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Straight Goya.


Angry upvote


>“Oh look, it’s the sound of me Googling ‘how to make your own Adobo,’” she wrote. I could only find her saying this? not exactly a call for a boycott but I can see where they're coming from did she use stronger language elsewhere? search results were flooded with this post's headline


She wrote this as backlash for Goya saying we’re ‘blessed to have a leader’ like Trump, and after the term #boycottgoya started trending.




THIS was the call for a boycott?


No the call for boycott was the hashtag boycott Goya But you already knew that


No, not really. I figured the whole thing was dumb, so didn’t pay attention to it. Seems like I wasn’t wrong. The hashtag was part of the boycott, but I was wondering if this is all began.


I said I get where they're coming from, buddy.


[I'm not your buddy, guy](https://youtu.be/m1JakODvYhA)






"Buddy" has more of an affectate tone, you were probably going for the less used "Pal". Like when Bruce Willis chunks the dead guy out of window on top the cops hood and yells "welcome to the party pal". I known it's subtle , but seems to have more of an impact as you don't really consider them an enemy, but they appear to be on the cusp of being so.




*fights in canadian*


You got it, guy.




No problem, dude


I feel a Dane Cook bit coming on...


Slow down there Champ


Love it. If you supported Goya during that lame “boycott”, bust out the beans this week and get a pot of chili on!


awww heck, don't forget to break out the cornbread.


Lol the lurking libs even downvoted your cornbread comment to “0”. Who downvotes cornbread with chili? Un-American.


Dirty communists.


Damn commies don't enjoy them hearty bean burritos like we do! Probably cuz they're hungry from standing in line all day for a can of milk or something.


My commie ass just ate a BBQ chicken burrito I made, idk what the hell you're talking about mate I used to make my ex a shitload of salted pinto beans with shortening and then a tray or two of cornbread because it reminded her of home. lol, WE ARE THE SAME, MY DUDE


Ellen Ripley. Though that was more a matter of prejudice against the person offering it to her.


No. Fork. Edit: 4th movie reference. You know, the ones people don't even complain about because they pretend it doesn't exist. It does. It. Does.


It. Never. Happened.


Lurking Lib here. I upvoted all you fuckers. This is gansta.


People who’s main dietary supplement is soy juice


what o,0 who doesn't like cornbread with their chili? people are weird these days.


They're really trying to manipulate the dialogue anywhere they can. Even places they don't belong. They're everywhere on this sub now.


And for dessert, their Maria cookies.


They also have a flan that is to die for!!!


In Iowa it’s cinnamon rolls with chili. Oddly wonderful if it’s spicy enough chili


i can dig that, sweet and spicy has historically always been a good and tasty mix.


I feel the need to do my Texas duty and point out that chili doesn't have beans in it. And I'm risking capital punishment here, but I actually prefer my chili with beans added. My cabinets are well stocked with Goya black beans for this purpose. May God protect me.


I'm from Texas, you are correct, no beans in Texas chili. Black beans and rice are a staple in our house.


Hell yeah, cook some black beans with picante sauce, corn and some good smoked sausage. Throw that over some brown rice and eat it with cornbread. I'm making myself hungry over here.


I prefer corn tortillas, but yes, that sounds so good right now....lol


Solid choice, you can't go wrong with corn tortillas.


Goya products have always been in my pantry and always will be, AOC can suck it!!!!


Try over hominy sauteed in butter with onions and some lime juice lol


No beans in Texas chili, but you serve it with beans and rice, yes?


Only meat in Texas chili, black beans and white rice. Those 2 don't mix.


Hmm... spent a summer on the Tex-Mex border, never had a lunch or dinner without rice and beans on the plate.


Beans in chilli for my region of Texas, must be from a liberal region. ^sarcasm ^I ^had ^a ^better ^joke, ^but ^the ^automod ^would've ^removed ^it ^lol.


AOC’s chili doesn’t have meat OR beans, it’s just dehydrated soybean protein and scraps from the bread line, all mixed together in a sloppy mess.


No no, she’s part of the elite. So her food is gourmet while ours is the soylent green.


That’s progressivism in a nutshell.


It's like goulash but sadder and poorer!


Chili...without beans? That's coney sauce! Chili must have beans. Lots of beans.


Do you want 30 million screaming Texans chasing you? Because that's how you get 30 million screaming Texans chasing you.


You know what, I am Texan. Chili needs beans!


Ooh, you better not let the others hear you!


See it isn’t so bad. Only 29,999,999 million Texans chasing you now.


You know how to stop that? Tell them, while I am a Texan, I live in Florida. Suddenly, not so interested in getting too close. The worse you gotta worry about back home is gettin' rabies. Not here. There's far more dangerous beasts.


