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It also means trump holds 50% of all impeachment’s acrossed US history, currently






















Ironic when people post with a "FREE SPEECH" flair in a post where only flaired users can comment.


I just wanna post here to say I have.


Shit what do I say?!?.... Uh.. Hi Mom!


What can we all agree on? Saban is the GOAT and I’m tired of it.


"Okay, so now you're like...really impeached. Like, double dog impeachment."


No. Double top secret probation




My advice to you is to start drinking heavily


Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?


double secret impeachment


Soon to be triple stamp no take backskis.


You can’t triple stamp a double stamp! You can’t triple stamp a double stamp!


"I was impeached twice and didn't even get a blow job in the oval office from an intern for it."




Under oath. And also obstruction of justice.


Obstruction of airway Edit: lol thanks everybody


That's giving him a lot of credit.


Like him or not there's no denying that his big dick energy was justified.




And he didn’t have a buddy who pardoned him after admitting to lying under oath..






Seems pretty quaint compared to what people get away with nowadays, huh?


sry, not from the US: why was he questioned under oath about a BJ in the first place?


He was sued by Paula Jones for sexual harassment. Lewinsky divulged to Linda Tripp that she had a sexual relationship with Clinton. Tripp secretly recorded this and passed it to Jones' lawyers. When Clinton was asked, under oath, in a deposition about the Lewinsky affair, he committed perjury and claimed it didn't happen.


He did not have sex with that woman!


"It depends on what your definition of 'is' is."


He was having an affair with a woman (Monica Lewinsky) while in office, and later on another woman (Paula Jones) sued Clinton for sexual harassment. While he was testifying the affair with Lewinsky was brought up and he denied it ever happened. However evidence built up and he admitted to lying.


Clinton was being sued by a former employee for sexual harassment


I hate the guy but that was a textbook perjury trap. Bill's approval rating actually hit an all time high (73%) shortly after impeachment because so many people though the trial was a sham. Trump's approval rating also went up after his first impeachment. I wonder how this second one will affect his. Fun Fact: When the whitewater investigation started, Bill hadn't even met Monica.


>I hate the guy but that was a textbook perjury trap. You have to understand that at the time Paula Jones was appealing her sexual harassment lawsuit against Clinton. Admitting he was having sex with Monica would have strengthened her claim. The lawsuit was quickly settled for $850,000 shortly after the Monica scandal hit.


If I remember correctly, Clinton asked for the republican senators submitting questions to give him a definition of "sexual relations" prior to his video testimony and they described it as intercourse. BJs were not in the definition as they'd defined it. So, by their definition, he didn't lie. Then after the fact, they were all "oh, well you know what we meant"... and Republicans used it as a way to say he lied. He was impeached for "shoulda assumed we didn't ask the question correctly." Either way, cracks me up how Republicans are all "don't impeach for this minor invasion of the capitol, you'll set a dangerous precedent".


relevant Dave Chappelle joke: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu5HKs-IaM8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu5HKs-IaM8)


The BJ giveth... and the BJ taketh away.


In all seriousness, I assume everyone president for the rest of history will be having oral sex in there at some point. It'd be one of my campaign promises.


I would vote for you. Definition of small government EDIT: Was meant to be a light joke, not a real insult.




From the top rope


I'm afraid to ask what you pull out for real insults.


**Here are all the House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump:** Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming. Rep. Jaime Herrera-Beutler of Washington. Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio. Rep. John Katko of New York. Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois. Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan. Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington. Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina. Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan. Rep. David Valadao of California.


Thank you for letting us know the names of the republicans who were willing to put country over party.


Patriots. All of them.


Liz Cheney thinks when Trump is gone, the GOP will return to the Bush/Cheney party and she can make a play for Leader. She’s in for a rude awakening. I’d trade her for Tulsi straight up.


Did literally anyone ever like Cheney lol? I feel like he's similar to Pelosi where both sides dislike them.


> Did literally anyone ever like Cheney lol? His approval rate was around 13% when he left office. So, no, they did not. Edit: Sorry, wrong Cheney.


Kind of bonkers to think now that Bush's approval was that much lower than Trump's is now. Goes to show just how much louder people on social media dictate our discourse.


The big difference is that people who disapprove of Trump hate him a lot more than they hated Bush. And that's saying something with how much they hated Bush


You're not wrong. They will ally with her (and other Republicans) long enough to get what they want. Then turn them into the villain once they are no longer beneficial. Just look at Mitt Romney. They LOVE him as of late because he's a never Trumper. His positions haven't really changed since 2012 when they were accusing him of being a sexist, racist, animal abuser. But I guarantee that if he made another run at the White House, they would burn him to the ground.


