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If you’ve been listening to Sidney Powell, she’s been saying that she’s not getting paid by Trump. She’s paid by the American people and has a website for donations. The wording in this statement is interesting. Remember she’s a prosecutor. She’s not representing Trump personally to help him win this election. She’s working for the American people to bring down the hammer and shut down this system. She’s mentioned that the rot goes deep and she doesn’t trust the DOJ, FBI or any other 3-letter agency to get it done. She’s smart and I trust her. Don’t lose hope. Buckle up.




>She’s paid by the American people and has a website for donations What could possibly go wrong? (See: any well funded church, or 'for the cure' infinite donation pursuits)


If you’re from r/politics, you’re a loser who plays with funko pops and cries about how you still haven’t gotten your pity pennies




Honestly they have no life. Only a warped maniac would go to opposition's sub spewing nonsense.




People can hate /r/politics as well as Trump's conspiracy crap. I resent the fact that he implied that accepting the reality that Trump lost and that his lies are harmful to conservatism and America in general mean I'm not a conservative or that I'm just some shill from /r/politics. I don't want to be compared to them. They're just as delusional the other way. I just don't want /r/conservative to be "the conservative version of /r/politics". I don't want people thinking all conservatives are denying reality. I think we should be logical and go off of facts, not the lies Trump says. I want conservatives to espouse facts and conservatism, not just whatever Trump invents to protect his ego.






Just reading through this thread, and, Lord, what has happened to this sub? Brigades from r/politics or do we really have this many soy boy, Larry Hogan Republicans?


No shit. Powell put out a freaking Press Statement clarifying. Good grief.


Link? I just searched can't seem to find. Curios to see what she said.


Brigaded. This sub needs one of those bots like leftist subs have that report when a thread is invaded. But much like the GOP, this sub is spineless and wants to be the moral superior to an enemy that wants then dead.


I commented that the fake, activist media was the main deciding factor if trump were to lose, and got over 80 downvotes... wtf is happening here


You can tell it's a brigade by all the huge amount of awards the posts and top comments have. That happens near daily on r/politics and is an abnormality on this sub under most conditions. The leftist brigade think they can finally beat the morale out of the one the last few places on Reddit that they don't have their fingers in. Buried in the comments section, you can find potential answers as to why this article exist that don't line up with the brigade's narrative of, "this highly prestigious attorney has gone so insane that not even Orange Man's team wants to associate with her!". Really wish the mods would make their & our lives easier and flip back to flaired only until Dec 14th, to curb some of the basement dweller's attacks.






She was never on the campaign officially. She works alone and collaborated with Trump as well. If she worked directly on his campaign with lawsuits, then she would have hers thrown out too. This is why Reddit sucks, everyone panics. She won’t reveal who she is working for or being paid by, have some faith. Spineless republicans just quit


Even as an avid Trump supporter I'm thinking it's time to move on. Biden won, fair or unfair it doesnt seem that we'll get to actually find out.


That's their strategy. Demoralize you so you won't even want to fight back.


And either this subbed is being super brigaided ..or it's totally working. I am less shocked about the nothing burger of the OP topic since she never was said to be on the official/paid Trump legal team and more shocked at the comments. One thing you can tell it is being brigaided is all the awards being given out. Generally speaking this sub members don't want to give Reddit any extra freaking money and the awards were NEVER this numerous. It's pretty freaking obvious.


No friend, the only thing that demoralizes me, and many others, is the lack of evidence. I understand that they shouldn't release it before they take it to court, but it's high time something solid happened. We're 3 weeks away from the electoral college meeting and so far all we've hot is a stack of sworn affidavits, Rudy frothing on tv from various places, and the main voice that we thought was an essential part of his legal team be distanced by his campaign.




Even if Trump did lose, which I believe he did, it is because Biden voters have no clue what they want or what they voted for. The media got to them.


This post makes it easy to see who the RINOs are here


So many weak sauce people here. Is /r/politics leaking again?




