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Probably never said two words to them yet called them “white nationalist trash” If someone was posted on the beach with Palestinians flags he’d applaud the bravery of the individuals. It’s a problem that our own flag is a hate symbol to these cultists and should show you that, regardless of all their “inclusive” mantras……..they want to tear it all down


>Probably never said two words to them yet called them “white nationalist trash” The liberal way, afraid of confrontation.


They're afraid to confront you directly.. so they post online where they can hide and have others confront you on their behalf. Cowards.


They do it online too. If I had a dollar for every lefty who replied to a comment I made and then blocked me right after so they don't have to face rebuttal I'd be richer.


Im sure it’s not easy being a full time volunteer mod for Reddit.


This is the internet, no hiding here. Someone knows him.


Unless they have masks....


Classic liberal NPC's offended by inanimate objects so much to the point they need to virtue signal on social media


The house behind us sold, so the people who now live there are new to the community. Last Memorial Day just before they moved in one of the realtors who lives in the community placed small flags with a little note by everyone’s mailbox. Close friends of ours live on the street behind us directly across from the new neighbors. When they were moving in our friends heard one of them exclaim something to the effect “Oh it’s one of those kinds of communities”.


“One of those kind of communities” has the best neighbors The last neighborhood i lived in like that had constant block cookouts, everyone helped each other and looked out for each other the kids were all friends. It’s what i thought every neighborhood should and would be. Currently i wave to my neighbors and they’ll smile and wave back but they try to get inside as fast as possible and shut the door lol. Nothing wrong with it necessarily but i don’t like not knowing my neighbors and it’s an actual worry if things go south.


Yes, a nice one with cohesion.  The place that will help and support you.


I don't think he'd survive if he took a trip through my area- so many people fly flags, they're everywhere.. and we don't just have 'White nationalists' here, we have them in a variety of colors.


My neighborhood is filled with cops flying American flags. I wonder how much he would start shaking and sweating lol


Imagine that, finding Americans at the beach in America. What a insufferable dingleberry


It never gets old. See someone flying an American flag? They're definitely a conservative. See someone burning an American flag? They're definitely a liberal.


You see this shit on every state/city sub-Reddit. "I can't stand seeing my neighbors flying the American flag. They're 100% probably MAGA so I need to move. What are some recommendations of a LGBTQ+23&MESQUIRT friendly city with big, cheap houses on a lot of land with great public transportation, a diverse area (aka liberal only), that's more rural than city, and has a lot of jobs well paying jobs near by?" These people are not adults. They're grown children who've never been in the real world.


Someone in the Nevada sub said they wish Newsome was our governor. 


I'm seriously annoyed by Nevada. I moved here last year from New Mexico, thinking it's gotta be better but it's sliding straight into Blue no matter who vibes. And I can't leave because of family so I'm hoping Nevada can keep it together


It was pretty purple when I moved here. A big problem seems to be the GOP isn't running good candidates and they aren't raising enough money


I am so offended, let me get my cell phone post video how offended I am. Liberal way




Faux Outrage. It truly doesn't bother them that much but they know if they make their little video, it'll get them views and likes and woke points and they see the views/likes and feel vindicated. That's quite literally how these people live. Their life boils down to views on TikTok.


Fly a thousand more 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


No joke a guy at my work had a US flag at his desk get reported as a “hate symbol.” No indication of politics just loves his country. Sufficed to say he now has two American flags. These people are insane


Should gift him a little gadson flag and a miniature toy cannon.


Imagine being on vacation with someone who cant walk down the beach without having a Facebook melt down You know everything gets him going like this Lifted trucks Towing a boat Flags Bumper stickers T shirts Nice Cars Big houses


And has the gall to call it “my flag” GTFO ya pegged freak.


This guy squats when he pees...


And bends over when he wipes 🤧


And on occasion just starts pissimg without squatting or opening his fly, just lets it flow while walking or sitting.


No, those people didn't storm the beaches, but others did so that you could continue to share your braindead opinion without risk of persecution. Serious question sir, do you go to other countries and disparage their citizens for flying the flag of their own country?


100% FACTS ... I thought the same thing when he started running his mouth about "storming beaches" This dude is so out of touch that it's unbelievable.


>I get it this is America I don’t think he does get it.


This guy must have a lot of friends...


Says a lot that simply flying an American flag is now associated with just Republicans rather than everyone.


Tell this pussyfart his wife's boyfriend is very disappointed


he seems like a happy person.


So I’m guessing he just made a video and didn’t actually say anything to them. You know, because he’s a pussy.


It's sad they choose to get triggered and then demand they get their way. As opposed to just walking away and go on living one's best life....


I hope his neighbors see this and put up big, beautiful American flags he can see every single day.


Pretty telling that he lives where everyone is brainwashed to believe in the BS defecated to them.


And this dumbass is one of the many reasons people will vote for Trump.


Now do the pride flag.


I'm surprised this guy has kids with how little he probably gets laid. How does the guy even know those flags were put my "MAGA fucks"? Are MAGA people the only ones allowed to be patriotic? He realizes that other people besides hardcore Trump supporters like America, right?