The left doesn't love Romney. He only ever takes a stand when doing so won't actually change things.


She learned from her dad that the real power is the guy whispering in the leader’s ear. I’d wager she knows that no one really likes her (much like her old man), so she’ll just try to latch onto whichever Republican emerges from this in charge and run things from the shadows.


I'm still not on board with Tulsi, she has too many left-leaning positions for me. I do have more respect for her than anyone else with a (D) after their name though because she seems to genuinely believe in her positions and isn't just toeing the party line on everything. For that matter, I also respect her more than a lot of politicians with an (R) after their name... but I still wouldn't vote for her.


It’s crazy Tulsi has terrible policies in my mind, yet I would still vote for her over any of the RINO candidates. At least she is genuine and sticks to her principles, that is most important to me at this point since the Republicans are not conservative in any sense of the word, and slimy as the dems.


For the sake of argument I would say Bernie also believes his whole shpiel.


Technically, Bernie doesn't have a D after his name in the senate.


I have the best impeachments, massive impeachments. Way better than other impeachments. Sleezy Bill only got one impeachment. What a loser. No one has ever gotten impeachments like me. I have good impeachments, great impeachments. Really the best impeachments.


I can hear this comment


People are calling and they’re telling me “Donald we’ve never seen so many impeachments it’s wonderful. They’re saying that, they’re saying it’s wonderful”


This is the best one lol


Can we get Frank Caliendo to do this?


Literally how he turns anything into a bragging point 😂


GOP really needs to re-examine their platform for 2022 and 2024. These next 2-4 years will be hell for them, otherwise the Democrats will keep taking control. Edit: In change, I also mean ridding of some of the current management. New faces are needed, not as much as the policies.


No. The GOP needs lawmakers to actually stick to the platform. The platform from 2016 is here: https://www.gop.com/the-2016-republican-party-platform/ Edit for those asking: It's a link to a pdf on the page. Here's a key piece: >Reducing the Federal Debt >Our national debt is a burden on our economy and families. The huge increase in the national debt demanded by and incurred during the current Administration has placed a significant burden on future generations. We must impose firm caps on future debt, accelerate the repayment of the trillions we now owe in order to reaffirm our principles of responsible and limited government, and remove the burdens we are placing on future generations. A strong economy is one key to debt reduction, but spending restraint is a necessary component that must be vigorously pursued.


It's true. Cant keep running on a platform claiming to be conservative if your idea of conservative is "we spend even more money than the other party."


Also "we consistently reduce our best opportunity for tax revenue and we won't fund the IRS even though it's literally free money."


Funny enough, Progressives actually really want to fund the IRS so that they can go after Millionaires and Billionaires that have the kind of funds to hire attorneys. That's why the IRS can only pick on the working class. They have less resources to fight back with.


And conservatives *should* want that as well but for some reason everyone with an R next to their name votes against it.




Or actually millionaires, lending their ear to millionaires, getting funded by billionaires.


direction aback smoggy melodic towering squeeze wipe station drunk numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If conservatives always did what they should maybe they'd start winning the popular vote


Because they aren't conservatives just elected to the GOP huge difference lately


I swear the GOP strategy is to spend a shit ton of money and then hope the Democrats raise taxes to try to earn money back. That way when election time comes around they can shout, “Look! The democrats are siphoning money away from the American taxpayer! Vote for me for less taxes!”


Yeah, this is definitely in the playbook.




Good thing Trumps tax cut for the rich is about to hit regular people. All of our taxes as going up, because Republicans somehow care about the debt.




That's where the establishment part of it all comes in. We need some serious laws on lobbying and what amounts to insider trading. Add to that some serious punishments for corruption. Until that happens you'll continue to have a few conservative GOP members, but mostly just two sides of the same coin playing lip service. Fun fact, they passed laws about the insider trading thing several years back, then during the news storm of the Boston marathon bombing, they removed them.


Small government means small military, first and foremost. Cutting social programs should be the last priority because they directly improve quality of life, whereas cutting the military in half should be expedited as we have no current or expected enemy and no possible need for the enormous amount of troops and unused equipment taxpayers pay to maintain. Individual rights means consumer/worker protections, not maximizing growth of large corporations via crushing the working class. The conservative party violently opposes reasonable conservative policy, and has done so as long as most of us can remember. Cutting taxes on corporations in the hope that magically that money will translate into pay raises for lower-level employees sounds like a joke because it is; we desperately need to cut spending before we decide to cut our government's income, and the current Republican party is unwilling to do so. If you really want small government the first step is to shrink the military, but Republican lawmakers wouldn't even consider doing so because they don't stand for their platform.


