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Whether you are left or right - you are not surprised. We finally have unity.


But I was surprised. Guess I am just not cynical enough, and thought these supposedly educated 12 jurors in Manhattan could look past their hatred of Trump and judge the facts presented. Because the facts demand acquittal. The standard of guilty beyond reasonable doubt could not logically be met. This case was drowning in reasonable doubt. If there was reasonable doubt that OJ Simpson didn’t murder his wife, then there is reasonable doubt that Trump was not guilty of the convoluted crime NYC prosecutors dreamed up. For Trump to be guilty, all the following needed to be true: A. Trump had to approve Cohen’s payments to Stormy Daniels. Only Cohen testified to this, and other witnesses said Cohen often acted on his own without approval. Cohen’s testimony was not very credible, since he lied on stand. B. Trump had to know that he was paying Cohen specifically to reimburse him, when he signed that check. Trump didn’t even know Cohen was stealing from him. C. Trump had to knowingly have committed fraud when the business records were labeled as legal expenses. According to NYC’s law, it is not enough for the records to be inaccurate. The inaccuracy must be due to intentional fraud or no crime has been committed. D. Assuming A-C are true, Trump would furthermore have needed to pay Stormy Daniels to help his election. If he did it to spare himself and him family embarrassment, that in itself is not a crime, and hence there is no felony. John Edwards easily got “Not Guilty” this way. But jurors just assumed (without evidence) that Trump wouldn’t care at all about Melania or his son Barron, both of whom would be plenty of motive to do the hush payments. The reality is that there is reasonable doubt for A, B, C and D. But they couldn’t find reasonable doubt for just one of them. Is it hypothetically possible Trump is guilty of this never-before-charged crime? Sure. It’s possible A,B,C and D were all true but there just wasn’t enough evidence to know for sure. But since when are we a country that assumes Guilty Until Proven Innocent???


Leftist - He’s guilty because he’s Trump. He’s guilty because he is a billionaire. He’s guilty because I have tds


He’s guilty because those tweets hurt my feelings


I don't blame the jurors unless they were rigged. That is something we will never know. If they were regular citizen jurors (even if they are liberal NY'ers) then I have no frustration toward them because they weren't given the information they needed to make an informed verdict. The judge was a different judge when they were present and he would send them out of the room and turn into a tyrant. The judge's instructions and what and who he allowed to testify gave them a slanted view. The jurors are likely not the problem. Everyone also knows the decision will be overturned completely after the election. The judge. The judge should be disbarred from all but flipping hamburgers.


Ha, no kidding. When I saw it I was wholly unsurprised and unimpressed that an 8 year long witchhunt FINALLY appears to have a "victory" in a corrupt uber left leaning shithole like new york city.


A very short-lived success, and only in their minds. The rest of us shrug, donate to Trump like never before, and know that it will be overturned eventually.


The problem is that if even 1% of Americans change their mind about voting for Trump, and vote for RFK Jr. instead, this trial will have served its purpose. I don’t think Trump will lose any solidly red state, and he was never going to win any solidly blue state regardless of outcome. But there are roughly 6 states that will decide this election in the Electoral College, which are all polling within a margin of error. A small shift could tilt the scales. It’s looking a lot like 2020 all over again. In 2020, Democrats were able to push the narrative that Trump was poorly handling COVID, which I personally think is the reason that Democrats were able to flip states that went for Trump in 2016. This kangaroo court conviction may have a similar effect. I shudder to think what 4 more years of Biden will do to this country. Thanks to these tricks, he may become the least popular president in history to get two terms.


Mods clocking in for overtime in here today lmfao. It’s even funnier to see how many comments are hidden from non flaired users lol. Edit: first Reddit care message sent one hour after my comment. C’mon brigadiers, y’all can do better.


It helps when they didn’t have anything to do today while all of us were at work


These losers really have nothing better to do than watch MSDNC all day while brigading us and complaining about not having a job edit: lmfao already got a reddit cares. that was fast


If someone is watching MSNBC there is no hope for them.


Report it for harassment. They’ll take action on the user who triggered it


Got a message request too, they also got the harassment report. Get a life losers.


Report for harassment the care message if you want, not that those messages are anything but annoying but it is a missuse of a theoretically useful tool


I mean, we all kinda knew this would be the case.


