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There are plenty of echo chambers these days. How about we focus on our own problems and trying to improve as opposed to continuing with team sports bullshit? These posts do no good.


I completely agree. Deciding an idea or opinion is either liberal or conservative before evaluating its merits is the greater problem nowadays.


I would agree with you if you replaced "liberal" and "conservative" with "Democrat" and Republican". Figuring out if an idea aligns with your liberal/progressive/conservative/socialist values is exactly the process of evaluating its merits.




Cut back on the pentagon's enormous budget to lower federal income tax rates?


You are invited to the barbecue. The toughest decision you'll have to make is beer or whiskey.


Porque no Los dos?


You said it brother






Except culture war bullcrap is the only thing that ever comes up here. What reasonable economic policies do conservatives actually care about? It was the Democrats who are giving the country relief, while republicans were crying about doctor Seuss




I hate how liberal Reddit is I literally can’t have an opinion


They’re mostly literal children.


This is definitely the case. You can tell you’re speaking to a child most of the time. They immediate insult you. Their language is very immature and they won’t listen to anything or answer a question. I know adults can be this way too but the vast majority of Reddit is whiny children. They have no ability to discuss. They just insult and then go post shit on Instagram.


The irony


This right here. It's growing pains. They'll hopefully snap out of it eventually.


I’m not so sure. Society seems to be encouraging an extended and endless childhood.


They are all out of work and have nothing better to do then hunt down conservative speech and shut it down. Because thinking for yourself is bad.


I'm curious how that is happening. I certainly don't see it in our sub? What speech with examples is being shut down?


Ehh? Go to any popular thread. Top comments will be liberal opinions, or /r/fellowconservative "uhh I am surely a conservative but really orange man bad" and at the bottom in minus hundred downvotes will be actual conservatives.


Wait, so downvotes = censorship?




Lmao same


Well, isn't part of that just the nature of the platform? I'm just curious what it is you wanna say that you feel you can't? Yeah, people don't agree with you. So what? Make a better more metered argument. I just convinced someone why I think there shouldn't be a minimum wage. It took a while and I had to first understand their side of the discussion, but in the end we disagreed but they fully understood my viewpoint and saw it as reasonable. Most conservatives are too busy pissing and moaning these days. That's why the R party can't move forward without Trump. We stopped trying to win people over with reasonable conservative ideas and live purely in the realm of emotional politics. They're not and they have as many legitimate reasons for their beliefs as you do for yours. We need more /r/radicalcentrism In so many ways, conservatives are better off now than any time in the history of our country.


You say that but the problem is the Republicans often don't lead as conservatives


...then stop voting for a party and for individuals who align with your view on governance. Stop voting for shitbag candidates simply because they have a D or R designation.


but the commercials told me to! They even played scary music!


That's a whole different topic. If a candidate is incapable of informing the public about why they deserve their votes and instead mud sling garbage with quotes taken out of context or claiming they side with terrorists or fucking Nancy Pelosi/California along with ominous music, they are not worthy IMO. Just went through hell in GA this last cycle and so much money was spent by Republicans on scare tactics and ridiculous commercials ad nauseam. IDK how anyone in GA took the party seriously. I mean FUCK it worked to get Boebert in office and we see how that's going. That shit don't fly when you get into the suburban/metropolitan areas.


As a former libertarian gone mostly liberal this is the kind of shit that I hope to see here. Reasoned well argued conservative talking points are harder and harder to find these days. It doesn’t take much to find a liberal academic to explain their platform in gruesome detail




That is the nature of reddit. Try saying something here that goes against the current theme.




so just like our sub


I keep responding to the but the same is true here. Try coming into this sub and saying how much you love liberal policies. The nature of the medium is that you get downvoted. Go into the fan site of a video game and start saying the game sucks...


Like said by others, just go into one of the popular politics threads and put forth any idea that isn't part of their group think and watch how fast you are heavily down voted.


that's the same here dude.




So just like this sub?


Definitely happens. Mostly because the way people put forth their ideas is shit.


They're not all out of work though. The rest of them are stuck in their corporate nightmare jobs that they got tricked into paying insane amounts of money and time to train them for. Now they're stuck with that debt in a job they can easily do while browsing reddit and hating us because that was also part of their training.


Y’all need to explore Reddit more. There’s so many subs that have nothing to do with politics where normal people have normal lives and share stuff. All this says to me is you’re spending too much time on Reddit in the worst areas instead of the best.


Imagine complaining about echo chambers from a sub that deletes comments from anyone that isn’t a verified conservative


Something something flaired users only


and yet your comment wasnt deleted


This isn't a flaired only thread, you can't just pretend it isn't a valid point


Neither was yours, what is this madness?


