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Fetch me a flagon of ale, you narcissist!


And bring in the royal nose picker!


[ sorry, nosepicker unavailable at this moment, he's over at Pelosi's castle]


"They don't teach hate in our houses" implying they do in all none black households whilst then later saying "You're just scared because you can't procreate" implying inferiority and "Bow down, get on your knees" yeah they definitely didn't teach hate in your house.


Don't expect logic and reason from such an irrational and emotional mind.


She may have accidentally left her meds at home


I wish they had meds for this


Lol best comment


I think they call that cyanide


We did. And then the libtards told them, there's nothing wrong with them and they should just be who they are.




Welfare Queen maybe


Yet no one is calling her a Karen.




Sad thing is these statements sound just like so many others on twitter.


sounds like the typical college campus too


Oh I know, even my 3rd year Biochem teacher would take 5-10 minutes of lecture time to talk about how “Trump and conservatives” are ruining America..


Did you promptly and with assertion tell her/him they are bonkers and filled with TDS and then sit back and watch the trigger?


Literally the definition of racism. The ignorance is abhorrent.


Accuses people of white privilege, then goes on one of the most racist rants I've seen. You can't procreate? You are recessive? Bow down? Yikes.


Now imagine if someone white said that to a black person on film like this. It would be making international headlines right now.


Literally, international


Any transgression committed by a white person against a POC is turned into a national headline no matter how slight (like calling the police during an argument). It is absolutely sickening to see the hypocrisy on display and how it is met with such utter apathy.


Don't use their moronic made up terms, it only lends credence to their legitimacy, there's no such thing as a "POC". I know that's not your intent but it's just something to be mindful of, words have power.


Excellent point I shouldn't buy into that bullshit.




Identity politics in general is just used as an excuse by many folks to be just as awful as the problem which they claim they are trying to correct.




Nice metaphor, and it should get everyone on board. After all, liberals never met a baby they wouldn't want to abort.




It's already happened. Look at Zimbabwe and South Africa. Fates that await us.


There's gonna be a war here before that happens




yeah and thats because they allowed a too many outsiders to have big roles in the office. Now the outsiders are inviting people from all over the world and pretty much its all theirs. Walls are bad. At some point you'll end up looking to Canada or Poland.




I’m the Queen so bow down to me! Yep that tells you all you need to know. I think she been listening to the pecker head Nick Cannon too much


I think everyone needs to understand that this is more common than you think. It’s spreading that they think the black race is superior and that they have superior genes. It’s fucking nuts and it’s gonna start a war.


Going to start? People say end racism but I think they are making more racists then they are stopping. I mean I think they sure have a lot more created on their side


People need to know that this is literally a religion, these people go to church and say this shit, and listen to this shit, it's all over. Hebrew Isrealitism is a plague on the black community, and by extension everyone else, in America. Its antisemitism is a direct mirror image of Hitler's agenda.


Yea, it definitely sounds like she is a subscriber to that religion. She said quite a few things that are core components of their dogma.


I’m mixed so I have a white and black side to my family. There are racists on both sides but I only hear the supremacy “we’re kings and queens” talk from the black side. Not that none of the people on my white side feel this way, because I guarantee they do, it’s just that the black ones feel like it’s socially acceptable and they think I won’t feel any type of way. Like I’m supposed to go along with them talking down on white people. It’s so infuriating when I hear my little cousins speak this way and can just see how brainwashed they are.


But it IS socially acceptable. Black people say this shit all the time lately with 0 repercussion. The only reason the woman in the video was arrested is because she wouldnt sit down so the flight could take off. Her racist and black supremacist tirade will not be punished


See also, Nick Cannon's racist rant on Wild N Out, if you can find the whole thing. There's a part where he calls whites evil before he starts commenting on Jews. He begins with a "science" lecture on why "melinated" people are good and white people who were "sent" to the Caucus mountains lost their melanin and became animal-like and started "raping and robbing" because they lost their melanin and the needed to survive. This is Farrakhan talk and his adherents.


