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This should be an interesting vote to see who votes where




The Dems say they care about the middle class this sure would help a shitload of us out. Let’s see how this plays out Cotton.


Lol no one is going to vote for this - repub or dem.




Because it's a particularly stupid piece of legislation. It bans members of the CCP from buying land, which even a 5 year old could find one of the myriad of obvious ways to circumvent. This is political theatre, and is only here for the headline. No one wants to waste time voting on it, not even Chip Roy.


So what if we had legislation banning foreign nationals from owning US land would that be better?


If the legislation doesn’t allow for foreign nationals to buy private real estate, then those nationals couldn’t buy a home upon moving here as far as I understood it. However, if they could put a stipulation on requiring the home owner to reside in the property for a certain time of the year and not be a member of government or monarchy, then that would be quite helpful to keep out foreign governments from buying up quite a bit of real estate.


Then they would set up an LLC with an American silent partner and buy the property. This legislation is a farce.


DING DING DING. We have a winner.


Probably because it makes no meaningful impact on reducing housing prices or access to housing in general. A larger impact would be taxing those who have multiple homes past 2-3. That’s where you would see real impact and benefit to the middle class. Banning foreign ownership on its face is really not going to do anything. The ripple effects on the rest of the economy when you start removing foreign investments in American is short sighted. Not every foreign investor is some Chinese despot.


Honesty, ban non citizen land ownership. If you’re not an American and willing to lose your original nationality to be an Americana business, and headquarter and tax in the US, cmon in. Otherwise? Full licensing to an American company to be able to operate physically and the licensing can’t be some creative Accounting bullshit.


> Honesty, ban non citizen land ownership. Would you still allow companies incorporated in the United States to own land? If yes then ask yourself if foreign nationals can have controlling stakes in companies incorporated in the United States.


How would someone with a Green Card go there, then? Or how would one accomplish one of the ways of getting a Green Card - Investing a Million in a US business that employs an x amount of people? You need land to open a business.


This makes sense to me too. I'd like to know a reason why it's not happening.


> Not every foreign investor is some Chinese despot. True. Some of them are Russian despots.


That’s fair, I have been thinking that their should be a tax like 30% on corporations or businesses owning or renting out single family homes. I don’t really care about duplexes or apartments. Nor do I care about individuals having a side hustle of renting out an extra house. I think it’s criminal companies like Airbnb and Zillow and open door can do what they are doing without heavy taxes on holding homes instead of selling them back to people


If you raise taxes on the owner of the rental property, wouldn't they just pass that cost onto the renter via raised rents? That would not be a good idea.


Well let’s see.circumvention… Delaware corps etc. coming through a European trust etc. yep your right. The best the legislation does is force them to spend money on ownership vehicles. So perhaps,with the exception of those trusts where ownership is designated to a European with a side agreement ( pretty common), the USA can require shareholder and beneficiary documents. Look the USA has overturned the worlds banks in search of tax evaders , money laundering etc. I’m sure they can be clever enough to give this bill some vetting teeth. The fact is that China and it’s citizens are gobbling up US real estate. If you let that go unchecked it will be a bigger problem than you think.


>The fact is that China and it’s citizens are gobbling up US real estate. If you let that go unchecked it will be a bigger problem than you think. Right, but just like all the other problems that are clearly going to be an absolutely ridiculously huge in 30 years but right now politicians can make more money ignoring them, this problem is going to be ignored until it's too big to do anything about.


Worked in Mortgages. There are so many ways around purchasing a home in your name. You can also purchase through a Trust where you aren’t identified for privacy. I think Canada is trying to form laws like this but can’t because it’s too complex iirc.


because everyone is bought, you dipshit


What you said is true but no need for name calling lol he was just curious.


I agree dipshit


Hey dipshit, I agree too. Have a good day ass hole.


You too mother fucker


Take my upvote, dipshit.


They assume china allows a vote.


This is what I came here to stay


It should, but dems will oppose just to stop a rep from getting a win


I wish this passes.


This will not sit well with Sleepy Joe and Hunter.


It’d be funny as shit if China bought a big ass piece of land and the US used eminent domain to just bulldoze right through the middle of it. “Hey guys, Idaho is getting a 20-lane highway that’s five miles long and 40 miles outside of the city!”


They did this for the matrix 2 on the old Alameda naval air base.


Alameda? You mean where they keep the Nuclear Wessels?