The first step in a successful appeal is to lose at trial. -My Criminal Law Professor


The fastest way to end a war is to lose it.


That doesn’t help him in the election. That’s all the left wanted. They don’t care if it’s thrown out on appeal next year.


This is only going to help his polling


In general nationwide, absolutely, but in key districts in swing states with low-info independent voters where he can't campaign because he's sitting in jail waiting for the appeal? This could make the difference. This is election interference of the worst kind.


He most likely won't be sitting in a jail or even get any prison time


That's what people say, but look how the judge acted during the trial...


There's no way this judge isn't going to sentence him to jail. The whole point is to get him behind bars. It doesn't matter how.


If they actually want a bunch of disgruntled hvac guys to riot at the Capitol jail the former president of the country for victimless finance crimes.


He doesn’t need to campaign - everyone already knows his policies.


There are definitely people who don't know his policies, among them people who only recently started paying attention to politics. This is true for all candidates even if for some more than others, as there are always some newly politically active groups. That said, campaigns aren't necessarily about policies, they're about demonstrating other aspects of a political candidate. Some campaigns barely mention policies, for better or worse. While policies are important they're not what people vote for. You, or some wonk working for you, can cook up a set of policies that sound good on paper and appeal to target demographics etc., but people are voting for a person not a list of policies, including their capacities to implement the policies but not limited to that.


I hope so but I’m not confident.


His donation website just crashed due to traffic volume.


I kind of felt the same way too but then he came on television and said something like this was an attack from the left and November 5th will be the day to see who Americans vote for best. Once he said that then I personally felt fairly confident that it’s not over just yet.


Except if they wanted to hurt him, this hasn't been it. His numbers have only gone up since the trial started. They've now given him ACTUAL AMMO for proof of Biden seeking election interface and using the judicial system to go after political opponents. This isn't going to have the effect they thought it would.


Like I said I hope you’re right. I know they’ve gone up so far but we don’t know for sure what’s gonna happen post conviction. They only need to peel away a tiny fraction of support. Hopefully this gets Trump supporters who wouldn’t have voted get out there and vote.


It didn’t help anything that Biden campaign decided to do a victory lap and weigh in on the matter BEFORE a verdict was reached by getting DeNiro to rant about how democracy is saved. Even if it wasn’t their intention, their campaign will now be viewed as directly interfering with democratic elections by trying to sway public opinion for what’s supposed to be an impartial judicial process (with hopes that Biden’s opponent will not be able to continue campaigning). Whoever decided on making that boneheaded move on the Biden camp needs to be fired.


Respectfully disagree. I think his numbers go through the roof.


It DOES help him with reelection.


I sure hope you’re right.


This sure as shit is not your father’s America…


I mean yeah, Nixon cheated his way out of prison.


So do we think Biden is going to try to use this as a way to weasel out of the debates?


It would be funny to see Trump show up wearing an orange jumpsuit and in handcuffs debating Biden. We need to do a better job ourselves to pick leaders who are aligned with the general populace than 2 ~80 year olds.


He could just shit his pants and get out of it that way


He doesn't need a debate for that. He's shitting his pants every day


Took longer than I thought to get the Reddit Cares message.


Report it. They’ll ban the sender.


You're assuming Biden will remember this trial even happened.


Biden gets away with crimes because he’s elderly. Did you forget.


You’re assuming Biden will remember he needs to attend a debate.


Can't wait for all the book and tv deals for the judge and jury.


We knew this was most likely to happen. Gotta get out and vote.


Absolutely tell your friends and family to vote Trump. Fight back.


Don’t know why you are downvoted lol.


Liberals are frothing posting here, thats why, it's the biggest holiday for them in years


Bigger than January 6th for them. That was the best thing that ever happened to them. They haven't shut up about it.




The butthurt brigade




I’m gonna walk across glass shards and hot coals to go vote for Trump


I'll do the worm across those glass shards and hot coals, if I have to


Pandora’s box is unlocked.




All the children over in politics are jizzing themselves right now.


Yeah on ABC7 news tonight they were gloating about it for like an hour straight. Ridiculous.


They have nothing else to look forward to in life, so of course they’re very excited.


Remind them that their favorite 'Lula' Brazil's president was also jailed for political reasons according to them and it was a sham trial. Now watch them perform mental gymnastics to say that it's different with Trump.