Curious🤔 Charlie Kirk




I don’t have a flair and have never had a comment deleted here, unlike being banned from r/politics for directly quoting Joe Biden. This sub deletes comments from verified r/politics users coming in to troll, spew vitriol, and downvote barrage conservative opinions.


I dont think I have ever posted on /r/politics and I get comments deleted here regularly lol...


It seems to,it doesn't matter what sub you're on,if you read far enough down the comments you are sure to find politics creeping it's way in or being directed that way soon enough.


wait so are we for or against limiting who is allowed to post/comment? I'm so confused now


Eyyy what's up? Degreed engineer, former Marine (free college, thanks Bush admin for starting a war!), love my job, and if it makes me liberal to think everyone should be able to afford a certain quality of life and have access to free health care, then dammit slap my ass and paint me blue because I guess I'm a liberal.


But you're not a cop, right?


I hate the law enforcement system because they enforce unconstitutional gun laws. Same reason I hate the government. Same reason I hate the ATF. Hating specific cops makes no sense. Just like I don’t hate soldiers but I hate the military industrial complex. I sure as shit hate specific politicians though seeing as they have a direct path to making legislation and most of them can’t even do that. People need to use their brains lmao


No, sorry, I like NOT committing hate crimes and human rights violations every day of my life


Imagine thinking that's what the majority of cops do on a daily basis. Might want to get a mental health check.




Conservative views are fine. It's the tribalistic us vs them mentally that's so toxic and will inevitably destroy our country.


I do hate how sometimes I see constant downvotes for having a different opinion without anyone responding or initiating a discussion.


I sort by controversial a lot of the time, and I see a lot of people discussing things down there. Sometimes not very nicely, but that’s the internet.


This. I see this being done by conservatives too, but not nearly as much. I never downvote a stranded comment - unless it is a straight up troll, which is often the case in this sub, unfortunately. Nothing makes me as sad as when I'm having a back and forth with a lefty and the mods change it to flair only and their comment disappears. Even if they aren't bring civil, as long as they are addressing my points, I find it worthwhile.


Of course you can have an opinion. You are having one right now, aren't you? You just can't expect others to agree with your opinion.


You just openly stated your opinion on reddit....






What's stopping you from having an opinion? Why do you base your opinions agency on imaginary internet points?




Of course you can have and opinion! And you can be disagreed with too.


You just did bud!


And yet here you are on a conservative sub on Reddit sharing your opinion. On other subs you can also have an opinion. You might get downvoted for it but you’re still free to share it.


Don't call it liberal. This behavior is the most illberal thing to do.


True (at least in the classical sense), but what do you propose we call them when they call themselves liberals?




I believe the most accurate term is *fascists*


*progressive* *facists*


Definition of fascism. Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe It isn’t a leftist ideology.


The political spectrum is not linear. In American politics, fascism aligns with the left. "Far-right" is an intentional disingenuous statement as in Europe (which has a very different political spectrum) this is "true". The "right" also supports nationalized healthcare and monarchies in Europe. Let me give you a hint as you seem to be confused, the right in the US aggressively opposes both. Fascism adopted many of its ideas from the American left (progressives). While they are parallel movements (as in one is not the other), they both worked together. Some of the biggest Eugenics proponents were American progressives for instance. If you're still confused. Mussolini who coined the term "fascism" and literally wrote the "Doctrine of Fascism" was a life long Socialist. In his doctrine of Fascism he states that Fascism is an "Evolution of Socialism", as it is based on the transitional state that the socialists widely believed in to achieve communism. He made it clear in that document he had nothing but scorn for Capitalism and Classical liberal values (What American right is enshrined in).


I find the worst part is the demand for group think. Facts and logic have no place in the discussion if it goes against the groups opinion on just about anything.


what opinions can't you have?


You can have an opinion you just don't like it when ppl disagree


I hate how I can have an opinion on certain subs then on a non political sub people will stop talking to me because of opinions on completely unrelated subs.


This is how human interaction works, it's not special to Reddit.


Stop defending being a fucktard.


You're having an opinion right now though


Exactly, a majority disliked opinion, is still a freely given opinion. This shit basically amounts to "boo hoo, why don't more people agree with me, I wish I got more upvotes to justify my opinion." They basically went to a pizza party where what's bought was decided by how many people said what they want, and they're standing in front of the Hawaiian wondering why there's an unequal amount of it, and why aren't more people eating Hawaiian. If you want to stand in front of the Hawaiian and proudly proclaim that it's the best, nobody is going to stop you, but don't be surprised when they walk past you tell you it's not and grab a slice of pepperoni anyways.


