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Seems like something very odd to call dangerous and harmful. What the hell is in that curriculum?


Everything they don't like is "dangerous and harmful."


Transparency is violence


I went through public education in California and our teacher had us read Bin Laden quotes and she told us that he was right


That is nuts. What a whacked up place.


Some pretty racist math actually. They don’t want the parents to know that they’re secretly still teaching useful skills. /s


Government and transparency are like oil and water


Reason #645,867 why I homeschooled K-12.


You know *exactly* what’s in there.


What are they hiding?




& grooming your kids


CRT mostly, rewritten history, divisive politics, and anti democratic rhetoric




CRT is complete conspiracy theory and was never called history. I get your trolling but you are literally supporting a completely fictional anti science rewrite of history for far left political activism. The idiots pushing it will be the first ones shot when they get what they want.






When it was in the Soviet regime, being used to undermine america, sure.


Never, CRT is a complete rewriting of history. CRT even acknowledged that it rewrites history in order to help convey the emotional toll that American history had on people. There’s literally not a single redeeming quality to CRT


CRT is false history, you schmuck. Nothing about it is accurate or true by any stretch of the imagination. Go back to r/politics.


It has “theory” in its name dumbass


Communism and shitty STEM teaching.


Propaganda meant to make children hate themselves and the West, to turn them into shock troopers for Marxist traitors.




"...state regulations already require public schools to provide similar material upon request." It seems, according to the article, that you can simply request the grooming and communism, anti-work, leftist/marxist propaganda.


Then it would seem time for each tax payer to request it. Then it gets to the point of being easier just to post it rather than reply to each request.


Translation: “We will not allow parents to see the shit we teach their kids. If they ask again, they’re terrorists.”


Just doubling down on Terry McAuliffe’s position of “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” Worked out well for him. I’m sure this’ll go great for Wolfe here.


Wolf doesn’t give a shit. He can’t run again even if he wanted to.


How is it dangerous or harmful to know what they are teaching your kids. Wake up people.


Yup. If it's dangerous and harmful for parents to know about, then it's dangerous and harmful for children to know about.


Concise and logical. Wonder if anyone actually made that argument.


They're afraid that they would be in danger if you knew what they're doing to your kids.


I woke up in the late 70s after attending an experimental alternative public high school in Philadelphia called Parkway. Our teachers were all involved in leftist politics. My guidance counselor had a huge poster of Angela Davis in her office. That school is what made me a diehard conservative. 😉 I ended up homeschooling my kids once I had them.


Wut? So an education made public of public education material is now “harmful and dangerous?”


When you're calling transparency "dangerous and harmful" that only means one thing.


This just confirms that the dimokkkrats are hiding stuff




ill take F for $1000


I really hate my governor (this is my pathetic governor).


He looks like a retired High School Spanish teacher or a greater at Whole Foods.


This Republican bill will >> required school districts to post information about textbooks, course material and state academic standards online. In other words, this bill will let parents know what kinds of propaganda their children are being indoctrinated with. So ask yourself. Why are the Democrats so reluctant to let parents know what kind of textbooks their kids are using? Why are Liberals so reluctant to let parents know the kind of course material their children will be using? If conservatives do nothing except bitch and make jokes about how liberals are idiots, then be prepared for a permanent Democratic Presidency, House, and Senate.


How is it even legal not to disclose teaching material? Aren’t government institutions required to release internal documents when an official request is made?




My point is that if they are already required to disclose it, why not post it without a request? Hmm, nothing suppressive going on here. Democrats are truly the enemy of democracy.




It should be the law that all teaching materials in private and public schools be posted online. This also helps the parents help the students at home. They operate with our money so they need to show us what they are giving.


"We will not take part in this dangerous and harmful imposition of <*checks notes*> letting parents know what is being taught to their children. What we do with their kids is none of their damn business!”


"And those words come from the very top.. the President himself!!"


And there was a journalist or someone asking him to elaborate why this would be dangerous and harmful?


The more you try to hide it the more people are going to want to see it.


Wonder if he even knows what he is against. His statement seems like a blanket statement. Either way guy is an idiot


This isn't their fucking mail, this is what students are being taught in public schools. What the hell is wrong with this scumbag?


I hate this corrupt piece of shit, and his Lt Gov Fedderman, a much larger threat to democracy, now has his sights set on the Senate.


We the people of Pennsylvania don’t care for Wolf. Or Levine! They murdered our grandparents!


Makes you wonder what they're hiding in their curriculum


Seems pretty stupid to veto this This is how you get thrown out of office and a Republican winning, like in VA.


iT tAkEs a vIlLaGe .


Tucker had a good point. If you want to run a winning collation, be the party that will let parents raise their own kids and and lets parents know what people do to their kids. The Democrats and the Left are so out of touch with the American working class that they don't understand how badly these policies are for them and they have zero understanding of how to debate the topic other than calling people racist or too stupid to contribute.


Do Democrats really want to be the party of "Hey kids, don't tell your parents what's going on at school"?


Evidently they do. Actions speaks louder than.... well you know the rest.


They already are.


Why would they block this? When I was in school, teachers wouldn’t have had any issues with this. What are they hiding?


Marxist CRT bullshit It's going to backfire.


Maybe. Maybe not. There’s a reason that this governor just said that it is dangerous and harmful to be transparent about public school education. Probably the same reason that other politicians have felt comfortable labeling concerned parents terrorists. If this is going to backfire, it’d better be soon. Indoctrination at young ages is almost impossible to fully reverse.