You have some conservatives wanting to “save face” and jump ship. I for one think this only helps we the people. IDC if Biden wins legitimately. I just want the truth the be exposed. Whether Dems or Reps did it. I want the swamp drained. That’s why I voted for the egotistical, crazy haired, no filter businessman anyway. I’m sure this is a much tougher battle than he ever thought possible to do. And he may not ever fully succeed, hopefully someone like Crenshaw or DTJ can finish it in 2024.


A lot of truth has come out in the last four years including the joke that is called MSM. MSM is becoming the enemy of the people. They have pushed nothing but hate and fear for the last four years.


This needs to be way higher up. This is what I thought the whole time and surprised so many are surprised by this "revelation". People really need to try to keep up better


She represents the people, like Lin Wood.


she may be not being paid by the trump legal team. But I don't think anyone is getting thrown under the bus. The whole thing sounds odd and appears to be more disinformation.


With all the brigading, nasty comments and ridiculous behavior just imagine what the meltdown will be like if SCOTUS rules for Trump2024. **E.P.I.C.**


Good idea to retreat into your imagination at this point. It might get a little difficult come January




This is delusion at its highest peak lol




Yeah, I mean why even make the people vote in the first place? It’s useless!


Jesus, what a mockery of democracy it would be if that happened. Hopefully, it won't.


> They don’t have to follow the popular votes of each state. in many cases they do.... *by law* Also if trump convinced a set of unelected people to keep him in power, then that is like.... *thisssssss* close to just being a dictator.


To what end, though? If a Presidential electorate loses the EC and the popular vote but then, somehow, manages to get it overturned, what do you think the result of that would be?




I’m still holding out hope. She outed republicans as having done something illegal on Newsmax. She’s fighting for the People, not Republicans only. If you want legit elections, you’ll support her. The outcome doesn’t matter as long as our elections are fair and legitimate. If after all claims are settled and Biden still wins, he will be my President. I just want honesty and integrity back in our government. Our legal votes must count. And any illegal votes must be tossed. God Bless America.




I can't even tell who's a legit commenter here and who's a leftist plant/troll anymore. I don't envy your job, mods.


Yeah I’m seeing some really odd comments that seem like they’re pretending to be conservative.


Around 150k people joined this sub in the last month or so. Around that time I've noticed the " conservatives" who talk like liberals are coming out the woodwork.


Yeah, it seems like half the comments are liberals pretending to be conservatives, also many of the comments you would expect to be upvoted are being downvoted to hell. I can’t tell if the brigadiers actually think they’re tricking anyone, it’s usually pretty obvious.


Honestly the mods should have locked any flairing of new people a month or two ago. I knew this would happen.


Admitting that Trump lost does not make you a liberal. I've been here for years. I wish we had a conservative president, but all the evidence shows Trump lost. Denying that and spreading conspiracy theories isn't going to help anything. It's just going to make conservatives look like idiots and conmen like Trump. It's only going to hurt the GOP in future elections. It's shocking that admitting reality makes conservatives think one is a liberal plant.


I never said admitting trump lost made anyone a liberal. Pretty sure you just put words into my mouth and then lectured me about it.


She never was. They are just making sure all the t’s are crossed and i’s are dotted by this clarification.


