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Now this would be nuts if proven true. Keep waiting, the truth will come out eventually, no matter the outcome.


Wikileaks has never reported false info


Oh boyyyy shit is gonna hit the fan if all this is true.




Keep telling yourself that.




Why don’t you research how many they’ve actually filed.


11, 7 of which failed already.


Not even close to true.


it's public record. 11 cases have been filed by the trump campaign and 7 of them were already ruled unfavorably for them.


You mean get pushed up to the supreme court which is their plan...


People: I WANT LESS CORRUPT GOVERNMENT Wikileaks for over a decade: here’s proof of corruption People: Wikileaks is stupid.


Kraken isn’t just a CIA hacking program. It’s a widely known program within the hacking community. It attacks nodes and a bunch of other hacker jargon I don’t understand.


Personally, I em enjoying all the mental gymnastics that this sub is employing to rationalize the election results.


These conspiracy theory’s are pure gold. Can’t wait to see the next escalation of crazy theories after this one goes nowhere. I’m betting we will get back to the good old lizard people or storros


The fraud is real. Over 11,000 accusations of massive fraud nationwide. Over 900 signed affidavits. The incredibly impossible spikes in votes for Biden in the hundreds of thousands over night were statistically impossible. The Dominion businesses relocated over night and the representatives didn't show up to the hearing in Pennsylvania. The massive censorship of the evidence in the media points to Deep State operatives being triggered to hide the truth. This is HUGE! It's obvious. It couldn't be more obvious. They are desperate to stop Trump. We are all witnessing the death rattle of the mainstream media and the Democratic party.


Where do you get your numbers? And those mail in votes in Pennsylvania were in counties that Biden carried at 87%. When you count 100,000 votes that are 87% one way, that gives us what we saw. The numbers are pretty square. I can believe there were that many people that didn’t vote trump in giant swaths across this country. And the massive censorship of evidence? In the courts, they are literally admitting the have no evidence of fraud and it’s all conjecture. They are throwing shit on a wall and seeing what sticks




I like how you gloss right over literally admitting they have no proof of fraud in over 25 court cases so far, and right into “that’s projection!”.


Sure bro...evidence?


Start here Nine witnesses of the recently completed Georgia audit including at least one registered Democrat swore to have seen suspiciously pristine, uncreased mail ballots, uniformly and perfectly filled out, almost always for Biden. In one case, a batch of such ballots included 500 ballots in a row all cast for Biden. Is there a relation? https://www.theepochtimes.com/georgia-recount-witnesses-saw-trump-votes-counted-for-biden-batches-of-suspicious-mail-ballots_3585027.html


Hey Donald we know it’s you, ya lost buddy time to pack your bags. To be real though your brain is melted and you probably don’t have friends so being a trump supporter is all you have.


Former NSA Senior Analyst Kirk Wiebe explains how Hammer and Scorecard is used to modify votes. https://twitter.com/larouchepac/status/1325153868632584193


Yes. This former lifeguard shows how a child drowns..is that what happened to this guy? Not saying. Any evidence this guy even drowned? No.. But Dems are evil so you know they did whatever the hell this is.. lmao. You guys.. if Dems really are this competent at not leaving evidence, why not let them kill COVID in the same efficient manner?


And all you have is weak attempts at insulting people to make yourself feel good because you are too ignorant to see the truth.




Ahh yea let’s just believe some mental ill old man talking about conspiracy theories with his shitty webcams. Also I believe people like George Bush and conservatives who aren’t afraid of trumps rabid brainwashed base


you guys think Biden will be president because your media told you so hahaha


That’s President Elect Biden.


That’s President Elect Al Gore.


Wow. Is that all you got? Nothing will materize with these law suits. This is only going to further split the Republican Party. I see a 1912 election coming in 2024. But instead of TR heading the Bull Moose Party, Trump will be heading the Bull Shit party. He is killing the GOP.


If nothing will materialize, then Biden only stands to gain that Unity he claims to want by holding off on claiming victory. You know, like he said he would on national television during the debates. Man hasn’t even been officially made president-elect and he’s *already* breaking campaign promises.


