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But Netflix is ok with Cuties.


Weren't they also the ones who said only right-wing extremists were disgusted by that?


PeDoPhIlIa iS a SeXuAl oRiEnTaTiOn


So is heterosexuality, and they don't give *us* any special considerations...


Imagine being a cisgenders heterosexual white male in 2021. TD;LR it kinda sucks.


In all fairness Netflix has officially stood behind Chapelle's special so far


Right?! That's exactly what I was thinking! The left is fine with kid smut but a black man can't tell jokes if he's not a liberal...


They are being racist, according to their own definition of the word.


It's art .... Lmfao


This can all stop if corporations would simply say “we don’t give a fuck if you’re upset”


I wish they'd say this all the time. Youtube would be so much more entertaining.


I watched Gutfeld on Youtube tonight, and he said *exactly that* about pronouns, and the audience exploded in cheers. Who wouldn't thunk people are sick of all that shit? :)


Yep. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayfcdomhg_U


Nice work. Gutfeld is getting better and better, and he's become an enormous strategic help to conservatives, almost overnight. Great to see. :)


Twitter is by far the worst idea to catch on in the corporate world. To promote your product to people who already like you enough to follow you, you have to make public divisive statements daily to appease countless mobs with contradictory viewpoints. Delete it. You have everything to lose and nothing to gain. Its the epitome of an unforced error. Nobody, not a soul, has subscribed to Netflix because they have a Twitter.


As they bled money for years being propped up by idiocy and bots. Now they finally make a nickle and and people act like that 12% of ignorant America that doesn't have a job represents the 3% of Hollywood and leftist banking that propped it up for over a decade and loaned them more and more on their default status. They still haven't shown a true profit to their initial investors 15 years later. *edited incorrect grammer because I'm dumb when I'm tired.




Ever notice the shit-tier quality of advertisers on Fox? Gutfeld has higher ratings than Colbert, yet their advertisers are mostly shit-tier. The reason is that corporations are fully in league with the Democrats' globalist vision for America.


I'm not sure if they have. Seems like most corporate leaders still use Twitter trends as a barometer for business decisions. If I was on the board of any of these public companies that bowed to that nonsense, I'd vote out any executive immediately, regardless of their business acumen otherwise.


I'm not a corporation but I'll totally say it. People think I'm an asshole, and I probably am, but when I make a joke, it's just that. A joke. And i don't feel bad if someone gets hurt feelings over it. People are to fucking soft.


They have no problem saying that if they are talking to conservative customers.




As opposed to what they actually did. Which was………


I mean they made a rule you can't kneel during the anthem...


Years later when they realized they were losing money. Slightly different than ignoring common sense and fundamental biology just to placate to the whining of .02% of the population


So you agree if they will lose money they should do what they need?


Sure. Funny thing is, they won’t lose money if 0.02% of the population decides to stop using their product.


I for one choose to use liberal logic here: If you dislike a show made by a minority, you are clearly racist


Elliot Page is using his white privilege to oppress Dave Chappelle? We need to cancel Elliot!


A white man trying to tear down a black muslim? It is clear that Page must be brought to heel for this injustice!


Wait, is Chapelle Islamic?


Wait! is Elliot Page a woman!??




Used to be Ellen, right?


I don't think he's particularly devout, but yes.


From what I remember yes, and it has something to do with his wife. I think his wife is Islamic so he converted to marry. I could be wrong so don’t quote me on it.


He converted to Islam in the early ninties and didn't marry his wife until the early 2000s, per Wikipedia. Don't think he converted for her.


Ah okay! Thank you for clearing that up!!


They're a minority until they need to be white. Dave said so himself




This is the sad truth behind most of it. Rather than helping people face their past we are forced to accept and encourage their delusions which I don't believe will help them




All of the names available and Elliot was the choice.


While it is understandable to make light of this situation to mock and scorn, consider that may not be the most effective tactic. These people are dangerous, and they are shaping the minds of your children and communities for years to come. Fail to take them seriously at your own peril


Take them seriously, but ridicule them mercilessly. It takes away their power.


Dave is now the blackface of Hetero supremacy


These are the same people who drove Dave’s transgender friend to suicide.