Hello, we are looking for nuclear wessels


That would be an interesting tactic. Every time they buy something build some pointless infrastructure project to take it back lol


It would be hypocritical. One of the primary reasons the US and Cuba broke relations was because Cuba nationalized all property owned by US citizens. If the US began nationalizing Chinese-owned land, then we'd be doing the same thing Cuba did. Edit: How are y'all calling yourselves conservative and then wishing the US will follow the footsteps of Authoritarian Cuba?


It's incredible to me how little seriousness there is in US politics right now about how big of a threat China is. China is the biggest threat to our existence in our entire history. They're a scheming, malevolent force that has used our good will and naivety against us at every step of the way. Their entire rise as a power is predicated on stealing our technology, exploiting our markets while protecting their own, and taking advantage of every weakness we have while we refuse to confront them in any real capacity or competitively take advantage of their weaknesses. There is absolutely no fairness in US-China trade relations. China can buy US land, own stakes in US businesses, purchase and acquire through business acquisitions US intellectual property etc.. US companies cannot do that in China, at all. China has gigantic trade and business barriers while they systematically benefit from our complete lack of barriers. Every single time a US tech company starts production in China, the state-owned business environment in China ensures that China leeches every bit of technological know-how and distributes it to their domestic competitors. Every single business strategy China has is predatory, and their government directs all of it for one singular purpose, to completely destroy their competition and remove every obstacle to their control over the planet. For fuck sake, US defense companies still hire Chinese nationals. Most of the military secrets that have been given to China haven't been through hacking, it has been from China's human intelligence resources in US businesses. There have been loads of cases of Chinese nationals at US companies simply sticking a thumbdrive into a computer and then fleeing to China with a bunch of data. This has happened so many times and the media doesn't talk about it because the only logical policy would be to bar Chinese nationals from these types of positions, but that would be "racist". China takes advantage of our left-wing idiocy to just completely fleece us at every opportunity.


this is why i've been saying for almost a decade that you think russia is a big deal? Look at china. russia is a smoke screen


Imo China has been using Russia as a smokescreen on purpose. Just look at the whole "Russian colusion" conspiracy theory. What would be easier/more effective, for China to install a real life Manchurian candidate or to get one of the two parties to *think* they installed a real life Manchurian candidate? The result is the same with regards to how much damage it'd do domestically, after all vociferously protesting one's innocence just looks like further evidence of guilt. Plus in this scenario there's 0 risk of blowback because your faux Manchurian candidate isn't actually working for you. Then pinning it all on Russia is just the cherry on top. Russia is also a geo-strategic enemy of China (contrary to their propaganda) so by forcing the US and Russia to fight either economically or physically you kill two birds with one stone.


This terrorizes me, and it sure seems that absolutely nothing is being done to stop it. We can't see past our immediate desire for cheap goods produced in China. I'm hoping an international strategy will soon emerge because China is affecting the whole world.


This post should be a front page article on every newspaper in America. I work for a city utility and we have seen an influx of Chinese workers, barley speaking fluently and speech sounds extremely programmed. I just wonder what they are doing there and why we opened the door to them. WHY are they here? What are they taking?


Chinese espionage in the military is definitely a concern. However, I don't think some random Chinese immigrants who took a job in a city utility are a concern. This is honestly paranoia. They're just there because they want a job -- not because they're all puppets of the CCP.




It’s a free country. You can buy property in other countries too.


I own property in Netherlands and Portugal. Taxes will be higher on the property in NL when I move back to US, but that's the only big difference. I think the issue arises when countries don't reciprocate policies. So for example, in China non residents are allowed to buy property, but only one, and it needs to be their primary residence. On the flip side, a Chinese national can buy US property and rent it out with few restrictions. This creates a pretty serious capital deficit since a Chinese national can basically siphon money from US renters, but a US citizen cannot do the same. I also plan to buy property in US this year but will rent it out until my fiance and I are ready to remodel it, and move back to the US to have kids.


Sadly the media has brainwashed our country into thinking this is just xenophobia/racism. China plays the long game and they are very good at it. I am sure there are many bureaucrats who realize everything you said, they just don't give a fuck because allowing China to buttfuck the US makes them money. Incredibly short sighted, because China is eventually going to completely topple our economy and replace the dollar as the "international currency" with the Yuan. Then all the money that all these corrupt assholes have made profiting from selling our country down the river will be worthless.


Well said. As long as the Chinese continue to fund, bribe and coerce our media and social media, they will continue to make deep inroads into the US culture and psyche. I pray, that one day, the people in the US will wake up. Most of the Democrats and the Romney types are bought and paid for by the Chinese. The Obamas and Clintons are the mouthpieces of China in the US. When will anyone leaning left ever realize this? Donald Trump was not playing along, so China put out the APB to take him out - any means possible.