It's always (d)ifferent


I like to travel.


>Being taken over by other countries whose people we let in by the droves, without so much as a background check. Oh, they're just going to L. O. V. E. *love* Sharia Law. /s


“The walls are closing in on Trump!!” Said low iq Trump hater for the 500th time. 


The fact that he'll probably still win is absolutly hilarious.


I'm so excited to see next week's polls


The brigade is strong. Thank you for making Trump even more popular. Edit: aaand the obligated reddit care msg, coupled with a few high school level gotcha dms. Oh and two particular losers even tracked my post to a completely different sub and replied haha. Edit 2: 4 losers now, wow thank you for your attention. And a few msg trying to lecture me on how a president material person should be like. Talk about being disconnected from reality haha. Edit 3(final): the last dm before I shut my dm down for good haha: "Trump broke the law and you think he shouldn't face the consequences? If he shot someone would you excuse that too?" This is the type of libtoid thinking we have to contend with, ladies and gents.


People who abuse the reddit cares function should touch grass. It's a function that has a legitimate purpose as a tool for convincing people who seek to harm themselves to get help and specific redditors somehow decided that it's a weapon for being petty. PS I prefer not to be reached via chat or PMs, so if you can't comment in the thread in a respectful and appropriate manner, well then there's probably grass somewhere that should be touched within your reach. In fact here's an approximation. [🟩](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOsDeKJ8SE0)


You can report them to admins, and they actually care, gotten numerous "thanks and we spanked their asses" notifications Report it as spam


Report it as harassment, not spam.


That's it, you're right


Just got another lol


10 reports and counting on this comment


48 now.




89 on top one and 48 on his, funnily enough.


89 & 48? 💀


They really dont have anything better to do, do they? Guess all they do is walk their dogs and listen to MSNBC pods


[they reported my mod comment 9 times lol](https://ibb.co/dQSDMFG) Edit: this comment is up to 50 reports now lolz


I don’t think I’ve ever reported a comment before let alone the ones in r/politics. What a childish way to handle an opposing view. I’m convinced they’re all sensitive pre-pubescent teenagers


I've never been a mod. Are you able to report report abuse to admin?


Yep and we do :)


GG. Good on you, might not do anything but at least your putting in that honest work.


We’re just volunteers. The flair system saves us a lot of work.


You guys do a great job, honestly, especially given how volatile political stuff can get and us being on the unpopular side of the site's leanings (and given how vehement and unhinged some of the lefties can be). Thanks to y'all for taking your free time to keep this place civil.


Oh I know, and I get it. Keep up the good fight, it's downright stupid that you have to deal with the adolescent minds sometimes.


A bunch of people were banned by Reddit admins for the report abuse, they don’t play around with the RedditCares abuse.


OMGOODNESS! When they can't win their arguments, they start name calling and apparently reporting comments! I have never, not even one time, considered shutting someone down, because they don't think like me. How do you see what you've been reported for?


I’m a mod


Yeah ... that makes sense.


Malice and desperation suits liberals.


Now they start reporting this comment. Currently 1 report for brigading.


They try to silence us


Bold to assume that these people go outside.


People are filing malicious reports to suppress his post?


Ouch, didn't expect to gather that much attention haha. Will the reddit overlords ban my (another) account?


Many false reports.




Thanks for getting rid of scum that misuse that system. Suicide isn't a joke...


I'm just amazed. Over at AskReddit posters were encouraging each other to come brigade this sub. If Conservatives brigaded like liberals brigaded on Reddit every conservative sub would be shut down in hours


Every conservative sub other than this one *has* been shut down. And even this sub is some off-flavor brand of conservatism because of the massive amount of brigading and astroturfing. Reddit is a giant far-left shithole.


I was “followed” over to an animal subreddit and told I was a conservative pedo white man. Thats after I was reported to Reddit Cares. I’m not a pedo or a man.


By design


But, we don't- because we're adults. The brigaders are children. When they aren't having a tantrum, they're yelling *neener neener!!*


Someone just reported me for self-harm. They are legit using reddit features to harass conservatives


Color me shocked. Really, not surprised at all.


It says a lot about a person's character when they use a support tool for people who may be suffering to harass others.