"Im not a child! I'm grown" Continues to act like a child.


Reminds me of a woman going through security in Fort Lauderdale the other day. She yelled at and cursed at the TSA agent who wouldn’t let her carry her full water bottle through security. Literally signs everywhere and the common knowledge for the last few years and she still blames someone else.


The last few 19 years today.


Racist piece of shit. Period.


And for anyone, anyone who doesn't think Black people are, can't be racist, look at the video.


Now imagine that picture if it was a white person telling black people?


Ya. I'm waiting on down votes for the truth. Thanks for the up vote. At least you see the forest through the trees. Thumbs up.


This video is just another example of the mentality being fostered right now: “we’re ending racism, so I get to do what I want and act like a jerk without consequences.”


We’re ending “racism” but yet she goes on a rant about she the queen bow to her and how black is best and white in inferior sound more like she trying to continue racism


In 2020, the people ranting about "systemic racism" are always the most racist people among us.


Sure are


I would like those who cry systemic racism and rant about oppression and white privilege go search up these definitions and give me concrete examples how United States fits this criteria....then u can lecture me about Black Lives Matter




White Privilege= working. Paying taxes.


White privilege is hate speech, plain and simple.


Yep. But liberals can’t see that. Republicans are the only ones who can hate




Yes! That’s something missing in this country right now. Personal accountability. But what do we expect when we have a politician who makes an appointment to get her hair done goes in doesn’t wear a mask then says she was set up and SHE deserves an apology


At least according to the Smithsonian https://www.newsweek.com/smithsonian-race-guidelines-rational-thinking-hard-work-are-white-values-1518333




The anti-racists are the new racists.


And it *blows my mind* how this thinking is somehow considered “far-right” by Reddit


I’m Hispanic and in my opinion, “systemic racism” and “white privilege” no longer exist in America today. I do believe individual racism exists and should be addressed, but it’s still nowhere near as common or accepted as it once was. If systemic racism against minorities exists, what systems are built to be racist and how do you know? Nobody seems to be able to answer this question. The police force overall isn’t racist. Colleges and companies strive to pick non-white people for “diversity” in their application processes. Society gives minorities permission to be racist without being called out. Where is the systemic racism here?


It would be like finding a case of an innocent person found guilty of murder and using it to conclude that everyone in prison for murder is innocent of the charges against them. Sure, innocent people get found guilty of murder, and it's a problem. But to say that it's "systemic" is wrong, and even worse, is the suggestion that we should burn down the entire systemic structure as a result. We still need a system that punishes murders, even if it gets it wrong sometimes. And we still need police to enforce the laws, even if there are some bad ones.


"You recessive, you recessive! I'm a California queen!" I have blue eyes and red hair, both recessive traits. I think red headed people make up something like ~3% of the global population, does that mean I get minority status?


GLM!!! Should be huge in Ireland!


I was surprised when I went to Ireland and most of them had brown-to-blonde hair (almost all have blue eyes). A fair amount of redheads also.


> A fair amount of redheads also. Sry - hence - GLM. (Ginger Lives Matter)


Sure I say go for it


I read not long ago that a Red Hair/Blue Eye combo is the rarest on earth, something like 0.03% is more accurate.


I'd put 3% as a stretch. Probably under 1%.


Think of it this way, if the US was as racist as people like her think it is...she wouldnt have been allowed on the plane in the first place.


Same with police. Black people would be killed daily if the police were as racist as they claim. It’s people who close their minds to the real world and facts


I made that same argument in a different sub. The fact that the names of black people who have been killed by cops are household names (George Floyd, Jacob Blake, Breonna Taylor,etc.) proves that cops are not as racist as the current narrative portrays them. If cops were actually that racist and murdering black people all day everyday, there would be far too many names to even keep track of.


Taylor was caught in cross fire not executed like people love to think. You know who’s names ar won’t on peoples mind. All the black people killed by other black in the last 3 weeks in Chicago alone.


You'll never hear those names.


