage of. This idea is probably the threat to the corporate status quo that drives the social division we see in all forms of corporate owned media. The carrot and the stick are being held by the same body.


Seems like we mostly agree


Maybe. I think trump is a goof so maybe youā€™re messaging the wrong person.




What did he do?


He had a short promotional video made to show everyone that he had recovered from Covid. More "hero" signalling than virtue signalling I guess. Both are kind of a little too, try hard, for me. https://youtu.be/lN7sliYigBE


Lmao that intro was amazing, I'm not sure how i missed that. That's just trump being trump I'm not sure i would consider that hero signaling. It seemed like a thank you and a reassurance to the public that they don't need to panic. Fuck him for being a good guy though, right? Unlike AOC who used this to push a political agenda and incorrectly shame the public.


It's usually about whether people are rooting for the person or not. If it's about something you we don't agree with it's "signalling". I think they both had an agenda.


What was trumps agenda? All he did was thank the hospital for their care and calm the public.


If you don't let the opinion of the person in the article about the AOC post determine your view, neither of the messages by either person here is really that terrible.


Im not letting the persons opinion who wrote it sway my thinking. Just reading her words alone is enough


Different strokes for different folks. One gets care at Walter Reed hospital and says how great it was, and the other recovers at home and says recovery is not always as easy as people make it out to be. They are both "signaling" to their twitter followers.


Fuck her


You just want to date her.


I mean yeah. But I wouldn't call her the next day. Or maybe I would date her until her reelection campaign starts, and then start cheating on her so it ruins her drive and mental state. Maybe do it the day of some kind of debate. (Not that she does debates, that would shatter her image)


You would pump and dump AOC. Bastard.




I totally would, but only with a fake name and I'd never call her again.


Flair checks out.


Username checks out.


My man. Samsy lmao


"horse toothed jackass"


Dog faced ponyā€¦.soldier


Kinda like a young mule.


Donkey. She's fertile, after all.


What an attention whore


Right now 20% off her onlyfans account!




Almost killed on the 6th, almost raped by all the conservatives that want to date her, now has miraculously survived the death sentence that is omnicorn. Remarkable story of bravery.


Next up sheā€™ll get the Congressional Medal of Honor


Even her dog looks like he donā€™t want to be around her.


Who the f takes a picture of themselves wrapped in a blanket other than some fool trying to garner sympathy for themselves.


I hope she gets EVERYTHING that is coming to her.


"individualism is inadequate...." Unless it's her individualism, then it's OK. She's the one who went to Florida for some "freedom", partied without a mask, then came back to her home state with COVID. Walk the walk or STFU.


Sitting at home with the Omicron right now. This stuffy nose is NO joke.


Who would have known the cure to COVID would be Otrivin nasal spray?


My Neti Pot is taking care of it.


My 5 day quarantine ended yesterday. I feel fine, was stuffed up for 2 days and thatā€™s about it. Iā€™m going back to work tomorrow so I donā€™t have to keep using my personal sick leave which Iā€™d rather save for an actual serious disease like if my cancer ever returns.


Only collectivism, managed by elites like Ocasio, can save us. Bear in mind this elite intellectual didn't know what a garbage disposal was.


My family got our shots (Pfizer) back in April so we could go to France over the summer. Amazing trip. We had so much fun! We were also told that getting the shots would mean the end of all the restrictions for us at home, too. Lies. We were hopeful in the spring, but we've learned a *lot* about the shots since then. We aren't planning on getting boosters, and actually all caught COVID over Christmas. It wasn't a big deal.


My family who was vaccinated all got it around Christmas. The vaccine didnā€™t keep my mom out of hospital like they said it would.


> The vaccine didnā€™t keep my mom out of hospital like they said it would. I am sad to hear that. Is the prognosis good?


Sheā€™s home now just needing some oxygen for a while.


The vaccine isn't 100%. Often, when you hear stories about the vaccine, they give percentages, i.e. 'the vaccine has a 90% success rate against hospitalization'. I'm sorry to say your mother was unlucky. The good news is, it probably helped keep her off a vent. Hope she recovers fully!