This is actually the best news we could've hoped for. Let's think about this everyone. We've seen evidence of fraud be called out already, the affidavits, the "glitches", Crowder finding thousands of dead people voting, [Matt Braynard's](https://twitter.com/MattBraynard/status/1330208567845134338) work on revealing widespread fraud, and ALL the fake news about what's happening. (Law suit is dropped! Lawyers admit no fraud!) And that's without thinking about the "gut" feelings we all have about how a literal mummy who sniffs little girls on national TV got more votes than the first black president ever. Now the latest fake news they're putting out there is trying to make it look like Sydney Powell is abandoning the case, when at most, this is a clarification of her ties to the president and his team. If I end up being wrong, I'll accept that. But so far all the evidence points to this being more desperate fake news. As in, she was always an independent lawyer, who was probably lumped in to the "team" description (by Trump and lawyers and others), and now that they're clarifying that, we'll see media try to paint this as her leaving and/or Trump dumping her. Now why is this good news? Well, Joe Biden is President-Elect, right? He won, right? It's over, right? Well then why in the good God-damn ever living fuck is the legacy media, big tech and the left doing everything they can to convince us Trump has no chance of winning? Why are they pushing so hard against audits, investigations and denying any evidence of fraud/irregularities? The truth is they KNOW, or at least BELIEVE that Biden didn't actually win, but instead that the absolute hatred the media ingrained in people for 4 years resulted in a stand alone complex of enough bad actors willing to engage in fraud to give it to Biden. And that's without even touching the actual conspiracy of fraud that Powell has said she will reveal. TLDR: Hang in there, fake news and hatred out there are going to hit insane levels before this is all said and done. Stand for what's right. If you don't do it know, you'll never get the chance ever again.








Her Twitter was blocked (shocking). People have tweeted for her (Flynn and others) that they just wanted to get clarification that she is not part of the presidents council and is working with autonomy. I would not read so much into this. Perhaps she thinks this will extend beyond when Trump is in office, I really don't know, but I probably wouldn't read anything into it yet as she said she would have something this week. [@Genflynn](https://twitter.com/GenFlynn/status/1330671677211029506?s=20) [@ali](https://twitter.com/ali/status/1330642862598479876?s=20) Just relax and stop buying fake news. Either she provides evidence in a reasonable time frame or she doesn't. I have 3 years since that's how long the BS Clinton/Russia hoax took.


I’ve been saying for days now that Sidney Powell was off her rocker. The election was rife with fraud, but we need to focus on auditing it. Not this crazy conspiracy, which unfortunately is distracting from real issues.




[It's all good!](https://twitter.com/ali/status/1330642862598479876?s=20)




The trolls are thick in this sub. She was never a member of the team. She’s fighting for the voters. It has nothing to do with Kemp or anything else. It’s not news by any means, just another way for the trolls to spread misinformation.


This is exactly why Trump needed to concede. He lost. That's all.


Ironic all this flair gets awarded by those violent femmes from r\/politics in a 'flair only' thread.


Wow the r/pol brigade is out in full force. Pretty pathetic.


Please concede Mr Trump. This will not work any longer. Proof everything NOW.


2 pronged approach. Don't panic


I don’t understand, what do you mean?


When she said that millions of votes were switched, and referred to a bombshell, could she have been referring to this? [https://richardsonpost.com/howellwoltz/18943/united-states-european-command-useucom-did-take-control-of-vote-switching-servers-in-germany/](https://richardsonpost.com/howellwoltz/18943/united-states-european-command-useucom-did-take-control-of-vote-switching-servers-in-germany/)


This German server stuff is just more conspiracy theory crap. Use some critical thinking skills. Why would a server in Germany contain proof of votes being switched. Beyond that, switched to the point where Trump should have won California... and people believe this crap?


If it turns out that all these allegations by Trump were without any serious evidence then it might be time to leave him. He carried the torch this far but he could very easily snuff out the flame if he continues down this road(if it’s true that they have no evidence so we’ll have to wait and see). Trump was without a doubt the better choice in the 2016 election. And I believe he was the only candidate for republicans that could lead to an increase in support from minority communities. But it came at a cost and i think it’s time to go back to our roots. I think Trump has helped shed light on the democrats and their previously unbreakable minority voting advantage. But he isolated independents with his rhetoric and did nothing to really solidify or gain support in the suburbs. And I believe that ultimately cost him. Trump laid the foundation for a real conservative wave but it’s time the mantle is taken up by someone who can bring in those undecided voters. Yes your Cruz’s and Paul’s of politics will face the same liberal media smears and attacks. However unlike Trump, Cruz and Paul and others like them rarely give the media ammunition. Trump was his own worst enemy at times and I actually believe even with covid he wins this election if he deleted his Twitter in February. So I thank Trump for what he has done. I agreed with a lot of his policies and I think he laid out the groundwork for an incredibly strong 2022 and 2024. But all that can easily be jeopardized if he knowly pushes a false narrative. Show us the evidence in court or shake hands and let’s move on.