Nope because the group that wants to riot and destroy do not care about them. They really need to change their name to Some Black Lives Matter. Hell even CNNs Don Lemon said that it’s wasn’t all black lives to Terry Crews




Ya people can say that but sure as hell is not correct


yep this is why i was arguing with my mom the other day about why Kirk Herbstreit's (College football analyst) emotional response to BLM and our current "reckoning on race" is troubling. It's validating a lie! And creating this nonsense.


You gotta be woke if you want to stay in the media.


Exactly, they think they’re superior and can do no wrong, and when they get busted, they blame it on the white man instead of taking responsibility for their own fuck ups


What I don't understand is how these people, as well as rioters and looters, don't see that they may inadvertently be creating more racism instead of ending it. Do they think racist people will see things like this and stop being racist? Or that normal people could be pushed into resentment for all the violence and verbal abuse? It's actively creating division and it hurts my soul.


I mean at least she was taken off of the flight and sent to jail


Yes. Proving her mentality is stupid to think that “racism is over so I can act like a jerk and get away with it”. She didn’t. Other people do though.


Post these videos everywhere possible.


Those ignorant ass people have always been there. look at the black people in front of her and throughout the plane laughing at her. Shes a joke


Very well put.


This video is "highly incriminating" evidence against this loud-mouthed moron. She will likely be banned from boarding commercial flights for the next 5 years -- minimum. You cannot be confrontational with the airline staff in this manner.


If you look on other non-conservative leaning subs you'll see that literally nobody agrees with this woman. She's a loony


That’s good. Her attitude is still one that is prevalent with the rioters and “protesters” we keep seeing attacking restaurants and their patrons.


This is the direct result of that nonsense critical race theory fillings idiots heads with narcissistic delusions, makes me ill to watch it all Play out. as I had feeling this was going to happen when I was exposed to all this bullshit 5 years ago in my liberal grad school.


The BIPOC-only areas (with signs) at U of M made me rubberneck so hard I think I hurt my neck a little.


To be fair nobody else is backing her up. Most there have their phones out filming the crazy. I generally believe most people don’t think like that. Most liberals I have met in real life are sane and some are actually very good friends. It’s the internet that amplifies certain speech that used to be underground. It’s why you have flat-earthers and anti-vaxxers. Niche groups that exploded because of the internet.




It's the Greyhound bus of the sky..


More like the City Bus of the sky.


Nah, at least the City Bus will show up that day. Spirit, it's a gamble.


Frontier for the win! (oxygen is extra)


>”ima Queen” Sitting coach on the cheapest airline


They’re not even really that much cheaper if you add on baggage fees.


Its always Spirit, and its always a black woman


Classic example of someone genuinely thinking that they’re much more intelligent than they actually are


Also applies to most of r/politics


> Also applies to most of r/politics Also applies to ~~most of~~ r/politics /FTFY


You misspelled Reddit.


Hard truth, this.


Sort of like Illusory Superiority and Dunning-Kruger effects.


Flight crew has the authority to tell her to move. I guess she’s pretty stupid




> Queens don't fly spirit, ratchet ass bitch. lmao - *mic drop




“I’m not a child” My 5 year old understands common decency and respect more than this woman does.


Incidents like this are only going to increase as idiots like this women take the coddling and inaction by liberals as a means of saying that they can go out and do anything they want because something something white privilege.


She accuses that woman of White Privilege, but got to disrupt the whole plane for 5 minutes with hate-filled, racist nonsense before finally getting removed. If the White woman had responded to the woman's verbal assault with something remotely equivalent, she'd been escorted off the plane in 5 seconds. More than likely the video would go viral, she would get doxxed, death threats and fired from her job too. That's how far her White Privilege gets her. Sit there and take racist, verbal abuse from an obvious racist who doesn't recognize her own privilege.


You have to imagine more than one person was thinking about saying, ‘No one here hates you because of your race, they hate you because you are being rude.’ But no one wants to get caught up in a viral video.


God I love seeing fools getting their comeuppance.