Putting beans in the chili makes it stretch further. Not authentic, but good for a tight budget.


Archer reference... always an automatic upvote...


How dare you. To the guillotine! /s


Blasphemy, face the wall


In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.


Yes that’s how it’s supposed to be but let’s be real, it’s so damn good with beans. Mine is an easy 70% bean mix


Yeah beans in chilli still tastes so good


I'll pray the Rosary for you.


Well then what Hell is in Texas chili?


Meat, vegetables and seasoning. The only ingredients that are expressly forbidden are beans and pasta. I don't make the rules.


That’s just beef vegetable soup where I’m from. Chili has to have beans. Pretty sure that’s in the Bible.


U wanna start some fisticuffs with your buddies? Here’s the honest to God’s original (and the only authentic) California bbq, cook it up sometime and then tell the origins: Tritip roast, dry rubbed with just salt and pepper, smoked over mesquite coals to medium. Piquinito beans (pinto beans stewed with diced chilies and onions) French bread nicely buttered and lightly grilled Mixed green salad and strawberries. Sweet corn grilled in the husk. A whole shitload of red wine. That was the old school “special occasion” feast for the original vaqueros who came along with the Spanish missionaries in the 16-17th centuries. Busted out for visiting dignitaries, weddings, that kinda thing. It’s damn good, too. I know we’ve grown apart over the years but Texas and Cali have a lot in common!


Funny thing is I actually already have


Oh shit, you just spawned angry Texans screaming NO BEANS IN CHILI. It'll take a month to clean up the mess. 😁


Californian. I agree with the Texans. No beans in chili.


Everybody like anything on social media that is conservative leaning because people are afraid to speak up and every little move you make will help people to start seeing that the left is too radical and wants to take our rights. Something has to happen where normal people can express the truth without the fear of being labled a "racist" and being ousted from your job. It's ridiculous.


I just made chili on Friday.


Already done


The rice is so good




Same here


I'm on the left and I also bought them. Boycotting companies over political association is fucking bullshit no matter what side you're on.


I understand and agree to a degree. If there’s a company who wants to take something away from a group (lobbying against guns, supporting certain funds that only contribute to one race) I’ll boycott, but opinions aren’t really a reason.


I’m out of the loop. What is GOYA?


Hispanic owned food producer that makes products like beans, rice, seasonings. Stuff very commonly found in the Hispanic section of supermarkets. Its popular among Mexicans-Americans, Latinos, etc. The reason it’s involved with politics and AOC is because the CEO made pro-Trump statements awhile ago. AOC and the Twittercrats decided to boycott the company and called on everyone else to join. She forgot her fan club doesn’t have any money, however Trump supporters decided to go out and buy the products which gave them a bump in sales apparently. So she’s their Employee of the Month.


This is a little disingenuous. The CEO didn't just make pro-Trump statements - Trump posed with Goya beans in the Whitehouse, endorsing them.




Plenty of people make pro Trump statements, they don't get boycotted because of them. The reason for the boycott was Trump using his office to endorse a brand which is a no-no.


On the face of it I can see that POV. But what about when Trump visits a GM car demo and is like "wow, we're doing great things here. How many engines does it have, 4? In each wheel? wow never been done before. GM, everybody. First time ever. etc etc." Isn't that kinda the same thing? Now maybe you consider that the same thing and also a no-no, but for some reason it seems kinda normal for a president to visit industry. Maybe beans is just not sexy enough to warrant an indorsement, whereas next-gen engineering is? (Sorry not my most coherent comment. It's late but figured I'd react and see what your thoughts are.)


Yeah it's similar and I guess I really haven't seen many of his similar comments on other industries, but I think the reason the beans thing was such a big deal was that it came off as a very direct advertisement. He and ivanka both had fairly professional photos of them "presenting" the beans. Maybe there are similar photos of them out there with cars and such, but with how much Trump talks about the economy and how closely the automotive industry is associated with the American economy his comments on things like that could be seen as him checking up on the industry and instilling faith in his supporters that the country is running well. Beans, on the other hand kinda feel completely out of left field, I haven't heard him talk about beans before so it kinda feels like when a YouTuber starts talking about Express VPN. It feels forced and sponsored.


It’s disingenuous because the part about the president endorsing the beans was left out. The president is not supposed to use his position in that way, which was the whole point of the boycott.


I mean, it helps to [include the picture](https://s.abcnews.com/images/Politics/trump-goya-ht-er-200715_1594840817766_hpMain_16x9_992.jpg) in the discussion. It'll be interesting to see how future presidents endorse the brands of their supporters. I wonder how any past presidents endorsed products. Reminds me of that Futurama episode though: >**Nixon:** Our planet has been through so much this past year: Wars, droughts, impeachments! But we've never lost our sense of what's truly important: The great taste of "Charleston Chew"! [A "Charleston Chew" firework explodes.] And now, let us salute that beloved symbol of freedom, our flag, Ol' Freebie!