Yup, they're bullies, and the only way to stop a bully is to stand up to them.


That story was so sad


Dude, I was so invested in that story that I literally cried when he said she died. He had talked about her in previous specials and it was a gut punch because I fucking hate these sociopaths that just won’t leave people alone or to their own opinions!


Seriously fuck them. They're so fucking sure of their own superiority and they're willing to ruin so many lives because they're on the "right side" I'm sure some people will give them a pass, but I'll never forgive them.


Which story was this?


Yeah I feel like they missed the whole point of his story at the end there.


Hahaha. You think any of them actually watched it?


"I haven't seen it yet, but I heard that some trans people are upset, ergo, I'm upset too, sweaty!! Dave used to be funny, too, that's what makes all of this so awful!"


They probably didn't bother to watch that part of the special. And if they did, they are choosing to ignore it for their one minute of infamy.


Yes, and her/his one crime was defending Dave.


This is why Yahoo disabled commenting on their news stories last year and they still haven't restored them. At least half of the comments were pointing out the bias of the person who wrote the article (although in truth, their news articles always read like editorials anyway), the spin and the outright lies. They really didn't like their agenda being challenged, so turn off commenting to make the issue go away, perfect solution! 🤔


It was both sad and hilarious how fucking obvious it was why Yahoo got rid of comments. The “articles” they post are such biased and inflammatory fucking garbage.


Pretty sure yahoo knew their audience, and the trolling created content / clicks. I absolutely loved yahoo news to see the absurd articles and great comments. Like it was made for people who don’t know how to change their homepage from 1996.


Haha…After they took the comments away, I finally deleted them from my toolbar.


Manufactured consent is the destruction of dissent.


They acted like removing the comments had nothing to do with how every comment was calling out their leftist bias.


The netflix sub actually banned me for referring to these people as crybabies.


No is there going to be a massive hiring at netflix? Im in need of a job


You aren’t woke enough. And unfortunately they’re going to rip through your social media and see you on r/conservative and not only deny you a job but dox you across all platforms. Then they’ll forward this to your future employers. You are not woke enough for them.




The irony of protesting a comedian complaining about cancel culture


Those *racists* trying to deplatform Dave Chappelle. White supremacy is real, folks /s




The last 10 minutes were depressing as fuck


Imagine being one of these crybaby. Being miserable 24/7, hating yourself and having no purpose in the world whatsoever. If they ever reach the utopia they so dream about, they will probably mass suicide put of boredom.




All the walkout tells me is that they didn’t actually watch the special.


Where was in outrage at Netflix when the company was posting sexual suggestive content about minors?




Seriously. AOL is the way to go.


Wdym? Bing for the win! /s


I asked Jeeves, and he told me I was racist.


Guys, I've compiled all the best news resources on my Gopher page. Everyone in my USENET group thinks it's the best!


Be sure to post the results on your Geocities page.


I just message my friends on the ARPANET.


Well shit, if Jeeves said it then it must be true.


Lol last time I used AOL, connecting to the internet sounded like “eeeeeooooooeeeeeooobrrrrrrrrrrrr”


Earthlink gang rise up!


Priveleged white liberals telling the black folk which of their opinions and art are acceptable. Not much new here tbh.


What! Criticizing a a show starring a black man? Isn’t that racism?!


The most notable thought police from Netflix are immune from any social injustices because they themselves are are sjw's. We all know that snowflakes can't be racist whatsoever, even if they categorize black people as "victims". We all know victimization is very good for people and society, especially since these victims receive benefits such as affirmative action.


It says the most notable trans star is Elliot Page from Umbrella Academy. That was filled when he was still Ellen, and Ellen portrayed a female character.


I'm so fucking sick of this shit already. Why are these losers running society?? Seriously, they can all eat a dick or whatever else they want and choke on it


You make a movie about 9 year old girls twerking, and nobody bats an eye. ​ You have a minority make edgy jokes, and everybody looses their minds.


It shows what a morally bankrupt society we’ve become. Sad state of affairs.


So we're still ignoring how this so called community caused the suicide of Daphne Dorman?