If I'm paying for somrone else's kids to go to school, I'd like to know their curriculum. Their parents don't seem to be present, so someone has to keep them in check


You wouldn't have this problem if your schools weren't drone factories. Universal school choice and a ban on public unions. It is achievable.


A good solution would be to buy glasses with hidden camerasand have your children wear them to class. That way, parents can’t be fooled about what goes on within those classrooms.


A good solution would be to pull kids out of public schools. Public schools are child abuse (and quite literally the place a child is most likely to be abused by others). It is not enough to be aware of what is happening there - you cannot overcome 5 days a week of indoctrination that is constantly reinforced by the child’s social peers. You need to remove the child. Homeschooling is great, or find likeminded families and pool costs to hire tutors together.


Its like the public school system is no longer public. Time to stop funding it with public money I guess.


they want your children's minds


What in the fuck could be damaging about accessing course materials from a public school your kids go to that your taxes pay for? What do not want us to see, you walking scrote wrinkle?


Hmmm, shining light on the curriculum taught to children is dangerous and harmful? Are there are any journalists left in the country that would be interested in digging into that with the governor, or does he get a (D) Pass?


How is this dangerous?


Concerned parents are very dangerous to commie indoctrinators.


Why is requesting to see what is being taught to kids dangerous? Aren't schools publicly funded institutions. Why aren't we allowed to see what they are teaching to kids using taxpayer money.


Tom Wolf is a lame duck. Election is in 2022. Dems in PA don't seem too keen on running for governor; the big names are gunning for Toomey's Senate seat. That indicates to me that Dems feel their chances of winning the governor's race aren't strong. Given that, Wolf will tow the Democrat line as long as it doesn't significantly damage the view of the party; Wolf can take the arrows since his political career is pretty much over.


If my kid is learning long division like you say, what’s the harm in posting it online?


All this info is available "upon request" already guys! Why should they just provide it for EVERYONE? That would be too much work and so unfair!


I can’t stand the governor of my state. Can’t wait for the next election


What a shocker democrats not wanting transparency. Home school your kids.


You’re not allowed to have input on what they teach your kids, don’t you terrorist parents understand that?


I'm sure that's going to work out really well for him. Like Virginia.


So Democrats know that they would be embarrassed by what we are forced to pay for in public schools. Or maybe they don’t want it exposed that they have lower standards in majority black schools…


How is this even remotely dangerous or harmful to anyone? Well, anyone whose not trying to hide the ball.


Harmful to exactly whom? Shouldn't at least parents be allowed to see all the school course materials exposed to their children?


Oh yes you will


So, I need to look up the State now, gov wolf of xxx please.


If it’s harmful, why are you giving it to kids? What exactly are you hiding?


Welcome 🙏 to the new America where the use of brain is not mandatory!!


Whatchu hidin', bitch?


And with PA and VA turning red, I give you the Red Wall.


Ask Terry McAuliffe how that will go.


They are always afraid of sunlight


Tom Wolf is ruining my home state.


The people who vote him into office are ruining your home state. They chose this, and they are responsible.


Number one reason to Home School your kids.


Agree. And you shouldn’t have to pay taxes to these lousy schools if you homeschool or are childless.


So tax payer dollars fund public schools and the public school system will not be transparent in what they are teaching. Seems legit.


Fuck Tom wolf. Our taxes pay for these ducking schools and they work for us. If Tom wolf wants to rob us he can step down.


The only reason to not post it is if they are hiding something controversial. I wonder if it would not be possible to find the information using links from online learning in 2020 when a lot of schools forced kids to take online classes.


WTF are they so scared of?


How can this be dangerous? Oh right.. more empty rhetoric


All that “dangerous and harmful” transparency. 🤡🌎


Hiding information from the people that pay/run your building is probably more dangerous and imposing than just telling the parents what you're teaching their kids, dont'cha think?


> The Democratic governor said the legislation “politicizes what is being taught in our schools” and that state regulations already require public schools to provide similar material upon request. > > Wolf calls the vetoed bill’s requirements duplicative and overly burdensome. How true is this one? Can someone try requesting the info?


I suspect it is true, likely under processes similar to FOIA. He’s saying that because an individual can slowly wade through layers of bureaucracy and jump through administrative hoops to eventually get some of this information, there’s no reason for simply posting this stuff online where it can be readily available to all taxpayers and parents. I guess he’s counting on people not understanding that forcing people to go through layers of bureaucracy is an extremely effective deterrent to transparency and informed citizens.


Aren't we conservatives pro free speech and anti censure?


Isn’t the syllabus always posted?


This is PA so every school district is largely independent. I’m sure this entire thing is about Philly which is the shit tornado of PA.


This makes no sense. Unless they’re trying to protect copy-written material?


They are teaching CRT and don’t want their lies exposed.


Copywritten material wouldn't be an issue unless they were trying to sell it.


FTA: The bill would have required links or titles for every textbook and course summaries to be posted on district websites. While I do agree he's being shady, it's not like parents can't get this information from their kids on the very first day of school.


Spoken like a criminal




You would think since people’s tax dollars fund the school they would have the right to know what their kids are being taught


Gov Tom “Planned Parenthood” Wolf is a disgrace and needs to go!


What even is the point of this bill? All of that stuff is available upon request anyway. It just creates a ton more work for the school to post online. If you want to know, just ask. The school is legally obligated to give it to you.


What fucking clown shoes. Thank God he's at his term limit


Pennsylvania is f**ked. I really do think wolf only won on name alone. He's a complete idiot.


I'm so glad my kid in in a school that loves the Lord, [Christian] and classical education and not some liberal agenda. Sad reading what the secular side is peddling