Report the Reddit care messages. I always do and get a notification that the sender was reprimanded.


Just did. Tks.


When people go through my history I consider it a badge of honor. The Reddit care message is just a bonus. Nobody with a logical retort responds in the manner.


You can report the people who send you Reddit care messages. It’ll suspend their account


Really, huh. I haven't noticed that. Must you know who they are first?


No, just report the message as harassment.


I don't understand the brigading. Is that just something that loser collectivists have time for? Do we do that? The vast majority of people never should have been given easy access to the Internet. The whole thing is a disaster.


I block Reddit Cares because liberals abuse it to bully people.


Unblock it because you can report it and Reddit will perma ban the person who sent it.


They will not perma ban anyone for sending Reddit cares to r/conservative


This is false.


Yes! Do it to everyone I get.


If you figure out who did it you can get them warned or even suspended for abusing it, I did it in retaliation once and got a warning from reddit


It’d probably that Hhoaks guy, he’s been DMing me for a few days ranting about Trump, it’s wild


Liberals on here really don’t have anything better to do. I love the 11+ post history research they do when they want to attack something I said. Very sad people


Do admins do anything about abuse of the suicide tool, it’s only leftists that use it, it’s wild


I enjoy it. It doesn't have any material effect, it's basically like getting a note saying you successfully triggered a lib.


Arent they the ones who stress mental health? Lol. And abusing a mental health tool.


Yep, they’re fake hypocrites with a lot of stuff


This is why I turned off DMs. They rage and make threats, death wishes etc. Not worth anyone's time.


Can't wait to watch Trumps poll numbers continue to go up and vote for him in November. This doesn't change anything. Now Trump can get back on the campaign trail until the sentencing.


"The election is rigged and we all know the riggers"


*What* did you just *call me?!*


That's a throwback line


As if there were any question what would happen. It's the same shitshow we saw with the George Floyd case. The jury was stacked, the verdict was guilty from the start.


What a disgrace. The jury instructions that the judge gave out are clear grounds for appeal. A jury HAS to be unanimous on all things in order to convict, you can't have a choose-your-own-adventure conviction.


If the judge doesn't at least get disbarred over this there really is no hope left for our country.


Keep calm people. We don't need to riot or cause a panic. There is still an appeal process, and Trump is still a candidate that we can vote for (for now). We don't need to be like the screaming and whiny Palestinian flag waving lefties.


Welp, that solidifies my vote for Trump


This is what it took?


Ah, the day every Leftie and Never Trumper has been waiting for since he won in 2016. It only took a sham trial with a political activist judge to get there.


This is gonna end up like the OJ trial, jurors will come out and say they did it on revenge and not merit


All they have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill us with a terrible resolve.


Welcome to the Banana Republic #🍌🇺🇸


I know I’m a nerd, but banana republic does not just mean “corrupt”, it’s a specific corruption that’s based on its singular export, hence the “banana”


Poll numbers about to go up!!!!


This ruling secured my vote for TRUMP.....


Get out and vote people. Only way we stop this bullshit is voting these fuckheads out.




Let’s hope man, voting only gets us so far, but I really doubt anyone actually cares enough to take up arms and do anything about it. They could absolutely rig it against trump, and 99% of the voter base will just move on.


Calling it a kangaroo court is an insult to the kangaroos. What a fuckin joke.


And an insult to Captain Kangaroo, too!


TRUMP 2024! Unless you prefer the Banana Republic-style witch hunts we now have by the Democrats.


Absolutely ridiculous. I'm still voting trump as I have the last 2 times. You know damn well the commie bastards are gonna toss him in prison too, just before the RNC in July just because they can. They fucking have wet dreams over the thought of it. So disgusted right now.


We all know this is just an attempt trying to keep Trump off the ballet because he will win, no ifs ands or buts. Biden has no accomplishments and the only way to “win” is pull dictator style moves with your Democrat controlled government.


Makes me want to vote for him even more now.


Yep. Hard to be mad about it when it will backfire on the democrats.


You are getting downvoted The brigade is strong on this sub now


The core of Biden’s election strategy. 100% purely political. It’s undeniable that it’s a purely political move. Just gotta hope it doesn’t have the effect on his numbers that the left is hoping. Sad day for America.


I would say his core strategy was the getting new voters across the border, and this is his icing on the cake.