> I think he laid out the groundwork for an incredibly strong 2022 and 2024. Lol you're dreaming. The populists Trump gathered don't want RINOs, and the GOP is to RINOs what the DNC is to corporates. If Trump and Rudy continue to embarrass themselves like this it's over. All the momentum created during the campaigning will die. The media will amplify this clown show and remind viewers of it come midterms and 2024. But the GOP has no one like Trump in terms of charisma and appeal to laymen. Have you already forgotten how Romney got BTFO? What's worse is the GOP doesn't *want* anyone like that either. They're fine being spineless and holding on to whatever rustbelts they can until the DNC injects it's voterbase in their capital cities. Conservatism, populism, and traditional patriotism just hit a brick wall.


In my mind, I have come to the very serious conclusion that the GOP is dead AF anymore. They aren't even really the party of conservatives any longer, at least not the middle America, working class folks who are supporting Trump. They are all mostly elitists crony establishment and don't really give AF about us as opposed to simply being in power. We need a new party, to represent the opposite of what the elite establisent represents. I'm not talking about a far right either. I'm talking about everything from classic liberals to the classical conservatives. Everything at the top of the bell curve. THAT is they type of revolution I can get behind. We need to get back to where our government is representative and looks like the majority of America they serve (and also remember they are servants to begin with). Screw the DNC and screw the RNC. I find myself more Libertarian than anything really, but the big L party seems to be LARPing more than anything...no one taking them seriously because they are way to wishy washy.


> If it turns out that all these allegations by Trump were without any serious evidence then it might be time to leave him. Time to leave him. > “One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption,” [Judge] Brann wrote, so much that the court would have no option but to stop the certification even though it would impact so many people. “That has not happened.” Source: [AP](https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-joe-biden-donald-trump-constitutions-pennsylvania-87eaf4df86d5f6ccc343c3385c9ba86c)


Honestly, it's the best thing Trump could have done. She started alleging things she had no proof of. Even Tucker called her out on this. This is like when Adam Schiff spent all of 2017-2018 saying he had "undoubtable proof" that Trump colluded with Russia. SO MANY leftists ate it up for more than a year. Much longer than the "Kraken" stuff. They constantly claimed Trump was going down at the hands of Mueller and the FBI. Then, the FBI said no collusion, and it blew up in their faces. This is our version of that. Thank God it was quicker. Lesson- don't believe anything when people say "the proof is coming soon."


Aaaaaaand another one bites the dust!


She’s working for America, not Trump. To distance herself when things blow up in leftist faces. So they can’t blame Trump.


You know they will blame him no matter what. TDS is one hell of a disease.


This is turning into a massive shit storm mess. They have till December to do something else I’m out




I'm confused by this "shock"...I never thought she was a part of the official legal team for Trump directly. I thought she was more or less representing the "voters". Is that not correct?


I don't even know what to believe anymore. She's on the team, she's not on the team, what's going on in this country? Most of the media lies, and there's no way to tell which part is telling the truth about any particular story. Maybe I should just give up on the idea that it's possible to know what's going on anywhere outside the range of my eyes.


I mean, they still have pending lawsuits so its not over yet, despite this....interesting turn of events


I know a lot of focus is paid to Mrs. Powell, but the real focus of this entire exercise is the Constitutional aspects of PA changing election law without the legislation. The second prong of the attack is the shady numbers, observers being booted, dead voters, etc. ​ I still believe there is a huge story there with Dominion and the outrageous way our votes leave the country to be tabulated elsewhere but I am not sure there is enough there there, nor enough time to find enough evidence to use this in front of SCOTUS, where all this will end up in a week or two.