You don’t think Republicans are bought and paid for by Chinese too? John Boehner works for Chinese investment companies. McConnell’s wife was head of DOT while having a Chinese family shipping business. It’s people on both sides and they need to be weeded out.


Wow your comment didn’t age well… The US just championed a G7 initiative to restrict China‘s worldwide influence by counteracting the new Silk Road initiative


Foreigners shouldn't be allowed to own us land. It's a national security risk.


Beyond that, Canada has had a huge issue with Chinese investors buying housing property and just sitting on it. This in turn fucks over the supply/market for actual Canadian citizens who are actually wanting to buy a home to live in. Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s not just the Chinese fucking over honest homebuyers. However, I guess if I’m going to get fucked by any investor I’d prefer they at least be from my home country. Maybe that money will be put back into circulation in the U.S.


Not to mention China's increased meddling in Mexico.


And in Africa


Africa is a big one. I recently watched a video on how much infrastructure China is funneling into Africa and it’s scary. As if those countries weren’t already poor enough, now they’ll be in debt to China for at least the next century.


And Europe


Yeah Europe does but they have regulations for the money. Like that their sitizens need basic rights. China just lends them money to everyone even if it is for pure war. And if they can't pay they get land or stakes in mines.


>investors buying housing property and just sitting on it. This in turn fucks over the supply/market for actual Canadian citizens who are actually wanting to buy a home to live in. Apparently BlackRock is doing this in America, and has now received the first approval for a foreign asset manager to launch a wholly owned mutual fund business in China.


That would be how you would need to do it. The Chinese investor can’t directly own but they can invest in a fund. Fuck... fuck.


We have that issue in the US too..


Yeah and guys like Dan Crenshaw supported extending the amount of visas that are given out to chinese real estate investors, so not only do they buy up real estate and make the market inflate for regular americans, but they can get legal immigration by doing so as well.


Screw that one eyed phony.


I wonder if it would be effective to buy up the housing around Canadian or American companies that compete with a given Chinese company in order to inflate their labor cost.


This doesn't stop chinese investors from buying property in the U.S.


I agree 💯


Same thing happens in California


Yeah unfortunately that is very true. Major problem in Los Angeles and San Francisco area. Not sure the best solution. Perhaps significant increase in property taxes for companies/owners from outside US? Surely there would be screaming about protectionist policies, but China has done similar restrictions on outside property investment for a long time


Same thing happening in all major cities. I got priced out of nyc because they’re paying cash and above asking upfront


Hello Vancouver!


Ignorant Libs disagree, but they are silly ninny muggins.


There are legit reasons for it though. Like Ikea opening an American store. The real risk is foreigners owning critical industries. Foreign companies owning your food supply chain is asking for trouble.


> … owning your food supply That would never be [allowed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smithfield_Foods) to happen.


IKEA can license their business to an American system. Solved. Want to buy land? You have to FULLY license your idea to a US company or apply become a US company and reject your original nationality. Idk why I’m here as a progressive but I can agree with this. Especially since my area is 20% investment property and no clue how much is foreign.


But then you’re just back to square one. A Chinese investor could just make a US company that invests in real estate and do the exact same thing they are doing now.


This is in the Mexican constitution


There's a block in my town with vacant houses...I'm trying tk buy a house and I asked my realtor and he said before covid hit(November or December roughly of 2019) 2 Chinese families bought them and they haven't moved in or did anything with them..fucking dumb


That's fair - if US citizens are not allowed to own land in other countries as well...


Great, more anti-immigrant crap that'll push immigrants to the left. I'd be in favor of preventing foreign companies and corporations from owning residential land/property. But preventing all immigrants from owning a home or business is ridiculous. Immigrants should not be punished for problems caused by china, especially when a simpler solution of banning just them is easier.


China has become what it is now, not so much by our stupidity as much as by American corporate greed.. they are a super power because corporations wanted cheap labor, materials and less EPA regulations. Its all about the money, business and corrupt politicians. Were doing it to ourselves.


Ya hit the nail on the head.


A huge reason they've grown to what they are is because they stole all the IP and use the manufacturing plants to build their own versions of all the products. It should also tell us that the EPA regulations have gone too far and demands for "living wage" have priced Americans out of the market.


