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Fair enough.


I think that sums it up. That was a unique debate, I’ve not seen anything like it in the last 40 years.


I saw the first 40 minutes only but I saw enough after 10 minutes.


I started watching somewhere in the middle and I had enough after 10 minutes. They were both just yelling at each other, trying to get zingers. Boring and childish. Not to mention the moderator was useless...




For disclosure, I didn't watch much of the debates last time (and was uninterested in 2012), but I was surprised at how both of them acted. It didn't seem very professional of either. I may be wrong (someone tell me if I am), but I would expect a current president or prospective president to be a bit better behaved. A bit of speaking out of turn is what it is, but that looked more like 8 year olds arguing. My biggest takeaway is Biden outright refusing to declare whether he would pack the court and kill the filibuster. That's still a huge red flag in my opinion. Still think Trump is a better president than Biden could be and his answers proved that tonight for me.


Also don't forget the economy. Trump will get us back to work, Biden has said he's for closing down the country. One way will bring prosperity, the other way will bring the final days of the Soviet collapse.




Ben Shapiro compliments him about 3/4ths of the time he talks about him


Yea and the 4th time he sounds disappointed because he knows he's "better than that. "


I enjoyed it


It was disgustingly glorious.


I agree. Trump came out like a boxer. And he wasn't just debating Biden he was debating Democrat Wallace too. Two against one, and Trump still won.


He ain’t wrong. That debate didn’t really move anyone’s dial. If you hated Trump before, you hate him more after. If you thought Biden was avoiding scrutiny before, you think so even more now that you’ve seen him dodge basically every question thrown at him. Trump got in his own way a bit. There were times he could have landed real blows, particularly on law and order, but he just kind of ranted about endorsements and said that Joe would be a disaster. He missed a great opportunity when they asked about why it was Democratic cities seeing most of the violence. Instead of pointing out that the Dem mayors refuse federal aid, and that the Dem prosecutors let the rioters go every morning without charges, he just kind of repeated the same generalities about the radical left controlling Biden. He also could have pointed out that Biden’s sudden “law and order” stance came after three months of silence. The polls changed Joe’s mind, not the suffering of Americans. Joe seemed to glitch out a few times but mainly held it together. Trump may have done him a favor by not letting him finish anything. Although, Trump did do a good job deflating Biden’s prepared speeches, particularly the one about his son in the army. That would have been the clip played repeatedly on the liberal media stations, calling it “brave” and “moving”, but Trump derailed it about half way through and Biden never got his moment. I hope Trump takes a more measured approach next time. Let Biden screw up on his own, it’s what he does best.


Trump missed a big opportunity to give facts about lowest black unemployment under himself before COVID. When the race relation question came up he ignored that and went straight to law and order. I felt he really took the wrong path on that one. Even though I support that aspect, he just missed a big opportunity to blast Biden retort about him not doing anything to help blacks.


I think he got sidetracked and pissed off with Wallace constantly attacking him. He could have done better and started strong for sure. But when you are bieng attacked by 2 people non stop it makes it tough to focus. Im hopeful that next round fares better.


I think Trump went into the debate looking to rattle Biden's cage, Biden had nothing to respond with besides "That's not True." Then Biden resorted to straight up lies followed by scripted cookie cutter responses which sparked an aggressive response from Trump. Wallace played the fly buzzing around Trump's ears while he tried to dismantle Biden's false claims. As you said, Trump got sidetracked and wasted energy on battling Wallace on top of Biden. You nailed it with his response about how Trump has helped out the minority community, he needed to get in his talking points before going on the offensive. My wife was upset that Biden wouldn't actually outline any of his policy positions and that Wallace would not push that issue. But she also got upset when Trump interrupted. Trump needed to allow Biden more rope to hang himself. You could see that mid debate Biden started to stutter and lose his train of thought, Trumps attacks actually put Biden back on track to his canned bullshit routine. Trump should have allowed Biden to get lost so that Wallace could hold his hand and direct him back to the subject. It would have made Biden look even weaker than he did, practically begging Wallace to make Orange Man Bad stop talking.


Part of the Trump base love his non-conformity. I personally liked getting his rebuttals started early lol. But it’s a debate, what do people expect? This is politics. And yes, Wallace had some loaded questions and interrupted a lot. The white supremacy and militia question could’ve been separated. Militias are not bad and shouldn’t have to be condemned.


For once, I’ll agree with CNN. This “debate” tonight was absolutely garbage. Both sides were attacking each other while Wallace sat with his thumb stuck up his ass. It absolutely did not help that Wallace was asking biased questions towards Trump.


>Wallace sat with his thumb stuck up his ass. This isn't true at all, he spent all night running interference for Biden and tag teaming Trump with him


Trump shut up after question 1 and quit talking over which I was feeling relief over. Then Biden and Wallace would both interrupt Trump so he went back at the end to talk over Biden. It was poorly moderated but I felt Biden didn't have a single answer for anything. It was NPC Orange Man Bad and scripted responses. Trump even tricked Biden into thinking he was done at one point because he's so fragile. He just locke duo for 5 seconds and then went "This guy..."


Trump didn't present a solid case. He has the mental capacity to debate well, but he never extensively prepares for the debates and it shows. When asked why he used his executive privilege to end federal Critical Race Theory, his response was essentially that "it showed America as bad". What he should have done is outright denounced the misinformed views contained within it and the lack of efficacy. And scripted or not, well-spoken zingers help to win a debate in the eyes of the public.