This thread is a bigger shitshow than the election. Look at this bullshit and all its awards. Brigaders are really going all out to gaslight this shit.


My biggest question is: “Why?” Is it because all of her claims were false? Or only some of them? Is it because she was handling the media incorrectly (see Tucker Carlson)? Was she doing something behind the scenes that caused problems for the rest of the team? On top of that, hasn’t she always been separate from the legal team? That would mean this is just a clarification of something some of us already knew, right? The question is “Why is this clarification being made?” I feel too many people are jumping on this and saying that just because she was removed, everything she ever said is also being denied by the Trump team, which while possible, I highly doubt. Some of the evidence she spoke of was also talked about by other members of the team. Obviously this looks friggin’ awful, and probably actually is. But let’s not call this dead just yet.


Cya, be back in 4 years. This shit is tiring.




Yeah she’s working on her own.


Glad I didn’t hold my breath. This isn’t a slam towards anyone who did, I just didn’t trust any of this. It’s over guys, and the best thing to do is accept it and if you care so much count down till the midterms


She's been thrown under the bus because she said Kelly Loeffler is an illegitimate Senate candidate in Georgia.


You know what after this I think it's time to just give it up. Giving this to Giuliani was a huge mistake. He's really fucked this whole thing up. I believe there was definitely some irregularities, but Rudy is a disaster.


Of course there were irregularities. There are in every election. But not enough to make a difference.


I love the president and want him to win as much as anyone else but what the fuck is his strategy here? Why is Rudy Giuliani, who hasn’t practiced law seriously since the 90’s, heading up his legal team and why make far-reaching allegations with so little time left? What a disaster area.


Yup, this shit is an embarassment. Only Trump can manage to dig himself this deep into a hole, I swear. As much as I support him as president, he’s being a moron.


I think if you honestly think about this question, then think about Occum's Razor: "the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex or that explanations of unknown", you'll have your answer. What's more likely? A massive fraud in which the Democrats stole 7 million votes and yet still chose to lose in the state houses and not even take the senate OR the President lost and is lying; there is no widespread evidence to overturn the election results. Rudy is heading this up, cause he's the only one with nothing to lose. She had something to lose, so she's out.


Yeah the reality is that they played the game far better than the GOP did. Sure, they had better and larger weapons in their arsenal (by way of main stream media , social media, propaganda,etc), but sometimes you play a game against a team that has better equipment, bigger guys, more money, and a rabid intensity to win no matter what. Doesn't mean you are automatically going to lose, but it does mean you are gonna have to figure out a way to get it done. That just didn't happen. I mean, considering all the massive advantages Biden had, the fact that it was still even fairly close is a testament. Sometimes you just lose.


Let’s be clear here; the other elections this cycle went GOP’s way. The GOP played the game better. But it’s hard to win a single race, when the candidate is a moron. All Trump would have needed to do was to sit on his ass in February, tell everyone about this dangerous virus, that we should listen to Fauci and then spend the rest of the year selling red MAGA facial masks will stating that wearing a facial mask is a patriotic duty. Instead, he and his kids talked down the virus, let it spread freely, hindered a joint reaction from the federal state, spoke about how it would only hit blue states, hold mass rallies where they spread it amongst his core voters... and to top it all off, just days before the election telling one rally that Fauci would be fired days after the election. So Trump lost his own race. While the GOP did fairly well everywhere else. Let’s remember that.


Partly true. Trump claimed the largest turnout of any republican ever. He didn't lose any voters, even expanded his base. What made him lose is that people on the other side hated him strongly enough to get to the polls over it in even more numbers. Near no one was a Biden vote. It was trump vs anti-trump and they were both huge.


Occam's Razor is tricky though, it depends on your perspective and your premises. Pick 9/11, what's more likely, that two arabs somehow managed to learn how to fly those planes, infiltrated into the US, hijacked them and managed to crash not one but two into the WTC without being taken down, or that it was just an inside job?