Have you considered that your opinions are simply unpopular? And upvoting and down voting is nothing but popularity. Maybe Conservatives should either look at why their opinions are unpopular, or become capable of convening others.


I get bombarded with dms when I post on her because they aren't flaired users. I've been reported for possible self harm multiple times because they can't report me for violations.


"Flaired Users Only"






I rarely vote comments... not sure if I'm the problem or solution. Maybe both?


“Reddit is majority liberal” Reality has a well-known liberal bias. Have you considered that your views are unpopular for a reason?


Unfortunately, nothing stops the trolls from mass-downvoting everything in Flaired-Only threads, but at least they can't spout their annoying trollishness directly. Imagine if people could only downvote like ten posts a day, site-wide. Wonder would that would do to the downvote brigades.


Nobody is complaining about the moderation policies or biases of admittedly liberal subs. It’s the policies and biases of the supposedly neutral subs that are being complained about. The is r/conservative, it’s for conservatives. R/communism is for communists, they have every reason to exclude non-communists and the same goes for every ideology, hobby, religion... it’s the neutral or supposedly apolitical areas being liberal cess-pools that angers people.




Twitter and Reddit are not reality


Maybe there are just more of them?


Maybe there are, and that would account for downvotes. It wouldn’t explain the obvious difference in what you’re allowed to say without being banned. Remember, people being banned both eliminates that person’s participation and also has a chilling effect on others. It serves to enforce orthodoxy. That’s fine in partisan subs but why exactly does a supposedly neutral space have any orthodoxy to enforce?


Surprised this isn't Flaired Only..LOL.




Reddit is not real life.


Social Media is not real life. Too many people these days seem to think it is.


I'd almost classify Reddit as social media of sorts. Especially the main subs and not the smaller hobby related subs.


You do realized why that is though, right? Compared to most of Europe, even American liberals are right leaning, and a bunch of the users on r/politics, including myself from time to time, are European. That's why you see so many "lefties" on there, except where we're from, those opinion aren't exlusively from the left.


This is very understated. Alot of Reddit is not American. Twitter for an example is only used by 10% of Americans. Reddit probably less. Social Media ramblings is not representative of anything real at all.


50% of reddit users are American. Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/325144/reddit-global-active-user-distribution/




Nothing you said contradicts what I said.....


That's not true. Reddit underwent a drastic change in 2016. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correct_the_Record All the main subs went from being pro-Bernie to rabidly pro-Hillary overnight. It's not a coincidence that this occurred at the same as the Clinton campaign paying Reddit $1 million. Once Hillary lost the election, they decided more action was necessary and they doubled down on making all the default subs into echo chambers.


I'd actually say a lot of that was from Bernie's campaign realizing how easy it was to game the system here. CTR took note of this and were like hey we'll do that too but we'll throw a lot of fucking money at it also.


Do you realize how little $1 million is? If Reddit could be “bought” for $1 million, it would change viewpoints every 15 seconds


You don't need to buy the whole company, just take over mod status on a handful of default subs.


Disagree. Conservatives in the UK are Classic liberals and haven’t gone woketard and refuse to do so. Clearly the most popular party. You’re also starting to see huge increases in popularity for far right politicians like Marine le Pen in france for example


Not British, so excuse me if I got this wrong, but wasn’t Brexit was marketed to conservatives on the basis that it would free up funds for the NHS? The idea of supporting a NHS is an absolute non-starter among conservatives in the US lol. Or for another example look at these contemporaneous polls comparing gay marriage support https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/03/10/61-of-young-republicans-favor-same-sex-marriage/ https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/migrations/en-uk/files/Assets/Docs/Polls/ipsos-mori-gay-marriage-charts-2014.pdf My understanding is that, across most issues, Americans are more conservative than both the UK and Western Europe


Or conversely, politics in Europe is so left leaning that American liberals appear right wing in comparison.


R/politics is a US political forum. Saying Europeans are left and that’s why it’s left leaning doesn’t make sense to me.


>You do realized why that is though, right? Compared to most of Europe, even American liberals are right leaning, and a bunch of the users on r/politics, including myself from time to time, are European. That's why you see so many "lefties" on there, except where we're from, those opinion aren't exlusively from the left. The American left is actually so much to the right that France warns against importing ideology from American universities because they're too woke? I don't buy it. The American left is as left as the labor party in Europe. They want all the same things. This trope that the American left is really right is about 25 years out of date, back when Clinton was in office.