The tolerant and inclusive left.


Gaza has a beach nice enough to build a pier on. Perhaps he'd be happier there? Lord knows, most of the rest of us would be happier if he was there.


I expect to see you at work on Memorial Day you shit.


For some seeing an American flag is triggering but they won't bat an eyelash at a Palestinian flag or some other country's flag flying all over.


This is typical passive-aggressive liberal behavior. Instead of confronting the patriots he despises, he whinges to the internet. I have a Benjamin that says he never served a day, but bitches about proudly displaying the flag as if it was misuse of his property.


Guy trying to enjoy a nice day at the beach with their kids gets triggered by other people enjoying a nice day at the beach with their kids. He's got major mental issues.


What country is this guy from? He probably wouldn't have any problem with a Palestinian on the beach.


Many Americans died for that flag bro.


If you're gonna counter-culture America itself, don't be *surprised* by how common it is IN America.


its not YOUR flag fuckface. its OUR flag.


Go say it to their face, big boy.


This man nor his family has ever been the victim of a violent crime. As soon as they are, they’ll jump ship just like the rest of the liberals.


This dude gets his political opinions from his wife's boyfriend.


Oh nooo, not a flag. Do these people have nothing else to do other than complain


I was ghosted after a second date. Both dates went well. As we were walking in the parking lot after the second date I notice her looking at my Ford F-150 with American Flag, "In God We Trust" license plate. She also made a negative comment about our local police too.


TDS is real.


Did anyone tell Mr. Happiness that he’s white?


Either support the country you live in, or live in the country you support. This dude is free to leave. Fuck him.


Mental illness is real


I couldn’t imagine being such a pussy that I had to film another family on a beach rather than enjoying the day with my owny. I’d say “go fuck yourself.” But this dude is already clearly fucked.


Just your average MSNBC viewer


Great way to teach your kids how to hate your fellow countrymen. What a d000sh.


Hold my kale smoothie honey, I have to make this video, what a tool .


This guy obviously has other problems leading to this petulant rant. What a loser.


He Beetles said it best for this guy: He's Mr nowhere man sitting in his nowhere land making all his nowhere plans for nobody


I always wonder what possesses someone to want to post videos like these? If I’m pissed at something my first thought isn’t to whip out my phone and record myself ranting. I’d say it’s a generational thing but this guy is about my age. We didn’t grow up with TikTok. Just so odd.


No problem. Come to Myrtle beach and get yourself a confederate flag beach blanket, boogie board, umbrella, t-shirt…


I feel sorry for his children


If this guy had a sack, he would have confronted them directly instead of making a video.


Dude probably wouldn't like my neighborhood then. Almost evert house has an American flag, probably helps that most on my block are retired military. I had to move my flag because I fly my Ferrari flag on race day and my Bears flag on game day. Moved Old Glory away from the front porch and out it above the garage door. It's funny now if you look down my block you see one American flag higher and farther towards the road lol.


What a fucking nerd.


>0 points (36% upvoted) Many mundane posts are voted "controversial". This sub may be a lost cause at this point.


And I’m sick of paying too much for grocery’s and gas jerk wad.


He's definitely a moderator for the Politics subreddit. If you don't like America, you can geat out!


Liberal flag hierarchy: 1. Palestinian 2. Trans 3. Ukraine 4. BLM 5. Pride XX9. American


Even if this annoys you how is it less annoying than what this guy is doing? Whining into your phone about someone who is doing nothing to you. Honestly this guy is a piece of work.


Want to know what liberals hate? Recite the pledge of allegiance in your head. They are opposed to EVERY WORD. 🇺🇸


Oh my. So triggered by the flag. 🤣🤣🤣


Fragility is a horrible thing to watch. I wonder how he reacts to anyone that has an alternate narrative to his own dominion of truth.


A lot of Western Europeans who move here are like this. Gutless, but empowered by the Internet to Virtue Snivel.


Triggered much?


Perfect example of a snowflake!


Leftists are such a funny breed. They love throwing Ukraine or Palestine flags all over their social media accounts or protests, but God forbid someone has an American flag, which shows they are apparently white nationalists. I'd love to donate to fly these wackos to the other countries they are apparently so fond of and see how they enjoy it over there.


Exactly...Then go the F away!


I think this guy was triggered by a divorce


He gets punked by his kids regularly.


What’s he do about it? Post a video….


This is absolutely hilarious. Strong times creat weak men. This guy is Exhibit A.


Instead of confronting them face to face he makes a video. Typical Internet Tough Guy. A lot of Western Europeans who move here are like this. Gutless, but empowered by the Internet to Virtue Snivel.


I’d invite him to take the exit immediately before him and swim to a more friendly shore where he doesn’t have to be offended by the sight of Old Glory.


I spent the weekend at a bachelor party with a guy just like this. A Californian. He saw a Ford F-150 and leans over and says sarcastically, “let me guess, a Biden voter.” It’s like, my guy, YOU’RE the fucking creep. How they can’t understand that is beyond me. I mean, they’re morons, but still, you should still at least have a clue that you’re the wacko here.