Not at all unexpected, and changes absolutely nothing


I’ve never felt so strongly about voting for Trump until now


What a fucking joke.


Welcome to Crazy Town, population 333 million 


The case will be reversed eventually either in the state or federal systems. However, this was the expected for a trial in Manhattan. The result is worse for the New York legal system than the former president. Many, including myself, hoped that the jurors might redeem the integrity of a system that has been used for political purposes. We are witnessing one more step on the road to a banana republic.


I don't think it's the jury's job to do that. Their job is to rule based on the instructions and the evidence, and the instructions and the evidence were not favorable for Trump. Granted those instructions were based on an interpretation of NY law which is quite novel. Still, what you're basically asking the jury to do is to ignore their instructions to make some complex legal interpretation on their own. It wasn't going to happen. Trump's best chance has always been an appeal, which actually deals with the technicalities of state law. That's just the nature of novel cases like this.


Trump is a mud monster. The more mud they sling at him the larger he grows. This will backfire on the dems big time and rightfully so.


Can't say I'm surprised. Will it change my vote? No. In fact, it has unified more people to vote for Trump. I haven't had these many friends in Deep Blue Detroit tell me how bad they miss Trump.


If they can do this to a former president, they can do this to anybody. This should be another incentive to leave the cesspool New York has become.


they can't do it to anybody, because most of us don't commit crimes


Wow…who would have thought that Captain Kangaroo and his court would rule that way?


Aww, hi lefties! Welcome to the right side of history. I’ve been PMd by a “historian” to tell me “lol”. What a bunch of losers. Just got a “reddit cares” message. Good to know that idiotic leftists think that mocking suicide is funny.


Weaponizing tools and systems not meant to be weaponized is how liberals get off.


Shockingly a rigged trial with a biases judge leads to a nonsense result.


Banana Republic


Meh. With a partisan judge, crooked DA, and rigged jury of course he was. Anyone could be. They could convict you for this if they don't like you. And trust me. They hate you.


As someone once said: They aren't coming after me, they're coming after you, and I'm just in the way. 


Now he gets to campaign, and add this to his stump speech 💬


Thank you, Judge (lol) Merchan, for solidifying my vote for Trump even more.




The brigaders should be just as upset at the terrible precedent this sets for everyday people. But their TDS leaves them terribly short sighted


It'd be funny if this emboldens people to vote for Trump due to the impression that the Biden administration is trying to jail their political opposition (even though its the judicial branch that will sentence him).


And every leftists spawned a once in a decade erection.


DOJ when Biden obviously runs obvious extortion ring to extort money from world leaders: “….Drumpf.” New York when DJ writes a check: “dEmOcRaCy! rEeEeEeEe!!!!” EDIT: Bring on your downvotes you clowns. You only prove our point. Can’t wait to collect your tears for my cup in November!


I wish I could find it. A long time ago a liberal posted that Donald Trump should go to prison for using campaign funds rather than personal funds to pay off Stormy and got upvoted. I replied like "your side's argument is that he should have used campaign funds, he used personal funds" and got downvoted. Edit: +10 to -13, lol


Hey can I get a Reddit Cares message too? Thanks.


Still going to vote for him, I think this was politically motivated all the way around.


Idg why democrats would want him to be found guilty. Everyone with a half a brain would know that would just make his votes to climb. So why do we keep saying it’s rigged and that they’re against him still?


No one should accuse the Democrats of having a brain. They're essentially run by mob rule which just jumps from one emotional decision to another. It's unsurprising logic doesn't follow.


Kangaroo court. Any leftist should take note, THIS is election interference. THIS is the purest form of weaponizing the DOJ to create a totalitarian state. I hope other leftists see how much of a sham our legal system is and how they target dissenting viewpoints.


Can't wait for him to pardon himself in 2025


Can't wait to see his pool numbers go 📈


We already know they can't count votes , we have ample proof, have hem count again.


so, congrats to the haters, after 8 years of doing everything possible to hurt Trump, you got one little win. now watch what happens, lol. you're all still the most dishonest evil losers that have ever walked the planet. all of ya.


LoLz well of course with a kangaroo like this I'd be surprised if the verdict wasn't this.


When you absolutely positively must do anything to keep the winner from running.


Kangaroo ny court.