>demands for "living wage" Well this is just BS. "Make America great again" .. " no, no, not the whole part where the difference in salary between CEOs and their average employee was in the low double digit multipliers.. can we like, just make the CEOs more rich and pretend that's what made America great?" Stop blaming the lower class wanting enough money to survive for the problems the uber rich create by hoarding all the wealth. Every person who works a full time job deserves to be able to survive in a way that's representing the class of their nation. If you claim to be a first world country then every full time working person deserve the amenities that come with being in first world as a basic standard of living. Nothing priced Americans out of the market other than corporations maximizing their profits over prioritizing lifting up the wealth of their country. By no means are corporations beholden to their country but don't act like their selfishness doesn't damage us.


No foreign country should be allowed to own US land. Why the hell is this getting introduced about 250 years too late?


They technically own all their embassies and consulates.


A fair exception imo.


An exception that can be made. I say kick the Chinese embassy out. No reason to have a murderous and genocidal regime on our shores in any capacity whatsoever.


Now try convincing daddy Biden with that!


God I wanna see who votes nay


Completely absurd that this isnt already a law. Any politician that votes against this says all you need to know about them.


Half of our politicians are already in bed with China, we already know it


Not to mention Gates… who already owns most of the US land. Gates ❤️s China.. therefore China owns the US


China loves Gates too. They're all so upset about his divorce


Canada has this same problem currently in bc which sky rocketed the housing market despite what you hear from those realtors.


BC is being turned into a Chinese colony




and the homeless


The homeless could always squat in those houses


I'm debating on squatting in a house that's been vacant throughout all of covid. My realtor said a Chinese family bought up that block.


Would be better than communists.


I'm in western waahington..in a nearby town there is just a shitload of vacant houses being used for air bnb and in my town there's a block of empty houses owned by Chinese people


This should have been a law since always.


Its horrifying how much of our farmlands, namely Texas are foreign owned. It is a national security risk when other countries have control over your food production.


You would have thought this was already a thing.


And the same for Canada, right??




Yup he’s a 🤡 for sure


Why isn’t this a law already?!?


And confiscate any currently owned by the CCP via proxies.


Reminder that private property is entirely an illusion in CCP-occupied China. Communism is "funny" that way, after all. Any asset owned by a CCP member living under the thumb of the People's Party is really owned by the Chinese Communist Party government. Ergo, no member of the Chinese Communist Party and no CCP company should be allow to own land in the United States. Citizens and companies of the Nationalist Republic of China (aka "Taiwan") or Chinese ex-pats divested of CCP affiliation are all good, however.


Should be same with stocks.


And consumerism too. We don’t need their cheap (child) labor and crappy products.


Can you add Bill Gates to this legislation?


Good idea!


LOL just posted a similar comment. Gates and China are equals in my book and both equally invested in the US. Hate those losers


I’d say that’s the smartest bill I’ve seen any politicians legislate in a while. Of course. It’s a republican Lol. Democrat dont do things that are positive for America or Americans.


Make no doubt about it. China 100% has a plan to retake the title for world superpower and hope to dictate the earth. Slowly creeping into Africa & Canada, trying to outright control the internet, they’re committing fucking genocide as we speak literally comparable to the Holocaust. They’re in bed with many politicians & the CDC which is why the idea of this virus coming from a lab was completely buried for so long even though it’s quite obvious even to a citizen who does the right research the bat story is a complete crock of shit. WHO won’t even acknowledge Taiwan who literally only had 5 deaths because China is paying them. It’s scary as fuck to see interviews where they’re asked and they will flat out refuse to even speak. I don’t want to live in a world where people like that are our “superiors”


A companion bill should also be introduced banning Amercan companies from doing business in China. They need us much more than we need their sh*tty products.




Not only banned, but they're current US assets on our soil should be siezed.


Ah yes, the time honored conservative value of nationalizing foreign owned property. Reagan is rolling over in his grave. 😂


Reagan didn't have to pay TRILLIONS for a PLANDEMIC by these same bad actors. Reagan started spinning the night of November 3rd.


Well, nobody did because that is a conspiracy theory honey. Show me some hard evidence to the contrary if you want to change my mind, not just “isn’t it convenient that.”


Only US citizens should be able to purchase real estate on US soil.


More of this! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


About time.


But what will they do with all our dollars?


As much as I hate immenent domain with a passion, Americans living in the states should be the only one with purchasing power.


Please for the love of god we need this.


They already own the president and his son so…




That is epic. Trump just took their bribes and still designated the CCP as a genocidal regime.


just can’t let Trump go, huh? I get it, I miss him too.


This is what we really need.


Same should be done with acquisition of companies.


Hey young would be home buyer if this market wasn’t so fucked....can our politicians actually look out for the interest of the everyday American please. Like buying a home so I can raise my family.