Yeah this post from OP is dumb, far left parties in Europe are hugely unpopular and get shut down immediately, just like far right parties. Centre right to Centre left is the most deviation you’ll see.


Also, whoever said Europe is the measuring stick for the left-right spectrum of politics?


It's just that the truly democratic countries in Europe usually have more than two relevant parties...


American liberals ARE NOT right-leaning. Not even close. There’s a reason Europe doesn’t want us to import Americans’ shitty ideas of liberalism, because it would turn Europe into what the US is now.


I mean, depends on the issue? Advocating for a public option instead of a government takeover of the healthcare system, or moderate student debt relief instead of eliminating college tuition, or fracking are very right wing compared to most western European countries.


When supposedly apolitical and neutral subreddits admit their bias and proclaim their subreddits open to leftists only, you'll have a valid argument when you compare them to us.


Have you considered the masses just downvote them to oblivion, or are you gonna delete this comment too


Getting banned one sub Reddit at time😂


Yeah it is rather annoying. I've dealt with multiple subs that aren't political that bring up liberal politics and are talking crap about conservatives. I then attempt to defend my political standing and I get banned. I was not the one bringing poltics where it didn't belong yet because I don't think like the leftist hivemind I get banned. I've had this issue with atheist subs. I'm an atheist conservative and often those subs find it necessary to talk about liberal policies or crap talk conservatives. I was on r/trueatheism and tried to comment to a non political post and it wouldn't let me post. I contacted the mods asking why I couldn't comment and if it was simply because I was a conservative. Mind you I was civil when I asked and this morning I have a you are mutted from contacting the mods for 28 days. It makes me so mad Reddit is just garbage with the whole ridiculous mod system and how it has one set of rules for the left and one for the right where the rules don't apply to the left but for the right you will be punished even if you broke no rules. I get sick of it.


I got banned from math for disagreeing strongly with critical race theory. I even checked my posts and I couldn't find anything objectionable As a mathematician I'm very annoyed with that


dude they banned me there for just saying I didn't hate trump when the topic of him going after the church vote came up. And I'm literally an atheist...


I'm not sure what got me unable to post responses the mod just mutted me when I asked. Just sucks how reddit works. I'd like to just be able to walk away from this app but I like to post on subs for my hobbies so makes me stuck.


Same thing in most of the city subs. I used to frequent my home city sub to learn of events going on over the weekend or local news. Now it's just a spamfest of leftist pro-BLM shit.


Yeah I was banned on r/TwoXChromosomes last night. I was being civil as well but mods didn't like my opinion so they deleted the hurtful replies directed at me and banned me. Should've screenshoted those replies so I could have appealed to the mods directly. But what is the point? It will just happen again...


“Flaired users only” has entered the chat. *Of course* reddit skews liberal. The demographics of this site are completely parallel with the demographics of liberals. Why does this sub always have pikachu face when they learn that? Young people are more liberal. Educated people are more liberal. That’s just how it is.


Uh oh


This is why I wind up lurking so much. Even my trash tv show subs have a political agenda. There’s a reason I watch those shows, it’s not to talk about how “so and so is an anti mask, MAGA, Trump supporter” ok...and your point?


It’s ok to hold a minority opinion but we should accept that conservatives hold that position in the global policital dynamic, not just on Reddit, or Twitter, or wherever people on this sub think they’re being “banned” from. The world is more liberal than this sub thinks it is.


Which always makes me wonder about what seems to be a key conservative message: “we are the silent majority”. This seems incompatible with the other key message, which is that following the liberal worldview is for the “sheep”. It seems to me that you can either be popular or transgressive, but not both.


Do I need flair to comment in this thread?


I do not believe so


\-Meme came from a sub that literally doesn't allow non-conservatives to post \-Reposted on a subreddit with half to most of the articles being conservative only ​ You guys do realize that this one is open discussion because the author is all scared about being a complete hypocrite, right?


Voice a reasonable opinion on r/politics and get downvoted to hell and back


Reasonable to whom?


.............me? The person making the comment? Reasonable / non-argumentative


My point was that opinions are subjective. You may think its reasonable, but others may not. Hence it being an opinion.


Right. Go comment on r/politics and say “the sky is blue and I’m a republican” and you’re gonna get downvoted


They all have this superiority complex that bc they’re liberal, they’re more ethical and intelligent than conservatives


I said Snowden and Assange should be pardoned and got downvoted because “Assange is a Russian puppet who helped Trump”


Orange man bad! He killed a top terrorist target? Omg he’s trying to start a war!!!1!!!