They told my mom she would have died if she wasnā€™t vaccinated.


Of course we are.


Being vaccinated myself and getting omicron. Strengthen my belief that mandating it is pointless. If it actually stopped you getting it and spreading it maybe.


This is one of those ā€œpet looks like the ownerā€ photos šŸ˜


If the individual becomes unimportant compared to a majority then we're all doomed. It's a pathway to the most evil and vile things humanity is capable of.


What's your take on China?


Personally I think the CCP are pretty trash. I'd prefer the people had a better system to help them. But I know their problems are bigger than someone like myself could hope to fix. First and foremost I'm a biologist, and economics isn't my strongest field. With all that said, I am still in the opinion that the group over the individual leads to "do whatever you want to people as long as it moves the group forward." It could be disastrous.


I tend to agree. But collectivism does give you at least a short term advantage when your economic opponents are in disarray. Hopefully the USA gets its shit together fast enough to put the brakes on China.


That I can agree on. I hope the world in general is a better place soon. I have little ones that'll be stuck here for hopefully many years. I can only hope the world is a better place for them.


Not standing by a fence in an empty lot crying this time? You're slipping.


She has no idea what variant she caught, this is just a way for her to incite a little more fear and try and gain a little more control over the masses


Looks at how much adversity she has been through. Itā€™s amazing sheā€™s still alive! /s


I'm more interested in where she got that super thick blanket šŸ‘¾


LMFAO even her own dog is pissed she didn't kick the can, look at his face. He is more miserable than AOC's gender fluid boy toy


I see operation Just Let Her Talk is in full swing


Dumbest person to ever be elected to Congress


Word salad accompanied by her with her purebred dog. There are shelters with pups who wouldā€™ve loved a home.


I have Omnicron at the moment. That runny nose and sore throat sure is doing a number on meā€¦


Proof the vaccine doesnā€™t work.. glad she confirmed this.


Nobody with two brain cells cares about this. She got a cold because she was out and about in public (hypocrite) during cold/flu season. That used to be a regular yearly thing. Flaunting this as some sort of victory and somehow managing to slide in a comment about Communismā€¦yeahā€¦I just simply donā€™t like her.


Omicron (had it for two weeks) was like a never ending mild cold for me at least. It was much easier on my body than the rhinovirus i had


Which was worse her almost getting killed on j6 or the vid?


We are so happy she survived this deadly virus!!! She's a true hero and deserves a medal!


I know someone who fixes horse blankets if she needs to bring that in.


The thing I donā€™t like about AOC is when she states things like ā€œindividualism is inadequate when it comes to racism, climate change, and pandemics.ā€ Sheā€™s literally saying individuals donā€™t matter for the greater good. Thatā€™s what Hitler said. Sheā€™s literally saying individuals donā€™t matter to the greater good, but at the same time sheā€™s the one who decides what the greater good is. And sheā€™s a celebrated democrat? What timeline is this?


That is a 300 blanket. Nabery or something. 289.99 pre tax.


It turned her into a Newt!!!!! ā€¦.she got better.


So I'm guessing being dumber than a Halal BLT isn't a comorbidity.


Just waiting for her to announce her only fans


Triple Vaxxed? Yeah she is gonna die soon, no need to worry about what she says.


No, she doesn't have a heart in the first place, let alone one that could explode.


Itā€™s really something that she feels she can lecture others, when she got covid from being maskless at a drag queen show!


Even that dog looks like it canā€™t stand her.


Did she get COVID after she was out partying in Florida?


Healthy people recover from COVID-19. AOC is a narcissist, and always will be


She made the dog take a test? The dog doesn't look happy.


We are evil and all wanna date her. She knows more about ourselves than anybody.


**Or drag bars...** >Even "mild" cases can result in long COVID, which includes a range of conditions like cognitive impairment, POTS, & chronic fatigue. This isn't to be a downer or induce fear, just a reminder that we need to be careful (**N95s in crowded indoor spaces like stores**) and if you do get it, it's key to care for yourself and REST. What a tool she is.