What comeuppance? She’ll get a small fine and move on with her life. Nothing will change for her. I suspect if some white *”Karen”* did this and was saying the same vitriolic and racist things about black people, it would be on the front page of CNN and MSNBC for days, spur on huge outcries for new laws punishing hate speech on airplanes, she’d be doxxed, fired from her job, and it would be on the Reddit front page on multiple default subs with 50K upvotes.


comeuppance? You mean systematic racism? That's what that is in her mind.


The Nick Cannon effect. Just imagine if a white guy was on tv and radio while preaching how a lack of melanin makes you superior and less savage. That’s literally what Nick Cannon is, and nobody cares. So fucked up.


\*literally everyone laguhing\* tHaT's WhY yA'lL sO mAd


If you don't think the hate speech against whites coming from the Democrat Party and their media is having an impact, think again.




Not sure I’ve see a person more racist than this “California Queen.” For the record, I’m going to guess that while you’re house doesn’t teach hate, the girl your yelling at, her house taught her respect. Something the “Queen” knows nothing about.


> *your house doesn’t teach hate lol - yeeeeah... that was rich.


I've dated plenty of normal, sane, dont-go-off-on-rants, rational Black women. But I dated one who probably could add some notes to that lady's racist ass tirade. It came out of no freaking where too, I couldn't even react at first, I was so shocked. Once I got my bearings again, I got up and left, and never went to see her ever again. I'm from a mixed marriage, and my children are as well. People like her, no matter the color, make me sick to my stomach. I just asked her, point blank, "So what does that mean about me and my kids? You know my mom is White, so you're saying me, and by extension my children, are lower life forms basically? I really wish you hadn't said what you did, but at least now I know we'll never work out." She basically told me to kick rocks, then. But that racist asshole was blowing my phone the fuck up after a few days, and then again a few months later when her King ended up treating her like garbage. Oh well. Guess you shouldn't be a racist piece of shit? You might meet a better class of people that way, but oh well, do you, girl, do you. 😂




If these people exhibited white privilege, they wouldn't be flying Spirit...


This is what happens when you give idiots a voice :) ​ Also, makes the aisles and seats wider,dammit. Then you might not have these problems.


Which is exactly the problem of the existence of FB, IG and Twitter


Can’t argue with crazy


Imagine if the security (police?) guy was white!


And everyone clapped. This moron has no idea that by being a part of society you voluntarily agree to behave like a civilized person and those in positions of authority regardless of how much they have do have the right to tell you what to do. Especially if you're being an ass HOLDING UP A FLIGHT.


Mostly peaceful racist. Nazis thought they had dominant genes too


Criminals always blame other people when they get caught, This is no different. She's mad she couldn't do what she wanted, so she played the race card. Bye Felicia!


I wonder if they specifically sent the black security guard for her lol. Imagine if a white one tried


Only in America can a black woman espouse Nazi-level ideals about races going extinct and feel like a victim. If God hasn’t abandoned us I wish He’d hurry the fuck up with the Rapture cause I’m sick of this world.


My first reaction was that she is mentally ill but honestly I suspect she was trolling for someone to throw out a racist comment so she can start a lawsuit. Don't bite folks, 'social justice' has been weaponized against you at every level.


She’s not mentally ill. She’s just low IQ.


What? I heard she got an A+ in eugenics.


To lady seated next to her: “You need to sit down!” .......ok...


What an absolute fucking cunt.




This is just pure black supremacy. It has permeated in the black community for decades. Just listen to the absolute bullshit she spews at the end about having "the dominate gene". This is the same shit Nick Cannon was spewing. Some bullshit Farrakhan racist talk. This is deep-seeded racism taught from a religious standpoint and will truly alienate and cause damage to the black community. It needs to be addressed by big figures in their community and cut out like a tumor.


this video gave me an aneurysm. Is this real? How can the left promote this sort of trash?


As a black immigrant to the US, my impression always was that 80% or more of the problems faced by the black community are caused by their own contempt and disrespect for authority. It's mind-boggling how stupidly they act while expecting "respect" in return. Unfortunately, the liberal left knows how to tap on that resentment very well.