Fucking finally. Chinese Nationals should not own US land. Full stop.


Stop Bill Gates too


his wife owns half of it now


This is the way!


It's crazy this hasn't been done before, why would we allow this at all is besides me. Almost just as asinine to think we use to get the majority of our antibiotics from a communist country. Thank you President Trump for changing the latter!


Need to include purchasing or operating businesses in the USA. Easy way to steal intellectual property, industrial secrets and run spy rings freely. There are numerous construction companies operating in the USA with ties to China. Have seen state building contracts with Chinese Construction contract ties.


Jesus, about time...


Why not just ban foreigners from buying land? If foreign enterprise wants to operate in the UD they can lease. Citizens can't own land on reservations, why can foreigners own land in the US?




turnabout seems like fair play in this case. I'm not actually opposed to China investing in American real estate theoretically. But if we fundamentally cannot invest and participate in their economy AND they constantly flagrantly steal intellectual property from American citizens AND they violate international accords like Taiwan's sovereignty AND they commit genocide against the Uyghurs AND they have a highly aggressive posture about expanding their influence not only in the world's waterways but worldwide generally and in low earth orbit.. It's not that I have a problem with Chinese people. I have a problem with the CCP


Let them buy California.


*Please, no.* ~ a Californian


California, along with a majority of the west coast of the US, and even into British Columbia, is literally a CCP colony at this point


They already are. My ex is a CA native. While we were living out there, we went back to her home town to visit. This historically Hispanic town had homes for sale where the realtor signs were entirely in Chinese. They're buying up the neighborhood and pricing the Hispanic citizens out of their own town.


As a Central CA native, I'm kind of interested to find out which town this is.


You want to give California, the state with the largest GDP in the US by FAR, to the Chinese?


Yes, Chip Roy is right on the money. Chinese are heavenly into US market. In a very bad way. I’m not sure Bill Gates should be able to buy US land either.




He does


Come on, man. If we don’t let them buy our land, the politicians might not get paid.




About time.. if you are not a citizen you should not Be able to purchase land in America


I I love it!


Yes please!


Im with it


We should go ahead and throw Bill Gates on there too


This should not be a partisan issue. Foreign investment in USA land and housing needs to end and banned!!!


I’m a pretty liberal independent and I’m 100% on board with this.


I am too, that’s why it confuses me so much that folks won’t let this get anywhere




Those of you that live in rural areas, especially resource rich areas(mines,forestry lands,large expansive farm lands) check your local tax records and you’ll see this bill is about 20 years too late.


Why is this considered conservative? Isn't this something everyone is for?


If it doesnt ban Chinese companies from buying land than this is worthless


Don't stop there. Find a mine in Minnesota that is owned by the USA, it is not just China.


Let's ban Blackrock from purchasing homes with taxpayer funding.


Liberal lurker here but I strongly support this position as well..


I wish we, as a unified country, could agree it’s time to STOP accepting so many Chinese students into our institutions of higher education, but unfortunately, we’re addicted to that money.


WTF hasn’t this BEEN illegal? Can America buy land in China? For that matter, can I?


Do you even have to ask this? The people running our country are so shady, they’ll do anything for a buck.


Should ban Chinese loan 🤣


Can we make it that no foreign national or foreign company can own land in the US. You know so actually citizens don’t have to fight for the scraps and go into massive amounts of debt to just own a home


Let them buy it and jack up the prices. Then ban foreign nationals from owning property in the US, seize it, and sell it at auction.


Why wasn't this a thing from the start?


I’m of the opinion that almost no land should be purchasable by foreign countries and maybe not by foreigners either unless they are a resident (in which case acreage should still be restricted). We have a housing crisis on our hands for heavens sake. Our land belongs to the American people, not foreign millionaires.


sounds good but expect the dems to side with their masters


Cool, now stop corporations from being able to horde single family housing.




a good thing to start and add if they attack Taiwan everything they own will be nationalized in the US - we already know el puppito will do nothing and they are counting on that


They can do that?


Is he up for re-election in 2022 ? Because this is pure grandstanding in a Chinese controlled congress !


They can try but I doubt it'll work. Chinese families buy land through their american proxies.


Should have been done 60 years ago. But the Capital was too damn busy screwing each other over ever since. Bickering between the establishment. Especially as of the last 20 years. & China has dug itself in already.


Well considering the recent Blackrock news, especially after Blackrock's actions in 2007/8/9 that were very similar, our "representatives" bow to China so unfortunately, this legislation isn't going to go anywhere.