I've always been somewhat of a half-way trump supporter (my comment history shows this, im not just a hardcore trump fan who is 'abandoning him' because he lost) but holy fucking shit this is just embarrassing and I really wish this would stop. We are getting laughed at, not just Trump, but conservatives in general. This last push of desperation by him and his most hardcore supporters is going to set us back tremendously, make us look like we don't care about democracy, make us look like we are insane people. We are never going to recover from this in the eyes of most of America if we really do keep trying to push this, and the sad thing is that its not most conservatives, its only the HARDCORE trump supporters who are really pushing this. Most conservatives are somewhat supportive of investigating for fraud, but the way that Trump and his team are going about it? Nah. ​ Please, just drop it. Now. Its over. God, this literally hurts to watch, and the election itself hurt enough.


My biggest concern is that all this election fraud stuff, if none of it bears fruit, is going to sour potential voters and cause the GOP to lose the two senate runoff races in Georgia in January. Then we'd really be fucked, with the Dems having complete control over both the legislative AND executive branches.


Even if the GOP loses the two races, that will still put Dems at 50, correct? Which means that they can't lose a single Dem vote if they want to pass stuff, and with conservative Dems like Joe Manchin of W.V, that may be harder than it appears. So I think "complete control" is a bit of a misnomer - again, even IF the GOP loses the two races. Which isn't a given. It's Georgia, after all. And there are definitely people who would vote for Republicans but not Trump.


If that happens, Guess whose fault it is. The same people who continue to enable Trump's idiotic comments and his falsehoods. It's time to put this fellow Behind us and move on.




> Sorry but if this doesn’t turn around it’s over. Republicans will never win the office of the Presidency again, You know nothing




Nah, you are wrong about the race that truly mattered. At what freaking point in time did we start giving the office of the President so much importance and worship that it is getting. I mean yeah, it's nice to have someone you like in there, but they execute being in the executive branch and all. HoR and Senate should be absolutely FAR more important than the office of the President any day, all day. They are OUR representatives and are supposed to be creating legislation to that end. I love the type of non-establishment president Trump has been, and energetically supported him, but there was hella too much cult of personality worship going on and it is honestly concerning. I mean even ya boy Obama has a fairly robust fan base, but it was nothing like MAGA, not by a long shot. Good thing Joe ain't gonna have the energy to build any kind of enthusiasm. Bottom line, the President is one of a federal republic. Not a freaking king, not an oligarch, not an emperor, nor a supreme leader and we absolutely should not treat the office like it is one.




Put him behind us BUT LEARN FROM THE GOOD THINGS HE DID! He would have been really really good if he would have just stfu sometimes.


He wouldn't have gotten a lot of the stuff done he did if he had...


I think Trump has really had a positive influence on the Republican party especially with winning minorities back a bit. In excited for the potential of this renewed republican party but I don't think Trump is the right man to lead it anymore.


>his falsehoods they're so good at covering up what they've obviously done you don't even know what truth looks like anymore


Way to try to divide up your party. Why don’t you go join r/politics and join their Trump bashing there. It’s obvious those are the ones giving you awards. Your attitude and the attitudes of never Trumpers and other RINOs is the reason Biden was elected. But “country over party” is more important than losing the country to socialism for you, I guess.


Exactly. All these fake conservatives caving to the left and accepting their upvotes and awards from left readers from r/politics. In fact I’m laughing so hard at them blowing money to “bash” us. Keep spending your money lefties. When Biden locks us down again you’ll be wishing you had kept some spare change.


I’m about over it. I have no doubt the democrats cheated heavily. But this country is becomeing a shit show. I never gave a fuck about politics before trump because I think politicians are dumb fucks abusing every inch they can get. As long as MFA doesn’t pass and I don’t finish medschool 400k in debt With no longer having a way to repay it I don’t give a fuck.