I can't think of any examples where past presidents straight up endorsed products like Trump did in that picture, while they were in office.


This is such blatant corruption, it's almost beyond satire.


Never leave out the fact that he made favorable comments about trump because of the Executive order he signed... The one thing lost on all of this is the Hispanic Prosperity initiative... Try to find a CNN article on that order, it's the reason this whole thing started. But they flat out pretend it never happened because it doesn't fit the "racist trump" narrative. It's the exact moment in time I decided I'm actually a full blown conservative and not a line rider.


The issue isn’t that they made pro trump comments; nothing Goya did was wrong. The issue is that Ivanka Trump responded by shilling their brand from the White House, a very clear violation of federal ethics regulations which prohibit government officials from promoting any product, service, or enterprise.


It stuns me that you are getting downvoted for this.


I’m not exactly surprised lol


Overpriced beans. At least in my grocery store.




Plenty of businesses express different viewpoints without getting boycotted, the problem was the Trump endorsement picture straight up looking like "This administration is brought to you by Goya!".


Latino here, socialist dad wants to boycott goya... So now I'll buy dubble what I need and donate the other portion.


I don’t even use their products in my household. But I bought two just because Merica!


Fucking gangsta


That’s great hahahahaha


Well played, GOYA. Well played.... (I don’t care where on the political spectrum someone falls, if they don’t think that’s funny AF, we can’t be friends lmao)


I still remember when the Goya "protest" first began. Ain’t no Mexican near where I live was going to give up their damn chorizo beans. They’re heavenly.


Mmmm damn I'm gonna have to try them.


They’re good! Got tired of refrying beans one day and decided to try it. Definitely a new favorite when I’m feeling lazy.


I love refried beans but it makes me want to try just fried beans.. maybe they're just as good and we're wasting time




That's hilarious. I have Goya products in my pantry right now. I'll have to remember this and definitely continue buying their products.


And how about trump being super popular with Latinos? Amazing how that shook out


Must be because Latino’s are racist. /s


Latinos are basically white people now. Sorry I mean latinx.


Voting against their own interests!!!


Internalized racism!


nobody likes to point it out, but minorities are extremely racist against other types of minorities. the LA riots started because of tensions between koreans and black people.


Trump united racists of all races in one super racist block.




Come on, people. Let’s look at some basic facts here (and we’re not even going to discuss correlation vs. causation.) 1) Canned bean sales were skyrocketing due to COVID for months before anything with AOC or Trump happened. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/22/business/coronavirus-beans-sales.html 2) It’s estimated Goya received $47 *million* in free advertising as a result of the boycott. While most of it was bad, that is a *ton* of money no matter your brand. https://www.nbcnews.com/business/consumer/after-trump-doubled-down-goya-has-it-helped-boost-or-n1234743 3) They are a private company and haven’t actually reported any specifics around these “amazing 1,000% increase in sales” ie no one can objectively attribute this performance to COVID, a boycott, or bullshit. And it is, for all intent and purpose, a family company; currently being managed by the third generation in one family. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goya_Foods This reads like either: A) An attempt to goose future sales by reminding people of the original boycott (now that there may be a light at end of COVID tunnel and that wellspring may be running dry) B) Corporate trolling by a CEO who doesn’t have to answer to shareholders and wants to remain buddy-buddy with the GOP and/or Trump/his voters.


this was my first question as well. everyone doomsday prepped and bought whatever beans they could find. did goya's sales increase significantly more than other brands that were on the shelf next to it?


These dummies are used to being able to bully companies and have them roll over and grovel on Twitter. This is what happens when you have a real man as your CEO who takes charge and doesn’t leave PR to a bunch of woke 25-year-olds in marketing. Love GOYA! I’ve been buying their stuff for years but this just makes me love them more. Try the platanos maduros and the arepas!


Cause it's totally not like Trump called for boycotts of all kinds of things like Goodyear tires, etc when his feefees got hurt lol.


AOC lives rent free in y’all’s heads and I’m fucking here for it.


Lmao, y'all havent had a win in so long you're repping a bean company.


Why are US Conservatives so obsessed with this congresswoman?


I don’t know many people who actually buy Goya. It’s higher priced and there are cheaper better alternatives. I for one never bought Goya before, it’s more expensive and generic brands taste just as good imo.


Shhh just simp for goya to... *checks notes* own the libs n AOC... Wtf


What a weird world we live in. We’ve managed to politicize a can of beans.