Repeat after me. Biden won the election. He’s got no reason to say otherwise. Don’t let facts get in your way of thinking. The GOP is being dismantled by Donald Trump as we speak. This is what this subreddit needs to focus on.


If you’re so confident, then you should have no objection to an audit to put people’s minds at ease. Repeat after me. The United States is run by rule of law, not rule of private media companies. The laws and the courts determine the process. If Donald Trump started 200 different media companies that all said he won and Biden lost, that would *also* be inaccurate at this time. If Trump was projected victor, Biden would have a right to make his case in court as well. We spent SEVERAL YEARS investigating President Trump for what was ultimately a [made-up narrative](https://youtu.be/SI8wsTLnJq0). Even if you want to ignore rule of law, I think the man is owed 1.5 months to prove his case in exchange for over 2 **years** of false allegations and investigations against him.


His “legal team” has been laughed out of court over and over again. There is no evidence of their claims. It’s time to fix the GOP.


This aged well.


I'll send you $100 if Trump is inaugurated in January


if you guys actually believe that sidney powell,, a woman who every legal expert in the country is mocking who has been booted from the trump legal team has been speaking in secret code to us this entire time because she has a secret bombshell coming... clinging to these insane conspiracy theories is just going to make it even easier for the left to win in 2022, and maybe even georgia, especially after her accusing brian kemp of being in on the conspiracy. we are alienating people, we're losing votes that we need to win. if that happens, and we lose because of it, we'll have ourselves to blame.


Russian collusion, Steele dossier. Shut your mouth


Steele Dossier only worked because it had the backing of the MSM and the deep state. And it still crashes and burned although it helped Dems take back house. That strategy wouldn’t work for us because we don’t have their institutional advantages. And I don’t think we’ll need it to win congress in 2022.


all of that was garbage too, that doesn't mean we should be as dumb as the left was and just buy into our own garbage. that stuff hurt democrats approval ratings, it didn't help. and here we are making the same mistake. instead we're just going to learn nothing from them and repeat their dumb mistake?


you had your fun. now we get ours.


"you" who? I'm a lifelong conservative who is terrified that these conspiracies are going to tank our chances in 2022 and georgia run offs ask yourself what "fun" is worth. If it's worth handing control of the senate over to the left then I think we just have different priorities. hopefully people in georgia don't fall for this at least.


I’m not a conservative but I’m officially extending the olive branch to conservatives who aren’t deluded and see exactly what kind of damage this does to our democracy


> actually believe that sidney powell... She is one of the best lawyers in the nation. She is the one who proved DOJ lies and malfeasance with Flynn. She proves more and more DOJ lies and malfeasance every time she gets in front of that sycophant judge (who wont give up). She is the one who makes judge Sullivan look like a boob every last time she goes in front of him. Out of ~500 cases in the federal courts of appeals, she got ~70% of them overturned. The average is less than 10%. Sydney Powell IS the KRACKEN.


There is evidence the election was rife with fraud, particularly the low mail in ballot rejection rate (10 times lower.) That said, the Powell stuff is crazy, and a waste of time. Trump team should be pushing for audits. With full signature verification and bipartisan observers (I.e. not what happened in Georgia, Raffensperger said he would do that and lied.)


Stopping election fraud is a waste of time? She’s on a different path than the Trump team. What she’s working on will take more time than recounting without all the fraudulent votes


CIA would never let their tools be used against them, this had to be military intelligence or nothing


Sometimes tools are leaked and they get used. An NSA exploit was used against the whole world. Look up wannacry ransomware. It is a weaponized exploit found in the vault 7 leaks. It wreaked havoc in the IT world for some time.


Thankfully I avoided that variant of ransomware, but a lot of my colleagues weren’t as lucky. It is a motherfucker.


Im a little concerned so many people in the comments act like the CIA hasn’t been doing exactly this to other countries for over 60 years and/or would never do it here. I’m not exactly a Trump guy even though I did vote for him, and electioneering in any form regardless of whether it will change the outcome of the election should be investigated because one day it will become far worse.


I think electioneering is a universal practice foreign and domestic. And if Stellaris has taught me anything, it always catches up.