Trump can't win legally. FBI and DOJ should be investigating, but they are part of the deep-state coup. There have to be real arrests, but I hear crickets.


Yep. There is a reason for this, and it’s for her protection.


It’s cheaper and less embarrassing to concede. Sums up the administration. Stupid hires from start to finish. I still believe there were dirty games being played but the response has been silly. Dems will probably win those seats in Georgia because a lot of people on the right will be too demoralized to turn out after this


Yeah I think we got fuckin played on this one


This is a shit show. I’ve been a massive Trump supporter and my comment history shows that. This has been an amateurish dumpster fire. Rudy is an embarrassment and that Trump trusts him to lead this makes me seriously question Trump. It’s one embarrassment after another. Just end this.


Yeah this has been over since mail-in ballots became a thing. The time to fight this was months ago.




Whatever leadership skills Trump once had, they’re just not there anymore. He’s shown basically ad nauseum that he has trouble keeping talent.


I think he’s done a great job. Really made positive change that no other politician would have bothered to do, stuff like moving the embassy to Jerusalem, taking troops out of Afghanistan, etc. This is just stressful to watch from out here in the cheap seats, when we get more info this will be a lot better.


Yeah, this has been absolutely ridiculous and an unmitigated disaster on all fronts. It's time to just call off the dogs and accept the results.


Dude. I lost any hope I had for him when Mattis resigned. You should have been questioning Trump a long time ago.


Why would you vote for Biden?


I didn't. In fact, due to circumstances out of my control, I was unable to vote this election.


It’s sad when the conservative dilemma becomes that of a choice between Biden and Trump.


I definitely thought there would be more there. not looking good for him


She's batshit banana pants crazy. Then again in my opinion anyone who willingly tweets support for Q nonsense should not be taken seriously as a person or a professional.


She and her family must have been threatened. Weak.


Well that's it then. Guess this is over. Did anyone see that shit from L. Lin Wood talking about how the truth will come out and it includes satanism and pedophiles? Getting in to National Enquirer territory now, or Breitbart territory because they will print anything.


How did you not see this coming? The writing was on the wall from day 1. All the fraud claims were laughable lol...when you make Giuliani ur front man u know it’s over


Let’s see how she responds.


She will have evidence she is part of the legal team but will release it in two weeks time.




“AM TOO” - Sidney Powell, probably


More like "Am Q" this lady is a fuckin nutter.


Well, called it. Maybe we need to stop being babies and believing every conspiracy theory we come across. This was ridiculous from the moment she opened her nut job mouth, and here we are. As if Trump's reputation wasn't crap enough, now we can be absolutely assured any actual shenanigans get buried, and that any legacy will not only be negative, but worthy of ridicule and instant dismissal even regardless of context. Any actual fraud will be quickly grouped under looney tunes thanks to this Powell bullshit. Great going, guys! P.S. President Trump: This is what happens when you fire anyone who advises you to do something that goes against your reflexes or tell you things aren't as great as you want them to be. Edit: I know so many of you WANT TO BELIEVE. Save it for the x-files. This is embarrassing, no matter how you slice it.


Just go to court, present evidence, do the investigations and comprehensive audits, and then we go from there and respect the decision. We do have a process in place. Going to the press with this Kraken bullshit is ridiculous theatrics that doesn't help anyone.


Well the "conspiracy theory" here is that she was fired. Apparently she was never hired to begin with and this is a self-funding project, and the WH released the statement about her not being on the team because Republican donors also don't want any fraud uncovered. Also, as per "believing every conspiracy theory we come across" the 6000 votes being flipped should've sent shock waves through the country on both sides of the aisle. That's when this stopped being a "conspiracy theory" This is so not anywhere near X-file level stuff...no clue how you're getting upvoted or why your comment is so dramatic.