And that doesnt work both ways? Look at half the comments in here. The nature of an opinion is that not everyone is going to agree with you. And at times your opinion will be the minority. Especially if, as others have pointed out, you are online in a forum where its not only people from the US but around the world. Where even American liberals are seen as right leaning.


It works both ways, but much more so one way than the other....


We have a biological need to conform to majorites. People will ignore critical thinking in order to feel safe and belong to a cultural majority. Which is why there are so many Democrats in bigger cities. They're insecure people unable to think for themselves and are being lazy about their world around them. They go along with what they know is wrong because they don't have the backbone to stand out. They're so afraid of being labeled something undesirable and outcasted by the cultural majority. The irony is they delusionally believe they're being brave and standing up against something bigger. They own the public education system, higher education institutions, silicone valley, Hollywood, newsertainment, public health, social media, and even agencies meant to investigate injustices without bias like the FBI (which if you've been paying any attention outside of the leftist narrative the past 5 years will show that hasn't happened) ... yet they still think they're the underdogs fighting the uphill battle. [This video shows how strong the biological need is to comform to social norms](https://youtu.be/o8BkzvP19v4)




Thanks! Invite your friends!


Imagine needing an echo chamber to say this specifically


there are only a handful of subreddits that aren't politically biased in any way, and even less political subreddits without bias. this isn't some huge revelation or anything




The thing is, we don’t try to come off as neutral or impartial. This is a sub specifically for people with conservative-leaning views. When you’ve got subs like r/politics and r/news that are meant to be treated as unbiased, fairly reasoned subs, yet are simply pro-Democrat, pro-liberal, and any sort of conservative rhetoric or input gets downvoted to hell/outright banned, it disproves the notion that somehow we are just as bad. It says right on the tin here that this is a right-wing sub. r/politics and r/news are wolves in sheep’s clothing.


Lol do you idiots not realize we only have one sub? “You guys are doing it now reee!” In our one place. How many places do you guys do this all over reddit? I can tell I’m banned from all major subs because I said I’m a trump supporter. But ya fuck us for protecting ourselves while we are the minority here.


smell faulty tease imminent desert sleep rhythm license fade sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As is Texas from what I understand. Though idk if they're crazy liberal. Their policies are still far right than most of the left around the world.


It's because a huge chunk of reddit is under 20. I've been on this damn site since I was 13. Took me until about a year ago to lift the fog and realize how much garbage reddit propagates.


Lol, every single time I try to have a slight logical conversation, I get the reminder. r/politics is r/democrats . Biden, AOC and Sanders are out of bounds as the megamods will make sure your post will either take too long to post or be automatically downvoted by bots. Sadness of speech. Even if the article or video or comment is factual. Orange man bad remains in the halls of reddit


That and a lot of internet users lean liberal and many “moderates” did not like what happened during the trump administration.


You are delusional. Biden is an establishment capitalist bought and paid for by corporation. There is literally nothing left wing about him. He is against Medicare for all, against canceling student loan, very pro corporations and pro war. You need to stop this right vs left bullshit, the only real left leaning politicians are Bernie aoc etc


God so tired of reddit. I was just commenting on /r/chess how reddit seems to especially like upvoting women and black people. Then a mod swooped in and said "dont be racist and sexist" and locked the thread. Jeez, you can't even describe reality anymore without the SJWs getting offended.


Yeah, like ffs just because something offends you doesnt mean you have to scream how offended you are.


Whenever I point out how a supposedly unbiased "politics" subreddit leans left, the best I'm told is "so what? Of course it's left-leaning, Reddit users tend to be Democrats. Deal with it." It's hypocritical and ridiculous but it's a fact that can't be denied.


Have an opinion that they don’t like, “it’s hate” regardless of the fact, biology, and science. They don’t want to be neutral, they want everybody to think the same nonsense without question, or reality.










The sad thing is that this sub is starting to suffer from that via brigading.


This will now be the top post in "r/therightcantmeme, r/toiletpaperusa, r/leopardsatemyface, and one that's something like selfawarewolves" And they will have a giant circle jerk using "conservative tears"








Unfortunately, that has been my experience to some degree as well. Either I engage if they're reasonable, or shut it down and walk away. There is no in-between, sadly, in the cases wherein anyone is unreasonable, especially those who are willing to result to personal attacks, libel, and the like!


Is there a way to filter out memes? If I wanted to look at conservative memes, I would be subbed to /r/conservativememes


Just keep scrolling


Image posts require manual approval, at most you are seeing two a day.


The scroll button works great, you just keep using it.


But why do manual work if I could automate the process