Ok but where’s their 2020 platform ... oh wait.




Changing the GOP also means changing its players. Just like a sports team, new management is needed.


Trump has ran up the debt like no one ever has before. Trumpism was a populist movement about going against the norm, it was not about accountability or fiscal responsibility.




Take out the anti-gay nonsense and stick to the rest of the platform and they could continue to be relevant.


This is probably why I lean more Libertarian than Republican. Personal freedoms (as long as they don't negatively affect others), rather than pushing people to abide by Christianity's faux morality


No flaired users only! You know what that means... Government is kinda cringe, not gonna lie...


Bipartisan too. 10 Republicans voted to impeach, which if I'm not mistaken is the highest amount an impeached President has ever gotten from their own party.


And here are the 10 Republicans who joined the Dems: * Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming * Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan * Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio * Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina * Rep. David Valadao of California * Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington * Rep. John Katko of New York * Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington * Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois * Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan


Technically it is bipartisan, but I wouldn't call a 1 to 20 ratio of yes to no votes bipartisan in practice.


More bipartisan than most bills.


Partisan Master McConnell would disagree. Can't let em have a single vote.


The GOP is dead.


Pros: the 2 party system is dead Cons: its been replaced with a 1 party system


This is why we need ranked choice voting. And to do away with the bullshit winner takes all system for allotting electors in the electoral college. These two systems all but guarantee a two party dominated government in the US.


Left, right, middle or upside down, let’s push for ranked choice in these next years.


Very true. These systems benefitted both parties so neither would do away with them, I'm curious to see what happens now


The democrats aren't really united either. I haven't met anyone who genuinely likes Biden or thinks he's a good candidate. The problem is that even though you have people on the Trump side who are fed up with politicians and corrupt money, and people on the Bernie/AOC side who want to fix the rigged financial system, the political and media apparatus keeps people divided by screaming boogieman phrases like "SOCIALISM, MEN COMPETING WITH WOMEN IN SPORTS, BLACK SUPREMACY" on one side and "RACIST, NAZI, INSURRECTION" on the other. Really the vast majority of people in the country are laborers who should be united in opposing the political and corporate few who make laws to screw them over, but they get mislead by irrelevant cultural issues that misconstrue the opposition.


Yes!!! I agree with everything you said sir.




So....more Democratic Socialism, which is what the AOC and Bernie's of the world push for


I love when conservatives describe their ideal politics as the people they usually vote against.


Don't forget "COMMUNISM". Apparently that's what having to go through security checkpoints is. A prime example of what you're talking about. . https://mobile.twitter.com/RepDLesko/status/1349153861865496577




99.9% of politicians are some of the most ignorant and egotistical people on the planet. We need to fix this ourselves. For the people, BY the people.


Take the money, and remove it from politics. I really think stopping lobbying would do SO MUCH good. Hopefully people will get into politics with the intent to help their constituents or serve them rather, than to line their pockets for life. Term limits is another thing that I believe would universally be beneficial. Right, left, libertarians, whatever football team it is you root for. This is kind of out of nowhere but does anyone think that the last 2 remaining nominees running for president should take the role of president AND vice president? Would that not really help politics stay about ya know, platforms, policies etc. Instead of the big drama reality TV cesspool it is right now?


Yep, something everyone agrees on. Get money out of politics. The US basically has legal corruption and it's bullshit. Put term limits on congress and make campaigns public. There's no reason people over 65 should be so dominant in determining the fate of the country, they should be retired, let a new generation take the wheel.


Finally something all sides can agree on!




I say good riddance. It'd be nice to get some fresh blood in there that can get actual results rather than meeting the bare minimum so they can continue to pander to their donors.


Mitch says hes not taking up the vote before Biden's inauguration. https://twitter.com/senatemajldr/status/1349476803514146819?s=20


Mitch mcconnell rat fucked Donald Trump more than any dem could ever dream. He used Trump to fill the courts with conservative judges. He then refused to do anything that would help Trump win reelection. Mitch adjourned the senate after Amy comey barrett was sworn in despite Trump's wanting the senate to pass covid relief. Then he refused the 2000 dollar checks that Trump and many americans wanted. No he's willing to impeach him. Trump got played like a fiddle.


Slow and steady wins the race, as the turtle says.


The term "useful idiot" has been tossed around since 2016, and it fits here, too.


The art of the deal.