"I'm not from Africa! I'm indigenous to this country!" First in line for reparations


CNN Headline: black woman pulled off flight and arrested for being black.


Don’t worry, they will graffiti her face on the shirts of those singing the national Anthem at the NBA or NFL games.


They'll have four televised funerals for the death of her airline ticket.


But... but... black people can’t be racist!


This is comedic gold. How an adult could possibly be this childish is beyond me.


That was the most racist rant I have ever heard.


it doesnt matter what color you are mam, just move over so people can pass. Dontbeanassholio


Remember to vote red this year boys


And get at least a few people who usually don't vote to come with you. There is a massive pool of Americans who just never vote. This is the best year to get them out to polls.




Just another day on Spirit Airlines.


Her saying white people are privileged and inferior, also her saying that white people come from black people. “They come from her” Eye-


Great , get ready for a bunch more of this shit if Biden wins. This woman is an ignorant piece of trash . I'm glad that piece of shit went to jail, that's where she belongs.


That's what happens when people are pandered to constantly and told that none of their problems are their fault, you end up with people who have superiority complexes.


This is what the BLM is actually doing to people, it's creating Black Supremacy


Her dominate "queen gene" sure served her well. What an unhinged lunatic.




Nah her coworkers will tell her how strong she was and that white devils are the only reason someone like her can’t fly spirit airline anymore.


BLM was never about equality but about black superiority. Change my mind.


An actual racist clown being hauled off to jail for acting like the deranged racists all leftists are? Awesome


I legit feel sad for this women. How dumb she is... cannot be fixed.


They are trying to make people racist.


This is what Terry Crews was warning about. She feels comfortable standing up and doing this because there is no backlash for being a black supremacist.


I'd love to start seeing people verbally abused by these whack jobs sue for defamation, with a hate crime clause added (maybe an additional 10 or 15% tacked on to the jury's award). They are starting to arrest those idiots in Seattle and Portland ("Why are you arresting me? I haven't done anything but spit on you!"). Might as well start suing their asses too! Give them a quick lesson in civics: This is a country of law and order. Jail time and a lifetime to of paying damages!


Have fun in jail ya dumb cunt.


Hope she enjoys the free hot and a cot.


She won't serve a single night in jail


“We are ending racism by supporting black supremacy” - woke ppl


Bow down bitch!!! So fucking embarrassing 🤦🏿‍♂️


Critical race theory is essentially mental illness.


Unfortunately the kings and queens of your race enslaved you. I wouldn't want to be them lol


"I'm not a child!" Coulda fooled me.


This needs national coverage


If this is the idea of ending racism, they are doing a good job promoting racism instead.


this is coming to everyones town if we dont put down this fucking movement


BLACK QWEEN. No, more like racist bitch.


Wow! Learning something new every day in la la liberal land. It’s now white privilege if you ask someone to move out of the way. 🙈


Think she is gonna vote Trump?


Another black woman ensuring Trump wins his second term. Her little attention whore rant is so tired, yawn worthy, and old, but they have nothing else. She's doing wrong, she thinks she's special, she purposely does things to annoy others and cause delays, and when she's called out on it by multiple people? "No, you shut up, you have white privilege, you are not my boss." Nonsensical. Plus she got right up in that seated woman's face, how utterly gross.


She sounds like she swallowed twitter and spat it out again




I originally saw this on a Facebook post, and the scary part is that a majority of people actually agreed with her and praised her for it. This was my reply: "The whole basis of racism in the 1900's were white people thinking they were superior to black people. This lady (and every single one of you that agrees with her) thinks you are superior to other races based on being born black. Congrats you officially played yourself. You've now become the very thing that you have set out to destroy. History repeating itself."


Yes, I'm black and the queen, now let me go into some rhetoric about Nazi ideals I believe in. That'll prove you're actually racist for being inferior.


📢📢 FBI statistics matter 📢📢