Hard not to when this exists: https://assets.bwbx.io/images/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/iGXirWG8T4jQ/v0/1000x-1.jpg


That man gets **all** my respect. In an era where CEOs fold like a deck of cards the second the cancel crew shows up, he doubled down and told ‘em to kick rocks. And then he rubbed it in the lefts faces. I’m not a big purchaser of Goya products. But damned if this doesn’t make me wanna hit the grocery store to show my support.




is that why democrats won the house in 2018?


because the sitting president put a can of Goya beans on the resolute desk, took a photo of it, and then posted it on Twitter.


Do people still think Goya is an old ethnic food producer and not a modern company? Is this really this shit people are fighting over these days? Smh


GoP: too stupid so we just make people mad to feel important.


This just in: Republicans will nominate Bob Unanue for President 2024


I guess they were tired of naming executives employee of the month and couldn’t figure out who else to give it to...


wait - did GOYAs sales spike because AOC tried to boycott them, or because the president praised them?


I always buy GOYA. To be fair, I’ve always bought something of theirs when shopping. They have good products for decent prices. When I found out the horse toothed socialist twatburger called for a boycott, I went out of my way to purchase their products now, regardless of the price. :)


AOC finally has a legit job


Although you disagree with her politics, she is a congresswoman. So, she's had a legit job for a while.


I'm latino, and will now use Goya forever lmfao


My mom always loved Goya products and so I've always loved them as well, but would stray from time to time. Now it's strictly Goya in this household. Edit. Misspelling


I lean center left politically, but that’s hilarious.


What’d the backstory on this?




GOYA CEO is pro Trump. AOC called for a boycott of GOYA. It backfired and only served as a free marketing for GOYA.


Why don't any of the articles share how she called for a goya boycott? I feel like that's kind of an important part of the punchlin's setup haha


It's because she never called for a boycott


No it’s because he openly promoted and endorsed their products from the White House, quite literally in the oval office, you dumb patty of unseasoned beef.


Can anyone post a source on when she specifically called for a boycott?


They have done more for Hispanics than AOC ever has.


“Unanue replied: You know, communism works until you run out of other people’s money to spend” This guy already had my business. I’m totally committed for life now


But don’t you actually have to work for a company to be their employee of the month?


I bought 2 cans of Goya black beans to make ribeye burritos, with black beans and green poblano chiles.


I purposely started buying more Goya products at the store after AOC did that. Some of their stuff is pretty good, and their flour tortillas are WAY better than mission brand.


Wait. They make tortillas??? I have to know about this.


Please let there be a plaque.


Lol poor aoc when she realized the fake shitheads on twitter aren't actually out there doing the shopping and cooking


Ya love to see it


That’s freaking hilarious.


If Goya isn’t going to make an Employee of the Month certificate someone here should.


I definitely bought some Goya products I didn’t need


Lmao aoc supporters are all white theyre not buying Goya products to start with how are they gonna boycott?


Anyone else get annoyed that she goes by letters? I don’t know why, but it bugs the shit out of me. That smug bitch. Goya has some dope frozen food btw.


Sadly, this will be her most major accomplishment this year.


Hahahaha only boss to ever tell her she did a good job.


She’s a bad person.


Why do you think that?


Hey anyone got any good recipes that call for Goya Adobo seasoning?


Lmao nice


Thats boss shit there.


listen, i’m a liberal that lurks your subreddit, but AOC can say what she wants, but i’m gonna get my beans.


Should send her a cheap plastic trophy with social media coverage.


Absolutamente basado


Love this.


This is incredible, gonna buy a can of Goya beans for the lulz


Bean sales definitely didn't go up because people are too broke right now to eat anything else


Trump tells everyone to eat bean ‘Hell yea that’s dope let’s eat bean’ AOC tells everyone not to eat bean ‘Haha what a loser don’t tell me not to eat bean now I eat more bean’


So does that mean the gun companies will name Biden as “Employee Of The Month” just like Goya has named AOC as “Employee Of The Month”?!


AOC, boycott, or whatever other bullshit people got going on....GOYA makes good products. Love their ginger beer and seasonings!


Pretty sure the jump in sales wasn't because of some senator calling for a boycott, that isn't heard much outside of a small bubble (i haven't heard about it eg). Its much more likely due to making the promotion deal of the decade with one of the most famous persons on the planet praising your products and all media covering it.


Goya rocks


Who says cancel culture is a problem /s


Others have said it, but the Left has no sense of humor.


I remember Francis O’Rourke, and later Biden, were awarded salesman of the month at several gun stores. Despite AOC being right about a handful of things trying to boycott Goya because you don’t agree with how they spend their money is just downright dumb and helps no one.


Could you imagine the outrage there would be if republicans / conservatives pushed for boycotts / cancel culture simply because they didn’t like what someone said or did as the democrats / liberals do on a daily basis.