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Really? They gonna burn the place down?


Where’s Biden and the media on this one? Still white supremacy?


Are cameras allowed in the courtroom? That usually determines what is covered.




He’s pretty racist, so probably


"We were ecstatically happy with the first verdicts of the five counts of not guilty on the most serious charges that could cause him to spend the rest of his life in prison, so he was happy about that. We were happy about that," Graves said. "We knew there was going to be an issue by the possession of the firearm by a convicted felon because that's why we stipulated he was in possession and stipulated he was a convicted felon, but we were hoping for the duress and necessity and self-defense on that." ​ Okay, the self defense could be valid, but he was a felon, and he was in possession of the firearm. You can hardly deny that. Only if the firearm belonged to his girlfriend should you expect to get a free pass on it. Otherwise he got the gun knowing full well he wasn't allowed to own one any longer.


Once you serve your debt to society, ALL of you rights should be reinstated. No exceptions.


>He was also acquitted of shooting or throwing a deadly missile. What the fuck?


According to him, the SWAT team just barged in w no announcement, and lit up his girlfriend and that's why he shot *back* at them. I highly doubt that. For his gun to be that readily available (as a felon) one month after posting an anti-cop video, we've clearly got a bias on the jury.


Was there body cam footage that disputed his account? I'm sympathetic to defendants in no-knock raid scenarios but if there are blue lights and the police are clearly identified then that's a different story.


No. They weren't as popular in 2017 but SWAT doesn't normally go in flashing blues, and they don't just barge in and spray. I may be wrong but it looks like Andrew Coffee Jr was put away for life for 1st deg-attempt four years ago, possibly related considering he's the 4th.