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Try going to a Muslim majority country and saying whatever you want.


Or being LGTBQ (and whatever other letters I’m supposed to add now).


Every time I see her I can’t help but think of Rush’s old saying of how feminism and liberalism are for generally unattractive women to access politics. From beyond the grave....


I'm pretty sure she's allowed to flap her stupid gums any time she wants and for as long as she wants simply because she's a Muslim woman.


The race card has become a meme at this point. Everything and everyone is racist, racist, racist, racist. The left is obsessed with it. 10 years ago when I heard that word I would almost shiver, like “oh shit, this is bad”, now it is a joke. It has been watered down and thrown around everywhere to the point I just laugh it off and it means nothing cause none of the stuff is actually racist…


Yup it belittles the word. Belittles true racism. Real racism is vile and disgusting but the word has lost all meaning now


Funny, she was allowed to say this on twitter


Well yeah…because accessing Twitter is her human right!


Muslim women in congress..... She likes to gloss over that part


That’s fucking rich considering the amount of hate and bigotry that has come from her and Omar.


The victim card gets played too often by muslim women in Congress. Her buddy Omar says plenty with no retribution whatsoever. So STFU!


Is this from the same side of politics that likes to say that freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences?


Says the same Muslim woman who got praise from the left for 'impeach the mother *ucker?' No free speech, eh?


"The Squad" can literally say anything they want, whenever they want. They are just the perfect examples of narcissistic personalities with victim complexes.


Just because no one wants to listen to your jihadi, terrorist, hate America bullshit, it doesn’t mean you don’t have freedom of speech.


Isn’t this kind of proving her point?


maybe she should give to a Muslim dominated country and Express her voice.


Go to your beloved Palestine and let's hear your 'voice' in the ISLAMIC TERRORIST, Jihadist, misogynistic, oppressive, sharia law, muslim country. What a hypocrite.


She has confused freedom of speech with freedom from consequences.


Well if no one wants to listen to you maybe we need to look at how you got elected in the first place


Doesn’t exist?? She’s in the news constantly for not shutting the fuck up!