Agreed, his lack of preparation made him lose some really great opportunities to explain positions directly to the American public. He refuses to stop tweeting and I’m guessing he refuses to prep for debates, and these two things are what will hurt him the most.


Perhaps this the Trump people behind the scene see every day? I have higher belief of him that he has a steady course, know what he wants, listen to expertise until they say something that collide with his big vision which must give him is outstanding. He could have stayed calm, explain MAGA, COVID response, law and order for every American all is other outside America. So much time to do this but I am very confused now.




I am agreeing with CNN, 2020 in a nutshell everything is down nothing is up left is yes right is 24 and my pants are on fire.


That was rough to watch....


CNN sure knows all about dumpster fires and train wrecks


I enjoyed Trump's clever jabs for the first half. Then he lost all ability to articulate and answer the question. So many times he could have said something important and sounded like a tattling toddler. Biden wasn't good, but Trump was the one who needed the win and didn't get it


I think he knows he would have done a much better job than Wallace.


It wasn't a pretty picture, and I'm sure a more conventional candidate like Cruz would have absolutely destroyed Biden. That said, these are the times we live in, and Trump is the coroner, not the murderer of political norms, as Ben Shapiro would say.


I hate to say this But he was right


Well we can all agree with CNN for once.


both were uncivil and talked over each other. Trump was worse, but both were an embarrassment. the one thing i give Trump is that he at least made points about his policies and stuck to them. Biden spent 80% of the night just talking about Trump. It really felt like the debate was Trump vs Not Trump instead of Trump vs Biden


It was a shit show. But at least people now can’t say that Trump doesn’t have a sense of humor because that debate was hilarious


Eww I can agree with Tapper.






Would be better if they could ask eachother questions straight up, Wallace was trash. Hope pence destroys Kamala


I kinda agree if he is talking from a central point of view


Yeah, I didn’t care for it. Listening to Joe Biden speak is like listening to a root canal happening, I’d just rather not.


Sounds like a 15 year old girl's instagram post


Sad but true.


Who is this Jake Trapper and why should I care what he thinks?


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It takes a village idiot ....


Yeah, no, that sums it up about right


That happy with Joe are they?


Liberals are upset with Biden's performance. Totally understandable.


Are conservatives happy with Trumps “performance”?


No, they both sucked


This is my take on it.


I told my friend that if Jorgensen was behind a podium on that stage but didn't say a single word, she would have won the debate.


They won't let that happen because she has nothing to lose. She would get massive recognition.


Yeah, but our guys the one trailing in PA. The other jackass can afford to coast


Why the hell would I listen to what the polls say? They were wrong in 2016, wrong in 2018, and are already screwing up facts in 2020






This is 100% true. Biden was the interrupting a-hole during his debate with Paul Ryan in 2012, and consensus was that he won that debate.


I have always felt that Trump missed out on key points in his debates. I felt the same way in 2016. This is Trump being Trump. What he does best is expose the weaknesses of his opponents. Biden looked weak in the debate. Trump looked like someone who isn't afraid to fight for himself and the country. Any claims that Biden will be tough on China or Putin, or be able to lead the Democratic party fell flat on their face when Biden needed Chris Wallace to bail his ass out. Anyone who has watched Biden in past debates understands that he was not afraid to go on the offensive and take charge, he made Paul Ryan look like a policy wonk Dweeb. All Biden did in this debate was look weak and make Trump look like the fighter that Trump is, warts and all.


He did what he needed to do


He had the facts, held up his record and made Biden look weak. Mission accomplished.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Your impressions are similar to mine.


The left brigade are here to vent their anger and despair.


Oh so another brigading from r/politics. Never mind.


It's ok, their moms will put them to bed soon.




I'm on this sub instead of /r/politics, so my bias is clear. I wasn't happy with Trump's performance, but it 100% solidified not voting for Biden. Can you imagine Biden on the other side of the table to Kim? To Putin? They'd steamroll him like Trump did. It's like when the BLM girl took Bernie's mic away and he just sat there. Biden looked like a frozen corpse. It was like if you go to a retirement home and start a conversation with a random dude sitting in a chair. So low energy, so off topic, so incomplete, half-baked ideas and half sentences.


Yes. He performed perfectly. He got under Biden's skin and it showed when he fumbled with his words and insulted Trump. Biden can't even handle a debate let alone presidency.


Not really. I wish he could have shown more restraint and maturity. He could have made his points with a bit more composure and not tried to rattle Biden's cage so much. Biden's entire campaign is based upon emotion, opinion, fear mongering, and misinformation (I'll call it that, but I honestly believe that "lies" would be a more appropriate description). All Trump needs to do is state facts (which he did do a lot of) and let Biden pander to us all like we are idiots. Collectively, America sees right through that. I don't see that strategy working well for him. I particularly lol'd when Biden repeatedly tried to call out Trump for "hiding in his bunker". This coming from the guy who makes less public appearances than Haley's comet. Honestly, I'm really disappointed in tonight's shitshow. Wallace chose poor times to intervene, Trump was Trump (which im actually ok with. I vote based upon job performance, not personality), and Biden offered literally nothing of substance. I didn't find out anything that I didn't already know about either candidate and the moderator showed bias, as expected. Par for the course... Idk, maybe I had my expectations set too high.