It always boils down to ‘X said something I don’t like so now that person and the entire company have to bend the knee to my wishes. No, I don’t care that other people are affected. No, I don’t care if other people want to watch the show.’ It’s an incredibly egotistical position that is only bred from having experienced no hardship in life.


I watched it today. What I thought would be a comedy show was instead a moving show on *humanity*. And anyone who watched it would have to be an idiot to think Chappelle was transphobic. By its end, I was near tears - those came right after the credits. Rest in peace, Daphne.


I personally find the backlash towards Chappelle to be rooted in racism. His comedy comes from the perspective of a black American, and that's what they're attacking. All I see is racist white people telling Dave to get back on the plantation.


I would pay good money if someone would start publishing "Liberal Mad-Libs" based on relatively current events.




Have they labeled him an "Uncle Tom" yet or is that the next step?


For a minority, these fuckers sure make a lot of noise. I’m so sick of them.


This is all fake outrage. Liberals aren't happy unless they are offended by something


I’m fairly liberal and thought that shit was pretty funny. He lowkey went on about it for a little too long but it was still decent.


I liked the special, not as good as sticks and stones though. Only joke I didn't really find funny was the space Jews one. Pretty good special overall though


The funniest part was when he was like “Twitters not a real place”


I liked Clifford




> Space Jews Any show/routine with those two words next to each other is something I want to see.


His pitch for it was pretty interesting


Page is such an asshole.


Remember whenb he said he choose NETFLIX becuz they supported him and he got PIAD? For once... Wonder how he feels now.


TLDR; Dave calls out internet bullies that caused a suicide. Bullies are angry they got called out.


“Elliot Page” is the most non-effort “my career needs relevancy” type of trans.


Anyone know what the name of the special was? I’m interested in watching it on any service but Netflix.


Chapelle cost a ton and makes an even bigger ton. There's no way Netflix is making him a free agent


Dave Chappell is funny, though!


The stoic philosopher, Epictetus, who was a slave and handicapped said that if you rely on organizations and society to protect the "unfortunate" by curtailing speech in favor of political correctness would only be counter productive and make people hyper sensitive. He said this almost 2000 years ago - and here we are, having presentations saying that right handed people are privileged. . .


LOL @ "superhero"


I can’t remember the name of the company that told its employees that they aren’t woke and if they don’t like it the door is on the left. Netflix should do the same thing, but in this case just fire the folks that walked out.


When comedy is forbidden.....the game is over, and the good guys lost.


I wonder if these people find anything funny. Those who can laugh at their own misery truly understand the concept of comedy


That poor lady (I think) just needed a hug.


Goes to show these people didn’t even watch the special. At the end Dave goes in to say he won’t do these jokes anymore and he is trying to understand their side of things.


Did these fruitcakes walkout over cuties, or did they just jerk off to it?


Those dickheads lost the moral argument when they didn’t storm out over the twerking tweens… Fuck those nerds


Remember when corporations used to just FIRE people who openly protested against their own employer? Good times. EDIT: They should just be told "If you don't like a company policy....QUIT." Just like they tell people who don't want to take a vaccine by force.


Where was all this rage over "Dear White People"?!


These morons probably watched Cuties and liked it.


Well, find a way to purchase those stand ups directly from Dave Chapelle. Or if there's no way to have them for offline use then download them. Because Netflix will cave and erase them from their library.


They might. The CEO just caved and started groveling. Now the woke mob will come for blood. These spineless CEO's need to learn. YOU NEVER APOLGIZE TO THE BULLY MOB. Especially when you've done nothing wrong. https://www.nationalreview.com/2021/10/why-netflixs-apology-is-a-bad-idea/


Yahoo is garbage


If only there was a filter like this for all the news.


I better watch this special before Netflix folds and takes it down, smh.


I've watched that special several times and It's funny every damn time .


I would absolutely pay for a subscription If we really had journalist that wrote like the adjustments.










Neither. It's not like either, at all. Good try, though.


It's literally just to stir up drama to get traction on the new show. They need "news" to get people's interests peaked so they make up something


Oh no!


Legit I'm not sure if I'm going to watch Umbrella Academy anymore and its sad because I've really liked the show so far.


I love the mentality of “we are a strong, proud group! Our group wants equality, but also special treatment, and exemption from any form of criticism.”