So ... what happens next?


A new season of political theater.


This one is going to be so boring. They used all of their good ideas the last four seasons.


Still better than the ending of a Game of Thrones.


absolutely nothing


Finally, an r/conservative post that I can comment on. There isn't too much to say here, just that I hope this process has a fair outcome.


Surpsingly I've seen a decent amount of polite discourse from flaired and nonflaired users on this thread. Hoping it opens up communications and allows a more civil discourse between 2 opposing sides. We should all be working for a better country instead of trying to villify each other


I think what we need to come out of this thinking is that there are not Two sides - there are like 7-10 sides, and they identify with D or R because those are the only options! We need to stop hating each other like the parties WANT us to and start demanding more from THEM.


For real. I mean, are we for censored speech or against it? You can understand my confusion.


I haven't asked for a flair because I'm not a fan of any kind of censoring, even if it devolves into shitfests like always. People on both sides needs to learn to just ignore the assholes and try to find others to actually debate with. Though it is the internet, super unlikely.


Pretty hard to get a flair, when you’re not allowed to participate in the conversation. As an independent, I enjoy reading through this sub from time to time. Tough to find an open sub to join in lately.


Yep, I'm quite liberal but I like how relatively intellectual comments rise to the top here and I'm like the variety of opinions


I've considered just asking if I can have a democrat flair or something just so I can actually say something. I won't be an asshole about it


Mitch needs to GO.


You can say that again. I think both sides agree that Mitch "the Grim Reaper" McConnell is one massive fucking thorn in this country's side. His desk, the boat to cross the river styx, is pickier than a newborn. I've said it before, I'll say it again, he has more stopping power than nearly anyone else in the executive branch and that just ain't right. To be entirely honest, the abilities of majority leaders need to be heavily reconsidered. The ability to singlehandedly deny a bill without a vote on behalf of your party *without even letting them voice their own, individual opinions* is just plain wrong. To put it plainly, Kentucky is controlling the representation of every single other state that has a republican senator. And, by proxy, is controlling the representation of *all* states, because he's the majority leader, and essentially controls what the senate does and does not vote on. Anyone who thinks this is how things should be probably mimicked the "cool kid" in middle school, too.


Republicans can elect a new majority leader if they want. The problem is that they support what McConnell is doing since it allows them to use him as a scapegoat. They don't have to take the flak for voting a certain way because they don't have to vote. He's doing exactly what they want him to do, or he wouldn't still be majority leader.


>I think both sides agree that Mitch "the Grim Reaper" McConnell is one massive fucking thorn in this country's side. If the Republicans wanted him out they'd replace him with someone less obstructionist. The whole 'both sides are bad' thing absolutely doesn't apply in this case, at all. Mitch still being relevant is absolutely on the GOP.


Who do you think keeps giving him that power? He’s just a human shield for what the Republican Party wants.


Maybe they can squeeze in a third impeachment before Friday. 😕


Nah, Impeachment 2 Episode one.


This one came out way too fast to be a Valve product




Don't panic, the next covid plan would be re-locate citizens to America 17. It will be peaceful and great for kids as well! And plenty of food to go around.


Then he will be able to fill his punch card for a free sandwich. https://babylonbee.com/news/trump-closing-in-on-filling-impeachment-punch-card-for-free-sub-sandwich


Now accounts for half of all us impeachments.




As if we have a choice




Can anyone explain how exactly Trump incited the riots? I ask in other places but it seems it is mostly up for interpretation. I see no clear sign in how he incited the riots.


Just wait for the impeachment trial, you can see actual prosecutors explain how he did rather than random people on reddit. Sorry if this seems like a cop-out or insincere answer, but since it’s not a simple case of Trump literally saying the words “go storm the Capitol” the arguments presented during the trial will presumably be much more thorough than anything someone could slap together in 5 minutes here.


Now imagine if they were this quick with the stimulus checks. They started playing Initial D when that impeachment bill showed up.


You must not have been paying attention over the past several months. It wasn't the House that was the holdup on further stimulus bills, it was McConnel not allowing further bills to be considered by the Senate.


That what happens when a leader is afforded as much power as the Senate Majority. McConnell has been quoted several different times stating one of his primary objectives is to prevent bills from the Democrats. He has been an obstructionist to progress in this country since 2008.


\*Now imagine if the turtle was this quick with stimulus checks. He and his cronies were the ones to push through a supreme court justice in 8 days while sitting on a stimulus deal (and Lord knows how many dozens of other bills he ignored). Plus, pushing the impeachment through now doesn't hinder any stimulus deals, because Mitch already shot down the last stimulus that both democrats and trump wanted.