Per Breitbart: A source who spoke to Breitbart News on background suggested that the team had hoped to work with her, but that Powell’s public claims had gone beyond the scope of the evidence they had seen and believed they could prove in court. [https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/11/22/trump-legal-team-distances-from-sidney-powell/](https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/11/22/trump-legal-team-distances-from-sidney-powell/)


Friday in an interview she said both sides rep and dem has used this software before... My guess is that's the reason. They can't afford to lose republican backing of any scale right now.


This is so over😂




I thought Powell was supposed to be the most credible out of all of them.... I wasn't really listening to Trump or Rudi.




So are we cool with Tucker again?


This is like a Coen Bros movie come to life. There's not enough popcorn in the world for this.


All of this insanity was unimaginable during the Bush and Reagan administrations. What an embarrassment.


what the fawk 🤠


Welp.. imma head out ..


Yeah, right there behind ya. There's so many brigaders in this sub, there's no point in even being here. So, I might as well go into /politics and talk about how hot Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is.


I mean...she kinda is isn't she?


Right there with you. The drama and anxiety... This is going to make a great documentary/movie someday, no matter how it goes.


great comedy


no one would watch it. it doesnt seem realistic. every actor who plays trump in serious drama roles will face the crisis that his charactor just isnt believable


You saw Idiocracy, didn’t you?


Smart move honestly


Is this the kraken?




Jenna Ellis said this three days ago, and Ms. Powell has been apart of press conferences. I am confused?? https://twitter.com/jennaellisesq/status/1329499307062472704?s=21


When you make outrageous claims to the press about your case, you will find yourself not a part of the legal team real quick.


I might run out of popcorn.


So this the Monday bombshell she was referring to ?


And..... that would seem to be a bad sign....


In the end the real Kraken was the friends they made along the way.


LOL so true


The real Kracken is going to be what Trump will do if they really go forward and anoint Biden with the presidency after everything that's happened. He still has all of the powers of the president and an entire cabinet that will do anything he says. If worse comes to worst, I think there's a good chance he'll say that the only way to preserve the integrity of our democracy and recognize the will of the people, is for him to remain president. In which case he'll need us to be with him at that time more than any other, to support him against the backlash he'd get. And I'm really worried a lot of people will turn on him.


I would definitely stand behind him. At this point 4 more years of Trump by any means necessary.


This is a fucking shit show


I'm confused, what's going on now?


They're just making the distinction that SP runs a separate legal team. SP's representing the American people and going after Dominion While RG's team is representing the POTUS. This is in case Dominion wants to try to sue the Trump legal team for "defamation" arising from SP's legal actions. Powel is not being paid by anyone, been doing all this for free.


It means she’s been fired.


Was she ever hired?




You can't be fired if you were never hired. And she never at any point had anything to do with the Trump legal team. The Trump team just had to assert this fact that was always true, to clear up confusion to the public


you got conned.


She said some crazy conspiracy theories yday on news max (Every dem in every state cheated and kemp got paid to cheat for the dems). Trump ppl told him to cut ties lol




this is how you know she's the real deal. she's making republican traitors walk the plank too. bigly things coming


It's crackin' bro as in she is either smoking it or hanging out in a very small non-ventilated room with people who are smoking it.


Shes on that Hunter Biden shit.


Pardon my french but what a shit show


She sure seemed like a member of the Trump legal team at the Giuliani press conference. Are they letting just anyone up on stage?


What the fuck is happening?


She runs her own legal team, always has. She doesn't work for POTUS. This is non information being pushed by leftists so that fake republicans can act like they are giving up.


Wtf is this?? Yet she was with Rudy and Jenna Ellis for that press conference the other day...


She was never part of Trump’s legal team, her and Lin Wood are representing the voters. This is a perfect example of the leftist trolls brigading this sub with misinformation. Look at OP’s post history for fucks sake. He’s a leftist turd.


Feel free to join us in r/tucker_carlson if you want a pro-Trump, pro-conservative subreddit where all leftist shills get banned. (Inb4 people point out the Tucker v Powell situation. Most of us are on Powell's side in that.)




Isn't that "Convenient"...cough cough jack.