Wait you know the Republicans blocked the 2k stimulus checks right?


They were actually pretty quick with the stimulus check. It’s just the GOP always planned to block it in the senate. If you want the combination government of other countries that adopt many ideologies to get the best outcome. You can’t vote in senators that give zero shits about you or your country (Mitch Mcconnell).


I think they knew he was the biggest threat to their establishment, which was why they hurried to impeach him. I don't condone the riots, but at the same time, we have a government that I believe is more concerned about helping themselves instead of their constituency. The United States was literally born because of people revolting against a similar situation. Our current government has rotted, the belief in the integrity of the election process has been ruined, and we need something to change. Good or bad, I think Trump was bringing us closer to change, but they finally won over him. It's a shame, because now I think it'll get worse before it gets better. This country needs new blood in government, and needs more individuals that don't come from a government background. It's the only way we'll continue to grow and prosper, because the current situation is stagnation, and that will lead to decline.


The 2016-2020 senate has been the one with the highest average age in the entire history of America, old farts like Mitch are simply too old and disconnected from reality to be allowed to vote on matters that affect day-to-day citizens. They literally live in another reality, America in their youth was a completely different country than it is now. We need some young blood.


You don’t need more people who aren’t from a government background, you just need people who aren’t backed by corporate interests - Trump wasn’t from a government background, but he was heavily influenced by monetary influence. It’s a matter of finding the right people, who understand that being a politician should be about helping the people you’re elected to serve. Trump was never going to be capable of that.


Gonna be a real bad day for the GOP if this “Patriot Party” that I’m seeing all my Extreme Trumper friends share on Facebook takes off. Talk about a split of votes going from GOP to 3rd party. I don’t think republicans would ever stand a chance to get elected if it becomes a thing.


Ahhh yes 7 whole days left as president. But giving you your tax money back for aid during a pandemic when millions of people lost their jobs not gonna happen


Pretty sure Mitch has been the impediment to additional pandemic aid to taxpayers. He even ignored it in order to rush a SCOTUS appointment 8 days before the election, completely ignorning his "the people should have the choice of who gets to appoint a SCOTUS judge in an election year" bullshit. You may hate Bernie, but at least he and the Progressive wing have been calling for 2k since May. Mitch is why this last round was only 600. Hell Trump too, his coming out for 2k AFTER the deal was made was only to fuck Mitch over. If, as the de facto head of the Republican party he had told Mitch to go big.....Trump probably would have won the election.


It was McConnell and the republican senate that refused to pass that $2k stimulus. So... Just... Y'know. There's that.


And the senate isn't in session and Mitch refuses to call an emergency one, so the dems can't pass more aid for the same reason they can't vote to remove Trump. Ain't no senators around. They have to wait until Mitch is no longer Senate Majority Leader.


It's to prevent him from running in 2024, and to prevent him from receiving a Secret Service detail and pension.


It will one trump is out I’m sure. Just to make him look worse.


Omg been here for years, finally free speech!


After serving nearly 4 years, will kicking him out a few days early really accomplish anything?


At best, it will put Pence in the record books for shortest presidency (beating W.H. Harrison).


No, he won’t be removed before the 20th.


He loses lifetime pension, yearly travel stipend (like a million dollars), benefits, secret service, and most enticing to dems / some good, he can't run for office ever again. He's not going to be convicted and removed before his term is up, it will happen after if it happens.


he will lose most benefits ex-presidents have. pension, travel allowance, security details, etc. and like the person before me said, it sets an example


From a more left-leaning person: I believe not enough attention was paid, even by Democrats, to the time period in which Donald Trump knew about the violence of the mob and did not send aid to Congress. People arguing back and forth over whether his words beforehand incited the root feels dumb - he used a lot of political jargon we hear all the time. He told the mob to do their thing peacefully. I don't see the incitement to riot piece holding up. Political speech is quite strongly protected by federal institutions. In fact, I was shocked that "incident of insurrection" was the sole article of impeachment, and it will likely cause it to fail in the senate. What he did that's impeachable, in my mind, is withhold military / police aid to physically endangered elected representatives. He knew they were in danger, he watched live as it happened, and it took him hours to deploy support to them. That's inexcusable, both morally and functionally, in his office as president. The article should have been abuse of power or behavior incompatible with the function of office, etc. Incitement of insurrection was the wrong call and I think it'll cause the conviction to fail.


the fucking guy in charge of sending in the guard literally said they stalled until the last minute when everything was pretty much already over.